b0VIM 7.4 X!]X msimoninleto.irisa.fr~msimonin/msimonin@github.com/vagrant-g5k/Vagrantfile 3210#"! UtpFadeFl)]\@& v C $   c   n  h 1 (  { U 4 >end end #vm my.ssh.insert_key = false ## In particular this is mandatory for the shared folder to work ## This is mandatory until #6 is fixed my.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "rsync", disabled: false ## Configure the shared folders between your host and the VM my.vm.box = "dummy" config.vm.define "exp5" do |my| ## * loop over using (1..N).each block ## * either repeat the block ## To define multiple VMs you can ## a g5k provider section will override top level options ## This define a VM. end #g5k } :mem => 2048 :cpu => 1, g5k.resources = { ## ## mem => -1 -> all the mem of the reserved node ## cpu => -1 -> all the cpu of the reserved node ## VM size customization default values are g5k.oar = "network_address in ('igrida12-12.irisa.fr')" #g5k.oar = "virtual != 'None' and network_address in ('paranoia-2.rennes.grid5000.fr')" #g5k.oar = "virtual != 'none'" ## OAR selection of resource } :ports => ["2222-:22"] :type => "nat", g5k.net = { ## VM. ## Forwarding ports will allow you to access services hosted inside the ## Nat network : VMs will only have access to the external world #} # :type => "bridge" #g5k.net = { ## Bridged network : this allow VMs to communicate } :backing => "snapshot" :path => "/udd/msimonin/precise.qcow2", g5k.image = { # Image backed on the frontend filesystem g5k.walltime = "00:10:00" # g5k.gateway = "access.grid5000.fr" g5k.username = "msimonin" g5k.site = "rennes" # g5k.site = "igrida" g5k.project_id = "test-vagrant-g5k" # on vm disks # your projects using vagrant-g5k to avoid conflict # project id must be unique accross all override.nfs.functional = false # This is mandatory for the shared folders to work correctly config.vm.provider "g5k" do |g5k, override|Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|## Sample Vagrantfile## vi: set ft=ruby :# -*- mode: ruby -*-