require 'delegate' require 'cucumber/deprecate' module Cucumber # Represents the current status of a running test case. # # This wraps a `Cucumber::Core::Test::Case` and delegates # many methods to that object. # # We decorete the core object with the current result. # In the first Before hook of a scenario, this will be an # instance of `Cucumber::Core::Test::Result::Unknown` # but as the scenario runs, it will be updated to reflect # the passed / failed / undefined / skipped status of # the test case. # # The test case might come from a regular Scenario or # a Scenario outline. You can call the `#outline?` # predicate to find out. If it's from an outline, # you get a couple of extra methods. module RunningTestCase def end class Builder def initialize(test_case) @test_case = test_case test_case.describe_source_to(self) end def feature(feature) end def scenario(scenario) @factory = Scenario end def scenario_outline(scenario) @factory = ScenarioOutlineExample end def examples_table(examples_table) end def examples_table_row(row) end def running_test_case end end private_constant :Builder class Scenario < SimpleDelegator def initialize(test_case, result = @test_case = test_case @result = result super test_case end def accept_hook?(hook) hook.tag_expressions.all? { |expression| @test_case.match_tags?(expression) } end def exception return unless @result.failed? @result.exception end def status @result.to_sym end def failed? @result.failed? end def passed? !failed? end def title Cucumber.deprecate( "Call #name instead", "RunningTestCase#title", "2.9.9") name end def source_tags Cucumber.deprecate( "Call #tags instead", "RunningTestCase#source_tags", "2.9.9") tags end def source_tag_names &:name end def skip_invoke! Cucumber.deprecate( "Call #skip_this_scenario directly (not on any object)", "RunningTestCase#skip_invoke!", "2.9.9") raise Cucumber::Core::Test::Result::Skipped end def outline? false end def with_result(result), result) end end class ScenarioOutlineExample < Scenario def outline? true end def scenario_outline self end def cell_values source.last.values end end end end