class Standard # @!group FluidCooler # Set the fluid cooler fan power such that the tower # hits the minimum performance (gpm/hp) specified by the standard. # Note that in this case hp is motor nameplate hp, per 90.1. # This method assumes that the fan brake horsepower is 90% # of the motor nameplate hp. # This method determines the minimum motor efficiency # for the nameplate motor hp and sets the actual # fan power by multiplying the brake horsepower # by the efficiency. Thus the fan power used as # an input to the simulation divided by the design flow # rate will not (and should not) # exactly equal the minimum tower performance. # # @param fluid_cooler [OpenStudio::Model::FluidCoolerSingleSpeed, # OpenStudio::Model::FluidCoolerTwoSpeed, # OpenStudio::Model::EvaporativeFluidCoolerSingleSpeed, # OpenStudio::Model::EvaporativeFluidCoolerTwoSpeed] the fluid cooler # @param equipment_type [String] heat rejection equipment type enumeration used for lookup query, # options are 'Closed Cooling Tower', modeled as an EvaporativeFluidCooler, # or 'Dry Cooler', modeled as a FluidCooler # @return [Boolean] returns true if successful, false if not def fluid_cooler_apply_minimum_power_per_flow(fluid_cooler, equipment_type: 'Closed Cooling Tower') # Get the design water flow rate if fluid_cooler.designWaterFlowRate.is_initialized design_water_flow_m3_per_s = fluid_cooler.designWaterFlowRate.get elsif fluid_cooler.autosizedDesignWaterFlowRate.is_initialized design_water_flow_m3_per_s = fluid_cooler.autosizedDesignWaterFlowRate.get else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.FluidCooler', "For #{} design water flow rate is not available, cannot apply efficiency standard.") return false end design_water_flow_gpm = OpenStudio.convert(design_water_flow_m3_per_s, 'm^3/s', 'gal/min').get # Get the table of fluid cooler efficiencies heat_rejection = standards_data['heat_rejection'] # Define the criteria to find the fluid cooler properties # in the hvac standards data set. search_criteria = {} search_criteria['template'] = template # Closed cooling towers are fluidcooler objects. search_criteria['equipment_type'] = equipment_type # @todo Standards replace this with a mechanism to store this # data in the fluid cooler object itself. # For now, retrieve the fan type from the name name = if name.include?('Centrifugal') fan_type = 'Centrifugal' elsif name.include?('Propeller or Axial') fan_type = 'Propeller or Axial' else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.FluidCooler', "Cannot find fan type for #{}. Assuming propeller or axial.") fan_type = 'Propeller or Axial' end unless fan_type.nil? search_criteria['fan_type'] = fan_type end # Get the fluid cooler properties ct_props = model_find_object(heat_rejection, search_criteria) unless ct_props OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.FluidCooler', "For #{}, cannot find heat rejection properties, cannot apply standard efficiencies or curves.") return false end # Get fluid cooler efficiency min_gpm_per_hp = ct_props['minimum_performance_gpm_per_hp'] OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.FluidCooler', "For #{}, design water flow = #{design_water_flow_gpm.round} gpm, minimum performance = #{min_gpm_per_hp} gpm/hp (nameplate).") # Calculate the allowed fan brake horsepower # per method used in PNNL prototype buildings. # Assumes that the fan brake horsepower is 90% # of the fan nameplate rated motor power. fan_motor_nameplate_hp = design_water_flow_gpm / min_gpm_per_hp fan_bhp = 0.9 * fan_motor_nameplate_hp # Lookup the minimum motor efficiency motors = standards_data['motors'] # Assuming all fan motors are 4-pole Enclosed search_criteria = { 'template' => template, 'number_of_poles' => 4.0, 'type' => 'Enclosed' } motor_properties = model_find_object(motors, search_criteria, fan_motor_nameplate_hp) if motor_properties.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.FluidCooler', "For #{}, could not find motor properties using search criteria: #{search_criteria}, motor_hp = #{motor_hp} hp.") return false end fan_motor_eff = motor_properties['nominal_full_load_efficiency'] nominal_hp = motor_properties['maximum_capacity'].to_f.round(1) # Round to nearest whole HP for niceness if nominal_hp >= 2 nominal_hp = nominal_hp.round end # Calculate the fan motor power fan_motor_actual_power_hp = fan_bhp / fan_motor_eff # Convert to W fan_motor_actual_power_w = fan_motor_actual_power_hp * 745.7 # 745.7 W/HP OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.FluidCooler', "For #{}, allowed fan motor nameplate hp = #{fan_motor_nameplate_hp.round(1)} hp, fan brake horsepower = #{fan_bhp.round(1)}, and fan motor actual power = #{fan_motor_actual_power_hp.round(1)} hp (#{fan_motor_actual_power_w.round} W) at #{fan_motor_eff} motor efficiency.") # Append the efficiency to the name fluid_cooler.setName("#{} #{min_gpm_per_hp.to_f.round(1)} gpm/hp") # Hard size the design fan power. # Leave the water flow and air flow autosized. if fluid_cooler.to_FluidCoolerSingleSpeed.is_initialized fluid_cooler.setDesignAirFlowRateFanPower(fan_motor_actual_power_w) elsif fluid_cooler.to_FluidCoolerTwoSpeed.is_initialized fluid_cooler.setHighFanSpeedFanPower(fan_motor_actual_power_w) fluid_cooler.setLowFanSpeedFanPower(0.3 * fan_motor_actual_power_w) elsif fluid_cooler.to_EvaporativeFluidCoolerSingleSpeed.is_initialized fluid_cooler.setFanPoweratDesignAirFlowRate(fan_motor_actual_power_w) elsif fluid_cooler.to_EvaporativeFluidCoolerTwoSpeed.is_initialized fluid_cooler.setHighFanSpeedFanPower(fan_motor_actual_power_w) fluid_cooler.setLowFanSpeedFanPower(0.3 * fan_motor_actual_power_w) end return true end end