require "json" require "pathname" require "base64" module Fontcustom module Generator class Template include Utility attr_reader :manifest def initialize(manifest) @manifest = manifest @options = @manifest.get :options end def generate if ! @manifest.get(:fonts).empty? delete_old_templates set_relative_paths create_files else raise Fontcustom::Error, "No generated fonts were detected - aborting template generation." end end private def delete_old_templates @manifest.delete :templates end def set_relative_paths fonts = @manifest.get :fonts name = File.basename fonts.first, File.extname(fonts.first) fonts_path =[:output][:fonts]).realdirpath css_path =[:output][:css]).realdirpath preview_path =[:output][:preview]).realdirpath @font_path = File.join fonts_path.relative_path_from(css_path).to_s, name @font_path_alt = if @options[:preprocessor_path].nil? @font_path elsif ! @options[:preprocessor_path] || @options[:preprocessor_path].empty? name else File.join(@options[:preprocessor_path], name) end @font_path_preview = File.join fonts_path.relative_path_from(preview_path).to_s, name end def create_files @glyphs = @manifest.get :glyphs existing = @manifest.get :templates created = [] begin @options[:templates].each do |template_name| begin source = get_source_path(template_name) target = get_target_path(source) template source, target, :verbose => false, :force => true end created << target end ensure say_changed :create, created @manifest.set :templates, (existing + created).uniq end end def get_source_path(template) template_path = File.join Fontcustom.gem_lib, "templates" case template when "preview" File.join template_path, "fontcustom-preview.html" when "css" File.join template_path, "fontcustom.css" when "scss" File.join template_path, "_fontcustom.scss" when "scss-rails" File.join template_path, "_fontcustom-rails.scss" else File.join @options[:input][:templates], template end end def get_target_path(source) ext = File.extname source base = File.basename source css_exts = %w|.css .scss .sass .less .stylus| packaged = %w|fontcustom-preview.html fontcustom.css _fontcustom.scss _fontcustom-rails.scss| target = if @options[:output].keys.include? base.to_sym File.join @options[:output][base.to_sym], base elsif ext && css_exts.include?(ext) File.join @options[:output][:css], base elsif source.match(/fontcustom-preview\.html/) File.join @options[:output][:preview], base else File.join @options[:output][:fonts], base end if packaged.include?(base) && @options[:font_name] != DEFAULT_OPTIONS[:font_name] target = File.join(File.dirname(target), File.basename(target).sub(DEFAULT_OPTIONS[:font_name], @options[:font_name])) end target end # # Template Helpers # def font_name @options[:font_name] end def font_face(style = {}) if style.is_a?(Symbol) if style == :preprocessor url = "font-url" path = @font_path_alt elsif style == :preview url = "url" path = @font_path_preview else url = "url" path = @font_path end say_message :warn, "`font_face(:#{style})` is deprecated. Use `font_face(url:'url', path:'path')` instead." else style = {:url => "url", :path => @font_path}.merge(style) url = style[:url] path = style[:path] end # Bulletproof @Font-Face # With and without Base64 if @options[:base64] string = %Q|@font-face { font-family: "#{font_name}"; src: #{url}("#{path}.eot?") format("embedded-opentype"); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; } @font-face { font-family: "#{font_name}"; src: url("data:application/x-font-woff;charset=utf-8;base64,#{woff_base64}") format("woff"), #{url}("#{path}.ttf") format("truetype"), #{url}("#{path}.svg##{font_name}") format("svg"); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; }| else string = %Q|@font-face { font-family: "#{font_name}"; src: #{url}("#{path}.eot"); src: #{url}("#{path}.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), #{url}("#{path}.woff") format("woff"), #{url}("#{path}.ttf") format("truetype"), #{url}("#{path}.svg##{font_name}") format("svg"); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; }| end # For Windows/Chrome string << %Q| @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { @font-face { font-family: "#{font_name}"; src: #{url}("#{path}.svg##{font_name}") format("svg"); } }| string end def woff_base64 woff_path = File.join(@options[:output][:fonts], "#{@font_path}.woff") Base64.encode64(File.binread(File.join(woff_path))).gsub("\n", "") end def glyph_selectors output = do |name, value| aliases = [] aliases = @glyphs[name][:aliases].map do |alias_name| @options[:css_selector].sub("{{glyph}}", alias_name.to_s) + ":before,\n" end if @glyphs[name][:aliases] aliases.join + @options[:css_selector].sub("{{glyph}}", name.to_s) + ":before" end output.join ",\n" end def glyph_properties %Q| display: inline-block; font-family: "#{font_name}"; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-variant: normal; line-height: 1; text-decoration: inherit; text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; text-transform: none; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; font-smoothing: antialiased;| end def glyphs output = do |name, value| aliases = [] aliases = @glyphs[name][:aliases].map do |alias_name| %Q|#{@options[:css_selector].sub('{{glyph}}', alias_name.to_s)}:before, | end if @glyphs[name][:aliases] aliases.join + %Q|#{@options[:css_selector].sub('{{glyph}}', name.to_s)}:before { content: "\\#{value[:codepoint].to_s(16)}"; }| end output.join "\n" end end end end