module BBLib # Adds type casted attr getters and setters with all kinds of other goodness to ensure # classes accept, set and return data the correct way without requiring piles or boiler plate # code. module Attrs def _attrs @_attrs ||= _ancestor_attrs end def _ancestor_attrs hash = {} ancestors.reverse.each do |ancestor| next if ancestor == self hash = hash.merge(ancestor._attrs) if ancestor.respond_to?(:_attrs) end # Need to dup to avoid subclasses modifying parents hash.hmap do |k, v| v[:options] = v[:options].dup [k, v.dup] end end def attr_set(name, opts = {}) return false unless _attrs[name] opts.each do |k, v| _attrs[name][:options][k] = v end end # Lists all attr_* getter methods that were created on this class. def instance_readers { |k, v| [:attr_writer].any? { |t| v[:type] == t } ? nil : k }.compact end # Lists all attr_* setter methods that were created on this class. def instance_writers { |m| "#{m}=".to_sym }.select { |m| method_defined?(m) } end def attr_reader(*args, **opts) args.each do |arg| _register_attr(arg, :attr_reader) serialize_method(arg, opts[:serialize_method], opts[:serialize_opts] || {}) if _attr_serialize?(opts) end super(*args) end def attr_writer(*args, **opts) args.each { |arg| _register_attr(arg, :attr_writer) } super(*args) end def attr_accessor(*args, **opts) args.each do |arg| _register_attr(arg, :attr_accessor) serialize_method(arg, opts[:serialize_method], opts[:serialize_opts] || {}) if _attr_serialize?(opts) end super(*args) end def attr_custom(method, opts = {}, &block) called_by = caller_locations(1, 1)[0].label.gsub('block in ', '') rescue :attr_custom type = (called_by =~ /^attr_/ ? called_by.to_sym : (opts[:attr_type] || :custom)) opts = opts.dup ivar = "@#{method}".to_sym mthd_type = opts[:singleton] ? :define_singleton_method : :define_method self.send(mthd_type, "#{method}=") do |args| if opts[:pre_proc] if opts[:pre_proc].is_a?(Proc) args = opts[:pre_proc].call(args) else args = send(opts[:pre_proc], args) end end instance_variable_set(ivar, yield(args)) end self.send(mthd_type, method) do if opts[:getter] && opts[:getter].is_a?(Proc) opts[:getter].arity == 0 ? opts[:getter].call : opts[:getter].call(self) elsif instance_variable_defined?(ivar) && !(var = instance_variable_get(ivar)).nil? var elsif opts.include?(:default) || opts.include?(:default_proc) default_value = if opts[:default].respond_to?(:dup) && BBLib.is_any?(opts[:default], Array, Hash) opts[:default].dup rescue opts[:default] elsif opts[:default_proc].is_a?(Proc) prc = opts[:default_proc] prc.arity == 0 ? : elsif opts[:default_proc].is_a?(Symbol) send(opts[:default_proc]) else opts[:default] end send("#{method}=", default_value) end end unless opts[:singleton] protected method if opts[:protected] || opts[:protected_reader] protected "#{method}=".to_sym if opts[:protected] || opts[:protected_writer] private method if opts[:private] || opts[:private_reader] private "#{method}=".to_sym if opts[:private] || opts[:private_writer] serialize_method(method, opts[:serialize_method], (opts[:serialize_opts] || {}).merge(default: opts[:default])) if _attr_serialize?(opts) _register_attr(method, type, opts) end end def _attr_serialize?(opts) return false unless respond_to?(:serialize_method) (opts[:private] || opts[:protected]) && opts[:serialize] || (opts.include?(:serialize) && opts[:serialize]) || !opts.include?(:serialize) end def attr_of(klasses, *methods, **opts) allowed = [klasses].flatten methods.each do |method| attr_custom(method, opts.merge(_attr_type: :of, classes: klasses)) do |arg| if BBLib.is_any?(arg, *allowed) || (arg.nil? && opts[:allow_nil]) arg elsif arg && (!opts.include?(:pack) || opts[:pack]) && arg = _attr_pack(arg, klasses, opts) arg else raise TypeError, "#{method} must be set to a class of #{allowed.join_terms(:or)}, not #{arg.class}" unless opts[:suppress] end end end end def attr_string(*methods, **opts) methods.each do |method| attr_custom(method, opts) { |arg| arg.nil? && opts[:allow_nil] ? arg : arg.to_s } end end alias attr_str attr_string def attr_integer(*methods, **opts) methods.each do |method| attr_custom(method, opts) { |arg| arg.nil? && opts[:allow_nil] ? arg : arg.to_i } end end alias attr_int attr_integer def attr_float(*methods, **opts) methods.each do |method| attr_custom(method, opts) { |arg| arg.nil? && opts[:allow_nil] ? arg : arg.to_f } end end def attr_symbol(*methods, **opts) methods.each do |method| attr_custom(method, opts) do |arg| if arg.nil? opts[:allow_nil] ? arg : raise(ArgumentError, "#{method} cannot be set to nil.") else arg.to_s.to_sym end end end end alias attr_sym attr_symbol def attr_boolean(*methods, **opts) methods.each do |method| attr_custom(method, opts) { |arg| arg ? true : false } next if opts[:no_?] if opts[:singleton] singleton_class.send(:alias_method, "#{method}?", method) else alias_method "#{method}?", method end end end alias attr_bool attr_boolean def attr_integer_between(min, max, *methods, **opts) methods.each do |method| attr_custom(method, opts.merge(min: min, max: max)) { |arg| arg.nil? && opts[:allow_nil] ? arg : BBLib.keep_between(arg, min, max).to_i } end end alias attr_int_between attr_integer_between def attr_float_between(min, max, *methods, **opts) methods.each do |method| attr_custom(method, opts.merge(min: min, max: max)) { |arg| arg.nil? && opts[:allow_nil] ? arg : BBLib.keep_between(arg, min, max).to_f } end end def attr_integer_loop(min, max, *methods, **opts) methods.each do |method| attr_custom(method, opts) { |arg| arg.nil? && opts[:allow_nil] ? arg : BBLib.loop_between(arg, min, max) } end end alias attr_int_loop attr_integer_loop alias attr_float_loop attr_integer_loop def attr_element_of(list, *methods, **opts) methods.each do |method| attr_custom(method, opts.merge(list: list)) do |arg| ls = list.is_a?(Proc) ? : list if ls.include?(arg) || (opts[:allow_nil] && arg.nil?) arg else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid option '#{arg}' for #{method}." unless opts.include?(:raise) && !opts[:raise] end end end end def attr_elements_of(list, *methods, **opts) opts[:default] = [] unless opts.include?(:default) || opts.include?(:default_proc) methods.each do |method| attr_custom(method, opts.merge(list: list)) do |args| ls = list.is_a?(Proc) ? : list [].tap do |final| [args].flatten(1).each do |arg| if ls.include?(arg) || (opts[:allow_nil] && arg.nil?) final << arg else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid option '#{arg}' for #{method}." unless opts.include?(:raise) && !opts[:raise] end end end end end end def attr_array(*methods, **opts) opts[:default] = [] unless opts.include?(:default) || opts.include?(:default_proc) methods.each do |method| attr_custom(method, opts) do |arg| args = arg.is_a?(Array) ? arg : [arg] args = args.uniq if opts[:uniq] args end attr_array_adder(method, opts[:adder_name], singleton: opts[:singleton]) if opts[:add_rem] || opts[:adder] attr_array_remover(method, opts[:remover_name], singleton: opts[:singleton]) if opts[:add_rem] || opts[:remover] end end alias attr_ary attr_array def attr_array_of(klasses, *methods, **opts) opts[:default] = [] unless opts.include?(:default) || opts.include?(:default_proc) klasses = [klasses].flatten methods.each do |method| attr_custom(method, opts.merge(classes: klasses)) do |args| array = [] if args.nil? if opts[:allow_nil] array = nil else raise ArgumentError, "#{method} cannot be set to nil." end else args = [args] unless args.is_a?(Array) args.each do |arg| match = BBLib.is_any?(arg, *klasses) if match array.push(arg) elsif arg && (!opts.include?(:pack) || opts[:pack]) && arg = _attr_pack(arg, klasses, opts) array.push(arg) else raise TypeError, "Invalid class passed to #{method} on #{self}: #{arg.class}. Must be a #{klasses.join_terms(:or)}." unless opts[:raise] == false end end end opts[:uniq] ? array.uniq : array end attr_array_adder(method, opts[:adder_name], singleton: opts[:singleton]) if opts[:add_rem] || opts[:adder] attr_array_remover(method, opts[:remover_name], singleton: opts[:singleton]) if opts[:add_rem] || opts[:remover] end end alias attr_ary_of attr_array_of def attr_array_adder(method, name = nil, singleton: false, &block) name = "add_#{method}" unless name mthd_type = singleton ? :define_singleton_method : :define_method send(mthd_type, name) do |*args| array = send(method) [args].flatten(1).each do |arg| arg = yield(arg) if block_given? array.push(arg) end send("#{method}=", array) end end def attr_array_remover(method, name = nil, singleton: false) name = "remove_#{method}" unless name define_method(name) do |*args| array = instance_variable_get("@#{method}") [args].flatten(1).map do |arg| next unless array && !array.empty? array.delete(arg) end end end def attr_file(*methods, **opts) methods.each do |method| attr_custom(method, opts) do |arg| exists = File.exist?(arg.to_s) if !exists && opts[:mkfile] && arg FileUtils.touch(arg.to_s) exists = File.exist?(arg.to_s) end raise ArgumentError, "#{method} must be set to a valid file. '#{arg}' cannot be found." unless exists || (opts[:allow_nil] && arg.nil?) arg end end end def attr_dir(*methods, **opts) methods.each do |method| attr_custom(method, opts) do |arg| exists = Dir.exist?(arg.to_s) if !exists && (opts[:mkdir] || opts[:mkpath]) && arg FileUtils.mkpath(arg.to_s) exists = Dir.exist?(arg.to_s) end raise ArgumentError, "#{method} must be set to a valid directory. '#{arg}' cannot be found." unless exists || (opts[:allow_nil] && arg.nil?) arg end end end def attr_time(*methods, **opts) methods.each do |method| attr_custom(method, **opts) do |arg| if opts[:formats] arg = arg.to_s [opts[:formats]].flatten.each do |format| arg = Time.strptime(arg, format) rescue arg end end if arg.is_a?(Time) || arg.nil? && opts[:allow_nil] arg elsif arg.is_a?(Numeric) else begin Time.parse(arg.to_s) rescue => _e nil end end end end end def attr_date(*methods, **opts) methods.each do |method| attr_custom(method, **opts) do |arg| if opts[:formats] arg = arg.to_s [opts[:formats]].flatten.each do |format| arg = Date.strptime(arg, format) rescue arg end end if arg.is_a?(Date) || arg.nil? && opts[:allow_nil] arg elsif arg.is_a?(Numeric) Date.parse( else begin Date.parse(arg.to_s) rescue => _e nil end end end end end def attr_hash(*methods, **opts) opts[:default] = {} unless opts.include?(:default) || opts.include?(:default_proc) methods.each do |method| attr_custom(method, **opts) do |arg| raise ArgumentError, "#{method} must be set to a hash, not a #{arg.class} (for #{self})." unless arg.is_a?(Hash) || arg.nil? && opts[:allow_nil] if opts[:keys] && arg arg.keys.each do |key| if BBLib.is_any?(key, *opts[:keys]) next elsif (opts.include?(:pack_key) && opts[:pack_key]) && new_key = _attr_pack(key, klasses, opts) arg[new_key] = arg.delete(key) else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid key type for #{method}: #{key.class}. Must be #{opts[:keys].join_terms(:or)}." end end end if opts[:values] && arg arg.each do |key, value| if BBLib.is_any?(value, *opts[:values]) next elsif (!opts.include?(:pack_value) || opts[:pack_value]) && value = _attr_pack(value, klasses, opts) arg[key] = arg.delete(value) else raise TypeError, "Invalid value type for #{method}: #{value.class}. Must be #{opts[:values].join_terms(:or)}." end end end arg = arg.keys_to_sym if opts[:symbol_keys] && arg arg end end end def _attr_pack(arg, klasses, opts = {}) klasses = [klasses].flatten unless BBLib.is_any?(arg, *klasses) return*[arg].flatten(1)) if klasses.first.respond_to?(:new) end nil end protected def _register_attr(method, type, opts = {}) _attrs[method] = { type: type.to_s.sub(/^attr_/, '').to_sym, options: opts } method end end end