module Spec module Matchers module GeneratorMatchers class DirectoryGenerated def initialize(dir) @dir = dir end def matches?(base) @base = base @path = File.join(RADIANT_ROOT, @base, @dir) File.exist?(@path) && end def failure_message "expected directory '#{@path}' should exist but doesn't" end def negative_failure_message "expected no directory, but directory '#{@path}' was found" end end def have_generated_directory(dir) end class FileGenerated def initialize(file, &block) @file = file @match_block = block if block_given? end def matches?(base) @base = base @path = File.join(RADIANT_ROOT, @base, @file) if @match_block contents_match = do |f| end contents_match && file_exists(@path) else file_exists(@path) end end def failure_message "expected file '#{@path}' should exist but doesn't" end def negative_failure_message "expected no file, but file '#{@path}' was found" end def file_exists(path) File.exist?(path) end end def have_generated_file(file, &block), &block) end def have_generated_class(path, parent = nil) simple_matcher "directory contains generated class file" do |dir, matcher| matcher.failure_message = "the file '#{path}.rb' should be a class" if path.split('/').size > 3 path =~ /\/?(\d+_)?(\w+)\/(\w+)$/ class_name = "#{$2.camelize}::#{$3.camelize}" else path =~ /\/?(\d+_)?(\w+)$/ class_name = $2.camelize end dir.should have_generated_file("#{path}.rb") do |body| body.should match(/class #{class_name}#{parent.nil? ? '':" < #{parent}"}\n((\n|\s*.*\n)*)end/) yield $1 if block_given? end end end def have_generated_module(path, parent = nil) simple_matcher "directory contains generated class file" do |dir, matcher| matcher.failure_message = "the file '#{path}.rb' should be a module" if path.split('/').size > 3 path =~ /\/?(\d+_)?(\w+)\/(\w+)$/ module_name = "#{$2.camelize}::#{$3.camelize}" else path =~ /\/?(\d+_)?(\w+)$/ module_name = $2.camelize end dir.should have_generated_file("#{path}.rb") do |body| body.should match(/module #{module_name}#{parent.nil? ? '':" < #{parent}"}\n((\n|\s*.*\n)*)end/) yield $1 if block_given? end end end def have_generated_spec(path, class_name = true) simple_matcher "directory contains generated model spec" do |dir, matcher| matcher.failure_message = "the file '#{path}.rb' should be a spec" if path.split('/').size > 3 path =~ /\/?(\d+_)?(\w+)\/(\w+)$/ class_name = "#{$2.camelize}::#{$3.camelize}" else path =~ /\/?(\d+_)?(\w+)$/ class_name = $2.camelize end dir.should have_generated_file("#{path}_spec.rb") do |body| if class_name body.should match(/describe #{class_name} do\n((\s*.*\n)+)\nend/) yield $1 if block_given? else yield body if block_given? end end end end def have_generated_controller_for(name, parent = "ApplicationController") have_generated_class "app/controllers/#{name.to_s.underscore}_controller", parent do |body| yield body if block_given? end end def have_generated_model_for(name, parent = "ActiveRecord::Base") have_generated_class "app/models/#{name.to_s.underscore}", parent do |body| yield body if block_given? end end def have_generated_model_spec_for(name) have_generated_spec "spec/models/#{name.to_s.underscore}" do |body| yield body if block_given? end end def have_generated_controller_spec_for(name) have_generated_spec "spec/controllers/#{name.to_s.underscore}_controller" do |body| yield body if block_given? end end def have_generated_helper_spec_for(name) have_generated_spec "spec/helpers/#{name.to_s.underscore}_helper" do |body| yield body if block_given? end end def have_generated_view_specs_for(name, *actions) simple_matcher "directory should contain generated view specs" do |dir, matcher| actions.each do |action| dir.should have_generated_spec("spec/views/#{name.to_s.underscore}/#{action.to_s.underscore}_view", false) do |body| yield body if block_given? end end end end def have_generated_helper_for(name) have_generated_module "app/helpers/#{name.to_s.underscore}_helper" do |body| yield body if block_given? end end def have_generated_functional_test_for(name, parent = "ActionController::TestCase") have_generated_class "test/functional/#{name.to_s.underscore}_controller_test", parent do |body| yield body if block_given? end end def have_generated_unit_test_for(name, parent = "ActiveSupport::TestCase") have_generated_class "test/unit/#{name.to_s.underscore}_test", parent do |body| yield body if block_given? end end def have_generated_migration(name, parent = "ActiveRecord::Migration") simple_matcher 'directory should contain migration file' do |dir, matcher| root_path = File.expand_path(File.join(RADIANT_ROOT, dir)) file = Dir.glob("#{root_path}/db/migrate/*_#{name.to_s.underscore}.rb").first file = file.match(/db\/migrate\/[0-9]+_\w+/).to_s dir.should have_generated_class(file, parent) do |body| yield body if block_given? end end end def have_generated_yaml(path) simple_matcher "directory contains generated YAML file" do |dir, matcher| dir.should have_generated_file("#{path}.yml") do |body| yaml = YAML.load(body.to_s) yaml.should be yield yaml if block_given? end end end def have_generated_fixtures_for(name) have_generated_yaml "test/fixtures/#{name.to_s.underscore}" do |yaml| yield yaml if block_given? end end def have_generated_views_for(name, actions, suffix = "html.erb") simple_matcher "directory should contain generated views" do |dir, matcher| actions.each do |action| have_generated_file("app/views/#{name.to_s.underscore}/#{action}.#{suffix}") do |body| yield body if block_given? end end end end def have_methods(*methods) simple_matcher "file body contains generated method definition" do |body, matcher| methods.each do |name| body.should match(/^ def #{name}(\(.+\))?\n((\n| .*\n)*) end/) yield(name, $2) if block_given? end end end def have_generated_column(name, type) simple_matcher "migration defines column" do |body, matcher| body.should match(/t\.#{type.to_s} :#{name.to_s}/) end end end end end