require 'spec_helper' require 'guard/rails/runner' require 'fakefs/spec_helpers' describe Guard::RailsRunner do let(:runner) { } let(:environment) { 'development' } let(:port) { 3000 } let(:default_options) { { :environment => environment, :port => port } } let(:options) { default_options } describe '#pid' do include FakeFS::SpecHelpers context 'when pid file exists' do let(:pid) { 12345 } before do FileUtils.mkdir_p File.split(runner.pid_file).first, 'w') { |fh| fh.print pid } end it "reads the pid" do expect( eq(pid) end end context 'when pid file does not exist' do it "returns nil" do expect( be nil end end context 'when custom rails root given' do let(:options) { default_options.merge(:root => 'spec/dummy') } let(:pid) { 12345 } before do FileUtils.mkdir_p File.split(runner.pid_file).first, 'w') { |fh| fh.print pid } end it "points to the right pid file" do expect(runner.pid_file).to match %r{spec/dummy/tmp/pids/} end end end describe '#build_command' do context "with options[:CLI]" do let(:custom_cli) { 'custom_CLI_command' } let(:options) { default_options.merge(:CLI => custom_cli) } it "has customized CLI" do expect(runner.build_command).to match(%r{#{custom_cli} --pid }) end let(:custom_pid_file) { "tmp/pids/" } let(:options) { default_options.merge(:CLI => custom_cli, :pid_file => custom_pid_file) } it "uses customized pid_file" do pid_file_path = File.expand_path custom_pid_file expect(runner.build_command).to match(%r{#{custom_cli} --pid \"#{pid_file_path}\"}) end end context "without options[:daemon]" do it "doesn't have daemon switch" do expect(runner.build_command).not_to match(%r{ -d}) end end context "with options[:daemon]" do let(:options) { default_options.merge(:daemon => true) } it "has a daemon switch" do expect(runner.build_command).to match(%r{ -d}) end end context "without options[:env]" do it "has environment switch to development" do expect(runner.build_command).to match(%r{ -e development}) end end context "with options[:environment] as test" do let(:options) { default_options.merge(:environment => 'test') } it "has environment switch to test" do expect(runner.build_command).to match(%r{ -e test}) end end context 'with options[:debugger]' do let(:options) { default_options.merge(:debugger => true) } it "has a debugger switch" do expect(runner.build_command).to match(%r{ -u}) end end context 'with options[:server] as thin' do let(:options) { default_options.merge(:server => 'thin') } it "has the server name thin" do expect(runner.build_command).to match(%r{thin}) end end context "without options[:pid_file]" do it "uses default pid_file" do pid_file_path = File.expand_path "tmp/pids/" expect(runner.build_command).to match(%r{ --pid \"#{pid_file_path}\"}) end end context "with options[:pid_file]" do let(:custom_pid_file) { "tmp/pids/" } let(:options) { default_options.merge(:pid_file => custom_pid_file) } it "uses customized pid_file" do pid_file_path = File.expand_path custom_pid_file expect(runner.build_command).to match(%r{ --pid \"#{pid_file_path}\"}) end end context "with options[:zeus]" do let(:options) { default_options.merge(:zeus => true) } it "has zeus" do expect(runner.build_command).to match(%r{zeus server }) end context "with options[:zeus_plan]" do let(:options) { default_options.merge(:zeus => true, :zeus_plan => 'test_server') } it "uses customized zeus plan" do expect(runner.build_command).to match(%r{zeus test_server}) end context "with options[:server]" do let(:options) { default_options.merge(:zeus => true, :zeus_plan => 'test_server', :server => 'thin') } it "uses customized server" do expect(runner.build_command).to match(%r{zeus test_server .* thin}) end end end end context "without options[:zeus]" do it "doesn't have zeus" do expect(runner.build_command).to_not match(%r{zeus server }) end let(:options) { default_options.merge(:zeus_plan => 'test_server') } it "doesnt' have test_server" do expect(runner.build_command).to_not match(%r{test_server}) end end context 'with options[:root]' do let(:options) { default_options.merge(:root => 'spec/dummy') } it "has `cd` command with customized rails root" do expect(runner.build_command).to match(%r{cd .*/spec/dummy\" &&}) end end end describe '#environment' do it "sets RAILS_ENV to development" do expect(runner.environment["RAILS_ENV"]).to eq "development" end context "with options[:environment] as test" do let(:options) { default_options.merge(:environment => 'test') } it "sets RAILS_ENV to test" do expect(runner.environment["RAILS_ENV"]).to eq "test" end context "with options[:zeus]" do let(:options) { default_options.merge(:zeus => true) } it "sets RAILS_ENV to nil" do expect(runner.environment["RAILS_ENV"]).to be nil end end end end describe '#run_rails_command' do before do @bundler_env = ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] stub(runner).build_command.returns("printenv BUNDLE_GEMFILE > /dev/null") end after do ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = @bundler_env end shared_examples "inside of bundler" do it 'runs rails inside of bundler' do expect(runner.send(:run_rails_command!)).to be true end end shared_examples "outside of bundler" do it 'runs rails outside of bundler' do expect(runner.send(:run_rails_command!)).to be false end end context 'when guard-rails is outside of bundler' do before do ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = 'Gemfile' end context 'with default env' do it_behaves_like "inside of bundler" end context 'with zeus' do let(:options) { default_options.merge(:zeus => true) } it_behaves_like "outside of bundler" end context 'with CLI' do let(:custom_cli) { 'custom_CLI_command' } let(:options) { default_options.merge(:CLI => custom_cli) } it_behaves_like "outside of bundler" end end context 'when guard-rails is outside of bundler' do before do ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = nil end context 'with default env' do it_behaves_like "outside of bundler" end context 'with zeus' do let(:options) { default_options.merge(:zeus => true) } it_behaves_like "outside of bundler" end context 'with CLI' do let(:custom_cli) { 'custom_CLI_command' } let(:options) { default_options.merge(:CLI => custom_cli) } it_behaves_like "outside of bundler" end end end describe '#start' do let(:kill_expectation) { mock(runner).kill_unmanaged_pid! } let(:pid_stub) { stub(runner).has_pid? } before do mock(runner).run_rails_command!.once end context 'without options[:force_run]' do before do pid_stub.returns(true) kill_expectation.never mock(runner).wait_for_pid_action.never end it "starts as normal" do expect(runner.start).to be true end end context 'with options[:force_run]' do let(:options) { default_options.merge(:force_run => true) } before do pid_stub.returns(true) kill_expectation.once mock(runner).wait_for_pid_action.never end it "starts as normal" do expect(runner.start).to be true end end context "doesn't write the pid" do before do pid_stub.returns(false) kill_expectation.never mock(runner).wait_for_pid_action.times(Guard::RailsRunner::MAX_WAIT_COUNT) end it "doesn't start" do expect(runner.start).to be false end end end describe '#sleep_time' do let(:timeout) { 30 } let(:options) { default_options.merge(:timeout => timeout) } it "adjusts the sleep time as necessary" do expect(runner.sleep_time).to eq (timeout.to_f / Guard::RailsRunner::MAX_WAIT_COUNT.to_f) end end end