module Lita # Builds the configuration object that is stored in each {Lita::Registry}. # @since 4.0.0 # @api private class DefaultConfiguration # Valid levels for Lita's logger. LOG_LEVELS = %w(debug info warn error fatal) # A {Registry} to extract configuration for plugins from. # @return [Lita::Registry] The registry. attr_reader :registry # The top-level {Lita::ConfigurationBuilder} attribute. # @return [Lita::Configuration] The root attribute. attr_reader :root # @param registry [Lita::Registry] The registry to build a default configuration object from. def initialize(registry) @registry = registry @root = adapters_config handlers_config http_config redis_config robot_config end # Processes the {Lita::ConfigurationBuilder} object to return a {Lita:Configuration}. # @return [Lita::Configuration] The built configuration object. def build final_config = add_adapter_attribute(final_config) add_struct_access_to_redis(final_config.redis) final_config end private # Builds config.adapters def adapters_config adapters = registry.adapters root.config :adapters do adapters.each do |key, adapter| combine(key, adapter.configuration_builder) end end end # Builds config.adapter def add_adapter_attribute(config) config.singleton_class.class_exec { attr_accessor :adapter } config.adapter = do def []=(key, value) deprecation_warning super end def [](key) deprecation_warning super end def method_missing(name, *args) deprecation_warning super end def deprecation_warning Lita.logger.warn(I18n.t("lita.config.adapter_deprecated")) end private :deprecation_warning end # Allow config.redis to be accessed as a struct, for backwards compatibility. def add_struct_access_to_redis(redis) def redis.method_missing(name, *args) Lita.logger.warn(I18n.t("lita.config.redis_struct_access_deprecated")) name_string = name.to_s if name_string.chomp!("=") self[name_string.to_sym] = args.first else self[name_string.to_sym] end end end # Builds config.handlers def handlers_config handlers = registry.handlers root.config :handlers do handlers.each do |handler| if handler.configuration_builder.children? combine(handler.namespace, handler.configuration_builder) else old_config = handler.default_config(old_config) if handler.respond_to?(:default_config) config(handler.namespace, default: old_config) end end end end # Builds config.http def http_config root.config :http do config :host, type: String, default: "" config :port, type: [Integer, String], default: 8080 config :min_threads, type: [Integer, String], default: 0 config :max_threads, type: [Integer, String], default: 16 config :middleware, type: Array, default: [] end end # Builds config.redis def redis_config root.config :redis, type: Hash, default: {} end # Builds config.robot def robot_config root.config :robot do config :name, type: String, default: "Lita" config :mention_name, type: String config :alias, type: String config :adapter, types: [String, Symbol], default: :shell config :locale, types: [String, Symbol], default: I18n.locale config :log_level, types: [String, Symbol], default: :info do validate do |value| unless LOG_LEVELS.include?(value.to_s.downcase.strip) "must be one of: #{LOG_LEVELS.join(", ")}" end end end config :admins end end end end