loader ====== Ruby module for file lifting :) ### Introduction Okey, before you even think about use this gem, let's say this gem only for lazy ones... the basic idea is to have an easy to use relative require system The plus is a yaml config file loading mechanism for picking up yamls into a constant, maybe into some other config specific gem that make config objects from hash. The fun part is , that this stuffs can be used in gems (modules), because it do not depend on the Dir.pwd or any kind of absolute path or the File expand_path tricks that based on the application position. The end goal is to make an easy ruby file loader for gems. So Dir.pwd do not affect ### Examples load relative directory (not based on Dir.pwd) ```ruby require 'loader' # load all ruby file that was not loaded already # from that relative folder require_relative_directory "folder_name" # for recursive use try the following require_relative_directory "lib", :r ## or require_relative_directory_r "lib" ``` Additional Syntax for caller magic ```ruby require 'loader' __directory__ #> || __DIR__ #> return the current folder where the file is caller_folder #> return the folder what called the current file/method/object caller_file #> return the file what called the current file/method/object ```