require 'spec_helper' describe Machined::Helpers::RenderHelpers do describe '#render' do it 'renders partials' do within_construct do |c| c.file 'pages/index.html.erb', <<-CONTENT.unindent <%= render 'partial1' %> <%= render 'partial2' %> <%= render 'partials/partial3' %> CONTENT c.file 'views/', '# Hello World' c.file 'views/_partial2.haml', "%p Here's some Content..." c.file 'views/partials/_partial3.html', "

And some more

\n" machined.pages['index.html'].to_s.should == <<-CONTENT.unindent

Hello World

Here's some Content...

And some more

CONTENT end end it 'renders partials with locals' do within_construct do |c| c.file 'pages/index.html.erb', %(<%= render 'partial', :text => 'Hello World' %>) c.file 'views/partial.haml', '%h1= text' machined.pages['index.html'].to_s.should == "

Hello World

\n" end end it 'returns the original locals state once rendered' do within_construct do |c| c.file 'pages/index.html.erb', <<-CONTENT.unindent --- title: Hello World --- <%= render 'partial', :title => 'Title...', :text => 'Text...' %> title: <%= title %> text: <%= respond_to?(:text) %> CONTENT c.file 'views/partial.html.erb', "title: <%= title %>\ntext: <%= text %>\n" machined.pages['index.html'].to_s.should == <<-CONTENT.unindent title: Title... text: Text... title: Hello World text: false CONTENT end end it 'renders partial collections' do within_construct do |c| c.file 'pages/index.html.erb', %(<%= render 'number', :collection => [1,2,3] %>) c.file 'views/number.haml', "= number\n= number_counter" machined.pages['index.html'].to_s.should == "1\n1\n2\n2\n3\n3\n" end end it 'does not wrap the partial in a layout' do within_construct do |c| c.file 'pages/index.html.erb', %(<%= render 'partial' %>) c.file 'views/layouts/application.html.erb', '

<%= yield %>

' c.file 'views/partial.html.erb', 'Hello World' machined.pages['index.html'].to_s.should == '

Hello World

' end end it 'optionally wraps the partial in a layout' do within_construct do |c| c.file 'pages/index.html.erb', %(<%= render 'partial', :layout => 'partial' %>) c.file 'views/layouts/partial.html.erb', '

<%= yield %>

' c.file 'views/partial.html.erb', 'Hello World' machined.pages['index.html'].to_s.should == '

Hello World

' end end it 'adds the partial as a dependency' do within_construct do |c| c.file 'pages/index.html.erb', %(<%= render 'partial' %>) dep = c.file 'views/partial.haml', 'Hello World' asset = machined.pages['index.html'] asset.should be_fresh(machined.pages)'w') { |f| f.write('%h1 Hello World') } mtime = + 600 dep.utime mtime, mtime asset.should_not be_fresh(machined.pages) end end it 'raises a Sprockets::FileNotFound error if the partial is missing' do within_construct do |c| c.file 'pages/index.html.erb', %(<%= render 'partial' %>) expect { machined.pages['index.html'].to_s }.to raise_error(Sprockets::FileNotFound) end end end end