###### (Automatically generated documentation) # AedgK12SlabAndBasement ## Description ## Modeler Description ## Measure Type EnergyPlusMeasure ## Taxonomy ## Arguments ### Slab and Basement Insulation Performance **Name:** target, **Type:** Choice, **Units:** , **Required:** true, **Model Dependent:** false ### Model Ground Condition. **Name:** slabOrBasement, **Type:** Choice, **Units:** , **Required:** true, **Model Dependent:** false ### Heated Slab? (Check this if you plan to add a Radiant System) **Name:** heatedSlab, **Type:** Boolean, **Units:** , **Required:** true, **Model Dependent:** false ### Slab area to perimeter ratio (ft^2/ft).Range is 5.0 ft to 72.0 ft. **Name:** apRatio, **Type:** Double, **Units:** , **Required:** true, **Model Dependent:** false ### Total cost related to slab and basement insulation ($). **Name:** costTotalSlabBasementInsulation, **Type:** Double, **Units:** , **Required:** true, **Model Dependent:** false