Feature: Sign up with coupon In order to try the site with extended time As a user I want to use a coupon provided to me Background: Given the following plan exists: | name | price | trial | | Free | 0 | true | And the following coupon exists: | name | free months | | RAMEN | 3 | Scenario: Sign up for a trial plan with coupon When I sign up with the "RAMEN" coupon for the "Free" plan Then I should see "Your trial will expire after 90 days" When I fill in "Email" with "email@person.com" And I fill in "Password" with "password" And I press "Sign up" Then I should be on the new project page for the newest account by "email@person.com" Scenario: Receive a reminder about an expiring trial plan with coupon Given a "Free" account with "RAMEN" coupon exists with a name of "Test" created 83 days ago And a user exists with an email of "admin@example.com" And "admin@example.com" is an admin of the "Test" account When the daily Saucy jobs are processed And I sign in as "admin@example.com" And I follow the link sent to "admin@example.com" with subject "Your trial is expiring soon" Then I should be on the upgrade plan page for the "Test" account