# ESX Simple rbvmomi wrapper to manage VMWare ESX hosts. The goal of the library is to keep things simple so vCenter support isn't planned. If you want a full VMWare vSphere API ruby implementation have a look at https://github.com/rlane/rbvmomi # Installation ## Ubuntu/Debian apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev gcc make rubygems gem install esx ## RHEL/Fedora yum install libxml2-devel libxslt-devel make gcc rubygems gem install esx ## MacOSX gem install esx # Usage Usage: esx --help ## Available Commands __esx info --user root --password foo Sample output: ********* ESXHOST1 ********* Memory Size: 32756 Memory Usage: 7429 Cpu Cores: 8 Power State: poweredOn Hosted VMs: 2 Running VMs: 1 Virtual Machines: +-------------------------+--------+------+------+-------+------------+ | NAME | MEMORY | CPUS | NICS | DISKS | STATE | +-------------------------+--------+------+------+-------+------------+ | foobar | 128 | 1 | 1 | 1 | poweredOn | | foobar2 | 256 | 2 | 1 | 1 | poweredOff | +-------------------------+--------+------+------+-------+------------+ Datastores: +------------+--------------+--------------+-----------+------+---------------------------------------------------+ | NAME | CAPACITY | FREESPACE | ACCESIBLE | TYPE | URL | +------------+--------------+--------------+-----------+------+---------------------------------------------------+ | datastore2 | 146565758976 | 145547591680 | VMFS | true | /vmfs/volumes/4e611c69-16474ca5-d290-5ef3fc9a99c3 | | datastore1 | 141465485312 | 20716716032 | VMFS | true | /vmfs/volumes/4e6117e7-35c82a3e-ba79-5cf3fc9699c2 | +------------+--------------+--------------+-----------+------+---------------------------------------------------+ __esx create-vm --user root --password foo --name esx-rubiojr --disk-file /path/to/file.vmdk --datastore datastore1 --memory 2048 --poweron # Using the library require 'rubygems' require 'lib/esx.rb' # Connect to the ESX Host host = ESX::Host.connect 'my-esx-host', 'root', 'secret' # Print hypervisor info puts name = host.name.upcase puts "*" * name.size puts name puts "*" * name.size puts "Memory Size: %s" % host.memory_size.bytes.to.megabytes.to_i puts "Memory Usage: %s" % host.memory_usage.bytes.to.megabytes.to_i puts "Cpu Cores: %s" % host.cpu_cores puts "Power State: %s" % host.power_state # Create a VM with 4GB disk, 128 MB mem, e1000 nic, 1CPU in datastore1 vm = host.create_vm :vm_name => 'foobar' # Create a VM with 5GB disk, 256 MB mem, e1000 nic, 1CPU in datastore2 vm = host.create_vm :vm_name => 'foobar2', :disk_size => 5000, :cpus => 2, :memory => 256, :datastore => 'datastore2' host.virtual_machines.each do |vm| # PowerOff the VM if powered On vm.power_off if (vm.name =~ /foobar/ and vm.power_state == 'poweredOn') # Destroy the VM if name matches foobar if vm.name =~ /foobar.*/ vm.destroy end end # Testing Run 'bundler install' to install required deps. Run rspec from the base dir. By default, the tests try to connect to an ESX host named esx-test-host with user root and no password. Edit spec/spec_helper.rb to fit your needs. # Copyright Copyright (c) 2011 Sergio Rubio. See LICENSE.txt for further details.