Given /^I have built and installed the "([^"]*)" gem$/ do |gem_name| @terminal.build_and_install(File.join(PROJECT_ROOT, "#{gem_name}.gemspec")) end When /^I generate a new Rails application$/ do version = ENV['RAILS_VERSION'] rails3 = version =~ /^3/ if rails3 rails_create_command = 'new' else rails_create_command = '' end load_rails = <<-RUBY gem 'rails', '#{version}'; \ load Gem.bin_path('rails', 'rails', '#{version}') RUBY{ruby -rubygems -e "#{load_rails.strip!}" #{rails_create_command} rails_root}) if rails_root_exists? @terminal.echo("Generated a Rails #{version} application") else raise "Unable to generate a Rails application:\n#{@terminal.output}" end end When /^I configure my application to require the "([^"]*)" gem$/ do |gem_name| if rails_manages_gems? config_gem(gem_name) elsif bundler_manages_gems? bundle_gem(gem_name) else, 'a') do |file| file.puts file.puts("require 'example-engine'") file.puts("require 'example-engine/rails'") # ??? end # unless rails_finds_generators_in_gems? # FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'generators'), File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'lib')) # end end end When /^I configure my application to run in the "([^"]*)" environment$/ do |environment| @rails_environment = environment end When /^I check the configured gem version$/ do version = ENV['RAILS_VERSION'] rails3 = version =~ /^3/ if rails3 command = 'rails runner' else command = 'script/runner' end{#{command} 'puts "Current version: #\{EngineAssets.version\}"'}) end When /^I generate a new "([^"]*)" ([^\s]*)$/ do |name, generator| rails_generate("#{generator} #{name}") end When /^I save the following as "([^\"]*)"$/ do |path, string| FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, File.dirname(path))), path), 'w') { |file| file.write(string) } end When /^I perform a request to "([^\"]*)"$/ do |uri| perform_request(uri) end Then /^I should receive a response matching the following:$/ do |table| hash = table.transpose.hashes.first result = JSON.parse(@terminal.result) if hash['200'] result['status'].should == 200 if (header = result['headers']['X-Sendfile']) # Rack middleware (likely Rails 3) content = File.readlines(header).join content.should include(hash['200']) else result['body'].should include(hash['200']) end else raise "Don't know how to handle #{hash.inspect}" end end Then /^The first line of the "([^"]*)" file should be$/ do |path, string| lines = File.readlines(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, path)) lines[0].strip.should == string end Then /^I should see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_text| unless @terminal.output.include?(expected_text) raise("Got terminal output:\n#{@terminal.output}\n\nExpected output:\n#{expected_text}") end end Then /^the command should have run successfully$/ do @terminal.status.exitstatus.should == 0 end