# Defines all Languages known to GitHub. # # fs_name - Optional field. Only necessary as a replacement for the sample directory name if the # language name is not a valid filename under the Windows filesystem (e.g., if it # contains an asterisk). # type - Either data, programming, markup, prose, or nil # aliases - An Array of additional aliases (implicitly # includes name.downcase) # ace_mode - A String name of the Ace Mode used for highlighting whenever # a file is edited. This must match one of the filenames in http://git.io/3XO_Cg. # Use "text" if a mode does not exist. # codemirror_mode - A String name of the CodeMirror Mode used for highlighting whenever a file is edited. # This must match a mode from https://git.io/vi9Fx # codemirror_mime_type - A String name of the file mime type used for highlighting whenever a file is edited. # This should match the `mime` associated with the mode from https://git.io/f4SoQ # wrap - Boolean wrap to enable line wrapping (default: false) # extensions - An Array of associated extensions (the first one is # considered the primary extension, the others should be # listed alphabetically) # filenames - An Array of filenames commonly associated with the language # interpreters - An Array of associated interpreters # searchable - Boolean flag to enable searching (defaults to true) # language_id - Integer used as a language-name-independent indexed field so that we can rename # languages in Linguist without reindexing all the code on GitHub. Must not be # changed for existing languages without the explicit permission of GitHub staff. # color - CSS hex color to represent the language. Only used if type is "programming" or "markup". # tm_scope - The TextMate scope that represents this programming # language. This should match one of the scopes listed in # the grammars.yml file. Use "none" if there is no grammar # for this language. # group - Name of the parent language. Languages in a group are counted # in the statistics as the parent language. # # Any additions or modifications (even trivial) should have corresponding # test changes in `test/test_blob.rb`. # # Please keep this list alphabetized. Capitalization comes before lowercase. --- 1C Enterprise: type: programming color: "#814CCC" extensions: - ".bsl" - ".os" tm_scope: source.bsl ace_mode: text language_id: 0 4D: type: programming extensions: - ".4dm" tm_scope: source.4dm ace_mode: text language_id: 577529595 ABAP: type: programming color: "#E8274B" extensions: - ".abap" tm_scope: source.abap ace_mode: abap language_id: 1 ABNF: type: data ace_mode: text extensions: - ".abnf" tm_scope: source.abnf language_id: 429 AGS Script: type: programming color: "#B9D9FF" aliases: - ags extensions: - ".asc" - ".ash" tm_scope: source.c++ ace_mode: c_cpp codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-c++src language_id: 2 AL: type: programming color: "#3AA2B5" extensions: - ".al" tm_scope: source.al ace_mode: text language_id: 658971832 AMPL: type: programming color: "#E6EFBB" extensions: - ".ampl" - ".mod" tm_scope: source.ampl ace_mode: text language_id: 3 ANTLR: type: programming color: "#9DC3FF" extensions: - ".g4" tm_scope: source.antlr ace_mode: text language_id: 4 API Blueprint: type: markup color: "#2ACCA8" ace_mode: markdown extensions: - ".apib" tm_scope: text.html.markdown.source.gfm.apib language_id: 5 APL: type: programming color: "#5A8164" extensions: - ".apl" - ".dyalog" interpreters: - apl - aplx - dyalog tm_scope: source.apl ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: apl codemirror_mime_type: text/apl language_id: 6 ASL: type: programming ace_mode: text extensions: - ".asl" - ".dsl" tm_scope: source.asl language_id: 124996147 ASN.1: type: data extensions: - ".asn" - ".asn1" tm_scope: source.asn ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: asn.1 codemirror_mime_type: text/x-ttcn-asn language_id: 7 ASP.NET: type: programming tm_scope: text.html.asp color: "#9400ff" aliases: - aspx - aspx-vb extensions: - ".asax" - ".ascx" - ".ashx" - ".asmx" - ".aspx" - ".axd" ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: htmlembedded codemirror_mime_type: application/x-aspx language_id: 564186416 ATS: type: programming color: "#1ac620" aliases: - ats2 extensions: - ".dats" - ".hats" - ".sats" tm_scope: source.ats ace_mode: ocaml language_id: 9 ActionScript: type: programming tm_scope: source.actionscript.3 color: "#882B0F" aliases: - actionscript 3 - actionscript3 - as3 extensions: - ".as" ace_mode: actionscript language_id: 10 Ada: type: programming color: "#02f88c" extensions: - ".adb" - ".ada" - ".ads" aliases: - ada95 - ada2005 tm_scope: source.ada ace_mode: ada language_id: 11 Adobe Font Metrics: type: data tm_scope: source.afm extensions: - ".afm" aliases: - acfm - adobe composite font metrics - adobe multiple font metrics - amfm ace_mode: text language_id: 147198098 Agda: type: programming color: "#315665" extensions: - ".agda" tm_scope: source.agda ace_mode: text language_id: 12 Alloy: type: programming color: "#64C800" extensions: - ".als" tm_scope: source.alloy ace_mode: text language_id: 13 Alpine Abuild: type: programming group: Shell aliases: - abuild - apkbuild filenames: - APKBUILD tm_scope: source.shell ace_mode: sh codemirror_mode: shell codemirror_mime_type: text/x-sh language_id: 14 Altium Designer: type: data aliases: - altium extensions: - ".OutJob" - ".PcbDoc" - ".PrjPCB" - ".SchDoc" tm_scope: source.ini ace_mode: ini language_id: 187772328 AngelScript: type: programming color: "#C7D7DC" extensions: - ".as" - ".angelscript" tm_scope: source.angelscript ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-c++src language_id: 389477596 Ant Build System: type: data tm_scope: text.xml.ant filenames: - ant.xml - build.xml ace_mode: xml codemirror_mode: xml codemirror_mime_type: application/xml language_id: 15 ApacheConf: type: data aliases: - aconf - apache extensions: - ".apacheconf" - ".vhost" filenames: - ".htaccess" - apache2.conf - httpd.conf tm_scope: source.apache-config ace_mode: apache_conf language_id: 16 Apex: type: programming color: "#1797c0" extensions: - ".cls" tm_scope: source.java ace_mode: java codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-java language_id: 17 Apollo Guidance Computer: type: programming color: "#0B3D91" group: Assembly extensions: - ".agc" tm_scope: source.agc ace_mode: assembly_x86 language_id: 18 AppleScript: type: programming aliases: - osascript extensions: - ".applescript" - ".scpt" interpreters: - osascript tm_scope: source.applescript ace_mode: applescript color: "#101F1F" language_id: 19 Arc: type: programming color: "#aa2afe" extensions: - ".arc" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 20 AsciiDoc: type: prose ace_mode: asciidoc wrap: true extensions: - ".asciidoc" - ".adoc" - ".asc" tm_scope: text.html.asciidoc language_id: 22 AspectJ: type: programming color: "#a957b0" extensions: - ".aj" tm_scope: source.aspectj ace_mode: text language_id: 23 Assembly: type: programming color: "#6E4C13" aliases: - asm - nasm extensions: - ".asm" - ".a51" - ".i" - ".inc" - ".nasm" tm_scope: source.assembly ace_mode: assembly_x86 language_id: 24 Asymptote: type: programming color: "#ff0000" extensions: - ".asy" interpreters: - asy tm_scope: source.c++ ace_mode: c_cpp codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-kotlin language_id: 591605007 Augeas: type: programming extensions: - ".aug" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 25 AutoHotkey: type: programming color: "#6594b9" aliases: - ahk extensions: - ".ahk" - ".ahkl" tm_scope: source.ahk ace_mode: autohotkey language_id: 26 AutoIt: type: programming color: "#1C3552" aliases: - au3 - AutoIt3 - AutoItScript extensions: - ".au3" tm_scope: source.autoit ace_mode: autohotkey language_id: 27 Avro IDL: type: data extensions: - ".avdl" tm_scope: source.avro ace_mode: text language_id: 785497837 Awk: type: programming extensions: - ".awk" - ".auk" - ".gawk" - ".mawk" - ".nawk" interpreters: - awk - gawk - mawk - nawk tm_scope: source.awk ace_mode: text language_id: 28 Ballerina: type: programming extensions: - ".bal" tm_scope: source.ballerina ace_mode: text color: "#FF5000" language_id: 720859680 Batchfile: type: programming aliases: - bat - batch - dosbatch - winbatch extensions: - ".bat" - ".cmd" tm_scope: source.batchfile ace_mode: batchfile color: "#C1F12E" language_id: 29 Befunge: type: programming extensions: - ".befunge" tm_scope: source.befunge ace_mode: text language_id: 30 BibTeX: type: markup group: TeX extensions: - ".bib" - ".bibtex" tm_scope: text.bibtex ace_mode: tex codemirror_mode: stex codemirror_mime_type: text/x-stex language_id: 982188347 Bison: type: programming color: "#6A463F" group: Yacc tm_scope: source.yacc extensions: - ".bison" ace_mode: text language_id: 31 BitBake: type: programming tm_scope: none extensions: - ".bb" ace_mode: text language_id: 32 Blade: type: markup color: "#f7523f" extensions: - ".blade" - ".blade.php" tm_scope: text.html.php.blade ace_mode: text language_id: 33 BlitzBasic: type: programming aliases: - b3d - blitz3d - blitzplus - bplus extensions: - ".bb" - ".decls" tm_scope: source.blitzmax ace_mode: text language_id: 34 BlitzMax: type: programming color: "#cd6400" extensions: - ".bmx" aliases: - bmax tm_scope: source.blitzmax ace_mode: text language_id: 35 Bluespec: type: programming extensions: - ".bsv" tm_scope: source.bsv ace_mode: verilog language_id: 36 Boo: type: programming color: "#d4bec1" extensions: - ".boo" ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.boo language_id: 37 Brainfuck: type: programming color: "#2F2530" extensions: - ".b" - ".bf" tm_scope: source.bf ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: brainfuck codemirror_mime_type: text/x-brainfuck language_id: 38 Brightscript: type: programming extensions: - ".brs" tm_scope: source.brightscript ace_mode: text language_id: 39 Browserslist: type: data color: "#ffd539" filenames: - ".browserslistrc" - browserslist tm_scope: text.browserslist ace_mode: text language_id: 153503348 C: type: programming color: "#555555" extensions: - ".c" - ".cats" - ".h" - ".idc" interpreters: - tcc tm_scope: source.c ace_mode: c_cpp codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-csrc language_id: 41 C#: type: programming ace_mode: csharp codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-csharp tm_scope: source.cs color: "#178600" aliases: - csharp extensions: - ".cs" - ".cake" - ".csx" - ".linq" language_id: 42 C++: type: programming tm_scope: source.c++ ace_mode: c_cpp codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-c++src color: "#f34b7d" aliases: - cpp extensions: - ".cpp" - ".c++" - ".cc" - ".cp" - ".cxx" - ".h" - ".h++" - ".hh" - ".hpp" - ".hxx" - ".inc" - ".inl" - ".ino" - ".ipp" - ".re" - ".tcc" - ".tpp" language_id: 43 C-ObjDump: type: data extensions: - ".c-objdump" tm_scope: objdump.x86asm ace_mode: assembly_x86 language_id: 44 C2hs Haskell: type: programming group: Haskell aliases: - c2hs extensions: - ".chs" tm_scope: source.haskell ace_mode: haskell codemirror_mode: haskell codemirror_mime_type: text/x-haskell language_id: 45 CLIPS: type: programming extensions: - ".clp" tm_scope: source.clips ace_mode: text language_id: 46 CMake: type: programming extensions: - ".cmake" - ".cmake.in" filenames: - CMakeLists.txt tm_scope: source.cmake ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: cmake codemirror_mime_type: text/x-cmake language_id: 47 COBOL: type: programming extensions: - ".cob" - ".cbl" - ".ccp" - ".cobol" - ".cpy" tm_scope: source.cobol ace_mode: cobol codemirror_mode: cobol codemirror_mime_type: text/x-cobol language_id: 48 COLLADA: type: data extensions: - ".dae" tm_scope: text.xml ace_mode: xml codemirror_mode: xml codemirror_mime_type: text/xml language_id: 49 CSON: type: data color: "#244776" tm_scope: source.coffee ace_mode: coffee codemirror_mode: coffeescript codemirror_mime_type: text/x-coffeescript extensions: - ".cson" language_id: 424 CSS: type: markup tm_scope: source.css ace_mode: css codemirror_mode: css codemirror_mime_type: text/css color: "#563d7c" extensions: - ".css" language_id: 50 CSV: type: data ace_mode: text tm_scope: none extensions: - ".csv" language_id: 51 CWeb: type: programming extensions: - ".w" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 657332628 Cabal Config: type: data aliases: - Cabal extensions: - ".cabal" filenames: - cabal.config - cabal.project ace_mode: haskell codemirror_mode: haskell codemirror_mime_type: text/x-haskell tm_scope: source.cabal language_id: 677095381 Cap'n Proto: type: programming tm_scope: source.capnp extensions: - ".capnp" ace_mode: text language_id: 52 CartoCSS: type: programming aliases: - Carto extensions: - ".mss" ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.css.mss language_id: 53 Ceylon: type: programming color: "#dfa535" extensions: - ".ceylon" tm_scope: source.ceylon ace_mode: text language_id: 54 Chapel: type: programming color: "#8dc63f" aliases: - chpl extensions: - ".chpl" tm_scope: source.chapel ace_mode: text language_id: 55 Charity: type: programming extensions: - ".ch" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 56 ChucK: type: programming extensions: - ".ck" tm_scope: source.java ace_mode: java codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-java language_id: 57 Cirru: type: programming color: "#ccccff" tm_scope: source.cirru ace_mode: cirru extensions: - ".cirru" language_id: 58 Clarion: type: programming color: "#db901e" ace_mode: text extensions: - ".clw" tm_scope: source.clarion language_id: 59 Classic ASP: type: programming color: "#6a40fd" tm_scope: text.html.asp aliases: - asp extensions: - ".asp" ace_mode: text language_id: 8 Clean: type: programming color: "#3F85AF" extensions: - ".icl" - ".dcl" tm_scope: source.clean ace_mode: text language_id: 60 Click: type: programming color: "#E4E6F3" extensions: - ".click" tm_scope: source.click ace_mode: text language_id: 61 Clojure: type: programming tm_scope: source.clojure ace_mode: clojure codemirror_mode: clojure codemirror_mime_type: text/x-clojure color: "#db5855" extensions: - ".clj" - ".boot" - ".cl2" - ".cljc" - ".cljs" - ".cljs.hl" - ".cljscm" - ".cljx" - ".hic" filenames: - riemann.config language_id: 62 Closure Templates: type: markup group: HTML ace_mode: soy_template codemirror_mode: soy codemirror_mime_type: text/x-soy aliases: - soy extensions: - ".soy" tm_scope: text.html.soy language_id: 357046146 Cloud Firestore Security Rules: type: data ace_mode: less codemirror_mode: css codemirror_mime_type: text/css tm_scope: source.firestore filenames: - firestore.rules language_id: 407996372 CoNLL-U: type: data extensions: - ".conllu" - ".conll" tm_scope: text.conllu ace_mode: text aliases: - CoNLL - CoNLL-X language_id: 421026389 CodeQL: type: programming extensions: - ".ql" - ".qll" tm_scope: source.ql ace_mode: text language_id: 424259634 aliases: - ql CoffeeScript: type: programming tm_scope: source.coffee ace_mode: coffee codemirror_mode: coffeescript codemirror_mime_type: text/x-coffeescript color: "#244776" aliases: - coffee - coffee-script extensions: - ".coffee" - "._coffee" - ".cake" - ".cjsx" - ".iced" filenames: - Cakefile interpreters: - coffee language_id: 63 ColdFusion: type: programming ace_mode: coldfusion color: "#ed2cd6" aliases: - cfm - cfml - coldfusion html extensions: - ".cfm" - ".cfml" tm_scope: text.html.cfm language_id: 64 ColdFusion CFC: type: programming color: "#ed2cd6" group: ColdFusion ace_mode: coldfusion aliases: - cfc extensions: - ".cfc" tm_scope: source.cfscript language_id: 65 Common Lisp: type: programming tm_scope: source.lisp color: "#3fb68b" aliases: - lisp extensions: - ".lisp" - ".asd" - ".cl" - ".l" - ".lsp" - ".ny" - ".podsl" - ".sexp" interpreters: - lisp - sbcl - ccl - clisp - ecl ace_mode: lisp codemirror_mode: commonlisp codemirror_mime_type: text/x-common-lisp language_id: 66 Common Workflow Language: aliases: - cwl type: programming ace_mode: yaml codemirror_mode: yaml codemirror_mime_type: text/x-yaml extensions: - ".cwl" interpreters: - cwl-runner color: "#B5314C" tm_scope: source.cwl language_id: 988547172 Component Pascal: type: programming color: "#B0CE4E" extensions: - ".cp" - ".cps" tm_scope: source.pascal aliases: - delphi - objectpascal ace_mode: pascal codemirror_mode: pascal codemirror_mime_type: text/x-pascal language_id: 67 Cool: type: programming extensions: - ".cl" tm_scope: source.cool ace_mode: text language_id: 68 Coq: type: programming extensions: - ".coq" - ".v" tm_scope: source.coq ace_mode: text language_id: 69 Cpp-ObjDump: type: data extensions: - ".cppobjdump" - ".c++-objdump" - ".c++objdump" - ".cpp-objdump" - ".cxx-objdump" tm_scope: objdump.x86asm aliases: - c++-objdump ace_mode: assembly_x86 language_id: 70 Creole: type: prose wrap: true extensions: - ".creole" tm_scope: text.html.creole ace_mode: text language_id: 71 Crystal: type: programming color: "#000100" extensions: - ".cr" ace_mode: ruby codemirror_mode: crystal codemirror_mime_type: text/x-crystal tm_scope: source.crystal interpreters: - crystal language_id: 72 Csound: type: programming aliases: - csound-orc extensions: - ".orc" - ".udo" tm_scope: source.csound ace_mode: csound_orchestra language_id: 73 Csound Document: type: programming aliases: - csound-csd extensions: - ".csd" tm_scope: source.csound-document ace_mode: csound_document language_id: 74 Csound Score: type: programming aliases: - csound-sco extensions: - ".sco" tm_scope: source.csound-score ace_mode: csound_score language_id: 75 Cuda: type: programming extensions: - ".cu" - ".cuh" tm_scope: source.cuda-c++ ace_mode: c_cpp codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-c++src color: "#3A4E3A" language_id: 77 Cycript: type: programming extensions: - ".cy" tm_scope: source.js ace_mode: javascript codemirror_mode: javascript codemirror_mime_type: text/javascript language_id: 78 Cython: type: programming group: Python extensions: - ".pyx" - ".pxd" - ".pxi" aliases: - pyrex tm_scope: source.cython ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: python codemirror_mime_type: text/x-cython language_id: 79 D: type: programming color: "#ba595e" extensions: - ".d" - ".di" tm_scope: source.d ace_mode: d codemirror_mode: d codemirror_mime_type: text/x-d language_id: 80 D-ObjDump: type: data extensions: - ".d-objdump" tm_scope: objdump.x86asm ace_mode: assembly_x86 language_id: 81 DIGITAL Command Language: type: programming aliases: - dcl extensions: - ".com" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 82 DM: type: programming color: "#447265" extensions: - ".dm" aliases: - byond tm_scope: source.dm ace_mode: c_cpp language_id: 83 DNS Zone: type: data extensions: - ".zone" - ".arpa" tm_scope: text.zone_file ace_mode: text language_id: 84 DTrace: type: programming aliases: - dtrace-script extensions: - ".d" interpreters: - dtrace tm_scope: source.c ace_mode: c_cpp codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-csrc language_id: 85 Dafny: type: programming color: "#FFEC25" extensions: - ".dfy" interpreters: - dafny tm_scope: text.dfy.dafny ace_mode: text language_id: 969323346 Darcs Patch: type: data aliases: - dpatch extensions: - ".darcspatch" - ".dpatch" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 86 Dart: type: programming color: "#00B4AB" extensions: - ".dart" interpreters: - dart tm_scope: source.dart ace_mode: dart codemirror_mode: dart codemirror_mime_type: application/dart language_id: 87 DataWeave: type: programming color: "#003a52" extensions: - ".dwl" ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.data-weave language_id: 974514097 Dhall: type: programming color: "#dfafff" extensions: - ".dhall" tm_scope: source.haskell ace_mode: haskell codemirror_mode: haskell codemirror_mime_type: text/x-haskell language_id: 793969321 Diff: type: data extensions: - ".diff" - ".patch" aliases: - udiff tm_scope: source.diff ace_mode: diff codemirror_mode: diff codemirror_mime_type: text/x-diff language_id: 88 DirectX 3D File: type: data extensions: - ".x" ace_mode: text tm_scope: none language_id: 201049282 Dockerfile: type: programming color: "#384d54" tm_scope: source.dockerfile extensions: - ".dockerfile" filenames: - Dockerfile ace_mode: dockerfile codemirror_mode: dockerfile codemirror_mime_type: text/x-dockerfile language_id: 89 Dogescript: type: programming color: "#cca760" extensions: - ".djs" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 90 Dylan: type: programming color: "#6c616e" extensions: - ".dylan" - ".dyl" - ".intr" - ".lid" tm_scope: source.dylan ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: dylan codemirror_mime_type: text/x-dylan language_id: 91 E: type: programming color: "#ccce35" extensions: - ".E" interpreters: - rune tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 92 EBNF: type: data extensions: - ".ebnf" tm_scope: source.ebnf ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: ebnf codemirror_mime_type: text/x-ebnf language_id: 430 ECL: type: programming color: "#8a1267" extensions: - ".ecl" - ".eclxml" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: ecl codemirror_mime_type: text/x-ecl language_id: 93 ECLiPSe: type: programming group: prolog extensions: - ".ecl" tm_scope: source.prolog.eclipse ace_mode: prolog language_id: 94 EJS: type: markup color: "#a91e50" group: HTML extensions: - ".ejs" - ".ect" - ".jst" tm_scope: text.html.js ace_mode: ejs language_id: 95 EML: type: data extensions: - ".eml" - ".mbox" tm_scope: text.eml.basic ace_mode: text language_id: 529653389 EQ: type: programming color: "#a78649" extensions: - ".eq" tm_scope: source.cs ace_mode: csharp codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-csharp language_id: 96 Eagle: type: data extensions: - ".sch" - ".brd" tm_scope: text.xml ace_mode: xml codemirror_mode: xml codemirror_mime_type: text/xml language_id: 97 Easybuild: type: data group: Python ace_mode: python codemirror_mode: python codemirror_mime_type: text/x-python tm_scope: source.python extensions: - ".eb" language_id: 342840477 Ecere Projects: type: data group: JavaScript extensions: - ".epj" tm_scope: source.json ace_mode: json codemirror_mode: javascript codemirror_mime_type: application/json language_id: 98 EditorConfig: type: data group: INI filenames: - ".editorconfig" aliases: - editor-config ace_mode: ini codemirror_mode: properties codemirror_mime_type: text/x-properties tm_scope: source.editorconfig language_id: 96139566 Edje Data Collection: type: data extensions: - ".edc" tm_scope: source.c++ ace_mode: c_cpp codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-c++src language_id: 342840478 Eiffel: type: programming color: "#4d6977" extensions: - ".e" tm_scope: source.eiffel ace_mode: eiffel codemirror_mode: eiffel codemirror_mime_type: text/x-eiffel language_id: 99 Elixir: type: programming color: "#6e4a7e" extensions: - ".ex" - ".exs" tm_scope: source.elixir ace_mode: elixir filenames: - mix.lock interpreters: - elixir language_id: 100 Elm: type: programming color: "#60B5CC" extensions: - ".elm" tm_scope: source.elm ace_mode: elm codemirror_mode: elm codemirror_mime_type: text/x-elm language_id: 101 Emacs Lisp: type: programming tm_scope: source.emacs.lisp color: "#c065db" aliases: - elisp - emacs filenames: - ".abbrev_defs" - ".emacs" - ".emacs.desktop" - ".gnus" - ".spacemacs" - ".viper" - Cask - Project.ede - _emacs - abbrev_defs extensions: - ".el" - ".emacs" - ".emacs.desktop" ace_mode: lisp codemirror_mode: commonlisp codemirror_mime_type: text/x-common-lisp language_id: 102 EmberScript: type: programming color: "#FFF4F3" extensions: - ".em" - ".emberscript" tm_scope: source.coffee ace_mode: coffee codemirror_mode: coffeescript codemirror_mime_type: text/x-coffeescript language_id: 103 Erlang: type: programming color: "#B83998" extensions: - ".erl" - ".app.src" - ".es" - ".escript" - ".hrl" - ".xrl" - ".yrl" filenames: - Emakefile - rebar.config - rebar.config.lock - rebar.lock tm_scope: source.erlang ace_mode: erlang codemirror_mode: erlang codemirror_mime_type: text/x-erlang interpreters: - escript language_id: 104 F#: type: programming color: "#b845fc" aliases: - fsharp extensions: - ".fs" - ".fsi" - ".fsx" tm_scope: source.fsharp ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: mllike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-fsharp language_id: 105 F*: fs_name: Fstar type: programming color: "#572e30" aliases: - fstar extensions: - ".fst" tm_scope: source.fstar ace_mode: text language_id: 336943375 FIGlet Font: type: data aliases: - FIGfont extensions: - ".flf" tm_scope: source.figfont ace_mode: text language_id: 686129783 FLUX: type: programming color: "#88ccff" extensions: - ".fx" - ".flux" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 106 Factor: type: programming color: "#636746" extensions: - ".factor" filenames: - ".factor-boot-rc" - ".factor-rc" tm_scope: source.factor ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: factor codemirror_mime_type: text/x-factor language_id: 108 Fancy: type: programming color: "#7b9db4" extensions: - ".fy" - ".fancypack" filenames: - Fakefile tm_scope: source.fancy ace_mode: text language_id: 109 Fantom: type: programming color: "#14253c" extensions: - ".fan" tm_scope: source.fan ace_mode: text language_id: 110 Faust: type: programming color: "#c37240" extensions: - ".dsp" tm_scope: source.faust ace_mode: text language_id: 622529198 Filebench WML: type: programming extensions: - ".f" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 111 Filterscript: type: programming group: RenderScript extensions: - ".fs" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 112 Formatted: type: data extensions: - ".for" - ".eam.fs" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 113 Forth: type: programming color: "#341708" extensions: - ".fth" - ".4th" - ".f" - ".for" - ".forth" - ".fr" - ".frt" - ".fs" tm_scope: source.forth ace_mode: forth codemirror_mode: forth codemirror_mime_type: text/x-forth language_id: 114 Fortran: group: Fortran type: programming color: "#4d41b1" extensions: - ".f" - ".f77" - ".for" - ".fpp" tm_scope: source.fortran ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: fortran codemirror_mime_type: text/x-fortran language_id: 107 Fortran Free Form: group: Fortran type: programming extensions: - ".f90" - ".f03" - ".f08" - ".f95" tm_scope: source.fortran.modern ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: fortran codemirror_mime_type: text/x-fortran language_id: 761352333 FreeMarker: type: programming color: "#0050b2" aliases: - ftl extensions: - ".ftl" tm_scope: text.html.ftl ace_mode: ftl language_id: 115 Frege: type: programming color: "#00cafe" extensions: - ".fr" tm_scope: source.haskell ace_mode: haskell language_id: 116 Futhark: type: programming color: "#5f021f" extensions: - ".fut" tm_scope: source.futhark ace_mode: text language_id: 97358117 G-code: type: programming color: "#D08CF2" extensions: - ".g" - ".cnc" - ".gco" - ".gcode" tm_scope: source.gcode ace_mode: gcode language_id: 117 GAML: type: programming color: "#FFC766" extensions: - ".gaml" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 290345951 GAMS: type: programming extensions: - ".gms" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 118 GAP: type: programming extensions: - ".g" - ".gap" - ".gd" - ".gi" - ".tst" tm_scope: source.gap ace_mode: text language_id: 119 GCC Machine Description: type: programming extensions: - ".md" tm_scope: source.lisp ace_mode: lisp codemirror_mode: commonlisp codemirror_mime_type: text/x-common-lisp language_id: 121 GDB: type: programming extensions: - ".gdb" - ".gdbinit" tm_scope: source.gdb ace_mode: text language_id: 122 GDScript: type: programming color: "#355570" extensions: - ".gd" tm_scope: source.gdscript ace_mode: text language_id: 123 GEDCOM: type: data ace_mode: text extensions: - ".ged" tm_scope: source.gedcom language_id: 459577965 GLSL: type: programming extensions: - ".glsl" - ".fp" - ".frag" - ".frg" - ".fs" - ".fsh" - ".fshader" - ".geo" - ".geom" - ".glslf" - ".glslv" - ".gs" - ".gshader" - ".shader" - ".tesc" - ".tese" - ".vert" - ".vrx" - ".vsh" - ".vshader" tm_scope: source.glsl ace_mode: glsl language_id: 124 GN: type: data extensions: - ".gn" - ".gni" interpreters: - gn filenames: - ".gn" tm_scope: source.gn ace_mode: python codemirror_mode: python codemirror_mime_type: text/x-python language_id: 302957008 Game Maker Language: type: programming color: "#71b417" extensions: - ".gml" tm_scope: source.c++ ace_mode: c_cpp codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-c++src language_id: 125 Genie: type: programming ace_mode: text extensions: - ".gs" color: "#fb855d" tm_scope: none language_id: 792408528 Genshi: type: programming extensions: - ".kid" tm_scope: text.xml.genshi aliases: - xml+genshi - xml+kid ace_mode: xml codemirror_mode: xml codemirror_mime_type: text/xml language_id: 126 Gentoo Ebuild: type: programming group: Shell extensions: - ".ebuild" tm_scope: source.shell ace_mode: sh codemirror_mode: shell codemirror_mime_type: text/x-sh language_id: 127 Gentoo Eclass: type: programming group: Shell extensions: - ".eclass" tm_scope: source.shell ace_mode: sh codemirror_mode: shell codemirror_mime_type: text/x-sh language_id: 128 Gerber Image: type: data aliases: - rs-274x extensions: - ".gbr" - ".gbl" - ".gbo" - ".gbp" - ".gbs" - ".gko" - ".gml" - ".gpb" - ".gpt" - ".gtl" - ".gto" - ".gtp" - ".gts" - ".sol" interpreters: - gerbv - gerbview tm_scope: source.gerber ace_mode: text language_id: 404627610 Gettext Catalog: type: prose searchable: false aliases: - pot extensions: - ".po" - ".pot" tm_scope: source.po ace_mode: text language_id: 129 Gherkin: type: programming extensions: - ".feature" - ".story" tm_scope: text.gherkin.feature aliases: - cucumber ace_mode: text color: "#5B2063" language_id: 76 Git Attributes: type: data group: INI aliases: - gitattributes filenames: - ".gitattributes" tm_scope: source.gitattributes ace_mode: gitignore codemirror_mode: shell codemirror_mime_type: text/x-sh language_id: 956324166 Git Config: type: data group: INI aliases: - gitconfig - gitmodules extensions: - ".gitconfig" filenames: - ".gitconfig" - ".gitmodules" ace_mode: ini codemirror_mode: properties codemirror_mime_type: text/x-properties tm_scope: source.gitconfig language_id: 807968997 Glyph: type: programming color: "#c1ac7f" extensions: - ".glf" tm_scope: source.tcl ace_mode: tcl codemirror_mode: tcl codemirror_mime_type: text/x-tcl language_id: 130 Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format: type: data extensions: - ".bdf" tm_scope: source.bdf ace_mode: text language_id: 997665271 Gnuplot: type: programming color: "#f0a9f0" extensions: - ".gp" - ".gnu" - ".gnuplot" - ".p" - ".plot" - ".plt" interpreters: - gnuplot tm_scope: source.gnuplot ace_mode: text language_id: 131 Go: type: programming color: "#00ADD8" aliases: - golang extensions: - ".go" tm_scope: source.go ace_mode: golang codemirror_mode: go codemirror_mime_type: text/x-go language_id: 132 Golo: type: programming color: "#88562A" extensions: - ".golo" tm_scope: source.golo ace_mode: text language_id: 133 Gosu: type: programming color: "#82937f" extensions: - ".gs" - ".gst" - ".gsx" - ".vark" tm_scope: source.gosu.2 ace_mode: text language_id: 134 Grace: type: programming extensions: - ".grace" tm_scope: source.grace ace_mode: text language_id: 135 Gradle: type: data extensions: - ".gradle" tm_scope: source.groovy.gradle ace_mode: text language_id: 136 Grammatical Framework: type: programming aliases: - gf extensions: - ".gf" color: "#ff0000" tm_scope: source.gf ace_mode: haskell codemirror_mode: haskell codemirror_mime_type: text/x-haskell language_id: 137 Graph Modeling Language: type: data extensions: - ".gml" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 138 GraphQL: type: data color: "#e10098" extensions: - ".graphql" - ".gql" - ".graphqls" tm_scope: source.graphql ace_mode: text language_id: 139 Graphviz (DOT): type: data tm_scope: source.dot extensions: - ".dot" - ".gv" ace_mode: text language_id: 140 Groovy: type: programming tm_scope: source.groovy ace_mode: groovy codemirror_mode: groovy codemirror_mime_type: text/x-groovy color: "#e69f56" extensions: - ".groovy" - ".grt" - ".gtpl" - ".gvy" interpreters: - groovy filenames: - Jenkinsfile language_id: 142 Groovy Server Pages: type: programming group: Groovy aliases: - gsp - java server page extensions: - ".gsp" tm_scope: text.html.jsp ace_mode: jsp codemirror_mode: htmlembedded codemirror_mime_type: application/x-jsp language_id: 143 HAProxy: type: data extensions: - ".cfg" filenames: - haproxy.cfg tm_scope: source.haproxy-config ace_mode: text language_id: 366607477 HCL: type: programming extensions: - ".hcl" - ".nomad" - ".tf" - ".tfvars" - ".workflow" aliases: - terraform ace_mode: ruby codemirror_mode: ruby codemirror_mime_type: text/x-ruby tm_scope: source.terraform language_id: 144 HLSL: type: programming extensions: - ".hlsl" - ".cginc" - ".fx" - ".fxh" - ".hlsli" ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.hlsl language_id: 145 HTML: type: markup tm_scope: text.html.basic ace_mode: html codemirror_mode: htmlmixed codemirror_mime_type: text/html color: "#e34c26" aliases: - xhtml extensions: - ".html" - ".htm" - ".html.hl" - ".inc" - ".st" - ".xht" - ".xhtml" language_id: 146 HTML+Django: type: markup tm_scope: text.html.django group: HTML extensions: - ".jinja" - ".j2" - ".jinja2" - ".njk" aliases: - django - html+django/jinja - html+jinja - htmldjango - njk - nunjucks ace_mode: django codemirror_mode: django codemirror_mime_type: text/x-django language_id: 147 HTML+ECR: type: markup tm_scope: text.html.ecr group: HTML aliases: - ecr extensions: - ".ecr" ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: htmlmixed codemirror_mime_type: text/html language_id: 148 HTML+EEX: type: markup tm_scope: text.html.elixir group: HTML aliases: - eex - leex extensions: - ".eex" - ".html.leex" ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: htmlmixed codemirror_mime_type: text/html language_id: 149 HTML+ERB: type: markup tm_scope: text.html.erb group: HTML aliases: - erb - rhtml - html+ruby extensions: - ".erb" - ".erb.deface" - ".rhtml" ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: htmlembedded codemirror_mime_type: application/x-erb language_id: 150 HTML+PHP: type: markup tm_scope: text.html.php group: HTML extensions: - ".phtml" ace_mode: php codemirror_mode: php codemirror_mime_type: application/x-httpd-php language_id: 151 HTML+Razor: type: markup tm_scope: text.html.cshtml group: HTML aliases: - razor extensions: - ".cshtml" - ".razor" ace_mode: razor codemirror_mode: htmlmixed codemirror_mime_type: text/html language_id: 479039817 HTTP: type: data extensions: - ".http" tm_scope: source.httpspec ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: http codemirror_mime_type: message/http language_id: 152 HXML: type: data ace_mode: text extensions: - ".hxml" tm_scope: source.hxml language_id: 786683730 Hack: type: programming ace_mode: php codemirror_mode: php codemirror_mime_type: application/x-httpd-php extensions: - ".hack" - ".hh" - ".hhi" - ".php" tm_scope: source.hack color: "#878787" language_id: 153 Haml: type: markup color: "#ece2a9" extensions: - ".haml" - ".haml.deface" tm_scope: text.haml ace_mode: haml codemirror_mode: haml codemirror_mime_type: text/x-haml language_id: 154 Handlebars: type: markup color: "#f7931e" aliases: - hbs - htmlbars extensions: - ".handlebars" - ".hbs" tm_scope: text.html.handlebars ace_mode: handlebars language_id: 155 Harbour: type: programming color: "#0e60e3" extensions: - ".hb" tm_scope: source.harbour ace_mode: text language_id: 156 Haskell: type: programming color: "#5e5086" extensions: - ".hs" - ".hs-boot" - ".hsc" interpreters: - runghc - runhaskell - runhugs tm_scope: source.haskell ace_mode: haskell codemirror_mode: haskell codemirror_mime_type: text/x-haskell language_id: 157 Haxe: type: programming ace_mode: haxe codemirror_mode: haxe codemirror_mime_type: text/x-haxe color: "#df7900" extensions: - ".hx" - ".hxsl" tm_scope: source.hx language_id: 158 HiveQL: type: programming extensions: - ".q" - ".hql" color: "#dce200" tm_scope: source.hql ace_mode: sql language_id: 931814087 HolyC: type: programming color: "#ffefaf" extensions: - ".hc" tm_scope: source.hc ace_mode: c_cpp codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-csrc language_id: 928121743 Hy: type: programming ace_mode: text color: "#7790B2" extensions: - ".hy" interpreters: - hy aliases: - hylang tm_scope: source.hy language_id: 159 HyPhy: type: programming ace_mode: text extensions: - ".bf" tm_scope: none language_id: 160 IDL: type: programming color: "#a3522f" extensions: - ".pro" - ".dlm" tm_scope: source.idl ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: idl codemirror_mime_type: text/x-idl language_id: 161 IGOR Pro: type: programming color: "#0000cc" extensions: - ".ipf" aliases: - igor - igorpro tm_scope: source.igor ace_mode: text language_id: 162 INI: type: data extensions: - ".ini" - ".cfg" - ".dof" - ".lektorproject" - ".prefs" - ".pro" - ".properties" filenames: - buildozer.spec tm_scope: source.ini aliases: - dosini ace_mode: ini codemirror_mode: properties codemirror_mime_type: text/x-properties language_id: 163 IRC log: type: data aliases: - irc - irc logs extensions: - ".irclog" - ".weechatlog" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: mirc codemirror_mime_type: text/mirc language_id: 164 Idris: type: programming color: "#b30000" extensions: - ".idr" - ".lidr" ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.idris language_id: 165 Ignore List: type: data group: INI aliases: - ignore - gitignore - git-ignore extensions: - ".gitignore" filenames: - ".atomignore" - ".babelignore" - ".bzrignore" - ".coffeelintignore" - ".cvsignore" - ".dockerignore" - ".eslintignore" - ".gitignore" - ".nodemonignore" - ".npmignore" - ".prettierignore" - ".stylelintignore" - ".vscodeignore" - gitignore-global - gitignore_global ace_mode: gitignore tm_scope: source.gitignore codemirror_mode: shell codemirror_mime_type: text/x-sh language_id: 74444240 Inform 7: type: programming wrap: true extensions: - ".ni" - ".i7x" tm_scope: source.inform7 aliases: - i7 - inform7 ace_mode: text language_id: 166 Inno Setup: type: programming extensions: - ".iss" - ".isl" tm_scope: source.inno ace_mode: text language_id: 167 Io: type: programming color: "#a9188d" extensions: - ".io" interpreters: - io tm_scope: source.io ace_mode: io language_id: 168 Ioke: type: programming color: "#078193" extensions: - ".ik" interpreters: - ioke tm_scope: source.ioke ace_mode: text language_id: 169 Isabelle: type: programming color: "#FEFE00" extensions: - ".thy" tm_scope: source.isabelle.theory ace_mode: text language_id: 170 Isabelle ROOT: type: programming group: Isabelle filenames: - ROOT tm_scope: source.isabelle.root ace_mode: text language_id: 171 J: type: programming color: "#9EEDFF" extensions: - ".ijs" interpreters: - jconsole tm_scope: source.j ace_mode: text language_id: 172 JFlex: type: programming color: "#DBCA00" group: Lex extensions: - ".flex" - ".jflex" tm_scope: source.jflex ace_mode: text language_id: 173 JSON: type: data tm_scope: source.json ace_mode: json codemirror_mode: javascript codemirror_mime_type: application/json searchable: false extensions: - ".json" - ".avsc" - ".geojson" - ".gltf" - ".har" - ".ice" - ".JSON-tmLanguage" - ".jsonl" - ".mcmeta" - ".tfstate" - ".tfstate.backup" - ".topojson" - ".webapp" - ".webmanifest" - ".yy" - ".yyp" filenames: - ".arcconfig" - ".htmlhintrc" - ".tern-config" - ".tern-project" - ".watchmanconfig" - composer.lock - mcmod.info language_id: 174 JSON with Comments: type: data group: JSON tm_scope: source.js ace_mode: javascript codemirror_mode: javascript codemirror_mime_type: text/javascript aliases: - jsonc extensions: - ".jsonc" - ".sublime-build" - ".sublime-commands" - ".sublime-completions" - ".sublime-keymap" - ".sublime-macro" - ".sublime-menu" - ".sublime-mousemap" - ".sublime-project" - ".sublime-settings" - ".sublime-theme" - ".sublime-workspace" - ".sublime_metrics" - ".sublime_session" filenames: - ".babelrc" - ".eslintrc.json" - ".jscsrc" - ".jshintrc" - ".jslintrc" - devcontainer.json - jsconfig.json - language-configuration.json - tsconfig.json - tslint.json language_id: 423 JSON5: type: data extensions: - ".json5" tm_scope: source.js ace_mode: javascript codemirror_mode: javascript codemirror_mime_type: application/json language_id: 175 JSONLD: type: data extensions: - ".jsonld" tm_scope: source.js ace_mode: javascript codemirror_mode: javascript codemirror_mime_type: application/json language_id: 176 JSONiq: color: "#40d47e" type: programming ace_mode: jsoniq codemirror_mode: javascript codemirror_mime_type: application/json extensions: - ".jq" tm_scope: source.jq language_id: 177 JSX: type: programming group: JavaScript extensions: - ".jsx" tm_scope: source.js.jsx ace_mode: javascript codemirror_mode: jsx codemirror_mime_type: text/jsx language_id: 178 Jasmin: type: programming ace_mode: java extensions: - ".j" tm_scope: source.jasmin language_id: 180 Java: type: programming tm_scope: source.java ace_mode: java codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-java color: "#b07219" extensions: - ".java" language_id: 181 Java Properties: type: data extensions: - ".properties" tm_scope: source.java-properties ace_mode: properties codemirror_mode: properties codemirror_mime_type: text/x-properties language_id: 519377561 Java Server Pages: type: programming group: Java aliases: - jsp extensions: - ".jsp" tm_scope: text.html.jsp ace_mode: jsp codemirror_mode: htmlembedded codemirror_mime_type: application/x-jsp language_id: 182 JavaScript: type: programming tm_scope: source.js ace_mode: javascript codemirror_mode: javascript codemirror_mime_type: text/javascript color: "#f1e05a" aliases: - js - node extensions: - ".js" - "._js" - ".bones" - ".cjs" - ".es" - ".es6" - ".frag" - ".gs" - ".jake" - ".jsb" - ".jscad" - ".jsfl" - ".jsm" - ".jss" - ".mjs" - ".njs" - ".pac" - ".sjs" - ".ssjs" - ".xsjs" - ".xsjslib" filenames: - Jakefile interpreters: - chakra - d8 - gjs - js - node - nodejs - qjs - rhino - v8 - v8-shell language_id: 183 JavaScript+ERB: type: programming tm_scope: source.js group: JavaScript extensions: - ".js.erb" ace_mode: javascript codemirror_mode: javascript codemirror_mime_type: application/javascript language_id: 914318960 Jison: type: programming group: Yacc extensions: - ".jison" tm_scope: source.jison ace_mode: text language_id: 284531423 Jison Lex: type: programming group: Lex extensions: - ".jisonlex" tm_scope: source.jisonlex ace_mode: text language_id: 406395330 Jolie: type: programming extensions: - ".ol" - ".iol" interpreters: - jolie color: "#843179" ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.jolie language_id: 998078858 Jsonnet: color: "#0064bd" type: programming ace_mode: text extensions: - ".jsonnet" - ".libsonnet" tm_scope: source.jsonnet language_id: 664885656 Julia: type: programming extensions: - ".jl" interpreters: - julia color: "#a270ba" tm_scope: source.julia ace_mode: julia codemirror_mode: julia codemirror_mime_type: text/x-julia language_id: 184 Jupyter Notebook: type: markup ace_mode: json codemirror_mode: javascript codemirror_mime_type: application/json tm_scope: source.json color: "#DA5B0B" extensions: - ".ipynb" filenames: - Notebook aliases: - IPython Notebook language_id: 185 KRL: type: programming color: "#28430A" extensions: - ".krl" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 186 Kaitai Struct: type: programming aliases: - ksy ace_mode: yaml codemirror_mode: yaml codemirror_mime_type: text/x-yaml color: "#773b37" extensions: - ".ksy" tm_scope: source.yaml language_id: 818804755 KiCad Layout: type: data aliases: - pcbnew extensions: - ".kicad_pcb" - ".kicad_mod" - ".kicad_wks" filenames: - fp-lib-table tm_scope: source.pcb.sexp ace_mode: lisp codemirror_mode: commonlisp codemirror_mime_type: text/x-common-lisp language_id: 187 KiCad Legacy Layout: type: data extensions: - ".brd" tm_scope: source.pcb.board ace_mode: text language_id: 140848857 KiCad Schematic: type: data aliases: - eeschema schematic extensions: - ".sch" tm_scope: source.pcb.schematic ace_mode: text language_id: 622447435 Kit: type: markup ace_mode: html codemirror_mode: htmlmixed codemirror_mime_type: text/html extensions: - ".kit" tm_scope: text.html.basic language_id: 188 Kotlin: type: programming color: "#F18E33" extensions: - ".kt" - ".ktm" - ".kts" tm_scope: source.kotlin ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-kotlin language_id: 189 LFE: type: programming color: "#4C3023" extensions: - ".lfe" tm_scope: source.lisp ace_mode: lisp codemirror_mode: commonlisp codemirror_mime_type: text/x-common-lisp language_id: 190 LLVM: type: programming extensions: - ".ll" tm_scope: source.llvm ace_mode: text color: "#185619" language_id: 191 LOLCODE: type: programming extensions: - ".lol" color: "#cc9900" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 192 LSL: type: programming tm_scope: source.lsl ace_mode: lsl extensions: - ".lsl" - ".lslp" interpreters: - lsl color: "#3d9970" language_id: 193 LTspice Symbol: type: data extensions: - ".asy" tm_scope: source.ltspice.symbol ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: spreadsheet codemirror_mime_type: text/x-spreadsheet language_id: 1013566805 LabVIEW: type: programming extensions: - ".lvproj" - ".lvlib" tm_scope: text.xml ace_mode: xml codemirror_mode: xml codemirror_mime_type: text/xml language_id: 194 Lark: type: data group: EBNF color: "#0b130f" extensions: - ".lark" tm_scope: source.lark ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: ebnf codemirror_mime_type: text/x-ebnf language_id: 758480799 Lasso: type: programming color: "#999999" extensions: - ".lasso" - ".las" - ".lasso8" - ".lasso9" tm_scope: file.lasso aliases: - lassoscript ace_mode: text language_id: 195 Latte: type: markup color: "#f2a542" extensions: - ".latte" tm_scope: text.html.smarty ace_mode: smarty codemirror_mode: smarty codemirror_mime_type: text/x-smarty language_id: 196 Lean: type: programming extensions: - ".lean" - ".hlean" tm_scope: source.lean ace_mode: text language_id: 197 Less: type: markup color: "#1d365d" extensions: - ".less" tm_scope: source.css.less ace_mode: less codemirror_mode: css codemirror_mime_type: text/css language_id: 198 Lex: type: programming color: "#DBCA00" aliases: - flex extensions: - ".l" - ".lex" filenames: - Lexer.x - lexer.x tm_scope: source.lex ace_mode: text language_id: 199 LilyPond: type: programming extensions: - ".ly" - ".ily" tm_scope: source.lilypond ace_mode: text language_id: 200 Limbo: type: programming extensions: - ".b" - ".m" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 201 Linker Script: type: data extensions: - ".ld" - ".lds" - ".x" filenames: - ld.script tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 202 Linux Kernel Module: type: data extensions: - ".mod" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 203 Liquid: type: markup extensions: - ".liquid" tm_scope: text.html.liquid ace_mode: liquid language_id: 204 Literate Agda: type: programming group: Agda extensions: - ".lagda" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 205 Literate CoffeeScript: type: programming tm_scope: source.litcoffee group: CoffeeScript ace_mode: text wrap: true aliases: - litcoffee extensions: - ".litcoffee" - ".coffee.md" language_id: 206 Literate Haskell: type: programming group: Haskell aliases: - lhaskell - lhs extensions: - ".lhs" tm_scope: text.tex.latex.haskell ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: haskell-literate codemirror_mime_type: text/x-literate-haskell language_id: 207 LiveScript: type: programming color: "#499886" aliases: - live-script - ls extensions: - ".ls" - "._ls" filenames: - Slakefile tm_scope: source.livescript ace_mode: livescript codemirror_mode: livescript codemirror_mime_type: text/x-livescript language_id: 208 Logos: type: programming extensions: - ".xm" - ".x" - ".xi" ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.logos language_id: 209 Logtalk: type: programming extensions: - ".lgt" - ".logtalk" tm_scope: source.logtalk ace_mode: text language_id: 210 LookML: type: programming ace_mode: yaml codemirror_mode: yaml codemirror_mime_type: text/x-yaml color: "#652B81" extensions: - ".lookml" - ".model.lkml" - ".view.lkml" tm_scope: source.yaml language_id: 211 LoomScript: type: programming extensions: - ".ls" tm_scope: source.loomscript ace_mode: text language_id: 212 Lua: type: programming tm_scope: source.lua ace_mode: lua codemirror_mode: lua codemirror_mime_type: text/x-lua color: "#000080" extensions: - ".lua" - ".fcgi" - ".nse" - ".p8" - ".pd_lua" - ".rbxs" - ".rockspec" - ".wlua" filenames: - ".luacheckrc" interpreters: - lua language_id: 213 M: type: programming aliases: - mumps extensions: - ".mumps" - ".m" ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: mumps codemirror_mime_type: text/x-mumps language_id: 214 tm_scope: none M4: type: programming extensions: - ".m4" tm_scope: source.m4 ace_mode: text language_id: 215 M4Sugar: type: programming group: M4 aliases: - autoconf extensions: - ".m4" filenames: - configure.ac tm_scope: source.m4 ace_mode: text language_id: 216 MATLAB: type: programming color: "#e16737" aliases: - octave extensions: - ".matlab" - ".m" tm_scope: source.matlab ace_mode: matlab codemirror_mode: octave codemirror_mime_type: text/x-octave language_id: 225 MAXScript: type: programming color: "#00a6a6" extensions: - ".ms" - ".mcr" tm_scope: source.maxscript ace_mode: text language_id: 217 MLIR: type: programming color: "#5EC8DB" extensions: - ".mlir" tm_scope: source.mlir ace_mode: text language_id: 448253929 MQL4: type: programming color: "#62A8D6" extensions: - ".mq4" - ".mqh" tm_scope: source.mql5 ace_mode: c_cpp language_id: 426 MQL5: type: programming color: "#4A76B8" extensions: - ".mq5" - ".mqh" tm_scope: source.mql5 ace_mode: c_cpp language_id: 427 MTML: type: markup color: "#b7e1f4" extensions: - ".mtml" tm_scope: text.html.basic ace_mode: html codemirror_mode: htmlmixed codemirror_mime_type: text/html language_id: 218 MUF: type: programming group: Forth extensions: - ".muf" - ".m" tm_scope: none ace_mode: forth codemirror_mode: forth codemirror_mime_type: text/x-forth language_id: 219 Macaulay2: type: programming extensions: - ".m2" aliases: - m2 interpreters: - M2 ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.m2 color: "#d8ffff" language_id: 34167825 Makefile: type: programming color: "#427819" aliases: - bsdmake - make - mf extensions: - ".mak" - ".d" - ".make" - ".mk" - ".mkfile" filenames: - BSDmakefile - GNUmakefile - Kbuild - Makefile - Makefile.am - Makefile.boot - Makefile.frag - Makefile.in - Makefile.inc - Makefile.wat - makefile - makefile.sco - mkfile interpreters: - make tm_scope: source.makefile ace_mode: makefile codemirror_mode: cmake codemirror_mime_type: text/x-cmake language_id: 220 Mako: type: programming extensions: - ".mako" - ".mao" tm_scope: text.html.mako ace_mode: text language_id: 221 Markdown: type: prose color: "#083fa1" aliases: - pandoc ace_mode: markdown codemirror_mode: gfm codemirror_mime_type: text/x-gfm wrap: true extensions: - ".md" - ".markdown" - ".mdown" - ".mdwn" - ".mdx" - ".mkd" - ".mkdn" - ".mkdown" - ".ronn" - ".workbook" filenames: - contents.lr tm_scope: source.gfm language_id: 222 Marko: type: markup color: "#42bff2" tm_scope: text.marko extensions: - ".marko" aliases: - markojs ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: htmlmixed codemirror_mime_type: text/html language_id: 932782397 Mask: type: markup color: "#f97732" ace_mode: mask extensions: - ".mask" tm_scope: source.mask language_id: 223 Mathematica: type: programming extensions: - ".mathematica" - ".cdf" - ".m" - ".ma" - ".mt" - ".nb" - ".nbp" - ".wl" - ".wlt" aliases: - mma tm_scope: source.mathematica ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: mathematica codemirror_mime_type: text/x-mathematica language_id: 224 Maven POM: type: data tm_scope: text.xml.pom filenames: - pom.xml ace_mode: xml codemirror_mode: xml codemirror_mime_type: text/xml language_id: 226 Max: type: programming color: "#c4a79c" aliases: - max/msp - maxmsp extensions: - ".maxpat" - ".maxhelp" - ".maxproj" - ".mxt" - ".pat" tm_scope: source.json ace_mode: json codemirror_mode: javascript codemirror_mime_type: application/json language_id: 227 MediaWiki: type: prose wrap: true extensions: - ".mediawiki" - ".wiki" tm_scope: text.html.mediawiki ace_mode: text language_id: 228 Mercury: type: programming color: "#ff2b2b" ace_mode: prolog interpreters: - mmi extensions: - ".m" - ".moo" tm_scope: source.mercury language_id: 229 Meson: type: programming color: "#007800" filenames: - meson.build - meson_options.txt tm_scope: source.meson ace_mode: text language_id: 799141244 Metal: type: programming color: "#8f14e9" extensions: - ".metal" tm_scope: source.c++ ace_mode: c_cpp codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-c++src language_id: 230 Microsoft Developer Studio Project: type: data extensions: - ".dsp" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 800983837 MiniD: type: programming searchable: false extensions: - ".minid" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 231 Mirah: type: programming color: "#c7a938" extensions: - ".druby" - ".duby" - ".mirah" tm_scope: source.ruby ace_mode: ruby codemirror_mode: ruby codemirror_mime_type: text/x-ruby language_id: 232 Modelica: type: programming extensions: - ".mo" tm_scope: source.modelica ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: modelica codemirror_mime_type: text/x-modelica language_id: 233 Modula-2: type: programming extensions: - ".mod" tm_scope: source.modula2 ace_mode: text language_id: 234 Modula-3: type: programming extensions: - ".i3" - ".ig" - ".m3" - ".mg" color: "#223388" ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.modula-3 language_id: 564743864 Module Management System: type: programming extensions: - ".mms" - ".mmk" filenames: - descrip.mmk - descrip.mms tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 235 Monkey: type: programming extensions: - ".monkey" - ".monkey2" ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.monkey language_id: 236 Moocode: type: programming extensions: - ".moo" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 237 MoonScript: type: programming extensions: - ".moon" interpreters: - moon tm_scope: source.moonscript ace_mode: text language_id: 238 Motorola 68K Assembly: type: programming group: Assembly aliases: - m68k extensions: - ".asm" - ".i" - ".inc" - ".s" - ".x68" tm_scope: source.m68k ace_mode: assembly_x86 language_id: 477582706 Muse: type: prose extensions: - ".muse" tm_scope: text.muse ace_mode: text wrap: true language_id: 474864066 aliases: - amusewiki - emacs muse Mustache: type: markup group: HTML extensions: - ".mustache" tm_scope: text.html.smarty ace_mode: smarty codemirror_mode: smarty codemirror_mime_type: text/x-smarty language_id: 638334590 Myghty: type: programming extensions: - ".myt" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 239 NASL: type: programming extensions: - ".nasl" - ".inc" tm_scope: source.nasl ace_mode: text language_id: 171666519 NCL: type: programming color: "#28431f" extensions: - ".ncl" tm_scope: source.ncl ace_mode: text language_id: 240 NEON: type: data extensions: - ".neon" tm_scope: source.neon ace_mode: text aliases: - nette object notation - ne-on language_id: 481192983 NL: type: data extensions: - ".nl" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 241 NPM Config: type: data group: INI aliases: - npmrc filenames: - ".npmrc" tm_scope: source.ini.npmrc ace_mode: text language_id: 685022663 NSIS: type: programming extensions: - ".nsi" - ".nsh" tm_scope: source.nsis ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: nsis codemirror_mime_type: text/x-nsis language_id: 242 NWScript: type: programming color: "#111522" extensions: - ".nss" tm_scope: source.c.nwscript ace_mode: c_cpp codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-csrc language_id: 731233819 Nearley: type: programming ace_mode: text color: "#990000" extensions: - ".ne" - ".nearley" tm_scope: source.ne language_id: 521429430 Nemerle: type: programming color: "#3d3c6e" extensions: - ".n" tm_scope: source.nemerle ace_mode: text language_id: 243 NetLinx: type: programming color: "#0aa0ff" extensions: - ".axs" - ".axi" tm_scope: source.netlinx ace_mode: text language_id: 244 NetLinx+ERB: type: programming color: "#747faa" extensions: - ".axs.erb" - ".axi.erb" tm_scope: source.netlinx.erb ace_mode: text language_id: 245 NetLogo: type: programming color: "#ff6375" extensions: - ".nlogo" tm_scope: source.lisp ace_mode: lisp codemirror_mode: commonlisp codemirror_mime_type: text/x-common-lisp language_id: 246 NewLisp: type: programming color: "#87AED7" extensions: - ".nl" - ".lisp" - ".lsp" interpreters: - newlisp tm_scope: source.lisp ace_mode: lisp codemirror_mode: commonlisp codemirror_mime_type: text/x-common-lisp language_id: 247 Nextflow: type: programming ace_mode: groovy tm_scope: source.nextflow color: "#3ac486" extensions: - ".nf" filenames: - nextflow.config interpreters: - nextflow language_id: 506780613 Nginx: type: data extensions: - ".nginx" - ".nginxconf" - ".vhost" filenames: - nginx.conf tm_scope: source.nginx aliases: - nginx configuration file ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: nginx codemirror_mime_type: text/x-nginx-conf language_id: 248 Nim: type: programming color: "#ffc200" extensions: - ".nim" - ".nim.cfg" - ".nimble" - ".nimrod" - ".nims" filenames: - nim.cfg ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.nim language_id: 249 Ninja: type: data tm_scope: source.ninja extensions: - ".ninja" ace_mode: text language_id: 250 Nit: type: programming color: "#009917" extensions: - ".nit" tm_scope: source.nit ace_mode: text language_id: 251 Nix: type: programming color: "#7e7eff" extensions: - ".nix" aliases: - nixos tm_scope: source.nix ace_mode: nix language_id: 252 Nu: type: programming color: "#c9df40" aliases: - nush extensions: - ".nu" filenames: - Nukefile tm_scope: source.nu ace_mode: scheme codemirror_mode: scheme codemirror_mime_type: text/x-scheme interpreters: - nush language_id: 253 NumPy: type: programming color: "#9C8AF9" group: Python extensions: - ".numpy" - ".numpyw" - ".numsc" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: python codemirror_mime_type: text/x-python language_id: 254 OCaml: type: programming ace_mode: ocaml codemirror_mode: mllike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-ocaml color: "#3be133" extensions: - ".ml" - ".eliom" - ".eliomi" - ".ml4" - ".mli" - ".mll" - ".mly" interpreters: - ocaml - ocamlrun - ocamlscript tm_scope: source.ocaml language_id: 255 ObjDump: type: data extensions: - ".objdump" tm_scope: objdump.x86asm ace_mode: assembly_x86 language_id: 256 Object Data Instance Notation: type: data extensions: - ".odin" tm_scope: source.odin-ehr ace_mode: text language_id: 985227236 ObjectScript: type: programming extensions: - ".cls" language_id: 202735509 tm_scope: source.objectscript color: "#424893" ace_mode: text Objective-C: type: programming tm_scope: source.objc color: "#438eff" aliases: - obj-c - objc - objectivec extensions: - ".m" - ".h" ace_mode: objectivec codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-objectivec language_id: 257 Objective-C++: type: programming tm_scope: source.objc++ color: "#6866fb" aliases: - obj-c++ - objc++ - objectivec++ extensions: - ".mm" ace_mode: objectivec codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-objectivec language_id: 258 Objective-J: type: programming color: "#ff0c5a" aliases: - obj-j - objectivej - objj extensions: - ".j" - ".sj" tm_scope: source.js.objj ace_mode: text language_id: 259 Odin: type: programming color: "#60AFFE" aliases: - odinlang - odin-lang extensions: - ".odin" tm_scope: source.odin ace_mode: text language_id: 889244082 Omgrofl: type: programming extensions: - ".omgrofl" color: "#cabbff" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 260 Opa: type: programming extensions: - ".opa" tm_scope: source.opa ace_mode: text language_id: 261 Opal: type: programming color: "#f7ede0" extensions: - ".opal" tm_scope: source.opal ace_mode: text language_id: 262 Open Policy Agent: type: programming ace_mode: text extensions: - ".rego" language_id: 840483232 tm_scope: source.rego OpenCL: type: programming group: C extensions: - ".cl" - ".opencl" tm_scope: source.c ace_mode: c_cpp codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-csrc language_id: 263 OpenEdge ABL: type: programming aliases: - progress - openedge - abl extensions: - ".p" - ".cls" - ".w" tm_scope: source.abl ace_mode: text language_id: 264 OpenQASM: type: programming extensions: - ".qasm" color: "#AA70FF" tm_scope: source.qasm ace_mode: text language_id: 153739399 OpenRC runscript: type: programming group: Shell aliases: - openrc interpreters: - openrc-run tm_scope: source.shell ace_mode: sh codemirror_mode: shell codemirror_mime_type: text/x-sh language_id: 265 OpenSCAD: type: programming extensions: - ".scad" tm_scope: source.scad ace_mode: scad language_id: 266 OpenStep Property List: type: data extensions: - ".plist" - ".glyphs" tm_scope: source.plist ace_mode: text language_id: 598917541 OpenType Feature File: type: data aliases: - AFDKO extensions: - ".fea" tm_scope: source.opentype ace_mode: text language_id: 374317347 Org: type: prose wrap: true extensions: - ".org" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 267 Ox: type: programming extensions: - ".ox" - ".oxh" - ".oxo" tm_scope: source.ox ace_mode: text language_id: 268 Oxygene: type: programming color: "#cdd0e3" extensions: - ".oxygene" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 269 Oz: type: programming color: "#fab738" extensions: - ".oz" tm_scope: source.oz ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: oz codemirror_mime_type: text/x-oz language_id: 270 P4: type: programming color: "#7055b5" extensions: - ".p4" tm_scope: source.p4 ace_mode: text language_id: 348895984 PHP: type: programming tm_scope: text.html.php ace_mode: php codemirror_mode: php codemirror_mime_type: application/x-httpd-php color: "#4F5D95" extensions: - ".php" - ".aw" - ".ctp" - ".fcgi" - ".inc" - ".php3" - ".php4" - ".php5" - ".phps" - ".phpt" filenames: - ".php" - ".php_cs" - ".php_cs.dist" - Phakefile interpreters: - php aliases: - inc language_id: 272 PLSQL: type: programming ace_mode: sql codemirror_mode: sql codemirror_mime_type: text/x-plsql tm_scope: none color: "#dad8d8" extensions: - ".pls" - ".bdy" - ".ddl" - ".fnc" - ".pck" - ".pkb" - ".pks" - ".plb" - ".plsql" - ".prc" - ".spc" - ".sql" - ".tpb" - ".tps" - ".trg" - ".vw" language_id: 273 PLpgSQL: type: programming ace_mode: pgsql codemirror_mode: sql codemirror_mime_type: text/x-sql tm_scope: source.sql extensions: - ".pgsql" - ".sql" language_id: 274 POV-Ray SDL: type: programming aliases: - pov-ray - povray extensions: - ".pov" - ".inc" tm_scope: source.pov-ray sdl ace_mode: text language_id: 275 Pan: type: programming color: "#cc0000" extensions: - ".pan" tm_scope: source.pan ace_mode: text language_id: 276 Papyrus: type: programming color: "#6600cc" extensions: - ".psc" tm_scope: source.papyrus.skyrim ace_mode: text language_id: 277 Parrot: type: programming color: "#f3ca0a" extensions: - ".parrot" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 278 Parrot Assembly: group: Parrot type: programming aliases: - pasm extensions: - ".pasm" interpreters: - parrot tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 279 Parrot Internal Representation: group: Parrot tm_scope: source.parrot.pir type: programming aliases: - pir extensions: - ".pir" interpreters: - parrot ace_mode: text language_id: 280 Pascal: type: programming color: "#E3F171" extensions: - ".pas" - ".dfm" - ".dpr" - ".inc" - ".lpr" - ".pascal" - ".pp" interpreters: - instantfpc tm_scope: source.pascal ace_mode: pascal codemirror_mode: pascal codemirror_mime_type: text/x-pascal language_id: 281 Pawn: type: programming color: "#dbb284" extensions: - ".pwn" - ".inc" - ".sma" tm_scope: source.pawn ace_mode: text language_id: 271 Pep8: type: programming color: "#C76F5B" extensions: - ".pep" ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.pep8 language_id: 840372442 Perl: type: programming tm_scope: source.perl ace_mode: perl codemirror_mode: perl codemirror_mime_type: text/x-perl color: "#0298c3" extensions: - ".pl" - ".al" - ".cgi" - ".fcgi" - ".perl" - ".ph" - ".plx" - ".pm" - ".psgi" - ".t" filenames: - Makefile.PL - Rexfile - ack - cpanfile interpreters: - cperl - perl aliases: - cperl language_id: 282 Pic: type: markup group: Roff tm_scope: source.pic extensions: - ".pic" - ".chem" ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: troff codemirror_mime_type: text/troff language_id: 425 Pickle: type: data extensions: - ".pkl" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 284 PicoLisp: type: programming extensions: - ".l" interpreters: - picolisp - pil tm_scope: source.lisp ace_mode: lisp language_id: 285 PigLatin: type: programming color: "#fcd7de" extensions: - ".pig" tm_scope: source.pig_latin ace_mode: text language_id: 286 Pike: type: programming color: "#005390" extensions: - ".pike" - ".pmod" interpreters: - pike tm_scope: source.pike ace_mode: text language_id: 287 PlantUML: type: data extensions: - ".puml" - ".iuml" - ".plantuml" tm_scope: source.wsd ace_mode: text language_id: 833504686 Pod: type: prose ace_mode: perl codemirror_mode: perl codemirror_mime_type: text/x-perl wrap: true extensions: - ".pod" interpreters: - perl tm_scope: none language_id: 288 Pod 6: type: prose ace_mode: perl tm_scope: source.raku wrap: true extensions: - ".pod" - ".pod6" interpreters: - perl6 language_id: 155357471 PogoScript: type: programming color: "#d80074" extensions: - ".pogo" tm_scope: source.pogoscript ace_mode: text language_id: 289 Pony: type: programming extensions: - ".pony" tm_scope: source.pony ace_mode: text language_id: 290 PostCSS: type: markup tm_scope: source.postcss group: CSS extensions: - ".pcss" - ".postcss" ace_mode: text language_id: 262764437 PostScript: type: markup color: "#da291c" extensions: - ".ps" - ".eps" - ".epsi" - ".pfa" tm_scope: source.postscript aliases: - postscr ace_mode: text language_id: 291 PowerBuilder: type: programming color: "#8f0f8d" extensions: - ".pbt" - ".sra" - ".sru" - ".srw" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 292 PowerShell: type: programming color: "#012456" tm_scope: source.powershell ace_mode: powershell codemirror_mode: powershell codemirror_mime_type: application/x-powershell aliases: - posh - pwsh extensions: - ".ps1" - ".psd1" - ".psm1" interpreters: - pwsh language_id: 293 Prisma: type: data color: "#0c344b" extensions: - ".prisma" tm_scope: source.prisma ace_mode: text language_id: 499933428 Processing: type: programming color: "#0096D8" extensions: - ".pde" tm_scope: source.processing ace_mode: text language_id: 294 Proguard: type: data extensions: - ".pro" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 716513858 Prolog: type: programming color: "#74283c" extensions: - ".pl" - ".pro" - ".prolog" - ".yap" interpreters: - swipl - yap tm_scope: source.prolog ace_mode: prolog language_id: 295 Propeller Spin: type: programming color: "#7fa2a7" extensions: - ".spin" tm_scope: source.spin ace_mode: text language_id: 296 Protocol Buffer: type: data aliases: - protobuf - Protocol Buffers extensions: - ".proto" tm_scope: source.protobuf ace_mode: protobuf codemirror_mode: protobuf codemirror_mime_type: text/x-protobuf language_id: 297 Public Key: type: data extensions: - ".asc" - ".pub" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: asciiarmor codemirror_mime_type: application/pgp language_id: 298 Pug: type: markup color: "#a86454" extensions: - ".jade" - ".pug" tm_scope: text.jade ace_mode: jade codemirror_mode: pug codemirror_mime_type: text/x-pug language_id: 179 Puppet: type: programming color: "#302B6D" extensions: - ".pp" filenames: - Modulefile ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: puppet codemirror_mime_type: text/x-puppet tm_scope: source.puppet language_id: 299 Pure Data: type: data extensions: - ".pd" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 300 PureBasic: type: programming color: "#5a6986" extensions: - ".pb" - ".pbi" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 301 PureScript: type: programming color: "#1D222D" extensions: - ".purs" tm_scope: source.purescript ace_mode: haskell codemirror_mode: haskell codemirror_mime_type: text/x-haskell language_id: 302 Python: type: programming tm_scope: source.python ace_mode: python codemirror_mode: python codemirror_mime_type: text/x-python color: "#3572A5" extensions: - ".py" - ".cgi" - ".fcgi" - ".gyp" - ".gypi" - ".lmi" - ".py3" - ".pyde" - ".pyi" - ".pyp" - ".pyt" - ".pyw" - ".rpy" - ".smk" - ".spec" - ".tac" - ".wsgi" - ".xpy" filenames: - ".gclient" - DEPS - SConscript - SConstruct - Snakefile - wscript interpreters: - python - python2 - python3 aliases: - python3 - rusthon language_id: 303 Python console: type: programming group: Python searchable: false aliases: - pycon tm_scope: text.python.console ace_mode: text language_id: 428 Python traceback: type: data group: Python searchable: false extensions: - ".pytb" tm_scope: text.python.traceback ace_mode: text language_id: 304 Q#: type: programming extensions: - ".qs" aliases: - qsharp color: "#fed659" ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.qsharp language_id: 697448245 QML: type: programming color: "#44a51c" extensions: - ".qml" - ".qbs" tm_scope: source.qml ace_mode: text language_id: 305 QMake: type: programming extensions: - ".pro" - ".pri" interpreters: - qmake tm_scope: source.qmake ace_mode: text language_id: 306 Qt Script: type: programming ace_mode: javascript codemirror_mode: javascript codemirror_mime_type: text/javascript extensions: - ".qs" filenames: - installscript.qs - toolchain_installscript.qs color: "#00b841" tm_scope: source.js language_id: 558193693 Quake: type: programming filenames: - m3makefile - m3overrides color: "#882233" ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.quake language_id: 375265331 R: type: programming color: "#198CE7" aliases: - R - Rscript - splus extensions: - ".r" - ".rd" - ".rsx" filenames: - ".Rprofile" - expr-dist interpreters: - Rscript tm_scope: source.r ace_mode: r codemirror_mode: r codemirror_mime_type: text/x-rsrc language_id: 307 RAML: type: markup ace_mode: yaml codemirror_mode: yaml codemirror_mime_type: text/x-yaml tm_scope: source.yaml color: "#77d9fb" extensions: - ".raml" language_id: 308 RDoc: type: prose ace_mode: rdoc wrap: true extensions: - ".rdoc" tm_scope: text.rdoc language_id: 309 REALbasic: type: programming extensions: - ".rbbas" - ".rbfrm" - ".rbmnu" - ".rbres" - ".rbtbar" - ".rbuistate" tm_scope: source.vbnet ace_mode: text language_id: 310 REXX: type: programming aliases: - arexx extensions: - ".rexx" - ".pprx" - ".rex" interpreters: - regina - rexx tm_scope: source.rexx ace_mode: text language_id: 311 RMarkdown: type: prose wrap: true ace_mode: markdown codemirror_mode: gfm codemirror_mime_type: text/x-gfm extensions: - ".rmd" tm_scope: source.gfm language_id: 313 RPC: type: programming aliases: - rpcgen - oncrpc - xdr ace_mode: c_cpp extensions: - ".x" tm_scope: source.c language_id: 1031374237 RPM Spec: type: data tm_scope: source.rpm-spec extensions: - ".spec" aliases: - specfile ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: rpm codemirror_mime_type: text/x-rpm-spec language_id: 314 RUNOFF: type: markup color: "#665a4e" extensions: - ".rnh" - ".rno" wrap: true tm_scope: text.runoff ace_mode: text language_id: 315 Racket: type: programming color: "#3c5caa" extensions: - ".rkt" - ".rktd" - ".rktl" - ".scrbl" interpreters: - racket tm_scope: source.racket ace_mode: lisp language_id: 316 Ragel: type: programming color: "#9d5200" extensions: - ".rl" aliases: - ragel-rb - ragel-ruby tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 317 Raku: type: programming color: "#0000fb" extensions: - ".6pl" - ".6pm" - ".nqp" - ".p6" - ".p6l" - ".p6m" - ".pl" - ".pl6" - ".pm" - ".pm6" - ".t" interpreters: - perl6 - raku - rakudo aliases: - perl6 - perl-6 tm_scope: source.raku ace_mode: perl codemirror_mode: perl codemirror_mime_type: text/x-perl language_id: 283 Rascal: type: programming color: "#fffaa0" extensions: - ".rsc" tm_scope: source.rascal ace_mode: text language_id: 173616037 Raw token data: type: data aliases: - raw extensions: - ".raw" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 318 ReScript: type: programming color: "#ed5051" ace_mode: rust codemirror_mode: rust codemirror_mime_type: text/x-rustsrc extensions: - ".res" interpreters: - ocaml tm_scope: source.rescript language_id: 501875647 Readline Config: type: data group: INI aliases: - inputrc - readline filenames: - ".inputrc" - inputrc tm_scope: source.inputrc ace_mode: text language_id: 538732839 Reason: type: programming color: "#ff5847" ace_mode: rust codemirror_mode: rust codemirror_mime_type: text/x-rustsrc extensions: - ".re" - ".rei" tm_scope: source.reason language_id: 869538413 Rebol: type: programming color: "#358a5b" extensions: - ".reb" - ".r" - ".r2" - ".r3" - ".rebol" ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.rebol language_id: 319 Red: type: programming color: "#f50000" extensions: - ".red" - ".reds" aliases: - red/system tm_scope: source.red ace_mode: text language_id: 320 Redcode: type: programming extensions: - ".cw" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 321 Regular Expression: type: data extensions: - ".regexp" - ".regex" aliases: - regexp - regex ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.regexp language_id: 363378884 Ren'Py: type: programming aliases: - renpy color: "#ff7f7f" extensions: - ".rpy" tm_scope: source.renpy ace_mode: python language_id: 322 RenderScript: type: programming extensions: - ".rs" - ".rsh" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 323 Rich Text Format: type: markup extensions: - ".rtf" tm_scope: text.rtf ace_mode: text language_id: 51601661 Ring: type: programming color: "#2D54CB" extensions: - ".ring" tm_scope: source.ring ace_mode: text language_id: 431 Riot: type: markup color: "#A71E49" ace_mode: html extensions: - ".riot" tm_scope: text.html.riot language_id: 878396783 RobotFramework: type: programming extensions: - ".robot" tm_scope: text.robot ace_mode: text language_id: 324 Roff: type: markup color: "#ecdebe" extensions: - ".roff" - ".1" - ".1in" - ".1m" - ".1x" - ".2" - ".3" - ".3in" - ".3m" - ".3p" - ".3pm" - ".3qt" - ".3x" - ".4" - ".5" - ".6" - ".7" - ".8" - ".9" - ".l" - ".man" - ".mdoc" - ".me" - ".ms" - ".n" - ".nr" - ".rno" - ".tmac" filenames: - eqnrc - mmn - mmt - troffrc - troffrc-end tm_scope: text.roff aliases: - groff - man - manpage - man page - man-page - mdoc - nroff - troff wrap: true ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: troff codemirror_mime_type: text/troff language_id: 141 Roff Manpage: type: markup group: Roff extensions: - ".1" - ".1in" - ".1m" - ".1x" - ".2" - ".3" - ".3in" - ".3m" - ".3p" - ".3pm" - ".3qt" - ".3x" - ".4" - ".5" - ".6" - ".7" - ".8" - ".9" - ".man" - ".mdoc" wrap: true tm_scope: text.roff ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: troff codemirror_mime_type: text/troff language_id: 612669833 Rouge: type: programming ace_mode: clojure codemirror_mode: clojure codemirror_mime_type: text/x-clojure color: "#cc0088" extensions: - ".rg" tm_scope: source.clojure language_id: 325 Ruby: type: programming tm_scope: source.ruby ace_mode: ruby codemirror_mode: ruby codemirror_mime_type: text/x-ruby color: "#701516" aliases: - jruby - macruby - rake - rb - rbx extensions: - ".rb" - ".builder" - ".eye" - ".fcgi" - ".gemspec" - ".god" - ".jbuilder" - ".mspec" - ".pluginspec" - ".podspec" - ".rabl" - ".rake" - ".rbi" - ".rbuild" - ".rbw" - ".rbx" - ".ru" - ".ruby" - ".spec" - ".thor" - ".watchr" interpreters: - ruby - macruby - rake - jruby - rbx filenames: - ".irbrc" - ".pryrc" - ".simplecov" - Appraisals - Berksfile - Brewfile - Buildfile - Capfile - Dangerfile - Deliverfile - Fastfile - Gemfile - Gemfile.lock - Guardfile - Jarfile - Mavenfile - Podfile - Puppetfile - Rakefile - Snapfile - Thorfile - Vagrantfile - buildfile language_id: 326 Rust: type: programming color: "#dea584" extensions: - ".rs" - ".rs.in" tm_scope: source.rust ace_mode: rust codemirror_mode: rust codemirror_mime_type: text/x-rustsrc language_id: 327 SAS: type: programming color: "#B34936" extensions: - ".sas" tm_scope: source.sas ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: sas codemirror_mime_type: text/x-sas language_id: 328 SCSS: type: markup color: "#c6538c" tm_scope: source.css.scss ace_mode: scss codemirror_mode: css codemirror_mime_type: text/x-scss extensions: - ".scss" language_id: 329 SMT: type: programming extensions: - ".smt2" - ".smt" interpreters: - boolector - cvc4 - mathsat5 - opensmt - smtinterpol - smt-rat - stp - verit - yices2 - z3 tm_scope: source.smt ace_mode: text language_id: 330 SPARQL: type: data tm_scope: source.sparql ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: sparql codemirror_mime_type: application/sparql-query extensions: - ".sparql" - ".rq" language_id: 331 SQF: type: programming color: "#3F3F3F" extensions: - ".sqf" - ".hqf" tm_scope: source.sqf ace_mode: text language_id: 332 SQL: type: data tm_scope: source.sql ace_mode: sql codemirror_mode: sql codemirror_mime_type: text/x-sql extensions: - ".sql" - ".cql" - ".ddl" - ".inc" - ".mysql" - ".prc" - ".tab" - ".udf" - ".viw" language_id: 333 SQLPL: type: programming ace_mode: sql codemirror_mode: sql codemirror_mime_type: text/x-sql tm_scope: source.sql extensions: - ".sql" - ".db2" language_id: 334 SRecode Template: type: markup color: "#348a34" tm_scope: source.lisp ace_mode: lisp codemirror_mode: commonlisp codemirror_mime_type: text/x-common-lisp extensions: - ".srt" language_id: 335 SSH Config: type: data group: INI filenames: - ssh-config - ssh_config - sshconfig - sshconfig.snip - sshd-config - sshd_config ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.ssh-config language_id: 554920715 STON: type: data group: Smalltalk extensions: - ".ston" tm_scope: source.smalltalk ace_mode: text language_id: 336 SVG: type: data color: "#ff9900" extensions: - ".svg" tm_scope: text.xml.svg ace_mode: xml codemirror_mode: xml codemirror_mime_type: text/xml language_id: 337 SWIG: type: programming extensions: - ".i" tm_scope: source.c++ ace_mode: c_cpp codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-c++src language_id: 1066250075 Sage: type: programming extensions: - ".sage" - ".sagews" tm_scope: source.python ace_mode: python codemirror_mode: python codemirror_mime_type: text/x-python language_id: 338 SaltStack: type: programming color: "#646464" aliases: - saltstate - salt extensions: - ".sls" tm_scope: source.yaml.salt ace_mode: yaml codemirror_mode: yaml codemirror_mime_type: text/x-yaml language_id: 339 Sass: type: markup color: "#a53b70" tm_scope: source.sass extensions: - ".sass" ace_mode: sass codemirror_mode: sass codemirror_mime_type: text/x-sass language_id: 340 Scala: type: programming tm_scope: source.scala ace_mode: scala codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-scala color: "#c22d40" extensions: - ".scala" - ".kojo" - ".sbt" - ".sc" interpreters: - scala language_id: 341 Scaml: group: HTML type: markup extensions: - ".scaml" tm_scope: source.scaml ace_mode: text language_id: 342 Scheme: type: programming color: "#1e4aec" extensions: - ".scm" - ".sch" - ".sld" - ".sls" - ".sps" - ".ss" interpreters: - scheme - guile - bigloo - chicken - csi - gosh - r6rs tm_scope: source.scheme ace_mode: scheme codemirror_mode: scheme codemirror_mime_type: text/x-scheme language_id: 343 Scilab: type: programming extensions: - ".sci" - ".sce" - ".tst" tm_scope: source.scilab ace_mode: text language_id: 344 Self: type: programming color: "#0579aa" extensions: - ".self" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 345 ShaderLab: type: programming extensions: - ".shader" ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.shaderlab language_id: 664257356 Shell: type: programming color: "#89e051" aliases: - sh - shell-script - bash - zsh extensions: - ".sh" - ".bash" - ".bats" - ".cgi" - ".command" - ".env" - ".fcgi" - ".ksh" - ".sh.in" - ".tmux" - ".tool" - ".zsh" filenames: - ".bash_aliases" - ".bash_history" - ".bash_logout" - ".bash_profile" - ".bashrc" - ".cshrc" - ".env" - ".env.example" - ".flaskenv" - ".login" - ".profile" - ".zlogin" - ".zlogout" - ".zprofile" - ".zshenv" - ".zshrc" - 9fs - PKGBUILD - bash_aliases - bash_logout - bash_profile - bashrc - cshrc - gradlew - login - man - profile - zlogin - zlogout - zprofile - zshenv - zshrc interpreters: - ash - bash - dash - ksh - mksh - pdksh - rc - sh - zsh tm_scope: source.shell ace_mode: sh codemirror_mode: shell codemirror_mime_type: text/x-sh language_id: 346 ShellSession: type: programming extensions: - ".sh-session" aliases: - bash session - console tm_scope: text.shell-session ace_mode: sh codemirror_mode: shell codemirror_mime_type: text/x-sh language_id: 347 Shen: type: programming color: "#120F14" extensions: - ".shen" tm_scope: source.shen ace_mode: text language_id: 348 Sieve: type: programming tm_scope: source.sieve ace_mode: text extensions: - ".sieve" codemirror_mode: sieve codemirror_mime_type: application/sieve language_id: 208976687 Slash: type: programming color: "#007eff" extensions: - ".sl" tm_scope: text.html.slash ace_mode: text language_id: 349 Slice: type: programming color: "#003fa2" tm_scope: source.slice ace_mode: text extensions: - ".ice" language_id: 894641667 Slim: type: markup color: "#2b2b2b" extensions: - ".slim" tm_scope: text.slim ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: slim codemirror_mime_type: text/x-slim language_id: 350 SmPL: type: programming extensions: - ".cocci" aliases: - coccinelle ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.smpl color: "#c94949" language_id: 164123055 Smali: type: programming extensions: - ".smali" ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.smali language_id: 351 Smalltalk: type: programming color: "#596706" extensions: - ".st" - ".cs" aliases: - squeak tm_scope: source.smalltalk ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: smalltalk codemirror_mime_type: text/x-stsrc language_id: 352 Smarty: type: programming extensions: - ".tpl" ace_mode: smarty codemirror_mode: smarty codemirror_mime_type: text/x-smarty tm_scope: text.html.smarty language_id: 353 Solidity: type: programming color: "#AA6746" ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.solidity extensions: - ".sol" language_id: 237469032 SourcePawn: type: programming color: "#f69e1d" aliases: - sourcemod extensions: - ".sp" - ".inc" tm_scope: source.sourcepawn ace_mode: text language_id: 354 Spline Font Database: type: data extensions: - ".sfd" tm_scope: text.sfd ace_mode: yaml language_id: 767169629 Squirrel: type: programming color: "#800000" extensions: - ".nut" tm_scope: source.c++ ace_mode: c_cpp codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-c++src language_id: 355 Stan: type: programming color: "#b2011d" extensions: - ".stan" ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.stan language_id: 356 Standard ML: type: programming color: "#dc566d" aliases: - sml extensions: - ".ml" - ".fun" - ".sig" - ".sml" tm_scope: source.ml ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: mllike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-ocaml language_id: 357 Starlark: type: programming tm_scope: source.python ace_mode: python codemirror_mode: python codemirror_mime_type: text/x-python color: "#76d275" extensions: - ".bzl" filenames: - BUCK - BUILD - BUILD.bazel - Tiltfile - WORKSPACE aliases: - bazel - bzl language_id: 960266174 Stata: type: programming extensions: - ".do" - ".ado" - ".doh" - ".ihlp" - ".mata" - ".matah" - ".sthlp" tm_scope: source.stata ace_mode: text language_id: 358 Stylus: type: markup color: "#ff6347" extensions: - ".styl" tm_scope: source.stylus ace_mode: stylus language_id: 359 SubRip Text: type: data extensions: - ".srt" ace_mode: text tm_scope: text.srt language_id: 360 SugarSS: type: markup tm_scope: source.css.postcss.sugarss group: CSS extensions: - ".sss" ace_mode: text language_id: 826404698 SuperCollider: type: programming color: "#46390b" extensions: - ".sc" - ".scd" interpreters: - sclang - scsynth tm_scope: source.supercollider ace_mode: text language_id: 361 Svelte: type: markup color: "#ff3e00" tm_scope: source.svelte ace_mode: html codemirror_mode: htmlmixed codemirror_mime_type: text/html extensions: - ".svelte" language_id: 928734530 Swift: type: programming color: "#ffac45" extensions: - ".swift" tm_scope: source.swift ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: swift codemirror_mime_type: text/x-swift language_id: 362 SystemVerilog: type: programming color: "#DAE1C2" extensions: - ".sv" - ".svh" - ".vh" tm_scope: source.systemverilog ace_mode: verilog codemirror_mode: verilog codemirror_mime_type: text/x-systemverilog language_id: 363 TI Program: type: programming ace_mode: text color: "#A0AA87" extensions: - ".8xp" - ".8xk" - ".8xk.txt" - ".8xp.txt" language_id: 422 tm_scope: none TLA: type: programming extensions: - ".tla" tm_scope: source.tla ace_mode: text language_id: 364 TOML: type: data extensions: - ".toml" filenames: - Cargo.lock - Gopkg.lock - poetry.lock tm_scope: source.toml ace_mode: toml codemirror_mode: toml codemirror_mime_type: text/x-toml language_id: 365 TSQL: type: programming extensions: - ".sql" ace_mode: sql tm_scope: source.tsql language_id: 918334941 TSV: type: data ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.generic-db extensions: - ".tsv" language_id: 1035892117 TSX: type: programming group: TypeScript extensions: - ".tsx" tm_scope: source.tsx ace_mode: javascript codemirror_mode: jsx codemirror_mime_type: text/jsx language_id: 94901924 TXL: type: programming extensions: - ".txl" tm_scope: source.txl ace_mode: text language_id: 366 Tcl: type: programming color: "#e4cc98" extensions: - ".tcl" - ".adp" - ".tm" filenames: - owh - starfield interpreters: - tclsh - wish tm_scope: source.tcl ace_mode: tcl codemirror_mode: tcl codemirror_mime_type: text/x-tcl language_id: 367 Tcsh: type: programming group: Shell extensions: - ".tcsh" - ".csh" interpreters: - tcsh - csh tm_scope: source.shell ace_mode: sh codemirror_mode: shell codemirror_mime_type: text/x-sh language_id: 368 TeX: type: markup color: "#3D6117" ace_mode: tex codemirror_mode: stex codemirror_mime_type: text/x-stex tm_scope: text.tex.latex wrap: true aliases: - latex extensions: - ".tex" - ".aux" - ".bbx" - ".cbx" - ".cls" - ".dtx" - ".ins" - ".lbx" - ".ltx" - ".mkii" - ".mkiv" - ".mkvi" - ".sty" - ".toc" language_id: 369 Tea: type: markup extensions: - ".tea" tm_scope: source.tea ace_mode: text language_id: 370 Terra: type: programming extensions: - ".t" color: "#00004c" tm_scope: source.terra ace_mode: lua codemirror_mode: lua codemirror_mime_type: text/x-lua interpreters: - lua language_id: 371 Texinfo: type: prose wrap: true extensions: - ".texinfo" - ".texi" - ".txi" ace_mode: text tm_scope: text.texinfo interpreters: - makeinfo language_id: 988020015 Text: type: prose wrap: true aliases: - fundamental extensions: - ".txt" - ".fr" - ".nb" - ".ncl" - ".no" filenames: - COPYING - COPYING.regex - COPYRIGHT.regex - FONTLOG - INSTALL - INSTALL.mysql - LICENSE - LICENSE.mysql - NEWS - README.1ST - README.me - README.mysql - README.nss - click.me - delete.me - go.mod - go.sum - keep.me - package.mask - package.use.mask - package.use.stable.mask - read.me - readme.1st - test.me - use.mask - use.stable.mask tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 372 Textile: type: prose ace_mode: textile codemirror_mode: textile codemirror_mime_type: text/x-textile wrap: true extensions: - ".textile" tm_scope: none language_id: 373 Thrift: type: programming tm_scope: source.thrift extensions: - ".thrift" ace_mode: text language_id: 374 Turing: type: programming color: "#cf142b" extensions: - ".t" - ".tu" tm_scope: source.turing ace_mode: text language_id: 375 Turtle: type: data extensions: - ".ttl" tm_scope: source.turtle ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: turtle codemirror_mime_type: text/turtle language_id: 376 Twig: type: markup color: "#c1d026" extensions: - ".twig" tm_scope: text.html.twig ace_mode: twig codemirror_mode: twig codemirror_mime_type: text/x-twig language_id: 377 Type Language: type: data aliases: - tl extensions: - ".tl" tm_scope: source.tl ace_mode: text language_id: 632765617 TypeScript: type: programming color: "#2b7489" aliases: - ts interpreters: - deno - ts-node extensions: - ".ts" tm_scope: source.ts ace_mode: typescript codemirror_mode: javascript codemirror_mime_type: application/typescript language_id: 378 Unified Parallel C: type: programming color: "#4e3617" group: C ace_mode: c_cpp codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-csrc extensions: - ".upc" tm_scope: source.c language_id: 379 Unity3D Asset: type: data ace_mode: yaml codemirror_mode: yaml codemirror_mime_type: text/x-yaml extensions: - ".anim" - ".asset" - ".mask" - ".mat" - ".meta" - ".prefab" - ".unity" tm_scope: source.yaml language_id: 380 Unix Assembly: type: programming group: Assembly extensions: - ".s" - ".ms" tm_scope: source.x86 ace_mode: assembly_x86 language_id: 120 Uno: type: programming color: "#9933cc" extensions: - ".uno" ace_mode: csharp codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-csharp tm_scope: source.cs language_id: 381 UnrealScript: type: programming color: "#a54c4d" extensions: - ".uc" tm_scope: source.java ace_mode: java codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-java language_id: 382 UrWeb: type: programming aliases: - Ur/Web - Ur extensions: - ".ur" - ".urs" tm_scope: source.ur ace_mode: text language_id: 383 V: type: programming color: "#4f87c4" aliases: - vlang extensions: - ".v" tm_scope: source.v ace_mode: golang codemirror_mode: go codemirror_mime_type: text/x-go language_id: 603371597 VBA: type: programming color: "#867db1" extensions: - ".bas" - ".cls" - ".frm" - ".frx" - ".vba" tm_scope: source.vbnet aliases: - vb6 - visual basic 6 - visual basic for applications ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: vb codemirror_mime_type: text/x-vb language_id: 399230729 VBScript: type: programming color: "#15dcdc" extensions: - ".vbs" tm_scope: source.vbnet ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: vbscript codemirror_mime_type: text/vbscript language_id: 408016005 VCL: type: programming color: "#148AA8" extensions: - ".vcl" tm_scope: source.varnish.vcl ace_mode: text language_id: 384 VHDL: type: programming color: "#adb2cb" extensions: - ".vhdl" - ".vhd" - ".vhf" - ".vhi" - ".vho" - ".vhs" - ".vht" - ".vhw" tm_scope: source.vhdl ace_mode: vhdl codemirror_mode: vhdl codemirror_mime_type: text/x-vhdl language_id: 385 Vala: type: programming color: "#fbe5cd" extensions: - ".vala" - ".vapi" tm_scope: source.vala ace_mode: vala language_id: 386 Verilog: type: programming color: "#b2b7f8" extensions: - ".v" - ".veo" tm_scope: source.verilog ace_mode: verilog codemirror_mode: verilog codemirror_mime_type: text/x-verilog language_id: 387 Vim Help File: type: prose aliases: - vimhelp extensions: - ".txt" tm_scope: text.vim-help ace_mode: text language_id: 508563686 Vim Snippet: type: markup aliases: - SnipMate - UltiSnip - UltiSnips - NeoSnippet extensions: - ".snip" - ".snippet" - ".snippets" tm_scope: source.vim-snippet ace_mode: text language_id: 81265970 Vim script: type: programming color: "#199f4b" tm_scope: source.viml aliases: - vim - viml - nvim extensions: - ".vim" - ".vba" - ".vmb" filenames: - ".exrc" - ".gvimrc" - ".nvimrc" - ".vimrc" - _vimrc - gvimrc - nvimrc - vimrc ace_mode: text language_id: 388 Visual Basic .NET: type: programming color: "#945db7" extensions: - ".vb" - ".vbhtml" aliases: - visual basic - vbnet - vb .net - vb.net tm_scope: source.vbnet ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: vb codemirror_mime_type: text/x-vb language_id: 389 Volt: type: programming color: "#1F1F1F" extensions: - ".volt" tm_scope: source.d ace_mode: d codemirror_mode: d codemirror_mime_type: text/x-d language_id: 390 Vue: type: markup color: "#2c3e50" extensions: - ".vue" tm_scope: text.html.vue ace_mode: html language_id: 391 Wavefront Material: type: data extensions: - ".mtl" tm_scope: source.wavefront.mtl ace_mode: text language_id: 392 Wavefront Object: type: data extensions: - ".obj" tm_scope: source.wavefront.obj ace_mode: text language_id: 393 Web Ontology Language: type: data extensions: - ".owl" tm_scope: text.xml ace_mode: xml language_id: 394 WebAssembly: type: programming color: "#04133b" extensions: - ".wast" - ".wat" aliases: - wast - wasm tm_scope: source.webassembly ace_mode: lisp codemirror_mode: commonlisp codemirror_mime_type: text/x-common-lisp language_id: 956556503 WebIDL: type: programming extensions: - ".webidl" tm_scope: source.webidl ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: webidl codemirror_mime_type: text/x-webidl language_id: 395 WebVTT: type: data wrap: true extensions: - ".vtt" tm_scope: source.vtt ace_mode: text language_id: 658679714 Wget Config: type: data group: INI aliases: - wgetrc filenames: - ".wgetrc" tm_scope: source.wgetrc ace_mode: text language_id: 668457123 Windows Registry Entries: type: data extensions: - ".reg" tm_scope: source.reg ace_mode: ini codemirror_mode: properties codemirror_mime_type: text/x-properties language_id: 969674868 Wollok: type: programming color: "#a23738" extensions: - ".wlk" ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.wollok language_id: 632745969 World of Warcraft Addon Data: type: data extensions: - ".toc" tm_scope: source.toc ace_mode: text language_id: 396 X BitMap: type: data group: C aliases: - xbm extensions: - ".xbm" ace_mode: c_cpp tm_scope: source.c codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-csrc language_id: 782911107 X Font Directory Index: type: data filenames: - encodings.dir - fonts.alias - fonts.dir - fonts.scale tm_scope: source.fontdir ace_mode: text language_id: 208700028 X PixMap: type: data group: C aliases: - xpm extensions: - ".xpm" - ".pm" ace_mode: c_cpp tm_scope: source.c codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-csrc language_id: 781846279 X10: type: programming aliases: - xten ace_mode: text extensions: - ".x10" color: "#4B6BEF" tm_scope: source.x10 language_id: 397 XC: type: programming color: "#99DA07" extensions: - ".xc" tm_scope: source.xc ace_mode: c_cpp codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-csrc language_id: 398 XCompose: type: data filenames: - ".XCompose" - XCompose - xcompose tm_scope: config.xcompose ace_mode: text language_id: 225167241 XML: type: data tm_scope: text.xml ace_mode: xml codemirror_mode: xml codemirror_mime_type: text/xml aliases: - rss - xsd - wsdl extensions: - ".xml" - ".adml" - ".admx" - ".ant" - ".axml" - ".builds" - ".ccproj" - ".ccxml" - ".clixml" - ".cproject" - ".cscfg" - ".csdef" - ".csl" - ".csproj" - ".ct" - ".depproj" - ".dita" - ".ditamap" - ".ditaval" - ".dll.config" - ".dotsettings" - ".filters" - ".fsproj" - ".fxml" - ".glade" - ".gml" - ".gmx" - ".grxml" - ".gst" - ".iml" - ".ivy" - ".jelly" - ".jsproj" - ".kml" - ".launch" - ".mdpolicy" - ".mjml" - ".mm" - ".mod" - ".mxml" - ".natvis" - ".ncl" - ".ndproj" - ".nproj" - ".nuspec" - ".odd" - ".osm" - ".pkgproj" - ".pluginspec" - ".proj" - ".props" - ".ps1xml" - ".psc1" - ".pt" - ".rdf" - ".res" - ".resx" - ".rss" - ".sch" - ".scxml" - ".sfproj" - ".shproj" - ".srdf" - ".storyboard" - ".sublime-snippet" - ".targets" - ".tml" - ".ts" - ".tsx" - ".ui" - ".urdf" - ".ux" - ".vbproj" - ".vcxproj" - ".vsixmanifest" - ".vssettings" - ".vstemplate" - ".vxml" - ".wixproj" - ".workflow" - ".wsdl" - ".wsf" - ".wxi" - ".wxl" - ".wxs" - ".x3d" - ".xacro" - ".xaml" - ".xib" - ".xlf" - ".xliff" - ".xmi" - ".xml.dist" - ".xproj" - ".xsd" - ".xspec" - ".xul" - ".zcml" filenames: - ".classpath" - ".cproject" - ".project" - App.config - NuGet.config - Settings.StyleCop - Web.Debug.config - Web.Release.config - Web.config - packages.config language_id: 399 XML Property List: type: data group: XML extensions: - ".plist" - ".stTheme" - ".tmCommand" - ".tmLanguage" - ".tmPreferences" - ".tmSnippet" - ".tmTheme" tm_scope: text.xml.plist ace_mode: xml codemirror_mode: xml codemirror_mime_type: text/xml language_id: 75622871 XPages: type: data extensions: - ".xsp-config" - ".xsp.metadata" tm_scope: text.xml ace_mode: xml codemirror_mode: xml codemirror_mime_type: text/xml language_id: 400 XProc: type: programming extensions: - ".xpl" - ".xproc" tm_scope: text.xml ace_mode: xml codemirror_mode: xml codemirror_mime_type: text/xml language_id: 401 XQuery: type: programming color: "#5232e7" extensions: - ".xquery" - ".xq" - ".xql" - ".xqm" - ".xqy" ace_mode: xquery codemirror_mode: xquery codemirror_mime_type: application/xquery tm_scope: source.xq language_id: 402 XS: type: programming extensions: - ".xs" tm_scope: source.c ace_mode: c_cpp codemirror_mode: clike codemirror_mime_type: text/x-csrc language_id: 403 XSLT: type: programming aliases: - xsl extensions: - ".xslt" - ".xsl" tm_scope: text.xml.xsl ace_mode: xml codemirror_mode: xml codemirror_mime_type: text/xml color: "#EB8CEB" language_id: 404 Xojo: type: programming extensions: - ".xojo_code" - ".xojo_menu" - ".xojo_report" - ".xojo_script" - ".xojo_toolbar" - ".xojo_window" tm_scope: source.xojo ace_mode: text language_id: 405 Xtend: type: programming extensions: - ".xtend" tm_scope: source.xtend ace_mode: text language_id: 406 YAML: type: data color: "#cb171e" tm_scope: source.yaml aliases: - yml extensions: - ".yml" - ".mir" - ".reek" - ".rviz" - ".sublime-syntax" - ".syntax" - ".yaml" - ".yaml-tmlanguage" - ".yaml.sed" - ".yml.mysql" filenames: - ".clang-format" - ".clang-tidy" - ".gemrc" - glide.lock - yarn.lock ace_mode: yaml codemirror_mode: yaml codemirror_mime_type: text/x-yaml language_id: 407 YANG: type: data extensions: - ".yang" tm_scope: source.yang ace_mode: text language_id: 408 YARA: type: programming color: "#220000" ace_mode: text extensions: - ".yar" - ".yara" tm_scope: source.yara language_id: 805122868 YASnippet: type: markup aliases: - snippet - yas color: "#32AB90" extensions: - ".yasnippet" tm_scope: source.yasnippet ace_mode: text language_id: 378760102 Yacc: type: programming extensions: - ".y" - ".yacc" - ".yy" tm_scope: source.yacc ace_mode: text color: "#4B6C4B" language_id: 409 ZAP: type: programming color: "#0d665e" extensions: - ".zap" - ".xzap" tm_scope: source.zap ace_mode: text language_id: 952972794 ZIL: type: programming color: "#dc75e5" extensions: - ".zil" - ".mud" tm_scope: source.zil ace_mode: text language_id: 973483626 Zeek: type: programming aliases: - bro extensions: - ".zeek" - ".bro" tm_scope: source.zeek ace_mode: text language_id: 40 ZenScript: type: programming color: "#00BCD1" extensions: - ".zs" tm_scope: source.zenscript ace_mode: text language_id: 494938890 Zephir: type: programming color: "#118f9e" extensions: - ".zep" tm_scope: source.php.zephir ace_mode: php language_id: 410 Zig: type: programming color: "#ec915c" extensions: - ".zig" tm_scope: source.zig ace_mode: text language_id: 646424281 Zimpl: type: programming extensions: - ".zimpl" - ".zmpl" - ".zpl" tm_scope: none ace_mode: text language_id: 411 cURL Config: type: data group: INI aliases: - curlrc filenames: - ".curlrc" - _curlrc tm_scope: source.curlrc ace_mode: text language_id: 992375436 desktop: type: data extensions: - ".desktop" - ".desktop.in" tm_scope: source.desktop ace_mode: text language_id: 412 dircolors: type: data extensions: - ".dircolors" filenames: - ".dir_colors" - ".dircolors" - DIR_COLORS - _dir_colors - _dircolors - dir_colors tm_scope: source.dircolors ace_mode: text language_id: 691605112 eC: type: programming color: "#913960" extensions: - ".ec" - ".eh" tm_scope: source.c.ec ace_mode: text language_id: 413 edn: type: data ace_mode: clojure codemirror_mode: clojure codemirror_mime_type: text/x-clojure extensions: - ".edn" tm_scope: source.clojure language_id: 414 fish: type: programming group: Shell interpreters: - fish extensions: - ".fish" tm_scope: source.fish ace_mode: text language_id: 415 mIRC Script: type: programming color: "#3d57c3" extensions: - ".mrc" tm_scope: source.msl ace_mode: text language_id: 517654727 mcfunction: type: programming color: "#E22837" extensions: - ".mcfunction" tm_scope: source.mcfunction ace_mode: text language_id: 462488745 mupad: type: programming extensions: - ".mu" tm_scope: source.mupad ace_mode: text language_id: 416 nanorc: type: data group: INI extensions: - ".nanorc" filenames: - ".nanorc" - nanorc tm_scope: source.nanorc ace_mode: text language_id: 775996197 nesC: type: programming color: "#94B0C7" extensions: - ".nc" ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.nesc language_id: 417 ooc: type: programming color: "#b0b77e" extensions: - ".ooc" tm_scope: source.ooc ace_mode: text language_id: 418 q: type: programming extensions: - ".q" tm_scope: source.q ace_mode: text color: "#0040cd" language_id: 970539067 reStructuredText: type: prose wrap: true aliases: - rst extensions: - ".rst" - ".rest" - ".rest.txt" - ".rst.txt" tm_scope: text.restructuredtext ace_mode: text codemirror_mode: rst codemirror_mime_type: text/x-rst language_id: 419 sed: type: programming color: "#64b970" extensions: - ".sed" interpreters: - gsed - minised - sed - ssed ace_mode: text tm_scope: source.sed language_id: 847830017 wdl: type: programming color: "#42f1f4" extensions: - ".wdl" tm_scope: source.wdl ace_mode: text language_id: 374521672 wisp: type: programming ace_mode: clojure codemirror_mode: clojure codemirror_mime_type: text/x-clojure color: "#7582D1" extensions: - ".wisp" tm_scope: source.clojure language_id: 420 xBase: type: programming color: "#403a40" aliases: - advpl - clipper - foxpro extensions: - ".prg" - ".ch" - ".prw" tm_scope: source.harbour ace_mode: text language_id: 421