FastGettext =========== GetText but 3.5 x faster, 560 x less memory, simple, clean namespace (7 vs 34) and threadsave! It supports multiple backends (atm: .mo files, .po files, Database(ActiveRecor + any other), Chain, Loggers) and can easily be extended. [Example Rails application]( Setup ===== ### 1. Install sudo gem install grosser-fast_gettext -s Or from source: git clone git:// cd fast_gettext && rake install ### 2. Add a translation repository From mo files (traditional/default) FastGettext.add_text_domain('my_app',:path=>'locale') Or po files (less maintenacnce than mo) FastGettext.add_text_domain('my_app',:path=>'locale', :type=>:po) Or database (scaleable, great for many locales/translators) require "fast_gettext/translation_repository/db" include FastGettext::TranslationRepository::Db.require_models #load and include default models FastGettext.add_text_domain('my_app', :type=>:db, :model=>TranslationKey) ### 3. Choose text domain and locale for translation Do this once in every Thread. (e.g. Rails -> ApplicationController) FastGettext.text_domain = 'my_app' FastGettext.available_locales = ['de','en','fr','en_US','en_UK'] # only allow these locales to be set (optional) FastGettext.locale = 'de' ### 4. Start translating include FastGettext::Translation _('Car') == 'Auto' _('not-found') == 'not-found' s_('Namespace|no-found') == 'not-found' n_('Axis','Axis',3) == 'Achsen' #German plural of Axis Managing translations ============ ### mo/po-files Generate .po or .mo files using GetText parser (example tasks at [gettext_i18n_rails]( Tell Gettext where your .mo or .po files lie, e.g. for locale/de/my_app.po and locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ FastGettext.add_text_domain('my_app',:path=>'locale') Use the [original GetText]( to create and manage po/mo-files. (Work on a po/mo parser & reader that is easier to use has started, contributions welcome @ [pomo]( ) ###Database !!!new/only short time in production, please report back any ideas/suggestions you have!!! [Example migration for ActiveRecord]( The default plural seperator is `||||` but you may overwrite it (or suggest a better one..). This is usable with any model DataMapper/Sequel or any other(non-database) backend, the only thing you need to do is respond to the self.translation(key, locale) call. If you want to use your own models, have a look at the [default models]( to see what you want/need to implement. To manage translations via a Web GUI, use a [Rails application and the translation_db_engine]( Performance =========== 50_000 translations speed / memory small translation file <-> large translation file (ruby enterprise 1.8.6, your results may vary, try `rake benchmark`) Baseline: (doing nothing in a loop) 0.250000s / 0K <-> Ideal: (primitive Hash lookup) 0.820000s / 4K <-> 0.760000s / 4K FastGettext: 1.360000s / 8K <-> 1.320000s / 8K GetText 2.0.1: 4.880000s / 4480K <-> 4.810000s / 4480K ActiveSupport I18n::Backend::Simple : 21.770000s / 10100K <-> Rails ======================= Try the [gettext_i18n_rails plugin](, it simplifies the setup. Try the [translation_db_engine](, to manage your translations in a db. Setting `available_locales`,`text_domain` or `locale` will not work inside the `evironment.rb`, since it runs in a different thread then e.g. controllers, so set them inside your application_controller. #environment.rb after initializers Object.send(:include,FastGettext::Translation) FastGettext.add_text_domain('accounting',:path=>'locale') FastGettext.add_text_domain('frontend',:path=>'locale') ... #application_controller.rb class ApplicationController ... include FastGettext::Translation before_filter :set_locale def set_locale FastGettext.available_locales = ['de','en',...] FastGettext.text_domain = 'frontend' session[:locale] = I18n.locale = FastGettext.set_locale(params[:locale] || session[:locale] || request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] || 'en') end Advanced features ================= ###Abnormal pluralisation Pluralisation rules can be set directly via a lambda (see specs/), or by using the Gettext plural definition (see spec/locale/en/test_plural.po or [Plural expressions for all languages]( ###default_text_domain If you only use one text domain, setting `FastGettext.default_text_domain = 'app'` is sufficient and no more `text_domain=` is needed ###default_locale If the simple rule of "first `availble_locale` or 'en'" is not suficcient for you, set `FastGettext.default_locale = 'de'`. ###default_available_locales Fallback when no available_locales are set ###Chains You can use any number of repositories to find a translation. Simply add them to a chain and when the first cannot translate a given key, the next is asked and so forth. repos = ['new', :path=>'....'),'old', :path=>'....') ] FastGettext.add_text_domain 'combined', :type=>:chain, :chain=>repos ###Logger When you want to know which keys could not be translated or were used, add a Logger to a Chain: repos = ['app', :path=>'....')'logger', :type=>:logger, :callback=>lamda{|key_or_array_of_ids| ... }), } FastGettext.add_text_domain 'combined', :type=>:chain, :chain=>repos If the Logger is in position #1 it will see all translations, if it is in position #2 it will only see the unfound. Unfound may not always mean missing, if you chose not to translate a word because the key is a good translation, it will appear nevertheless. A lambda or anything that responds to `call` will do as callback. A good starting point may be `examples/missing_translations_logger.rb`. ###Plugins Want a yml, xml version ? Write your own TranslationRepository! #fast_gettext/translation_repository/xxx.rb module FastGettext module TranslationRepository class Wtf define initialize(name,options), [key], plural(*keys) and either inherit from TranslationRepository::Base or define available_locales and pluralisation_rule end end end FAQ === - [Problems with ActiveRecord messages?]( TODO ==== - YML backend that reads ActiveSupport::I18n files - any ideas ? :D Author ====== Mo/Po-file parsing from Masao Mutoh, see vendor/README ###Contributors - [geekq]( - Rudolf Gavlas [Michael Grosser]( Hereby placed under public domain, do what you want, just do not hold me accountable...