!verisignclass1g3ca~:CX.50900[uVT ϯ8Hα0  *H 01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1:08U 1(c) 1999 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only1E0CUTYxOg|OeTs6-^OrָL &eDǟ ihO~kA8ݰ.kB̚H"yJ> tjþ(xVyOmPW7fX# 8`Kq,۶?equifaxsecureebusinessca1v.X.509000  *H 0S1 0 UUS10U Equifax Secure Inc.1&0$UEquifax Secure eBusiness CA-10 990621040000Z 200621040000Z0S1 0 UUS10U Equifax Secure Inc.1&0$UEquifax Secure eBusiness CA-100  *H 0/wޓ_Z O4 "YhF5Ņ ƯE!QEAX62oPbdQ$* !84lnZB!RLUZ8OFm.5|uȩ:n_*8b{f0d0 `HB0U00U#0Jx2RY6^6@jG|L0UJx2RY6^6@jG|L0  *H u[VLL ei%vYT͙ݴ=b KXe!?~XGT>X*qIFנkVz'|Fbny8H*+b=YZ*7yverisignclass2g2cauVX.50900l/`̈zF [pl0  *H 01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1<0:U 3Class 2 Public Primary Certification Authority - G21:08U 1(c) 1998 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only10U VeriSign Trust Network0 980518000000Z 280801235959Z01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1<0:U 3Class 2 Public Primary Certification Authority - G21:08U 1(c) 1998 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only10U VeriSign Trust Network00  *H 0!t,<!ۗ_R,V,i,̙y9{,„,i ǩB#OJ1lo'LxmFTįFZ0 l-mw0  *H r.qĞ^Q@h❽f/ +$`MD.-Ӯxiorlc70wI5؏ѾGsjT"4d-Y[QY: g2d^Fr'{Dverisignclass3g3ca"X.50900~I>bHq)W0  *H 01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1:08U 1(c) 1999 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only1E0CU f/G/F +QvF ̨LYUS\b _ vίjA3zcӞb7ՅeS$t^S[,I;hW0  *H ?/ɲZd!O4v6W/ŭ7bs>_5+ۮ` __n =Z `o#". ˩tGץk/BIݧSZ(P0)F=58bJQlޯb$zhfE\i+Z7^*\TTǘ0;6ۣnG1OO x 5VڷmdEk zNOKK}godaddyclass2cacX.509000  *H 0c1 0 UUS1!0U The Go Daddy Group, Inc.110/U (Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority0 040629170620Z 340629170620Z0c1 0 UUS1!0U The Go Daddy Group, Inc.110/U (Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority0 0  *H  0ޝWI[_HgehWq^wIp=Vco?T"Tزu=Kw>x k/j+ň~ĻE'o7X&-r6N?e*n] :-؎_=\e8E``tArbbo_BQe#jxMZ@^s wyg ݠXD{ >b(_ASX~8tit00UİґLqa=ݨj0U#0İґLqa=ݨjge0c1 0 UUS1!0U The Go Daddy Group, Inc.110/U (Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority0 U00  *H 2K>ơw3\= ni04cr8(1zT1Xb۔EsE$Ղ#yiML3#An 剞;p~& T%ns! l l a+r9 ͗nN&s+L&qatJWuH.Qia@LĬC Օb ψ2 +E (*ZW7۽entrustglobalclientca3X.5090080  *H 010U  Entrust.net1@0>U 7www.entrust.net/GCCA_CPS incorp. by ref. (limits liab.)1%0#U (c) 2000 Entrust.net Limited1301U*Entrust.net Client Certification Authority0 000207161640Z 200207164640Z010U  Entrust.net1@0>U 7www.entrust.net/GCCA_CPS incorp. by ref. (limits liab.)1%0#U (c) 2000 Entrust.net Limited1301U*Entrust.net Client Certification Authority00  *H 0tK֡hbQWrJЉɭcM5Qjԭhyoۇ\$QT%)+EI4^SK*%5UzW;|=6g5m%Yf'g?^4}+00 `HB0U00Ϡ̠ɤ010U  Entrust.net1@0>U 7www.entrust.net/GCCA_CPS incorp. by ref. (limits liab.)1%0#U (c) 2000 Entrust.net Limited1301U*Entrust.net Client Certification Authority1 0 UCRL10+U$0"20000207161640Z20200207164640Z0 U0U#0tō'm 7E|-κ}0Utō'm 7E|-κ}0 U00 *H}A0V5.0:4.00  *H No5;ъ -eUВ焵& ;D@ n0;b|k|J5<\Kf)M- ūѳ/$R\zmM0J>C~POv :ref&^gtecybertrustglobalcaX.509^0Z00  *H 0u1 0 UUS10U GTE Corporation1'0%U GTE CyberTrust Solutions, Inc.1#0!UGTE CyberTrust Global Root0 980813002900Z 180813235900Z0u1 0 UUS10U GTE Corporation1'0%U GTE CyberTrust Solutions, Inc.1#0!UGTE CyberTrust Global Root00  *H 0PzLj.=Ȑȸdz~lKC V'"Ua||8OAug W6]6fnvO700 `HB0U00ՠҠϤ010U  Entrust.net1?0=U 6www.entrust.net/SSL_CPS incorp. by ref. (limits liab.)1%0#U (c) 2000 Entrust.net Limited1:08U1Entrust.net Secure Server Certification Authority1 0 UCRL10+U$0"20000204172000Z20200204175000Z0 U0U#0lk>"n"0Ulk>"n"0 U00 *H}A0V5.0:4.00  *H bہȚwB/'SPN𩯩HaV-jsSP&rcuPbuP? EimQJ܂?l4wkeTʺ>` l3thawtepersonalbasiccaSX.509%0!00  *H 01 0 UZA10U Western Cape10U Cape Town10U Thawte Consulting1(0&U Certification Services Division1!0UThawte Personal Basic CA1(0& *H  personal-basic@thawte.com0 960101000000Z 201231235959Z01 0 UZA10U Western Cape10U Cape Town10U Thawte Consulting1(0&U Certification Services Division1!0UThawte Personal Basic CA1(0& *H  personal-basic@thawte.com00  *H 0SmPOH5ZoBGwurݍIWx?Qi v"jQK7 M458WJpqӓ=:0  *H 01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1<0:U 3Class 1 Public Primary Certification Authority - G21:08U 1(c) 1998 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only10U VeriSign Trust Network0 980518000000Z 280801235959Z01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1<0:U 3Class 1 Public Primary Certification Authority - G21:08U 1(c) 1998 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only10U VeriSign Trust Network00  *H 0к-v1ʔVooR6nuV UC!e~!k2?4A5ݪY?SmO*ZĦE]>d$vͫo{Qan4A @s=ku0  *H O g,٨-u~;r~\- km`|Ő# \JЯ]Ƕ  vOÛu[kܬrNOdt{•AesXm-E verisignclass3ca}~X.509@0<0p)48{̺0  *H 0_1 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1705U .Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority0 960129000000Z 280801235959Z0_1 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1705U .Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority00  *H 0\Y@WjE@ 3X%*Dx#}֬cEr'Luq9OBu Ǝ o#_p)6Ɇ籚 S=}$E3vqdLe.hE0  *H L+,&Oݦ (g/|蕼l,QsؤSN&vW^!ѱ!XiDD9\ܜVEL=2Qb}r6:kNd dthawteservercaX.50900|0  *H 01 0 UZA10U Western Cape10U Cape Town10U Thawte Consulting cc1(0&U Certification Services Division10UThawte Server CA1&0$ *H  server-certs@thawte.com0 960801000000Z 201231235959Z01 0 UZA10U Western Cape10U Cape Town10U Thawte Consulting cc1(0&U Certification Services Division10UThawte Server CA1&0$ *H  server-certs@thawte.com00  *H 0ӤPnVk] huGڄ%GQڅ tuam0nRbMj D8d pk)/I;'%/m(BLC!mT]X[ܴ{6:µf"և 00U00  *H Li\FM!0٨oIQ`plaH>YC}O= bzu݈NN@ۨ2to D يo)(;@(Z<յ ʤQL,YڹuB#.pGverisignclass2g3caX.50900apI_E)簦P[z0  *H 01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1:08U 1(c) 1999 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only1E0CUˢؤiŵGP^F9Ֆo'G1z7,G 0 < rF[ViL{ H>F` *Ր͋2ݷ@UPV̍wM M1vhViR#=Lc1vݵIhͩi FLmҬf?6"Y`_}%BaJ>0  *H 4&%2q^P' #˦B entrust2048caQX.509`0\0D8cf0  *H 010U  Entrust.net1@0>U 7www.entrust.net/CPS_2048 incorp. by ref. (limits liab.)1%0#U (c) 1999 Entrust.net Limited1301U*Entrust.net Certification Authority (2048)0 991224175051Z 191224182051Z010U  Entrust.net1@0>U 7www.entrust.net/CPS_2048 incorp. by ref. (limits liab.)1%0#U (c) 1999 Entrust.net Limited1301U*Entrust.net Certification Authority (2048)0"0  *H 0 MK d*+Kѿ JMvgx@sBhS+^v5|:[$}kK ܫ@$t) wU~jd[2Po=Ⱥf IvIg/Ɵq`-,ɐvf{xeS]<֜)/PH2UdLu߹U`0){Hi5?]zz"T&IhGӝBMo&!bfCpt0r0 `HB0U#0U؉1$ p0UU؉1$ p0 *H}A0V5.0:4.00  *H YG!ɜS|ƒ]da|c+1pvң(csm*+6+ڞ\VT)*:Ý7դ9S:#񨂢jhy"֮߰_|{^ۅ+ 3I@+v>霉x!OkO6gٿ*!<ʷh<8P.KXFo.`rUrLEai|entrustclientcaX.50900V80  *H 01 0 UUS10U  Entrust.net1H0FU ?www.entrust.net/Client_CA_Info/CPS incorp. by ref. limits liab.1%0#U (c) 1999 Entrust.net Limited1301U*Entrust.net Client Certification Authority0 991012192430Z 191012195430Z01 0 UUS10U  Entrust.net1H0FU ?www.entrust.net/Client_CA_Info/CPS incorp. by ref. limits liab.1%0#U (c) 1999 Entrust.net Limited1301U*Entrust.net Client Certification Authority00  *H 0:^1߬'o{E4OhuyQWGdZ7xG7} 0Q9U0ރ>Չ;;t,?1nnMK,VGRcߌO^00 `HB0"U00䠁᠁ޤ01 0 UUS10U  Entrust.net1H0FU ?www.entrust.net/Client_CA_Info/CPS incorp. by ref. limits liab.1%0#U (c) 1999 Entrust.net Limited1301U*Entrust.net Client Certification Authority1 0 UCRL10,*(&http://www.entrust.net/CRL/Client1.crl0+U$0"19991012192430Z20191012192430Z0 U0U#0){L[ʙtL0U){L[ʙtL0 U00 *H}A 0 V4.00  *H ?f>F[xH5 6k:1|AjK%;ʙ>Q.DgF;801%.E8Xsb1@d\>OCL&DZW%v ,75xdT@Qɿ⊂7U!vhKK%f"VlYmepqv>wLPVH).JYIT,s:i9mpgH-{0  *H ~e~:qFǠ@&> Z7a[i;D S kI>5l\:/`KM _d{\w9YoӵMMBVv_8_u_{厀|PbaltimorecybertrustcaYX.509{0w0_0  *H 0Z1 0 UIE10U  Baltimore10U  CyberTrust1"0 UBaltimore CyberTrust Root0 000512184600Z 250512235900Z0Z1 0 UIE10U  Baltimore10U  CyberTrust1"0 UBaltimore CyberTrust Root0"0  *H 0 "=W&ry)蕀[+)dߡ] m(.bb8!A+R{wǺj s@b- PҨP(%g? 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