Feature: Drying up repetitive fields As a developer with a lot of repetitive data in my Cucumber tables I want that redundant elements are omitted from my table So that I can see better how data in my table is grouped and where it changes. Scenario: drying up repetitive columns Given I create a Mortadella instance with a DRY column: "m = Mortadella.new headers: ['DAY', 'ACTIVITY'], dry: ['DAY']" And I add an activity for Monday: "m << ['Monday', 'mowing']" And I add another activity for Monday: "m << ['Monday', 'musing']" And I add another activity for Monday: "m << ['Monday', 'mentoring']" And I add an activity for Tuesday: "m << ['Tuesday', 'typing']" And I add another activity for Tuesday: "m << ['Tuesday', 'tutoring']" And I add another activity for Tuesday: "m << ['Tuesday', 'throwing']" When I request the data table from the Mortadella instance "m.table" Then I receive a table with repeated day names cleared out for better readability | DAY | ACTIVITY | | Monday | mowing | | | musing | | | mentoring | | Tuesday | typing | | | tutoring | | | throwing |