# Versionaire [](http://badge.fury.io/rb/versionaire) [](https://codeclimate.com/github/bkuhlmann/versionaire) [](https://codeclimate.com/github/bkuhlmann/versionaire) [](https://gemnasium.com/bkuhlmann/versionaire) [](https://travis-ci.org/bkuhlmann/versionaire) [](https://www.patreon.com/bkuhlmann) Provides immutable, thread-safe, semantic versioning. <!-- Tocer[start]: Auto-generated, don't remove. --> # Table of Contents - [Features](#features) - [Screencasts](#screencasts) - [Requirements](#requirements) - [Setup](#setup) - [Usage](#usage) - [Initialization](#initialization) - [Equality](#equality) - [Value (`#==`)](#value-) - [Hash (`#eql?`)](#hash-eql) - [Case (`#===`)](#case-) - [Identity (`#equal?`)](#identity-equal) - [Conversions](#conversions) - [Function (Casting)](#function-casting) - [Implicit](#implicit) - [Explicit](#explicit) - [Math](#math) - [Addition](#addition) - [Subtraction](#subtraction) - [Tests](#tests) - [Versioning](#versioning) - [Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct) - [Contributions](#contributions) - [License](#license) - [History](#history) - [Credits](#credits) <!-- Tocer[finish]: Auto-generated, don't remove. --> # Features - Provides [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org). - Provides immutable, thread-safe version instances. - Provides conversions (casts) from a `String`, `Array`, `Hash`, or `Version` to a `Version`. # Screencasts [](https://asciinema.org/a/40455) # Requirements 0. [Ruby 2.3.0](https://www.ruby-lang.org) # Setup For a secure install, type the following (recommended): gem cert --add <(curl --location --silent https://www.alchemists.io/gem-public.pem) gem install versionaire --trust-policy MediumSecurity NOTE: A HighSecurity trust policy would be best but MediumSecurity enables signed gem verification while allowing the installation of unsigned dependencies since they are beyond the scope of this gem. For an insecure install, type the following (not recommended): gem install versionaire Add the following to your Gemfile: gem "versionaire" # Usage ## Initialization A new version can be initialized in a variety of ways: Versionaire::Version.new # "0.0.0" Versionaire::Version.new major: 1 # "1.0.0" Versionaire::Version.new major: 1, minor: 2 # "1.2.0" Versionaire::Version.new major: 1, minor: 2, maintenance: 3 # "1.2.3" ## Equality ### Value (`#==`) Equality is deterimined by the state of the object. This means that a version is equal to another version as long as all of the values (i.e. state) are equal to each other. Example: version_a = Versionaire::Version.new major: 1 version_b = Versionaire::Version.new major: 2 version_c = Versionaire::Version.new major: 1 version_a == version_a # true version_a == version_b # false version_a == version_c # true Knowning this, versions can be compared against one another too: version_a > version_b # false version_a < version_b # true version_a.between? version_c, version_b # true ### Hash (`#eql?`) Behaves exactly as `#==`. ### Case (`#===`) Behaves exactly as `#==`. ### Identity (`#equal?`) Works like any other standard Ruby object where an object is equal only to itself. version_a = Versionaire::Version.new major: 1 version_b = Versionaire::Version.new major: 2 version_c = Versionaire::Version.new major: 1 version_a.equal? version_a # true version_a.equal? version_b # false version_a.equal? version_c # false ## Conversions ### Function (Casting) The `Versionaire::Version` function is provided for explicit casting to a version: version = Versionaire::Version.new major: 1 Versionaire::Version "1.0.0" Versionaire::Version [1, 0, 0] Versionaire::Version major: 1, minor: 0, maintenance: 0 Versionaire::Version version Each of these conversions will result in a version object that represents "1.0.0". When attempting to convert an unsupported type, a `Versionaire::Errors::Conversion` exception will be thrown. ### Implicit Implicit conversion to a `String` is supported: "1.0.0".match Versionaire::Version.new(major: 1) # <MatchData "1.0.0"> ### Explicit Explicit conversion to a `String`, `Array`, or `Hash` is supported: version = Versionaire::Version.new version.to_s # "0.0.0" version.to_a # [0, 0, 0] version.to_h # {major: 0, minor: 0, maintenance: 0} ## Math Versions can be added and subtracted from each other. ### Addition version_1 = Versionaire::Version.new major: 1, minor: 2, maintenance: 3 version_2 = Versionaire::Version.new major: 2, minor: 5, maintenance: 7 version_1 + version_2 # "3.7.10" ### Subtraction version_1 = Versionaire::Version.new major: 1, minor: 2, maintenance: 3 version_2 = Versionaire::Version.new major: 1, minor: 1, maintenance: 1 version_1 - version_2 # "0.1.2" version_1 = Versionaire::Version.new major: 1 version_2 = Versionaire::Version.new major: 5 version_1 - version_2 # Fails with a Versionaire::Errors::NegativeNumber # Tests To test, run: bundle exec rake # Versioning Read [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org) for details. Briefly, it means: - Patch (x.y.Z) - Incremented for small, backwards compatible, bug fixes. - Minor (x.Y.z) - Incremented for new, backwards compatible, public API enhancements/fixes. - Major (X.y.z) - Incremented for any backwards incompatible public API changes. # Code of Conduct Please note that this project is released with a [CODE OF CONDUCT](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. # Contributions Read [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details. # License Copyright (c) 2016 [Alchemists](https://www.alchemists.io). Read [LICENSE](LICENSE.md) for details. # History Read [CHANGES](CHANGES.md) for details. Built with [Gemsmith](https://github.com/bkuhlmann/gemsmith). # Credits Developed by [Brooke Kuhlmann](https://www.alchemists.io) at [Alchemists](https://www.alchemists.io).