module Idlc module Deploy class Config include Idlc::Helpers class << self def load_tasks Dir.glob("#{__dir__}/tasks/*.rake").each do |task_file| load task_file end end def add_deployment_var(key, value) ENV["TF_VAR_#{key}"] = value end def get_deployment_var(key) ENV["TF_VAR_#{key}"] end def get_deployment_output(key) `#{Terraform::Binary::Command.binary} output #{key}`.strip! end def get_env_metadata(env_key) client = request = { service: 'deploy', method: 'GET', lambda: 'metadata', pathParameters: { jobName: env_key } } metadata = client.fetch(request)['deployments'].first request = { service: 'config', method: 'GET', lambda: "accounts", pathParameters: { accountName: metadata['environment']['account_alias'] } } account = client.fetch(request) metadata['account'] = account request = { service: 'config', method: 'GET', lambda: "applications", pathParameters: { appName: metadata['environment']['application_name'].downcase } } application = client.fetch(request) metadata['application'] = application metadata end end def initialize(region) @region = region Idlc::Utility.check_for_creds rescue Idlc::Utility::MissingCredentials => e err("ERROR: #{e.message}\n") exit 1 end def configure_state(bucket, sub_bucket, working_directory) validate_environment tf_version = Terraform::Binary::config.version.split('.') configure_tfstatev8(bucket, sub_bucket, working_directory) if tf_version[0].to_i == 0 && tf_version[1].to_i <= 8 configure_tfstatev9(bucket, sub_bucket, working_directory) if tf_version[0].to_i >= 0 && tf_version[1].to_i > 8 end def parse(config_file) raise ArgumentError, "#{config_file} does not exist" unless File.exist? config_file Config.add_deployment_var('inf_config_file', config_file) # Parse the config file YAML.load_file(config_file)['configuration'].each do |section, body| next if section == 'dynamics' # skip the dynamics sections next unless (section =~ /overrides/).nil? # skip the app overrides sections next if body.nil? body.each do |key, value| debug("#{section}: #{key} = #{value}") Config.add_deployment_var(key, value) end end end private def configure_tfstatev8(bucket, sub_bucket, working_directory) args = [] args << '-backend=s3' args << '-backend-config="acl=private"' args << "-backend-config=\"bucket=#{bucket}\"" args << '-backend-config="encrypt=true"' args << "-backend-config=\"key=#{sub_bucket}/terraform.tfstate\"" args << "-backend-config=\"region=#{@region}\"" Terraform::Binary.remote("config #{args.join(' ')}") Terraform::Binary.get("-update #{working_directory}") end def configure_tfstatev9(bucket, sub_bucket, working_directory) args = [] args << "-backend-config=\"bucket=#{bucket}\"" args << "-backend-config=\"key=#{sub_bucket}/terraform.tfstate\"" args << "-backend-config=\"region=#{@region}\"" args << "-force-copy" Terraform::Binary.init("#{args.join(' ')} #{working_directory}") end def validate_environment %w[ TF_VAR_tfstate_bucket TF_VAR_job_code TF_VAR_env TF_VAR_domain ].each do |var| raise "missing #{var} in environment" unless ENV.include? var end end end end end