// ======================================================================== // SproutCore // copyright 2006-2008 Sprout Systems, Inc. // ======================================================================== require('core') ; require('server') ; /** @class Usually you wouldn't need to call any of the methods on this class or it's superclass, except for calling the +listFor+ method. The other methods are called for you when you work with your model objects. For example, calling myObject.commit(); will call the commitRecords method on this server if you had defined this server to be to the +dataSource+ of myObject. To have an SC model reflect data on a backend server attach an instance of this class to your application. For example: {{{ Contacts = SC.Object.create({ server: SC.RestServer.create({ prefix: ['Contacts'] }) }) ; }}} Then attach that server as the +dataSource+ to each model class that you want to have reflected. Also define a +resourceURL+ which defines the URL where the collection of your model can be queried. For example: {{{ Contacts.Contact = SC.Record.extend( dataSource: Contacts.server, resourceURL: 'sc/contacts', properties: ['guid','firstName','lastName'], primaryKey: 'guid' }) ; }}} When you work with your models, behind the scenes SC will use 5 main methods on this server. Each is listed below, together with the HTTP method used in the call to the backend server and the URL that is being called. The URL is based on the example given above. listFor GET /sc/contacts createRecords POST /sc/contacts refreshRecords for one record GET /sc/contacts/12345 refreshRecords for many records GET /sc/contacts?ids=1,2,3,4,5,6 commitRecords for one record PUT /sc/contacts/12345 commitRecords for many records PUT /sc/contacts?ids=1,2,3,4,5 destroyRecords for one record DELETE /sc/contacts/12345 destroyRecords for many records DELETE /sc/contacts?ids=1,2,3,4,5 The above is the default behaviour of this server. If you want different URLs to be generated then extend this class and override the +urlFor+ method. Another way to override the above is to tell SC where member resources can be refreshed, committed and destroyed. For example, when SC calls {{{ GET /sc/contacts }}} you could reply as follows: {{{ records: [ { guid: '123', type: "Contact", refreshURL: "/contacts?refresh=123", updateURL: "/contacts/123?update=Y", destroyURL: "/contacts/123", firstName: "Charles", ... }], ... } }}} Then when contact 123 needs to be refreshed later on by SC, it will call: {{{ GET /contacts?refresh=123 }}} instead of GET /contacts/123. Note that this only works for members on your resource. If a collection of contacts needed to be refreshed it would still call for example GET /contacts?id=123,456,789 instead of making 3 separate calls. Because some browsers cannot actually perform an HTTP PUT or HTTP DELETE it will actually perform an HTTP POST but will put an additional key,value pair in the post data packet. For HTTP PUT it will add _method='put' and for HTTP DELETE it will add _method='delete' in the post data. Via the SC.Server#request method you can also call collection and member functions on your resource. Use the +action+ parameter for this. For example, server.request('contacts', 'archive', null, params, 'delete') would call: {{{ DELETE /contacts/archive }}} And server.request('contacts', 'give', [12345], {'amount': 1000}, 'put') would call: {{{ PUT /contacts/12345/give }}} with post data amount=1000. Alternatively explicitely define the URL to use by setting the +url+ property in the +params+ argument that is passed to the server.request method. For example: {{{ Contacts.server.request(null,null,null, {url: '/sc/archive'}, 'delete') }}} would call: {{{ DELETE /sc/archive }}} @extends SC.Server @author Lawrence Pit @copyright 2006-2008, Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.RestServer = SC.Server.extend({ /** @see SC.Server.urlFor **/ urlFor: function(resource, action, ids, params, method) { url = resource; if (ids && ids.length == 1) url = url + '/' + ids[0]; if (action && action != '') url = url + '/' + action; return url; }, /* privates, overrides the values in SC.Server */ _listForAction: '', _listForMethod: 'get', _createAction: '', _createMethod: 'post', _refreshAction: '', _refreshMethod: 'get', _commitAction: '', _commitMethod: 'put', _destroyAction: '', _destroyMethod: 'delete' }) ;