# Makeup
Makeup provides markup rendering and syntax highlighting in one glorious
package. It can also syntax highlight "fenced code blocks" in markdown files.
`Makeup` does all its heavylifting through `GitHub::Markup` and `Pygments.rb`,
and combines the two for killer code blocks in markup files.
## Markup
Rendering markup is done through `Makeup::Markup`. For information about markup
formats, what gems to install for various format support etc see the
[`GitHub::Markup` docs](https://github.com/github/markup/).
require "makeup"
Makeup::Markup.new.render("file.md", "# Some markdown")
`GitHub::Markup` uses the file name to decide what markup format to render the
contents with.
To extract and syntax highlight "fenced code blocks" with Pygments, give the
markup renderer a highlighter:
require "makeup"
highlighter = Makeup::SyntaxHighlighter.new
renderer = Makeup::Markup.new(:highlighter => highlighter)
renderer.render("file.md", < "trim"
(s-trim " this") ;; => "this"
(s-trim " only trims beg and end ") ;; => "only trims beg and end"
The fenced code block will be syntax highlighted with the common lisp lexer.
## Syntax highlighting
`Makeup` provides a very thin abstraction around `Pygments.rb` for syntax
require "makeup"
highlighter = Makeup::SyntaxHighlighter.new
res = highlighter.highlight(person.rb", <