b0VIM 8.1u _%+joshJoshs-Mac-mini.local~josh/Projects/fastlane/fastlane/match/lib/match/options.rb 3210#"! UtpC8D4|:.$adGoC{a`SCzWON0 1 _ m * P % j R,^MFg+*on env_name: "MATCH_APP_IDENTIFIER", short_option: "-a", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :app_identifier, default_value: false), type: Boolean, description: "Skip syncing provisioning profiles", env_name: "MATCH_SKIP_PROVISIONING_PROFILES", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :skip_provisioning_profiles, default_value_dynamic: true), default_value: FastlaneCore::Helper.mac? && FastlaneCore::Helper.xcode_at_least?('11'), type: Boolean, description: "Create a certificate type for Xcode 11 and later (Apple Development or Apple Distribution)", env_name: "MATCH_GENERATE_APPLE_CERTS", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :generate_apple_certs, default_value: false), type: Boolean, description: "Only fetch existing certificates and profiles, don't generate new ones", env_name: "MATCH_READONLY", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :readonly, end), UI.user_error!("Unsupported types, must be: #{types}") unless (values - types).empty? types = %w(mac_installer_distribution developer_id_installer) verify_block: proc do |values| type: Array, optional: true, description: "Create additional cert types needed for macOS installers (valid values: mac_installer_distribution, developer_id_installer)", env_name: "MATCH_ADDITIONAL_CERT_TYPES", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :additional_cert_types, end), end UI.user_error!("Unsupported environment #{value}, must be in #{Match.environments.join(', ')}") unless Match.environments.include?(value) verify_block: proc do |value| default_value: 'development', short_option: "-y", description: "Define the profile type, can be #{Match.environments.join(', ')}", env_name: "MATCH_TYPE", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :type, # main [ user ||= CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:apple_id) user = CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:apple_dev_portal_id) def self.available_options end end "ios" else "macos" when "mac" case Fastlane::Helper::LaneHelper.current_platform.to_s def self.default_platform end @available_options << option self.available_options # to ensure we created the initial `@available_options` array def self.append_option(option) # This is match specific, as users can append storage specific options class Optionsmodule Matchrequire_relative 'module'require 'credentials_manager/appfile_config'require 'fastlane/helper/lane_helper'require 'fastlane_core/configuration/config_item'ad>$vk6 . a , @ [ " po_+UXPHB>=end end end ] end) FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose = true if value verify_block: proc do |value| default_value: false, type: Boolean, description: "Print out extra information and all commands", env_name: "MATCH_VERBOSE", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :verbose, # other default_value: false), type: Boolean, description: "Skips setting the partition list (which can sometimes take a long time). Setting the partition list is usually needed to prevent Xcode from prompting to allow a cert to be used for signing", env_name: "MATCH_SKIP_SET_PARTITION_LIST", short_option: "-P", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :skip_set_partition_list, optional: true), description: "Path in which to export certificates, key and profile", env_name: "MATCH_OUTPUT_PATH", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :output_path, default_value: false), type: Boolean, optional: true, description: "Set to true if there is no access to Apple developer portal but there are certificates, keys and profiles provided. Only works with match import action", env_name: "MATCH_SKIP_CERTIFICATE_MATCHING", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :skip_certificate_matching, default_value: false), type: Boolean, optional: true, description: "Should the command fail if it was about to create a duplicate of an existing provisioning profile. It can happen due to issues on Apple Developer Portal, when profile to be recreated was not properly deleted first", env_name: "MATCH_FAIL_ON_NAME_TAKEN", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :fail_on_name_taken,