# Class manages the communication with the server. # Presently, this class is simple and stores all information in hashs module OpenStudio module Analysis class ServerApi attr_reader :hostname # Define set of anlaysis methods require batch_run to be queued after them BATCH_RUN_METHODS = %w(lhs preflight single_run repeat_run doe diag baseline_perturbation batch_datapoints) def initialize(options = {}) defaults = { hostname: 'http://localhost:8080' } options = defaults.merge(options) @logger = ::Logger.new('faraday.log') @hostname = options[:hostname] fail 'no host defined for server api class' if @hostname.nil? # TODO: add support for the proxy # create connection with basic capabilities @conn = Faraday.new(url: @hostname) do |faraday| faraday.request :url_encoded # form-encode POST params faraday.use Faraday::Response::Logger, @logger # faraday.response @logger # log requests to STDOUT faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter # make requests with Net::HTTP end # create connection to server api with multipart capabilities @conn_multipart = Faraday.new(url: @hostname) do |faraday| faraday.request :multipart faraday.request :url_encoded # form-encode POST params faraday.use Faraday::Response::Logger, @logger # faraday.response :logger # log requests to STDOUT faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter # make requests with Net::HTTP end end def get_projects response = @conn.get '/projects.json' projects_json = nil if response.status == 200 projects_json = JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true, max_nesting: false) else fail 'did not receive a 200 in get_projects' end projects_json end def get_project_ids ids = get_projects ids.map { |project| project[:uuid] } end def delete_project(id) deleted = false response = @conn.delete "/projects/#{id}.json" if response.status == 204 puts "Successfully deleted project #{id}" deleted = true else puts "ERROR deleting project #{id}" deleted = false end deleted end def delete_all ids = get_project_ids puts "deleting projects with IDs: #{ids}" success = true ids.each do |id| r = delete_project id success = false if r == false end success end def new_project(options = {}) defaults = { project_name: "Project #{::Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}" } options = defaults.merge(options) project_id = nil # TODO: make this a display name and a machine name project_hash = { project: { name: "#{options[:project_name]}" } } response = @conn.post do |req| req.url '/projects.json' req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' req.body = project_hash.to_json end if response.status == 201 project_id = JSON.parse(response.body)['_id'] puts "new project created with ID: #{project_id}" # grab the project id elsif response.status == 500 puts '500 Error' puts response.inspect end project_id end def get_analyses(project_id) analysis_ids = [] response = @conn.get "/projects/#{project_id}.json" if response.status == 200 analyses = JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true, max_nesting: false) if analyses[:analyses] analyses[:analyses].each do |analysis| analysis_ids << analysis[:_id] end end end analysis_ids end def get_analyses_detailed(project_id) analyses = nil response = @conn.get "/projects/#{project_id}.json" if response.status == 200 analyses = JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true, max_nesting: false)[:analyses] end analyses end # return the entire analysis JSON def get_analysis(analysis_id) result = nil response = @conn.get "/analyses/#{analysis_id}.json" if response.status == 200 result = JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true, max_nesting: false)[:analysis] end result end # Check the status of the simulation. Format should be: # { # analysis: { # status: "completed", # analysis_type: "batch_run" # }, # data_points: [ # { # _id: "bbd57e90-ce59-0131-35de-080027880ca6", # status: "completed" # } # ] # } def get_analysis_status(analysis_id, analysis_type) status = nil # sleep 2 # super cheesy---need to update how this works. Right now there is a good chance to get a # race condition when the analysis state changes. unless analysis_id.nil? resp = @conn.get "analyses/#{analysis_id}/status.json" if resp.status == 200 j = JSON.parse resp.body, symbolize_names: true if j && j[:analysis] && j[:analysis][:analysis_type] == analysis_type status = j[:analysis][:status] end end end status end # Check if the machine is alive # # return [Boolean] True if the machine has an awake value set def alive? m = machine_status m = !m[:status][:awake].nil? if m m end # Retrieve the machine status # # return [Hash] def machine_status status = nil begin resp = @conn.get do |req| req.url 'status.json' req.options.timeout = 10 req.options.open_timeout = 10 end if resp.status == 200 j = JSON.parse resp.body, symbolize_names: true status = j if j end rescue Faraday::ConnectionFailed rescue Net::ReadTimeout end status end def get_analysis_status_and_json(analysis_id, analysis_type) status = nil j = nil # sleep 2 # super cheesy---need to update how this works. Right now there is a good chance to get a # race condition when the analysis state changes. unless analysis_id.nil? resp = @conn.get "analyses/#{analysis_id}/status.json" if resp.status == 200 j = JSON.parse resp.body, symbolize_names: true if j && j[:analysis] && j[:analysis][:analysis_type] == analysis_type status = j[:analysis][:status] end end end [status, j] end # return the data point results in JSON format def get_analysis_results(analysis_id) analysis = nil response = @conn.get "/analyses/#{analysis_id}/analysis_data.json" if response.status == 200 analysis = JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true, max_nesting: false) end analysis end def download_dataframe(analysis_id, format = 'rdata', save_directory = '.') downloaded = false file_path_and_name = nil response = @conn.get do |r| r.url "/analyses/#{analysis_id}/download_data.#{format}?export=true" r.options.timeout = 3600 # 60 minutes end if response.status == 200 filename = response['content-disposition'].match(/filename=(\"?)(.+)\1/)[2] downloaded = true file_path_and_name = "#{save_directory}/#{filename}" puts "File #{filename} already exists, overwriting" if File.exist?(file_path_and_name) if format == 'rdata' File.open(file_path_and_name, 'wb') { |f| f << response.body } else File.open(file_path_and_name, 'w') { |f| f << response.body } end end [downloaded, file_path_and_name] end def download_variables(analysis_id, format = 'rdata', save_directory = '.') downloaded = false file_path_and_name = nil response = @conn.get "/analyses/#{analysis_id}/variables/download_variables.#{format}" if response.status == 200 filename = response['content-disposition'].match(/filename=(\"?)(.+)\1/)[2] downloaded = true file_path_and_name = "#{save_directory}/#{filename}" puts "File #{filename} already exists, overwriting" if File.exist?(file_path_and_name) if format == 'rdata' File.open(file_path_and_name, 'wb') { |f| f << response.body } else File.open(file_path_and_name, 'w') { |f| f << response.body } end end [downloaded, file_path_and_name] end def download_datapoint(datapoint_id, save_directory = '.') downloaded = false file_path_and_name = nil response = @conn.get "/data_points/#{datapoint_id}/download" if response.status == 200 filename = response['content-disposition'].match(/filename=(\"?)(.+)\1/)[2] downloaded = true file_path_and_name = "#{save_directory}/#{filename}" puts "File #{filename} already exists, overwriting" if File.exist?(file_path_and_name) File.open(file_path_and_name, 'wb') { |f| f << response.body } end [downloaded, file_path_and_name] end # Download a MongoDB Snapshot. This database can get large. For 13,000 simulations with # DEnCity reporting, the size is around 325MB def download_database(save_directory = '.') downloaded = false file_path_and_name = nil response = @conn.get do |r| r.url '/admin/backup_database?full_backup=true' r.options.timeout = 3600 # 60 minutes end if response.status == 200 filename = response['content-disposition'].match(/filename=(\"?)(.+)\1/)[2] downloaded = true file_path_and_name = "#{save_directory}/#{filename}" puts "File #{filename} already exists, overwriting" if File.exist?(file_path_and_name) File.open(file_path_and_name, 'wb') { |f| f << response.body } end [downloaded, file_path_and_name] end def download_datapoint_reports(datapoint_id, save_directory = '.') downloaded = false file_path_and_name = nil response = @conn.get "/data_points/#{datapoint_id}/download_reports" if response.status == 200 filename = response['content-disposition'].match(/filename=(\"?)(.+)\1/)[2] downloaded = true file_path_and_name = "#{save_directory}/#{filename}" puts "File #{filename} already exists, overwriting" if File.exist?(file_path_and_name) File.open(file_path_and_name, 'wb') { |f| f << response.body } end [downloaded, file_path_and_name] end def download_datapoints_reports(analysis_id, save_directory = '.') # get the list of all the datapoints dps = get_datapoint_status(analysis_id) dps.each do |dp| if dp[:status] == 'completed' download_datapoint_reports(dp[:_id], save_directory) end end end def download_datapoint_jsons(analysis_id, save_directory = '.') # get the list of all the datapoints dps = get_datapoint_status(analysis_id) dps.each do |dp| if dp[:status] == 'completed' dp_h = get_datapoint(dp[:_id]) File.open("#{save_directory}/data_point_#{dp[:_id]}.json", 'w') { |f| f << JSON.pretty_generate(dp_h) } end end end def datapoint_dencity(datapoint_id) # Return the JSON (Full) of the datapoint data_point = nil resp = @conn.get "/data_points/#{datapoint_id}/dencity.json" if resp.status == 200 data_point = JSON.parse resp.body, symbolize_names: true end data_point end def analysis_dencity_json(analysis_id) # Return the hash of the dencity format for the analysis dencity = nil resp = @conn.get "/analyses/#{analysis_id}/dencity.json" if resp.status == 200 dencity = JSON.parse resp.body, symbolize_names: true end dencity end def download_dencity_json(analysis_id, save_directory = '.') a_h = analysis_dencity_json(analysis_id) if a_h File.open("#{save_directory}/analysis_#{analysis_id}_dencity.json", 'w') { |f| f << JSON.pretty_generate(a_h) } end end def download_datapoint_dencity_jsons(analysis_id, save_directory = '.') # get the list of all the datapoints dps = get_datapoint_status(analysis_id) dps.each do |dp| if dp[:status] == 'completed' dp_h = datapoint_dencity(dp[:_id]) File.open("#{save_directory}/data_point_#{dp[:_id]}_dencity.json", 'w') { |f| f << JSON.pretty_generate(dp_h) } end end end def new_analysis(project_id, options) defaults = { analysis_name: nil, reset_uuids: false } options = defaults.merge(options) fail 'No project id passed' if project_id.nil? formulation_json = nil if options[:formulation_file] fail "No formulation exists #{options[:formulation_file]}" unless File.exist?(options[:formulation_file]) formulation_json = JSON.parse(File.read(options[:formulation_file]), symbolize_names: true) end # read in the analysis id from the analysis.json file analysis_id = nil if formulation_json if options[:reset_uuids] analysis_id = SecureRandom.uuid formulation_json[:analysis][:uuid] = analysis_id formulation_json[:analysis][:problem][:workflow].each do |wf| wf[:uuid] = SecureRandom.uuid if wf[:arguments] wf[:arguments].each do |arg| arg[:uuid] = SecureRandom.uuid end end if wf[:variables] wf[:variables].each do |var| var[:uuid] = SecureRandom.uuid var[:argument][:uuid] = SecureRandom.uuid if var[:argument] end end end else analysis_id = formulation_json[:analysis][:uuid] end # set the analysis name formulation_json[:analysis][:name] = "#{options[:analysis_name]}" unless options[:analysis_name].nil? else formulation_json = { analysis: options } puts formulation_json analysis_id = SecureRandom.uuid formulation_json[:analysis][:uuid] = analysis_id end fail "No analysis id defined in analysis.json #{options[:formulation_file]}" if analysis_id.nil? # save out this file to compare # File.open('formulation_merge.json', 'w') { |f| f << JSON.pretty_generate(formulation_json) } response = @conn.post do |req| req.url "projects/#{project_id}/analyses.json" req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' req.body = formulation_json.to_json end if response.status == 201 puts "asked to create analysis with #{analysis_id}" # puts resp.inspect analysis_id = JSON.parse(response.body)['_id'] puts "new analysis created with ID: #{analysis_id}" else fail 'Could not create new analysis' end # check if we need to upload the analysis zip file if options[:upload_file] fail "upload file does not exist #{options[:upload_file]}" unless File.exist?(options[:upload_file]) payload = { file: Faraday::UploadIO.new(options[:upload_file], 'application/zip') } response = @conn_multipart.post "analyses/#{analysis_id}/upload.json", payload do |req| req.options[:timeout] = 1800 # seconds end if response.status == 201 puts 'Successfully uploaded ZIP file' else fail response.inspect end end analysis_id end def upload_datapoint(analysis_id, options) defaults = { reset_uuids: false } options = defaults.merge(options) fail 'No analysis id passed' if analysis_id.nil? fail 'No datapoints file passed to new_analysis' unless options[:datapoint_file] fail "No datapoints_file exists #{options[:datapoint_file]}" unless File.exist?(options[:datapoint_file]) dp_hash = JSON.parse(File.open(options[:datapoint_file]).read, symbolize_names: true) if options[:reset_uuids] dp_hash[:analysis_uuid] = analysis_id dp_hash[:uuid] = SecureRandom.uuid end # merge in the analysis_id as it has to be what is in the database response = @conn.post do |req| req.url "analyses/#{analysis_id}/data_points.json" req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' req.body = dp_hash.to_json end if response.status == 201 puts "new datapoints created for analysis #{analysis_id}" else fail "could not create new datapoints #{response.body}" end end def upload_datapoints(analysis_id, options) defaults = {} options = defaults.merge(options) fail 'No analysis id passed' if analysis_id.nil? fail 'No datapoints file passed to new_analysis' unless options[:datapoints_file] fail "No datapoints_file exists #{options[:datapoints_file]}" unless File.exist?(options[:datapoints_file]) dp_hash = JSON.parse(File.open(options[:datapoints_file]).read, symbolize_names: true) # merge in the analysis_id as it has to be what is in the database response = @conn.post do |req| req.url "analyses/#{analysis_id}/data_points/batch_upload.json" req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' req.body = dp_hash.to_json end if response.status == 201 puts "new datapoints created for analysis #{analysis_id}" else fail "could not create new datapoints #{response.body}" end end # TODO: this should be called 'start analysis' def run_analysis(analysis_id, options) warn 'In 0.5.0, OpenStudio::Analysis::ServerApi run_analysis will be renamed to start_analysis. Use start_analysis.' defaults = { analysis_action: 'start', without_delay: false } options = defaults.merge(options) puts "Run analysis is configured with #{options.to_json}" response = @conn.post do |req| req.url "analyses/#{analysis_id}/action.json" req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' req.body = options.to_json req.options[:timeout] = 1800 # seconds end if response.status == 200 puts "Recieved request to run analysis #{analysis_id}" else fail 'Could not start the analysis' end end alias_method :start_analysis, :run_analysis def kill_analysis(analysis_id) analysis_action = { analysis_action: 'stop' } response = @conn.post do |req| req.url "analyses/#{analysis_id}/action.json" req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' req.body = analysis_action.to_json end if response.status == 200 puts "Killed analysis #{analysis_id}" end end def kill_all_analyses project_ids = get_project_ids puts "List of projects ids are: #{project_ids}" project_ids.each do |project_id| analysis_ids = get_analyses(project_id) puts analysis_ids analysis_ids.each do |analysis_id| puts "Trying to kill #{analysis_id}" kill_analysis(analysis_id) end end end # Get a list of analyses and the data points # # @param analysis_id [String] An analysis ID def data_point_status(analysis_id = nil) data_points = nil call_string = nil if analysis_id call_string = "analyses/#{analysis_id}/status.json" else call_string = 'analyses/status.json' end resp = @conn.get call_string, version: 2 if resp.status == 200 data_points = JSON.parse(resp.body, symbolize_names: true)[:analyses] end data_points end # This is the former version of get data point status. The new version is preferred and allows for # checking data points across all analyses. def get_datapoint_status(analysis_id, filter = nil) data_points = nil # get the status of all the entire analysis unless analysis_id.nil? if filter.nil? || filter == '' resp = @conn.get "analyses/#{analysis_id}/status.json" if resp.status == 200 data_points = JSON.parse(resp.body, symbolize_names: true)[:data_points] end else resp = @conn.get "analyses/#{analysis_id}/status.json", jobs: filter if resp.status == 200 data_points = JSON.parse(resp.body, symbolize_names: true)[:data_points] end end end data_points end # Return the JSON (Full) of the datapoint def get_datapoint(data_point_id) data_point = nil resp = @conn.get "/data_points/#{data_point_id}/show_full.json" if resp.status == 200 data_point = JSON.parse resp.body, symbolize_names: true end data_point end ## here are a bunch of runs that really don't belong here. # Submit a generic analysis. This will use the options that are configured in the JSON file including # the analysis type and options. Note that this may not work for all cases were multiple analyses need to run # (e.g. single_run, queue_model, lhs) # # @params formaluation_filename [String] FQP to the formulation file # @params analysis_zip_filename [String] FQP to the zip file with the supporting files def run_file(formulation_filename, analysis_zip_filename) # parse the JSON file to grab the analysis type j = JSON.parse(formulation_filename, symbolize_names: true) analysis_type = j[:analysis][:problem][:analysis_type] run(formulation_filename, analysis_zip_filename, analysis_type) end # create a new analysis and run a single model def run_single_model(formulation_filename, analysis_zip_filename, run_data_point_filename = 'run_openstudio_workflow_monthly.rb') project_options = {} project_id = new_project(project_options) analysis_options = { formulation_file: formulation_filename, upload_file: analysis_zip_filename, reset_uuids: true } analysis_id = new_analysis(project_id, analysis_options) # Force this to run in the foreground for now until we can deal with checing the 'analysis state of various anlaysis' run_options = { analysis_action: 'start', without_delay: true, # run this in the foreground analysis_type: 'single_run', allow_multiple_jobs: true, use_server_as_worker: true, simulate_data_point_filename: 'simulate_data_point.rb', run_data_point_filename: run_data_point_filename } start_analysis(analysis_id, run_options) run_options = { analysis_action: 'start', without_delay: false, # run in background analysis_type: 'batch_run', allow_multiple_jobs: true, use_server_as_worker: true, simulate_data_point_filename: 'simulate_data_point.rb', run_data_point_filename: run_data_point_filename } start_analysis(analysis_id, run_options) analysis_id end # creates a new analysis and runs rgenoud optimization - number of generations isn't used right now def run_rgenoud(formulation_filename, analysis_zip_filename) project_options = {} project_id = new_project(project_options) analysis_options = { formulation_file: formulation_filename, upload_file: analysis_zip_filename, reset_uuids: true } analysis_id = new_analysis(project_id, analysis_options) run_options = { analysis_action: 'start', without_delay: false, analysis_type: 'rgenoud', allow_multiple_jobs: true, use_server_as_worker: true, simulate_data_point_filename: 'simulate_data_point.rb', run_data_point_filename: 'run_openstudio_workflow_monthly.rb' } start_analysis(analysis_id, run_options) analysis_id end def run_lhs(formulation_filename, analysis_zip_filename) project_options = {} project_id = new_project(project_options) analysis_options = { formulation_file: formulation_filename, upload_file: analysis_zip_filename, reset_uuids: true } analysis_id = new_analysis(project_id, analysis_options) run_options = { analysis_action: 'start', without_delay: false, analysis_type: 'lhs', allow_multiple_jobs: true, use_server_as_worker: true, simulate_data_point_filename: 'simulate_data_point.rb', run_data_point_filename: 'run_openstudio_workflow_monthly.rb' } start_analysis(analysis_id, run_options) run_options = { analysis_action: 'start', without_delay: false, # run in background analysis_type: 'batch_run', allow_multiple_jobs: true, use_server_as_worker: true, simulate_data_point_filename: 'simulate_data_point.rb', run_data_point_filename: 'run_openstudio_workflow_monthly.rb' } start_analysis(analysis_id, run_options) analysis_id end def run_baseline_perturbation(formulation_filename, analysis_zip_filename) project_options = {} project_id = new_project(project_options) analysis_options = { formulation_file: formulation_filename, upload_file: analysis_zip_filename, reset_uuids: true } analysis_id = new_analysis(project_id, analysis_options) run_options = { analysis_action: 'start', without_delay: false, analysis_type: 'baseline_perturbation', allow_multiple_jobs: true, use_server_as_worker: true, simulate_data_point_filename: 'simulate_data_point.rb', run_data_point_filename: 'run_openstudio_workflow_monthly.rb' } start_analysis(analysis_id, run_options) run_options = { analysis_action: 'start', without_delay: false, # run in background analysis_type: 'batch_run', allow_multiple_jobs: true, use_server_as_worker: true, simulate_data_point_filename: 'simulate_data_point.rb', run_data_point_filename: 'run_openstudio_workflow_monthly.rb' } start_analysis(analysis_id, run_options) analysis_id end def run_batch_datapoints(formulation_filename, analysis_zip_filename) project_options = {} project_id = new_project(project_options) puts 'In run_batch_datapoints' analysis_options = { formulation_file: formulation_filename, upload_file: analysis_zip_filename, reset_uuids: true } analysis_id = new_analysis(project_id, analysis_options) run_options = { analysis_action: 'start', without_delay: false, analysis_type: 'batch_datapoints', allow_multiple_jobs: true, use_server_as_worker: true, simulate_data_point_filename: 'simulate_data_point.rb', run_data_point_filename: 'run_openstudio_workflow_monthly.rb' } start_analysis(analysis_id, run_options) run_options = { analysis_action: 'start', without_delay: false, # run in background analysis_type: 'batch_run', allow_multiple_jobs: true, use_server_as_worker: true, simulate_data_point_filename: 'simulate_data_point.rb', run_data_point_filename: 'run_openstudio_workflow_monthly.rb' } start_analysis(analysis_id, run_options) analysis_id end def run_analysis_detailed(formulation_filename, analysis_zip_filename, analysis_type, allow_multiple_jobs = true, server_as_worker = true, run_data_point_filename = 'run_openstudio_workflow_monthly.rb') warn 'run_analysis_detailed will be deprecated in 0.5.0. Use run(...)' project_options = {} project_id = new_project(project_options) analysis_options = { formulation_file: formulation_filename, upload_file: analysis_zip_filename, reset_uuids: true } analysis_id = new_analysis(project_id, analysis_options) server_as_worker = true if analysis_type == 'optim' || analysis_type == 'rgenoud' run_options = { analysis_action: 'start', without_delay: false, analysis_type: analysis_type, allow_multiple_jobs: allow_multiple_jobs, use_server_as_worker: server_as_worker, simulate_data_point_filename: 'simulate_data_point.rb', run_data_point_filename: run_data_point_filename } start_analysis(analysis_id, run_options) # If the analysis is a staged analysis, then go ahead and run batch run because there is # no explicit way to tell the system to do it if BATCH_RUN_METHODS.include? analysis_type run_options = { analysis_action: 'start', without_delay: false, analysis_type: 'batch_run', allow_multiple_jobs: allow_multiple_jobs, use_server_as_worker: server_as_worker, simulate_data_point_filename: 'simulate_data_point.rb', run_data_point_filename: run_data_point_filename } start_analysis(analysis_id, run_options) end analysis_id end alias_method :run, :run_analysis_detailed def queue_single_run(formulation_filename, analysis_zip_filename, analysis_type, allow_multiple_jobs = true, server_as_worker = true, run_data_point_filename = 'run_openstudio_workflow_monthly.rb') project_options = {} project_id = new_project(project_options) analysis_options = { formulation_file: formulation_filename, upload_file: analysis_zip_filename, reset_uuids: true } analysis_id = new_analysis(project_id, analysis_options) server_as_worker = true if analysis_type == 'optim' || analysis_type == 'rgenoud' run_options = { analysis_action: 'start', without_delay: false, analysis_type: analysis_type, allow_multiple_jobs: allow_multiple_jobs, use_server_as_worker: server_as_worker, simulate_data_point_filename: 'simulate_data_point.rb', run_data_point_filename: run_data_point_filename } start_analysis(analysis_id, run_options) analysis_id end # TODO: this should take no arguments def run_batch_run_across_analyses(formulation_filename, analysis_zip_filename, allow_multiple_jobs = true, server_as_worker = true, run_data_point_filename = 'run_openstudio_workflow_monthly.rb') project_options = {} project_id = new_project(project_options) analysis_options = { formulation_file: nil, upload_file: nil, reset_uuids: true, # { analysis: { name: 'something', display_name: 'something else' }} } analysis_id = new_analysis(project_id, analysis_options) run_options = { analysis_action: 'start', without_delay: false, analysis_type: 'batch_run_analyses', allow_multiple_jobs: allow_multiple_jobs, use_server_as_worker: server_as_worker, simulate_data_point_filename: 'simulate_data_point.rb', run_data_point_filename: run_data_point_filename } start_analysis(analysis_id, run_options) analysis_id end end end end