class SlackSmartBot def see_teams(user, team_name, search = "", add_stats: true) save_stats(__method__) if add_stats get_teams() teams = @teams.deep_copy if teams.empty? respond "There are no teams added yet. Use `add team` command to add a team." elsif team_name.to_s != "" and !teams.key?(team_name.to_sym) and ( { |t| (t.to_s.gsub("-", "").gsub("_", "") == team_name.to_s) }).empty? respond "It seems like the team *#{team_name}* doesn't exist.\nRelated commands `add team TEAM_NAME PROPERTIES`, `see team TEAM_NAME`, `see teams`" else users_link = (Thread.current[:dest][0] == "D") filter = (search != "") react :runner @users = get_users() if add_stats messages = [] search_members = [] search_channels = [] search_info = [] if filter search.split(" ").each do |s| if s.match(/<@(\w+)>/i) m = $1 user_info = { |u| == m.downcase or (u.key?(:enterprise_user) and == m.downcase) }[-1] search_members << unless user_info.nil? elsif s.match(/<#(\w+)\|[^>]*>/i) c = $1.upcase search_channels << @channels_name[c] if @channels_name.key?(c) else search_info << s end end end if team_name.to_s == "" and search.to_s == "" dest = :on_thread messages.unshift("Since there are many lines returned the results are returned on a thread by default.") else dest = Thread.current[:dest] end teams.each do |name, team| filter ? add = false : add = true if team_name.to_s == "" or (team_name.to_s == name.to_s) or (name.to_s.gsub("-", "").gsub("_", "") == team_name.to_s) message = [] message << "*#{name.capitalize}*" if filter and search_info.size > 0 all_info = true search_info.each do |s| if (team.members.keys.find { |e| /#{s}/i =~ e }) add = true break end if !name.match?(/#{s}/i) all_info = false break end end add = true if all_info end message << " > *_members_*" assigned_members, unassigned_members, not_on_team_channel, channels_members, all_team_members = get_team_members(team) unless unassigned_members.empty? um = unassigned_members.dup um.each do |m| user_info = { |u| == m or (u.key?(:enterprise_user) and == m) }[-1] unless user_info.nil? or user_info.profile.title.to_s == "" team.members[user_info.profile.title.to_snake_case] ||= [] team.members[user_info.profile.title.to_snake_case] << m unassigned_members.delete(m) end end unless unassigned_members.empty? team.members["unassigned"] ||= [] team.members["unassigned"] += unassigned_members team.members["unassigned"].sort! end end unless not_on_team_channel.empty? team.members["not on members channel"] = not_on_team_channel team.members["not on members channel"].sort! end add = true if (team.members.values.flatten & search_members).size > 0 add = true if (team.channels.values.flatten & search_channels).size > 0 if filter and search_info.size > 0 all_info = true search_info.each do |s| if (team.members.keys.find { |e| /#{s}/i =~ e }) add = true break end if !{s}/i) all_info = false break end end add = true if all_info end if add if team_name.to_s != "" team.members.each do |type, members| message << " _`#{type}`_: " members.each do |member| types = [":palm_tree:", ":spiral_calendar_pad:", ":face_with_thermometer:", ":baby:"] member_info = { |u| == member }[-1] if !member_info.nil? and !member_info.deleted member_id = info = get_user_info(member_id) emoji = info.user.profile.status_emoji if types.include?(emoji) status = emoji else active = (get_presence(member_id).presence.to_s == "active") if active user_info = { |u| == member_id or (u.key?(:enterprise_user) and == member_id) }[-1] if (user_info.tz_offset - user.tz_offset).abs <= (4 * 3600) status = ":large_green_circle:" else status = ":large_yellow_circle:" end else status = ":white_circle:" end end else status = ":exclamation:" end unless status == ":exclamation:" if users_link message[-1] += " #{status}<@#{member}>, " else user_info = { |u| == member or (u.key?(:enterprise_user) and == member) }[-1] unless user_info.nil? if user_info.profile.display_name == "" name = else name = user_info.profile.display_name end message[-1] += " #{status} #{name}, " end end end end message[-1].chop! message[-1].chop! end else team.members.each do |type, members| if users_link message << " _`#{type}`_: <@#{members.join(">, <@")}>" else membersn = [] members.each do |m| user_info = { |u| == m or (u.key?(:enterprise_user) and == m) }[-1] unless user_info.nil? or user_info.deleted if user_info.profile.display_name == "" name = else name = user_info.profile.display_name end membersn << name end end message << " _`#{type}`_: #{membersn.join(" / ")}" end end end end if add message << " > *_channels_*" team.channels.each do |type, channels| channel_ids = [] channels.each do |ch| channel_info = { |c| == ch.to_s.downcase }[-1] if @channels_id.key?(ch) and (!channel_info.is_private or (channel_info.is_private and (team.members.values + [team.creator]).flatten.include?( channel_ids << @channels_id[ch] end end message << " _`#{type}`_: <##{channel_ids.join("> <#")}>" unless channel_ids.empty? end unless !team.key?(:memos) or team.memos.empty? or (team_name.to_s == "" and search.to_s == "") message += see_memos_team(user, type: "all", add_stats: false, team: team) end unless"\n").each do |m| message << ">#{m}" end message << "> " message << "> " end messages << message.join("\n") end end end unreact :runner if messages.empty? if filter respond "It seems like we didn't find any team with the criteria supplied. Call `see teams` for a full list of teams." else respond "It seems like there are no teams added.\nUse `add team TEAM_NAME PROPERTIES` to add one. Call `bot help add team` for extended info." end else if team_name.to_s != "" message = "\n\n:palm_tree: On vacation / " message += ":spiral_calendar_pad: In a meeting / " message += ":face_with_thermometer: :baby: Sick leave / " message += ":white_circle: Away / " message += ":large_yellow_circle: Available in remote timezone / " message += ":large_green_circle: Available" messages[-1] << message messages[-1] << "\n:information_source: Remote Time zone is >4h away from your current (#{user.tz_label})" end messages.each do |msg| respond msg, dest, unfurl_links: false, unfurl_media: false end unless team_name.to_s.empty? see_vacations_team(user, team_name,"%Y/%m/%d"), add_stats: false) end end end end end