require 'r10k/puppetfile' require 'erb' require 'yaml' require 'find' require 'pathname' require 'thread' require 'multi_json' require 'onceover/beaker' require 'onceover/logger' include Onceover::Logger class Onceover class Controlrepo # This exists for caching. Each time a new one of these objects is created # it gets dumped in here so that it's values can be called without # reference to the initial object itself @@existing_controlrepo = nil attr_accessor :root attr_accessor :puppetfile attr_accessor :facts_files attr_accessor :environmentpath attr_accessor :role_regex attr_accessor :profile_regex attr_accessor :spec_dir attr_accessor :temp_modulepath attr_accessor :nodeset_file attr_accessor :manifest attr_accessor :tempdir attr_accessor :onceover_yaml attr_accessor :opts # Create methods on self so that we can access these basic things without # having to actually instantiate the class, I'm debating how much stuff # I should be putting in here, we don't reeeally need to instantiate the # object unless we want to modify it's parameters, so maybe everything. # We shall see... # # And yeah I know this makes little sense, but it will look nicer to type, promise # # Also it's probably pretty memory hungry, but let's be honest, how many # times would be be calling this? If we call it over and over you can just # instantiate it anyway def self.root @@existing_controlrepo.root end def self.puppetfile @@existing_controlrepo.puppetfile end def self.facts_files @@existing_controlrepo.facts_files end def self.classes @@existing_controlrepo.classes end def self.roles @@existing_controlrepo.roles end def self.profiles @@existing_controlrepo.profiles end def self.config @@existing_controlrepo.config end def self.facts(filter = nil) @@existing_controlrepo.facts(filter, 'values') end def self.trusted_facts(filter = nil) @@existing_controlrepo.facts(filter, 'trusted') end def self.hiera_config_file @@existing_controlrepo.hiera_config_file end # # End class methods # def initialize(opts = {}) # When we initialize the object it is going to set some instance vars # We want people to be able to run this from anywhere within the repo # so traverse up until we think we are in a controlrepo. if opts[:path] @root = opts[:path] else @root = Dir.pwd until File.exist?(File.expand_path('./environment.conf', @root)) do # Throw an exception if we can't go any further up throw "Could not file root of the controlrepo anywhere above #{Dir.pwd}" if @root == File.expand_path('../', @root) # Step up and try again @root = File.expand_path('../', @root) end end @onceover_yaml = ENV['ONCEOVER_YAML'] || opts[:onceover_yaml] || File.expand_path("#{@root}/spec/onceover.yaml") if File.exist?(@onceover_yaml) && _data = YAML.load_file(@onceover_yaml) opts.merge!(_data.fetch('opts',{})||{}) end opts.fetch(:facts_dir,'').sub!(%r{^[^/.].+} ){|path| File.expand_path(path, @root)} opts.fetch(:facts_files,[]).map!{|path| path =~ %r{^[/.]} ? path : File.expand_path(path, @root)} @environmentpath = opts[:environmentpath] || 'etc/puppetlabs/code/environments' @puppetfile = opts[:puppetfile] || File.expand_path('./Puppetfile', @root) @environment_conf = opts[:environment_conf] || File.expand_path('./environment.conf', @root) @spec_dir = opts[:spec_dir] || File.expand_path('./spec', @root) @facts_dir = opts[:facts_dir] || File.expand_path('factsets', @spec_dir) _facts_dirs = [@facts_dir, File.expand_path('../../../factsets', __FILE__)] _facts_files = opts[:facts_files] ||{|d| File.join(d, '*.json')} @facts_files ={|_path| Dir[_path]}.flatten @nodeset_file = opts[:nodeset_file] || File.expand_path('./spec/acceptance/nodesets/onceover-nodes.yml', @root) @role_regex = opts[:role_regex] ?[:role_regex]) : /role[s]?:{2}/ @profile_regex = opts[:profile_regex] ?[:profile_regex]) : /profile[s]?:{2}/ @tempdir = opts[:tempdir] || File.expand_path('./.onceover', @root) $temp_modulepath = nil @manifest = opts[:manifest] || config['manifest'] ? File.expand_path(config['manifest'], @root) : nil @opts = opts logger.level = :debug if @opts[:debug] @@existing_controlrepo = self end def to_s require 'colored' <<-END.gsub(/^\s{4}/,'') #{'puppetfile'.green} #{@puppetfile} #{'environment_conf'.green} #{@environment_conf} #{'facts_dir'.green} #{@facts_dir} #{'spec_dir'.green} #{@spec_dir} #{'facts_files'.green} #{@facts_files} #{'nodeset_file'.green} #{@nodeset_file} #{'roles'.green} #{roles} #{'profiles'.green} #{profiles} #{'onceover.yaml'.green} #{@onceover_yaml} END end def roles classes.keep_if { |c| c =~ @role_regex } end def profiles classes.keep_if { |c| c =~ @profile_regex } end def classes logger.debug('scanning for classes specified in onceover.yaml') # Get all of the possible places for puppet code and look for classes code_dirs = self.config['modulepath'] # Remove interpolated references code_dirs.delete_if { |dir| dir[0] == '$'} # Include all r10k-downloaded modules to support vendored and/or separate # role and profile classes code_dirs << "#{@tempdir}/#{@environmentpath}/production/modules" # Make sure that the paths are relative to the controlrepo root! do |dir| File.expand_path(dir, @root) end # Get all the classes from all of the manifests classes = [] code_dirs.each do |dir| classes << get_classes(dir) end classes.flatten end def facts(filter = nil, key = 'values') # Returns an array facts hashes all_facts = [] logger.debug "Reading factsets" @facts_files.each do |file| all_facts << read_facts(file)[key] end if filter # Allow us to pass a hash of facts to filter by raise "Filter param must be a hash" unless filter.is_a?(Hash) all_facts.keep_if do |hash| matches = [] filter.each do |filter_fact,value| matches << keypair_is_in_hash(hash,filter_fact,value) end if matches.include? false false else true end end end return all_facts end def print_puppetfile_table require 'table_print' require 'versionomy' require 'colored' require 'r10k/puppetfile' # Load up the Puppetfile using R10k logger.debug "Reading puppetfile from #{@root}" puppetfile = logger.debug "Loading modules from Puppetfile" puppetfile.load! output_array = [] threads = [] puppetfile.modules.each do |mod| threads << do return_hash = {} logger.debug "Loading data for #{mod.full_name}" return_hash[:full_name] = mod.full_name if mod.is_a?(R10K::Module::Forge) return_hash[:current_version] = mod.expected_version return_hash[:latest_version] = mod.v3_module.current_release.version return_hash[:endorsement] = mod.v3_module.endorsement superseded_by = mod.v3_module.superseded_by return_hash[:superseded_by] = superseded_by.nil? ? '' : superseded_by[:slug] current = Versionomy.parse(return_hash[:current_version]) latest = Versionomy.parse(return_hash[:latest_version]) if current.major < latest.major return_hash[:out_of_date] = "Major".red elsif current.minor < latest.minor return_hash[:out_of_date] = "Minor".yellow elsif current.tiny < latest.tiny return_hash[:out_of_date] = "Tiny".green else return_hash[:out_of_date] = "No".green end else return_hash[:current_version] = "N/A" return_hash[:latest_version] = "N/A" return_hash[:out_of_date] = "N/A" return_hash[:endorsement] = "N/A" return_hash[:superseded_by] = "N/A" end output_array << return_hash end end tp output_array, {:full_name => {:display_name => "Full Name"}}, {:current_version => {:display_name => "Current Version"}}, {:latest_version => {:display_name => "Latest Version"}}, {:out_of_date => {:display_name => "Out of Date?"}}, {:endorsement => {:display_name => "Endorsement"}}, {:superseded_by => {:display_name => "Superseded by"}} end def update_puppetfile require 'r10k/puppetfile' # Read in the Puppetfile as a string and as an object puppetfile_string ="\n") puppetfile = puppetfile.load! # TODO: Make sure we can deal with :latest # Create threading resources threads = [] queue = queue.push(puppetfile_string) puppetfile.modules.keep_if {|m| m.is_a?(R10K::Module::Forge)} puppetfile.modules.each do |mod| threads << do logger.debug "Getting latest version of #{mod.full_name}" latest_version = mod.v3_module.current_release.version # Get the data off the queue, or wait if something else is using it puppetfile_string_temp = queue.pop line_index = puppetfile_string_temp.index {|l| l =~ /^\s*[^#]*#{mod.owner}[\/-]#{}/} puppetfile_string_temp[line_index].gsub!(mod.expected_version,latest_version) # Put the data back into the queue once we are done with it queue.push(puppetfile_string_temp) end end puppetfile_string = queue.pop, 'w') {|f| f.puts(puppetfile_string.join("\n")) } puts "#{'changed'.yellow} #{@puppetfile}" end def fixtures # Load up the Puppetfile using R10k puppetfile = fail 'Could not load Puppetfile' unless puppetfile.load modules = puppetfile.modules # Iterate over everything and seperate it out for the sake of readability symlinks = [] forge_modules = [] repositories = [] modules.each do |mod| logger.debug "Converting #{mod.to_s} to .fixtures.yml format" # This logic could probably be cleaned up. A lot. if mod.is_a? R10K::Module::Forge if mod.expected_version.is_a?(Hash) # Set it up as a symlink, because we are using local files in the Puppetfile symlinks << { 'name' =>, 'dir' => mod.expected_version[:path] } elsif mod.expected_version.is_a?(String) # Set it up as a normal forge module forge_modules << { 'name' =>, 'repo' => mod.title, 'ref' => mod.expected_version } end elsif mod.is_a? R10K::Module::Git # Set it up as a git repo repositories << { 'name' =>, # I know I shouldn't be doing this, but trust me, there are no methods # anywhere that expose this value, I looked. 'repo' => mod.instance_variable_get(:@remote), 'ref' => mod.version } end end # also add synlinks for anything that is in environment.conf code_dirs = self.config['modulepath'] code_dirs.delete_if { |dir| dir[0] == '$'} code_dirs.each do |dir| # We need to traverse down into these directories and create a symlink for each # module we find because fixtures.yml is expecting the module's root not the # root of modulepath Dir["#{dir}/*"].each do |mod| symlinks << { 'name' => File.basename(mod), 'dir' => } end end # Use an ERB template to write the files Onceover::Controlrepo.evaluate_template('.fixtures.yml.erb', binding) end def hiera_config_file case when File.exist?(File.expand_path('./hiera.yaml', @spec_dir)) File.expand_path('./hiera.yaml', @spec_dir) when File.exist?(File.expand_path('./hiera.yaml', @root)) File.expand_path('./hiera.yaml', @root) else nil end end def hiera_config_file_relative_path if hiera_config_file end def hiera_config begin YAML.load_file(hiera_config_file) rescue TypeError puts "WARNING: Could not find hiera config file, continuing" nil end end def hiera_config=(data) File.write(hiera_config_file,data.to_yaml) end def hiera_data # This is going to try to find your hiera data directory, if you have named it something # unexpected it won't work possibe_datadirs = Dir["#{@root}/*/"] possibe_datadirs.keep_if { |dir| dir =~ /hiera(?:.*data)?/i } raise "There were too many directories that looked like hiera data: #{possibe_datadirs}" if possibe_datadirs.count > 1 File.expand_path(possibe_datadirs[0]) end def config logger.debug "Reading #{@environment_conf}" env_conf = env_conf = env_conf.split("\n") # Delete commented out lines env_conf.delete_if { |l| l =~ /^\s*#/} # Map the lines into a hash environment_config = {} env_conf.each do |line| if matches = line.match(/^(\S+)\s*=(.*)$/) environment_config[matches[1]] = matches[2].strip end end # Finally, split the modulepath values and return begin environment_config['modulepath'] = environment_config['modulepath'].split(':') rescue raise "modulepath was not found in environment.conf, don't know where to look for roles & profiles" end environment_config end def r10k_config_file case when File.exist?(File.expand_path('./r10k.yaml', @spec_dir)) File.expand_path('./r10k.yaml', @spec_dir) when File.exist?(File.expand_path('./r10k.yaml', @root)) File.expand_path('./r10k.yaml', @root) else nil end end def r10k_config YAML.load_file(r10k_config_file) end def r10k_config=(data) File.write(r10k_config_file, data.to_yaml) end def temp_manifest config['manifest'] ? File.expand_path(config['manifest'], @tempdir) : nil end def self.init(repo) # This code will initialise a controlrepo with all of the config # that it needs require 'pathname' require 'colored' Onceover::Controlrepo.init_write_file(generate_onceover_yaml(repo), repo.onceover_yaml) # [DEPRECATION] Writing nodesets is deprecated due to the removal of Beaker" #Onceover::Controlrepo.init_write_file(generate_nodesets(repo),repo.nodeset_file) init_write_file( evaluate_template('', binding), File.expand_path('./pre_conditions/', repo.spec_dir) ) init_write_file( evaluate_template('', binding), File.expand_path('./factsets/', repo.spec_dir) ) init_write_file( evaluate_template('Rakefile.erb', binding), File.expand_path('./Rakefile', repo.root) ) init_write_file( evaluate_template('Gemfile.erb', binding), File.expand_path('./Gemfile', repo.root) ) # Add .onceover to Gitignore gitignore_path = File.expand_path('.gitignore', repo.root) if File.exist? gitignore_path gitignore_content = (, 'r') {|f| }).split("\n") message = "#{'changed'.green}" else message = "#{'created'.green}" gitignore_content = [] end unless gitignore_content.include?(".onceover") gitignore_content << ".onceover\n", 'w') {|f| f.write(gitignore_content.join("\n")) } puts "#{message} #{}" end end def self.generate_onceover_yaml(repo) # This will return a controlrepo.yaml that can be written to a file evaluate_template('controlrepo.yaml.erb', binding) end def self.generate_nodesets(repo) warn "[DEPRECATION] #{__method__} is deprecated due to the removal of Beaker" require 'onceover/beaker' require 'multi_json' require 'net/http' hosts_hash = {} repo.facts.each do |fact_set| node_name = File.basename(repo.facts_files[repo.facts.index(fact_set)], '.json') boxname = Onceover::Beaker.facts_to_vagrant_box(fact_set) platform = Onceover::Beaker.facts_to_platform(fact_set) logger.debug "Querying hashicorp API for Vagrant box that matches #{boxname}" uri = URI("{boxname}") request =, uri.port) request.use_ssl = true response = request.get(uri) url = 'URL goes here' if response.code == "404" comment_out = true else comment_out = false box_info = MultiJson.load(response.body) box_info['current_version']['providers'].each do |provider| if provider['name'] == 'virtualbox' url = provider['original_url'] end end end # Add the resulting info to the hosts hash. This is what the # template will output hosts_hash[node_name] = { :platform => platform, :boxname => boxname, :url => url, :comment_out => comment_out } end # Use an ERB template evaluate_template('nodeset.yaml.erb', binding) end def self.create_dirs_and_log(dir) do |folder| unless FileUtils.mkdir(folder) puts "#{'created'.green} #{folder.relative_path_from(}" end end end def self.evaluate_template(template_name, bind) logger.debug "Evaluating template #{template_name}" template_dir = File.expand_path('../../templates', File.dirname(__FILE__)) if File.file?(File.expand_path("./spec/templates/#{template_name}", @root)) puts "Using Custom #{template_name}" template ="./spec/templates/#{template_name}", @root)) else template ="./#{template_name}", template_dir)) end, nil, '-').result(bind) end def self.init_write_file(contents, out_file) create_dirs_and_log(File.dirname(out_file)) if File.exist?(out_file) puts "#{'skipped'.yellow} #{} #{'(exists)'.yellow}" else,'w') {|f| f.write(contents)} puts "#{'created'.green} #{}" end end # Returns the deduplicted and verified output of testconfig.spec_tests for # use in Rspec tests so that we don't have to deal with more than one object def spec_tests(&block) require 'onceover/testconfig' # Load up all of the tests and deduplicate them testconfig =, @opts) testconfig.spec_tests.each { |tst| testconfig.verify_spec_test(self, tst) } tests = testconfig.run_filters(Onceover::Test.deduplicate(testconfig.spec_tests)) # Loop over each test, executing the user's block on each tests.each do |tst|[0].name, tst.nodes[0].name, tst.nodes[0].fact_set, testconfig.pre_condition) end end private def read_facts(facts_file) file = begin result = MultiJson.load(file) rescue MultiJson::ParseError raise "Could not parse the file #{facts_file}, check that it is valid JSON and that the encoding is correct" end result end def keypair_is_in_hash(first_hash, key, value) matches = [] if first_hash.has_key?(key) if value.is_a?(Hash) value.each do |k, v| matches << keypair_is_in_hash(first_hash[key], k, v) end else if first_hash[key] == value matches << true else matches << false end end else matches << false end if matches.include? false false else true end end def get_classes(dir) classes = [] # Recurse over all the pp files under the dir we are given logger.debug "Searching puppet code for roles and profiles" Dir["#{dir}/**/*.pp"].each do |manifest| classname = find_classname(manifest) # Add it to the array as long as it is not nil classes << classname if classname end classes end def find_classname(filename) file =, "r") while (line = file.gets) begin if line =~ /^class (\w+(?:::\w+)*)/ return $1 end rescue ArgumentError => e logger.error "ignoring invalid line in file: #{filename} (#{e.message}) - line: '#{line}'" end end return nil end end end