module CurationConcerns module CurationConcernController extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Blacklight::Base include Blacklight::AccessControls::Catalog included do copy_blacklight_config_from(::CatalogController) include CurationConcerns::ThemedLayoutController with_themed_layout '1_column' helper CurationConcerns::AbilityHelper class_attribute :_curation_concern_type, :show_presenter, :work_form_service self.show_presenter = WorkShowPresenter self.work_form_service = WorkFormService attr_accessor :curation_concern helper_method :curation_concern, :contextual_path end module ClassMethods def curation_concern_type=(curation_concern_type) load_and_authorize_resource class: curation_concern_type, instance_name: :curation_concern, except: [:show, :file_manager] self._curation_concern_type = curation_concern_type end def curation_concern_type _curation_concern_type end def cancan_resource_class CurationConcerns::ControllerResource end end def new build_form end def create if actor.create(attributes_for_actor) after_create_response else respond_to do |wants| wants.html do build_form render 'new', status: :unprocessable_entity end wants.json { render_json_response(response_type: :unprocessable_entity, options: { errors: curation_concern.errors }) } end end end # Finds a solr document matching the id and sets @presenter # @raises CanCan::AccessDenied if the document is not found # or the user doesn't have access to it. def show respond_to do |wants| wants.html { presenter && parent_presenter } wants.json do # load and authorize @curation_concern manually because it's skipped for html @curation_concern = _curation_concern_type.find(params[:id]) unless curation_concern authorize! :show, @curation_concern render :show, status: :ok end additional_response_formats(wants) wants.ttl do render body: presenter.export_as_ttl, content_type: 'text/turtle' end wants.jsonld do render body: presenter.export_as_jsonld, content_type: 'application/ld+json' end wants.nt do render body: presenter.export_as_nt, content_type: 'application/n-triples' end end end def edit build_form end def update if actor.update(attributes_for_actor) after_update_response else respond_to do |wants| wants.html do build_form render 'edit', status: :unprocessable_entity end wants.json { render_json_response(response_type: :unprocessable_entity, options: { errors: curation_concern.errors }) } end end end def destroy title = curation_concern.to_s if actor.destroy,, current_user) after_destroy_response(title) end end def file_manager presenter end attr_writer :actor protected def build_form @form =, current_ability) end def actor @actor ||=, current_user) end def presenter @presenter ||=, current_ability, request) end def parent_presenter @parent_presenter ||= begin if params[:parent_id] @parent_presenter ||= params[:parent_id]), current_ability, request) end end end # Include 'curation_concerns/base' in the search path for views, while prefering # our local paths. Thus we are unable to just override `self.local_prefixes` def _prefixes @_prefixes ||= super + ['curation_concerns/base'] end def after_create_response respond_to do |wants| wants.html { redirect_to contextual_path(curation_concern, parent_presenter) } wants.json { render :show, status: :created, location: polymorphic_path([main_app, curation_concern]) } end end def after_update_response # TODO: visibility or lease/embargo status if curation_concern.visibility_changed? && curation_concern.file_sets.present? redirect_to main_app.confirm_curation_concerns_permission_path(curation_concern) else respond_to do |wants| wants.html { redirect_to [main_app, curation_concern] } wants.json { render :show, status: :ok, location: polymorphic_path([main_app, curation_concern]) } end end end def after_destroy_response(title) flash[:notice] = "Deleted #{title}" respond_to do |wants| wants.html { redirect_to main_app.search_catalog_path } wants.json { render_json_response(response_type: :deleted, message: "Deleted #{}") } end end def attributes_for_actor raw_params = params[hash_key_for_curation_concern] return unless raw_params work_form_service.form_class(curation_concern).model_attributes(raw_params) end def hash_key_for_curation_concern _curation_concern_type.model_name.param_key end # Override this method to add additional response # formats to your local app def additional_response_formats(_) # nop end def search_builder_class CurationConcerns::WorkSearchBuilder end def contextual_path(presenter, parent_presenter), parent_presenter).show end private def curation_concern_from_search_results search_result_document(params) end def search_result_document(search_params) _, document_list = search_results(search_params) raise, :show) if document_list.empty? document_list.first end end end