require "spec_helper" describe Rack::Test::Utils do include Rack::Test::Utils describe "build_nested_query" do it "converts empty strings to =" do build_nested_query("").should == "=" end it "converts nil to an empty string" do build_nested_query(nil).should == "" end it "converts hashes with nil values" do build_nested_query(:a => nil).should == "a" end it "converts hashes" do build_nested_query(:a => 1).should == "a=1" end it "converts hashes with multiple keys" do hash = { :a => 1, :b => 2 } ["a=1&b=2", "b=2&a=1"].should include(build_nested_query(hash)) end it "converts arrays with one element" do build_nested_query(:a => [1]).should == "a[]=1" end it "converts arrays with multiple elements" do build_nested_query(:a => [1, 2]).should == "a[]=1&a[]=2" end it "converts nested hashes" do build_nested_query(:a => { :b => 1 }).should == "a[b]=1" end it "converts arrays nested in a hash" do build_nested_query(:a => { :b => [1, 2] }).should == "a[b][]=1&a[b][]=2" end it "converts arrays of hashes" do build_nested_query(:a => [{ :b => 2}, { :c => 3}]).should == "a[][b]=2&a[][c]=3" end end describe "build_multipart" do it "builds multipart bodies" do files ="foo.txt")) data = build_multipart("submit-name" => "Larry", "files" => files) options = { "CONTENT_TYPE" => "multipart/form-data; boundary=#{Rack::Test::MULTIPART_BOUNDARY}", "CONTENT_LENGTH" => data.length.to_s, :input => } env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("/", options) params = Rack::Utils::Multipart.parse_multipart(env) params["submit-name"].should == "Larry" params["files"][:filename].should == "foo.txt" params["files"][:tempfile].read.should == "bar\n" end it "builds nested multipart bodies" do files ="foo.txt")) data = build_multipart("people" => [{"submit-name" => "Larry", "files" => files}]) options = { "CONTENT_TYPE" => "multipart/form-data; boundary=#{Rack::Test::MULTIPART_BOUNDARY}", "CONTENT_LENGTH" => data.length.to_s, :input => } env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("/", options) params = Rack::Utils::Multipart.parse_multipart(env) params["people"][0]["submit-name"].should == "Larry" params["people"][0]["files"][:filename].should == "foo.txt" params["people"][0]["files"][:tempfile].read.should == "bar\n" end it "should return nil if no UploadedFiles were used" do data = build_multipart("people" => [{"submit-name" => "Larry", "files" => "contents"}]) data.should be_nil end it "raises ArgumentErrors if params is not a Hash" do lambda { build_multipart("foo=bar") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, "value must be a Hash") end def multipart_file(name) File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "fixtures", name.to_s) end end end