require_relative "ui_helpers" require_relative "version" require_relative "string_helpers" require_relative "config_values" require "etc" class Menu attr_accessor :options def initialize @options = {railsbricks_version: Version.to_s} end def new_app_menu # WELCOME @options[:rails_version] = ConfigValues.rails_version new_line wputs '*****************************' wputs "* *" wputs "* RailsBricks #{Version.to_s} *" wputs "* *" wputs "* using Rails #{@options[:rails_version]} *" wputs "* *" wputs '*****************************' new_line(2) # WIZARD CONFIG wputs "- Do you want me to help you along the way by giving you tips?" wputs "1. Sure, help me make the right choices (default)", :info wputs "2. Nope, I already know how to use RailsBricks", :info hints = answer() == "2" ? false : true new_line(2) # APP NAME wputs "1. Your Rails App Name" wputs "----------------------" if hints wputs "First of all, you need to give a name to your new app. I'll create it in #{Dir.pwd}/. Of course, only use a valid Rails app name.", :help end new_line wputs "- What do you want to name your app?" default_name = "railsbricks_#{{ 0 + Random.rand(9)}.join}" wputs "(default: #{default_name})" @options[:app_name] = StringHelpers.sanitize(answer("App name:")) @options[:app_name] = default_name if @options[:app_name].length < 1 @options[:rails_app_name] = StringHelpers.convert_to_app_name(@options[:app_name]) new_line(2) # DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT wputs "2. Your Development Environment" wputs "-------------------------------" # ruby version if hints wputs "Before I can create your app, I need more information about your current development environment. Note that I don't support versions of Ruby older than 2.0.0.", :help end new_line wputs "- Which version of Ruby do you want to use?" wputs "1. 2.0.0", :info wputs "2. 2.3.3", :info wputs "3. 2.4.0 (default)", :info choice = answer("Your choice (1-3):") case choice when "1" @options[:ruby_version] = "2.0.0" when "2" @options[:ruby_version] = "2.3.3" else @options[:ruby_version] = "2.4.0" end new_line(2) # gem command if hints wputs "On some systems, you can't install gems by issuing a simple 'gem install name_of_gem' command but need to prefix it with 'sudo' and issue 'sudo gem install name_of_gem'. If this is the case, you most likely will need to input your password at some point.", :help end new_line wputs "- How do you usually install new gems?" wputs "1. gem install name_of_gem (default)", :info wputs "2. sudo gem install name_of_gem", :info @options[:gem_command] = answer() == "2" ? "sudo gem" : "gem" new_line(2) # rake command @options[:rake_command] = "bundle exec rake" # development database if hints wputs "By default, Rails uses SQLite 3 to store the development database. I can change that to PostgreSQL but you have to make sure that a PostgreSQL server is installed and currently running. If it doesn't, the app creation will fail as I won't be able to create the development database.", :help end new_line wputs "If you are on OS X, I struggle with the as the location of pg_config keeps changing between versions. If you want to use PostgreSQL, you'll have to use a full install which you can get through Homebrew by running 'brew install postgresql'.", :error new_line wputs "- Which database engine do you want to use for development?" wputs "1. SQLite 3 (default)", :info wputs "2. PostgreSQL", :info @options[:development_db] = answer() == "2" ? "postgresql" : "sqlite" @options[:db_config] = {} new_line(2) # postgresql config if @options[:development_db] == "postgresql" if hints wputs "Right, you decided to go with PostgreSQL. Note that I will only create a development config. You'll have to manually edit #{@options[:app_name]}/config/database.yml for test and production. I will create the database so make sure it doesn't exist yet.", :help new_line end # hostname wputs "- Your database server hostname?" wputs "example:, localhost, ...", :help wputs "(default: localhost)" choice = answer("Hostname:") @options[:db_config][:server] = choice == "" ? "localhost" : choice new_line(2) # port wputs "- What is the database port number?" wputs "(default: 5432)" choice = answer("Port:") @options[:db_config][:port] = choice == "" ? 5432 : choice.to_i new_line(2) # name wputs "- What is the development database name?" wputs "(default #{@options[:app_name].downcase}_development)" choice = StringHelpers.sanitize(answer("Database name:")) @options[:db_config][:name] = choice == "" ? "#{@options[:app_name].downcase}_development" : choice new_line(2) # username wputs "- What is your database username?" wputs "(default: #{Etc.getlogin})" choice = answer("Database username:") @options[:db_config][:username] = choice == "" ? "#{Etc.getlogin}" : choice new_line(2) # password wputs "- What is your database user password?" wputs "tip: leave blank for none", :help wputs "(default: none)" @options[:db_config][:password] = answer("Database user password:") new_line(2) else @options[:db_config][:server] = nil @options[:db_config][:port] = nil @options[:db_config][:name] = nil @options[:db_config][:username] = nil @options[:db_config][:password] = nil end # git local if hints wputs "I can create a local and a remote Git repository for you. If you choose to do so, I will also create a specific .gitignore file to make sure your secrets are not distributed with your code.", :help end new_line wputs "- Create a local Git repository?" wputs "1. Yes (default)", :info wputs "2. No", :info answer() == "2" ? @options[:local_git] = false : @options[:local_git] = true new_line(2) # git remote if @options[:local_git] wputs "- Add a remote Git repository?" wputs "1. Yes", :info wputs "2. No (default)", :info answer() == "1" ? @options[:remote_git] = true : @options[:remote_git] = false new_line(2) else @options[:remote_git] = false end # git remote url if @options[:remote_git] wputs "- What is the URL of your remote Git repository?" wputs "example:", :help @options[:git_url] = answer("Remote URL:") new_line(2) else @options[:git_url] = "" end # APP INFO wputs "3. About Your App" wputs "-----------------" # devise if hints wputs "If your app will have users, I can create an authentication scheme using Devise. If you want me to create resources accessible from an admin zone (blog posts, for example), you will need to have an authentication scheme.", :help end new_line wputs "- Create an authentication scheme?" wputs "1. Yes (default)", :info wputs "2. No", :info @options[:devise] = answer() == "2" ? false : true @options[:devise_config] = {} new_line(2) if @options[:devise] # sign in if hints wputs "You can choose what credentials users will need to provide to sign in. Whether with a username and a password or with an email address and a password.", :help new_line end wputs "- How will users sign in?" wputs "1. With a username (default)", :info wputs "2. With an email address", :info @options[:devise_config][:scheme] = answer() == "2" ? "email" : "username" new_line(2) # allow sign up if hints wputs "If you don't want to allow new users to register, I can disable the sign up feature.", :help new_line end wputs "- Allow new users to sign up?" wputs "1. Yes, they can click on a 'sign up' button (default)", :info wputs "2. No, I don't want to allow new users to sign up", :info @options[:devise_config][:allow_signup] = answer() == "2" ? false : true new_line(2) # test users if hints wputs "I can also create 50 test users for you if you need.", :help new_line end wputs "- Create test users?" wputs "1. No, only create my Admin account (default)", :info wputs "2. Yes, create 50", :info @options[:devise_config][:test_users] = answer() == "2" ? true : false new_line(2) # post model if hints wputs "I can create a Post model which is useful if you intend to have a blog, news, articles, etc, in your app. The appropriate model, routes, controllers and views will be created and useable in the admin zone. You will be able to add new posts using the Markdown syntax. To change settings such as how many posts are displayed on a page, refer to the RailsBricks documentation.", :help new_line end wputs "- Create Post resources?" wputs "1. Yes", :info wputs "2. No (default)", :info @options[:post_resources] = answer() == "1" ? true : false new_line(2) else @options[:devise_config][:scheme] = nil @options[:devise_config][:allow_signup] = nil @options[:devise_config][:test_users] = nil @options[:post_resources] = false end # contact form if hints wputs "I can create a Contact form for you. Your visitors will be able to fill in their name, email address and their message to you. Note that I won't allow visitors to send you links in order to cut down on spam! To change the contact form settings, refer to the RailsBricks documentation.", :help new_line end wputs "- Create a Contact form?" wputs "1. Yes", :info wputs "2. No (default)", :info @options[:contact_form] = answer() == "1" ? true : false new_line(2) # google analytics if hints wputs "I can already generate the necessary bits of code for using Google Analytics. It will work with Turbolinks, don't worry. You will need to provide me with your Google Analytics Tracking ID. It's a string like UA-000000-01. If you don't have one yet, I will use UA-XXXXXX-XX and you can set it later within #{@options[:app_name]}/app/views/layouts/_footer.html.erb.", :help new_line end wputs "- Use Google Analytics?" wputs "1. Yes (default)", :info wputs "2. No", :info @options[:google_analytics] = answer() == "2" ? false : true new_line(2) if @options[:google_analytics] wputs "- What is your Google Analytics tracking ID?" wputs "(default: UA-XXXXXX-XX)" choice = answer("Tracking ID:", false) @options[:google_tracking_id] = choice == "" ? "UA-XXXXXX-XX" : choice new_line(2) else @options[:google_tracking_id] = nil end # email settings if hints wputs "Your app can send emails. It is even required if you chose to add a contact form or let new users sign up. Let's go through the basic settings I need to know. If you choose not to configure your email settings now, you can do it at a later stage by editing the relevant section within #{@options[:app_name]}/config/application.yml.", :help new_line end wputs "- Configure email settings?" wputs "1. Yes (default)", :info wputs "2. No", :info @options[:email_settings] = answer() == "2" ? false : true @options[:email_config] = {} new_line(2) if @options[:email_settings] #sender wputs "- What is the email address you will send emails from?" wputs "example:", :help @options[:email_config][:sender] = answer("Email address:") new_line(2) # smtp server wputs "- What is your SMTP server address?" wputs "example:", :help @options[:email_config][:smtp] = answer("SMTP server:") new_line(2) # domain wputs "- What is the domain name of your SMTP server?" wputs "example:,, ...", :help @options[:email_config][:domain] = answer("Domain name:") new_line(2) # port wputs "- What is the SMTP server port number?" wputs "(default: 587)" choice = answer("SMTP port:") @options[:email_config][:port] = choice == "" ? "587" : choice new_line(2) # username wputs "- What is your SMTP username?" @options[:email_config][:username] = answer("SMTP username:") new_line(2) # password wputs "- What is your SMTP password?" wputs "tip: it will be stored in #{@options[:app_name]}/config/application.yml but won't be tracked by Git", :help @options[:email_config][:password] = answer("SMTP password:", false) new_line(2) else @options[:email_config][:sender] = nil @options[:email_config][:smtp] = nil @options[:email_config][:domain] = nil @options[:email_config][:port] = nil @options[:email_config][:username] = nil @options[:email_config][:password] = nil end # UI wputs "4. Your App UI" wputs "--------------" @options[:ui] = {} # body theme if hints wputs "I will use Bootstrap 3 to build the UI of your app. You can change Boostrap default values by editing #{@options[:app_name]}/app/assets/railsbricks_custom.scss.", :help end new_line wputs "- Which UI scheme do you want to use for the content area?" wputs "1. Light (default)", :info wputs "2. Dark", :info @options[:ui][:theme_background] = answer() == "2" ? "dark" : "light" new_line(2) # navbar theme new_line wputs "- Which UI scheme do you want to use for the navbar?" wputs "1. Light", :info wputs "2. Dark (default)", :info @options[:ui][:theme_navbar] = answer() == "1" ? "light" : "dark" new_line(2) # footer theme new_line wputs "- Which UI scheme do you want to use for the footer?" wputs "1. Light", :info wputs "2. Dark (default)", :info @options[:ui][:theme_footer] = answer() == "1" ? "light" : "dark" new_line(2) # primary color if hints wputs "The primary color is expressed as a hexadecimal value such as #663399 (purple). In #{@options[:app_name]}/app/assets/railsbricks_custom.scss, the primary color is assigned to a variable named '$brand-primary'. It is used as the base color for links, default buttons, etc... .", :help new_line end wputs "- What primary color do you want to use?" wputs "tip: expressed as hexadecimal such as #663399", :help wputs "(default: #428BCA)" choice = answer("Primary color:") @options[:ui][:color] = choice == "" ? "#428bca" : choice.downcase new_line(2) # font if hints wputs "Fonts are an important part of you app. You can see what each proposed font looks like by searching for their names on Google Fonts.", :help new_line end wputs "- Which font family and fallback options do you want to use as the main one for the UI?" wputs "1. Open Sans, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif (default)", :info wputs "2. Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif", :info wputs "3. Gentium Basic, Times New Roman, serif", :info wputs "4. Anonymous Pro, Courier New, monospace", :info choice = answer("Your choice (1-4):") case choice when "2" @options[:ui][:font] = "arial" when "3" @options[:ui][:font] = "gentium" when "4" @options[:ui][:font] = "anonymous" else @options[:ui][:font] = "open" end new_line(2) # PRODUCTION wputs "5. Your Production Settings" wputs "---------------------------" # production if hints wputs "At some point, you will deploy your app to a production environment. I can already set up some settings for you.", :help end new_line wputs "- Do you want to set up some production settings already?" wputs "1. Yes (default)", :info wputs "2. No", :info @options[:production] = answer() == "2" ? false : true @options[:production_settings] = {} new_line(2) if @options[:production] # heroku if hints wputs "If you opt to host your app with Heroku, I can already add the necessary 12 Factor gem to a production group within your Gemfile.", :help new_line end wputs "- Where will you host your app?" wputs "1. Heroku (default)", :info wputs "2. Somewhere else", :info @options[:production_settings][:target] = answer() == "2" ? "else" : "heroku" new_line(2) # url wputs "- What will be the URL of your app?" wputs "example:,, ...", :help if hints wputs "tip: don't prefix the URL with http://", :help @options[:production_settings][:url] = answer("URL:") new_line(2) # unicorn if hints wputs "By default, Rails apps use WEBrick as a simple HTTP web server. Although it is a good web server for development purpose, it is not really advised to use it in a production environment. I can configure your app to use Unicorn in production. If you choose so, I will add the Unicorn gem to your Gemfile within the :production group, create a unicorn.rb file within #{@options[:app_name]}/config and add a Procfile to your app root. You can edit Unicorn settings in #{@options[:app_name]}/config/unicorn.rb if you need to.", :help new_line end wputs "- Do you want to use Unicorn in production?" wputs "1. Yes (default)", :info wputs "2. No", :info @options[:production_settings][:unicorn] = answer() == "2" ? false : true new_line(2) else @options[:production_settings][:target] = nil @options[:production_settings][:url] = nil @options[:production_settings][:unicorn] = nil end # SUMMARY wputs "6. Summary" wputs "----------" # TODO: Offer to save template and/or whole script # if hints # wputs "I now have all the details needed to create #{@options[:app_name]}. I can save your settings if you want to generate your application at a later time (for example, if you forgot to start your PostgreSQL server). This will generate a file named #{@options[:app_name]}.rbs in the current directory. You can execute it later by running: rbricks --script #{@options[:app_name]}.rbs", :help # new_line # wputs "I can also save your chosen settings in a template file if you plan to create similar apps at a later stage. You will only need to fill in unique settings such as the app name. The template will be saved in the current directory as template_#{@options[:app_name]}.rbt. You can execute it later by running: rbricks --template template_#{@options[:app_name]}.rbt", :help # end new_line # # save settings # wputs "- Do you want to save the app settings in order to execute them later?" # wputs "tip: rbricks --script #{@options[:app_name]}.rbs", :help # wputs "1. Yes", :info # wputs "2. No (default)", :info # @options[:save_settings] = answer() == "1" ? true : false # new_line(2) # # save template # wputs "- Do you want to save common settings as a template?" # wputs "tip: rbricks --template template_#{@options[:app_name]}.rbt", :help # wputs "1. Yes", :info # wputs "2. No (default)", :info # @options[:save_template] = answer() == "1" ? true : false # new_line(2) # generate now wputs "- I am ready! Generate #{@options[:app_name]} now?" wputs "1. Do it! (default)", :info wputs "2. No, not now", :info @options[:generate] = answer() == "2" ? false : true new_line @options end # Shortcut/alias methods private def wputs(text, highlight = :none) StringHelpers.wputs(text, highlight) end def new_line(lines=1) StringHelpers.new_line(lines) end def answer(choices="Your choice (1-2):", is_downcase = true) print "#{choices} " if is_downcase STDIN.gets.chomp.downcase.strip else STDIN.gets.chomp.strip end end end