require 'spec_helper' describe "Checkout", type: :feature, js: true do Capybara.default_max_wait_time = 60 # let!(:store) do # create(:store, payment_methods: [payment_method]).tap do |s| # s.braintree_configuration.update!(braintree_preferences) # end # end let(:braintree_preferences) { { paypal: true }.merge(paypal_options) } let(:paypal_options) { {} } let!(:country) { create(:country, states_required: true) } # let!(:state) { create(:state, country: country, abbr: "CA", name: "California") } # let!(:shipping_method) { create(:shipping_method) } # let!(:stock_location) { create(:stock_location) } let!(:mug) { create(:product, name: "RoR Mug") } let!(:payment_method) { create_gateway } # let!(:zone) { create(:zone) } before do create(:store, payment_methods: [payment_method]).tap do |s| s.braintree_configuration.update!(braintree_preferences) end create(:state, country: country, abbr: "CA", name: "California") create(:shipping_method) create(:stock_location) create(:zone) end context "when going through express checkout using paypal cart button" do before do payment_method add_mug_to_cart end it "checks out successfully", skip: "Broken. To be revisited" do pend_if_paypal_slow do expect_any_instance_of(Spree::Order).to receive(:restart_checkout_flow) move_through_paypal_popup expect(page).to have_content("Shipments") click_on "Place Order" expect(page).to have_content("Your order has been processed successfully") end end context 'when using custom paypal button style' do let(:paypal_options) { { preferred_paypal_button_color: 'blue' } } it 'displays required PayPal button style' do within_frame find('#paypal-button iframe') do expect(page).to have_selector('.paypal-button-color-blue') end end end end context "when going through regular checkout using paypal payment method" do before do payment_method add_mug_to_cart click_button("Checkout") fill_in("order_email", with: "") click_button("Continue") fill_in_address click_button("Save and Continue") click_button("Save and Continue") end it "formats the address variable correctly" do expect(page.evaluate_script("address['recipientName']")).to eq "Ryan Bigg" end it "checks out successfully", skip: "Broken. To be revisited" do pend_if_paypal_slow do expect_any_instance_of(Spree::Order).not_to receive(:restart_checkout_flow) move_through_paypal_popup expect(page).to have_content("Shipments") click_on "Place Order" expect(page).to have_content("Your order has been processed successfully") end end end # Selenium does not clear cookies properly between test runs, even when # using Capybara.reset_sessions!, see: # # # This causes Paypal to remain logged in and not prompt for an email on the # second test run and causes the test to fail. Adding conditional logic for # this greatly increases the test time, so it is left out since CI runs # these with poltergeist. def move_through_paypal_popup expect(page).to have_css('#paypal-button .paypal-button') sleep 2 # the PayPal button is not immediately ready popup = page.window_opened_by do within_frame find('#paypal-button iframe') do find('div.paypal-button').click end end page.switch_to_window(popup) # We don't control this popup window. # So javascript errors are not our errors. begin expect(page).not_to have_selector('body.loading') fill_in("login_email", with: "") click_on "Next" fill_in("login_password", with: "test1234") expect(page).not_to have_selector('body.loading') click_button("btnLogin") expect(page).not_to have_selector('body.loading') click_button("Continue") click_button("Agree & Continue") rescue Selenium::WebDriver::Error::JavascriptError => e pending "PayPal had javascript errors in their popup window." raise e rescue Capybara::ElementNotFound => e pending "PayPal delivered unkown HTML in their popup window." raise e rescue Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoSuchWindowError => e pending "PayPal popup not available." raise e end page.switch_to_window( end def fill_in_address address = "order_bill_address_attributes" if page.has_css?("##{address}_firstname", wait: 0) fill_in "#{address}_firstname", with: "Ryan" fill_in "#{address}_lastname", with: "Bigg" else fill_in "#{address}_name", with: "Ryan Bigg" end fill_in "#{address}_address1", with: "143 Swan Street" fill_in "#{address}_city", with: "San Jose" select "United States of America", from: "#{address}_country_id" select "California", from: "#{address}_state_id" fill_in "#{address}_zipcode", with: "95131" fill_in "#{address}_phone", with: "(555) 555-0111" end def add_mug_to_cart visit spree.root_path click_link click_button "add-to-cart-button" end def pend_if_paypal_slow yield rescue RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError => e pending "PayPal did not answer in #{Capybara.default_max_wait_time} seconds." raise e rescue Selenium::WebDriver::Error::JavascriptError => e pending "PayPal delivered wrong payload because of errors in their popup window." raise e end end