module Souls class Generate < Thor desc "job [CLASS_NAME]", "Generate Job File in Worker" method_option :mailer, type: :boolean, aliases: "--mailer", default: false, desc: "Mailer Option" def job(class_name) if options[:mailer] mailgun_mailer(class_name: class_name) else create_job_mutation(class_name: class_name) end, [class_name], {}), [class_name], {}) rescue Thor::Error => e raise(Thor::Error, e) end private def create_job_mutation(class_name: "send-mailer") file_dir = "./app/graphql/mutations/" FileUtils.mkdir_p(file_dir) unless Dir.exist?(file_dir) file_path = "#{file_dir}#{class_name.singularize}.rb" raise(StandardError, "Mutation already exist! #{file_path}") if File.exist?(file_path), "w") do |f| f.write(<<~TEXT) module Mutations class #{class_name.camelize} < BaseMutation description "Job Description" field :response, String, null: false def resolve # Define Job Here { response: "Job done!" } rescue StandardError => e end end end TEXT end puts(Paint % ["Created file! : %{white_text}", :green, { white_text: [file_path.to_s, :white] }]) file_path end def mailgun_mailer(class_name: "mailer") file_dir = "./app/graphql/mutations/" FileUtils.mkdir_p(file_dir) unless Dir.exist?(file_dir) file_path = "#{file_dir}#{class_name.singularize}.rb" raise(StandardError, "Mailer already exist! #{file_path}") if File.exist?(file_path), "w") do |f| f.write(<<~TEXT) module Mutations class #{class_name.camelize} < BaseMutation description "Mail を送信します。" field :response, String, null: false def resolve # First, instantiate the Mailgun Client with your API key mg_client ="YOUR-API-KEY") # Define your message parameters message_params = { from: "postmaster@YOUR-DOMAIN", to: "", subject: "SOULs Mailer test!", text: "It is really easy to send a message!" } # Send your message through the client mg_client.send_message("YOUR-MAILGUN-DOMAIN", message_params) { response: "Job done!" } rescue StandardError => e end end end TEXT end puts(Paint % ["Created file! : %{white_text}", :green, { white_text: [file_path.to_s, :white] }]) file_path end end end