# Highlighting Highlighting ships with the latest [PrismJS](http://prismjs.com). > Prism is a lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting library. It's a spin-off project from Dabblet. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'highlighting' ``` And then execute: ``` $ bundle ``` Or install it yourself as: ``` $ gem install highlighting ``` At application.js, replace [language] with the name of language. For example: prism-ruby or prism-coffeescript ``` //= require jquery //= require jquery_ujs //= require turbolinks //= require prism //= require prism-[language] //= require prism-turbolinks #optional //= require_tree . ``` At application.css, add `*= require prism-[theme]` or use the default `*= require prism` ``` *= require_tree . *= require prism-[theme] *= require_self ``` There are various other themes to choose from. For example `*= require prism-tomorrow`, `*= require prism-twilight`. ## Usage Use the alias in place of xxxx in `language-xxxx`. `language-xxxx` is a css rule here used by prismjs. For example: ruby, python, go, swift ``` <%= code "language-ruby" %> <% end %> ``` ## Known Issues With turbolinks enabled, prismjs is not called at page load. For quick fix, add the `//= require prism-turbolinks` line at application.js ``` //= require jquery //= require jquery_ujs //= require turbolinks //= require prism //= require prism-ruby //= require prism-turbolinks //= require_tree . ``` If you wish to add the code manually, read [prismjs not working with turbolinks](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21278357/prism-js-not-working-with-rails-4-turbolinks/21355342#21355342) ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake false` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ytbryan/highlighting. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct. ## License Highlighting is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).