# coding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Locomotive::Page do before(:each) do allow_any_instance_of(Locomotive::Site).to receive(:create_default_pages!).and_return(true) allow_any_instance_of(Locomotive::Page).to receive(:set_default_raw_template!).and_return(true) end it 'has a valid factory' do expect(build(:page)).to be_valid end describe 'validation' do it 'requires the presence of a site' do page = build(:page, site: nil) expect(page).to_not be_valid expect(page.errors[:site]).to eq(["can't be blank"]) end it 'requires the presence of a title' do page = build(:page, title: nil, site: build(:site)) expect(page).to_not be_valid expect(page.errors[:title]).to eq(["can't be blank"]) end it 'requires the presence of the slug' do page = build(:page, title: nil, slug: nil) expect(page).to_not be_valid expect(page.errors[:slug]).to eq(["can't be blank"]) end it 'requires the uniqueness of the slug' do page = create(:page) another_page = build(:page, site: page.site) expect(another_page).to_not be_valid expect(another_page.errors[:slug]).to eq(["is already taken"]) end it 'requires the uniqueness of the handle' do page = create(:page, handle: 'foo') another_page = build(:page, handle: 'foo', site: page.site) expect(another_page).to_not be_valid expect(another_page.errors[:handle]).to eq(["is already taken"]) end it 'requires the uniqueness of the slug within a "folder"' do site = create(:site) root = create(:page, slug: 'index', site: site) child_1 = create(:page, slug: 'first_child', parent: root, site: site) page = build(:page, slug: 'first_child', parent: root, site: site) expect(page).to_not be_valid expect(page.errors[:slug]).to eq(["is already taken"]) page.slug = 'index' expect(page.valid?).to eq(true) end %w{admin locomotive stylesheets images javascripts}.each do |slug| it "considers '#{slug}' as an invalid slug" do page = build(:page, slug: slug) allow(page).to receive(:depth).and_return(1) expect(page).to_not be_valid expect(page.errors[:slug]).to eq(["is reserved"]) end end context '#i18n' do before(:each) do ::Mongoid::Fields::I18n.locale = 'en' @page = build(:page, title: 'Hello world') ::Mongoid::Fields::I18n.locale = 'fr' end after(:all) do ::Mongoid::Fields::I18n.locale = 'en' end it 'requires the presence of the title' do @page.title = '' expect(@page.valid?).to eq(false) expect(@page.errors[:title]).to eq(["can't be blank"]) end it 'tells if a page has been translated or not' do expect(@page.translated?).to eq(false) @page.title = 'Hello world' expect(@page.translated?).to eq(true) end end end # Named scopes ## # Associations ## # Methods ## describe 'once created' do it 'tells if the page is the index one' do expect(build(:page, slug: 'index', site: nil).index?).to eq(true) page = build(:page, slug: 'index', site: nil) allow(page).to receive(:depth).and_return(1) expect(page.index?).to eq(false) end it 'has normalized slug' do page = build(:page, slug: ' Valid ité.html ') page.valid? expect(page.slug).to eq('valid-ite-dot-html') page = build(:page, title: ' Valid ité.html ', slug: nil, site: page.site) expect(page).to be_valid expect(page.slug).to eq('valid-ite-dot-html') page = build(:page, slug: ' convention_Valid ité.html ') page.valid? expect(page.slug).to eq('convention_valid_ite_dot_html') end it 'has cache enabled' do page = build(:page, site: nil) expect(page.cache_enabled?).to eq(true) end end describe 'localizing slugs and fullpaths' do let(:site) { create(:site, locales: %w(en fr)) } subject { create(:sub_page, site: site) } it { expect(subject.slug_translations).to eq('en' => 'subpage', 'fr' => 'subpage') } it { expect(subject.fullpath_translations).to eq('en' => 'subpage', 'fr' => 'subpage') } end describe '#deleting' do before(:each) do @page = build(:page) end it 'does not delete the index page' do allow(@page).to receive(:index?).and_return(true) expect { expect(@page.destroy).to eq(false) @page.errors.first == 'You can not remove index or 404 pages' }.to_not change(Locomotive::Page, :count) end it 'does not delete the 404 page' do allow(@page).to receive(:not_found?).and_return(true) expect { expect(@page.destroy).to eq(false) @page.errors.first == 'You can not remove index or 404 pages' }.to_not change(Locomotive::Page, :count) end end describe 'tree organization' do before(:each) do @home = create(:page) @child_1 = create(:page, title: 'Subpage 1', slug: 'foo', parent_id: @home._id, site: @home.site) end it 'adds root elements' do page_404 = create(:page, title: 'Page not found', slug: '404', site: @home.site) expect(Locomotive::Page.roots.count).to eq(2) expect(Locomotive::Page.roots).to eq([@home, page_404]) end it 'adds sub pages' do child_2 = create(:page, title: 'Subpage 2', slug: 'bar', parent: @home, site: @home.site) @home = Locomotive::Page.find(@home.id) expect(@home.children.count).to eq(2) expect(@home.children).to eq([@child_1, child_2]) end it 'moves its children accordingly' do sub_child_1 = create(:page, title: 'Sub Subpage 1', slug: 'bar', parent: @child_1, site: @home.site) archives = create(:page, title: 'archives', slug: 'archives', parent: @home, site: @home.site) posts = create(:page, title: 'posts', slug: 'posts', parent: archives, site: @home.site) @child_1.parent = archives @child_1.save expect(@home.reload.children.count).to eq(1) expect(archives.reload.children.count).to eq(2) expect(archives.children.last.depth).to eq(2) expect(archives.children.last.children.first.depth).to eq(3) end it 'builds children fullpaths' do sub_child_1 = create(:page, title: 'Sub Subpage 1', slug: 'bar', parent: @child_1, site: @home.site) expect(sub_child_1.fullpath).to eq("foo/bar") @child_1.slug = "milky" @child_1.save expect(sub_child_1.reload.fullpath).to eq("milky/bar") end it 'destroys descendants as well' do create(:page, title: 'Sub Subpage 1', slug: 'bar', parent_id: @child_1._id, site: @home.site) @child_1.destroy expect(Locomotive::Page.where(slug: 'bar').first).to eq(nil) end it 'is scoped by the site' do another_home = create(:page, site: create('another site')) expect(another_home.position).to eq(0) end end describe 'acts as list' do before(:each) do @home = create(:page) @child_1 = create(:page, title: 'Subpage 1', slug: 'foo', parent: @home, site: @home.site) @child_2 = create(:page, title: 'Subpage 2', slug: 'bar', parent: @home, site: @home.site) @child_3 = create(:page, title: 'Subpage 3', slug: 'acme', parent: @home, site: @home.site) end it 'is at the bottom of the folder once created' do [@child_1, @child_2, @child_3].each_with_index { |c, i| expect(c.position).to eq(i) } end it 'has its position updated if a sibling is removed' do @child_2.destroy [@child_1, @child_3.reload].each_with_index { |c, i| expect(c.position).to eq(i) } end it 'uses the position passed in attributes when creating a new one' do page = create(:page, title: 'Contact', slug: 'contact', position: 42, parent: @home, site: @home.site) expect(page.position).to eq(42) end end describe 'templatized extension' do let!(:page) { build(:page, parent: build(:page, templatized: false), templatized: true, target_klass_name: 'Foo') } it 'is considered as a templatized page' do expect(page.templatized?).to eq(true) end it 'fills in the slug field' do page.valid? expect(page.slug).to eq('content_type_template') end it 'returns the target klass' do expect(page.target_klass).to eq(Foo) end it 'has a name for the target entry' do expect(page.target_entry_name).to eq('foo') end it 'uses the find_by_permalink method when fetching the entry' do expect(Foo).to receive(:find_by_permalink) page.fetch_target_entry('foo') end it 'does not accept 2 templatized pages in the same folder' do @home = create(:page) page.attributes = { parent_id: @home._id, site: @home.site }; page.save! another_page = build(:page, title: 'Lorem ipsum', parent: @home, site: @home.site, templatized: true, target_klass_name: 'Foo') expect(another_page.valid?).to eq(false) expect(another_page.errors['slug']).to eq(['is already taken']) end context '#descendants' do before(:each) do @home = create(:page) page.attributes = { parent_id: @home._id, site: @home.site }; page.save! @sub_page = build(:page, title: 'Subpage', slug: 'foo', parent: page, site: @home.site, templatized: false) end it 'inherits the templatized property from its parent' do @sub_page.valid? expect(@sub_page.templatized?).to eq(true) expect(@sub_page.templatized_from_parent?).to eq(true) expect(@sub_page.target_klass_name).to eq('Foo') end it 'gets templatized if its parent is' do page.attributes = { templatized: false, target_klass_name: nil }; page.save! expect(@sub_page.save).to eq(true) expect(@sub_page.templatized?).to eq(false) page.attributes = { templatized: true, target_klass_name: 'Foo' }; page.save! @sub_page.reload expect(@sub_page.templatized?).to eq(true) expect(@sub_page.templatized_from_parent?).to eq(true) expect(@sub_page.target_klass_name).to eq('Foo') end it 'is not templatized if its parent is no more a templatized page' do expect(@sub_page.save).to eq(true) page.templatized = false; page.save! @sub_page.reload expect(@sub_page.templatized).to eq(false) expect(@sub_page.templatized_from_parent).to eq(false) expect(@sub_page.target_klass_name).to be_nil end end context 'using a content type' do before(:each) do @site = build(:site) @content_type = build(:content_type, slug: 'posts', site: @site) page.site = @site page.target_klass_name = 'Locomotive::ContentEntry5151e25587f643c2cf000001' end it 'returns nil if the content type does not exit' do expect(page.content_type).to be_nil end it 'has a name for the target entry' do allow(@site).to receive(:content_types).and_return(instance_double('ContentType', find: @content_type)) expect(page.target_entry_name).to eq('post') end it 'returns the slug of the target klass' do allow(@site).to receive(:content_types).and_return(instance_double('ContentType', find: @content_type)) expect(page.target_klass_slug).to eq('posts') end it 'returns the target klass in a multi-thread env (mimic it)' do page.target_klass_name = 'Locomotive::ContentEntry5151e25587f643c2cf000042' Locomotive.send(:remove_const, :'ContentEntry5151e25587f643c2cf000042') expect(Locomotive::ContentType).to receive(:find).with('5151e25587f643c2cf000042').and_return(Foo) expect(Foo).to receive(:klass_with_custom_fields).and_return(Foo) expect(page.target_klass).to eq(Foo) end context '#security' do before(:each) do allow(Locomotive::ContentType).to receive(:find).and_return(@content_type) end it 'is valid if the content type belongs to the site' do page.send(:ensure_target_klass_name_security) expect(page.errors).to be_empty end it 'does not valid the page if the content type does not belong to the site' do @content_type.site = build(:site) page.send(:ensure_target_klass_name_security) expect(page.errors[:target_klass_name]).to eq(['presents a security problem']) end end end end describe 'listed extension' do it 'is considered as a visible page' do @page = build(:page, site: nil) expect(@page.listed?).to eq(true) end it 'is not considered as a visible page' do @page = build(:page, site: nil, listed: false) expect(@page.listed?).to eq(false) end end describe 'redirect extension' do before(:each) do @page = build(:page, site: nil, redirect: true, redirect_url: 'http://www.google.com/') end it 'is considered as a redirect page' do expect(@page.redirect?).to eq(true) end it 'validates the redirect_url if redirect is set' do @page.redirect_url = nil expect(@page).to_not be_valid expect(@page.errors[:redirect_url]).to eq(["can't be blank"]) end it 'should validate format of redirect_url' do @page.redirect_url = "invalid url with spaces" expect(@page).to_not be_valid expect(@page.errors[:redirect_url]).to eq(["is invalid"]) end end describe 'response type' do before(:each) do @page = build(:page, site: nil) end it 'is a HTML document by default' do expect(@page.response_type).to eq('text/html') expect(@page.default_response_type?).to eq(true) end it 'can also be a JSON document' do @page.response_type = 'application/json' expect(@page.default_response_type?).to eq(false) end end it_should_behave_like 'model scoped by a site' do let(:model) { create(:page) } let(:attribute) { :content_version } describe 'the raw_template has been modified' do let(:date) { Time.zone.local(2015, 4, 1, 12, 0, 0) } it 'updates the template_version attribute of the site' do model.raw_template = 'new one' Timecop.freeze(date) do expect { model.save! }.to change { site.template_version }.to date end end end end class Foo end class Locomotive::ContentEntry5151e25587f643c2cf000001 end class Locomotive::ContentEntry5151e25587f643c2cf000042 end def fake_bson_id(id) BSON::ObjectId.from_string(id.to_s.rjust(24, '0')) end end