# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Copyright:: Copyright 2008-2016, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" describe Chef::ResourceDefinition do let(:defn) { Chef::ResourceDefinition.new() } describe "initialize" do it "should be a Chef::ResourceDefinition" do expect(defn).to be_a_kind_of(Chef::ResourceDefinition) end it "should not initialize a new node if one is not provided" do expect(defn.node).to eql(nil) end it "should accept a node as an argument" do node = Chef::Node.new node.name("bobo") defn = Chef::ResourceDefinition.new(node) expect(defn.node.name).to eq("bobo") end end describe "node" do it "should set the node with node=" do node = Chef::Node.new node.name("bobo") defn.node = node expect(defn.node.name).to eq("bobo") end it "should return the node" do defn.node = Chef::Node.new expect(defn.node).to be_a_kind_of(Chef::Node) end end it "should accept a new definition with a symbol for a name" do expect { defn.define :smoke do end }.not_to raise_error expect { defn.define "george washington" do end }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect(defn.name).to eql(:smoke) end it "should accept a new definition with a hash" do expect { defn.define :smoke, :cigar => "cuban", :cigarette => "marlboro" do end }.not_to raise_error end it "should expose the prototype hash params in the params hash" do defn.define :smoke, :cigar => "cuban", :cigarette => "marlboro" do; end expect(defn.params[:cigar]).to eql("cuban") expect(defn.params[:cigarette]).to eql("marlboro") end it "should store the block passed to define as a proc under recipe" do defn.define :smoke do "I am what I am" end expect(defn.recipe).to be_a_kind_of(Proc) expect(defn.recipe.call).to eql("I am what I am") end it "should set parameters based on method_missing" do defn.mind "to fly" expect(defn.params[:mind]).to eql("to fly") end it "should raise an exception if prototype_params is not a hash" do expect { defn.define :monkey, Array.new do end }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should raise an exception if define is called without a block" do expect { defn.define :monkey }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should load a description from a file" do defn.from_file(File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "definitions", "test.rb")) expect(defn.name).to eql(:rico_suave) expect(defn.params[:rich]).to eql("smooth") end it "should turn itself into a string based on the name with to_s" do defn.name = :woot expect(defn.to_s).to eql("woot") end end