FancySpec describe: "Documentations" with: { it: "should display the documentation for a method" when: { documentation = "Array#each: iterates over its elements, calling a given block with each element." Array new method: "each:" . documentation: documentation Array new method: "each:" . documentation . docs first should == documentation } it: "should define a documenation string for a class and method" when: { class ClassWithDoc { "This class has a documentation! Yay!" def foo { "bar!" nil } } ClassWithDoc documentation should_not == "" ClassWithDoc documentation should == "This class has a documentation! Yay!" ClassWithDoc new method: 'foo . documentation docs should == ["bar!"] } it: "should have a documentation string for a method" when: { Array new method: "first" . documentation should_not be: 'nil? } }