# Reopen the OpenStudio class to add methods to apply standards to this object
class OpenStudio::Model::CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed

  # Finds the search criteria
  # @param template [String] valid choices: 'DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004', '90.1-2004', '90.1-2007', '90.1-2010', '90.1-2013'
  # @return [hash] has for search criteria to be used for find object
  def find_search_criteria(template)

    # Define the criteria to find the chiller properties
    # in the hvac standards data set.
    search_criteria = {}
    search_criteria['template'] = template
    cooling_type = self.condenserType
    search_criteria['cooling_type'] = cooling_type

    # Determine the heating type if unitary or zone hvac
    heat_pump = false
    heating_type = nil
    if self.airLoopHVAC.empty?
      if self.containingHVACComponent.is_initialized
        containing_comp = containingHVACComponent.get
        if containing_comp.to_AirLoopHVACUnitaryHeatPumpAirToAir.is_initialized
          heat_pump = true
          heating_type = 'Electric Resistance or None'
        end # TODO Add other unitary systems
      elsif self.containingZoneHVACComponent.is_initialized
        containing_comp = containingZoneHVACComponent.get
        if containing_comp.to_ZoneHVACPackagedTerminalAirConditioner.is_initialized
          htg_coil = containing_comp.to_ZoneHVACPackagedTerminalAirConditioner.get.heatingCoil
          if htg_coil.to_CoilHeatingElectric.is_initialized
            heating_type = 'Electric Resistance or None'
          elsif htg_coil.to_CoilHeatingWater.is_initialized || htg_coil.to_CoilHeatingGas.is_initialized
            heating_type = 'All Other'
        end # TODO Add other zone hvac systems

    # Determine the heating type if on an airloop
    if self.airLoopHVAC.is_initialized
      air_loop = self.airLoopHVAC.get
      if air_loop.supplyComponents('Coil:Heating:Electric'.to_IddObjectType).size > 0
        heating_type = 'Electric Resistance or None'
      elsif air_loop.supplyComponents('Coil:Heating:Gas'.to_IddObjectType).size > 0
        heating_type = 'All Other'
      elsif air_loop.supplyComponents('Coil:Heating:Water'.to_IddObjectType).size > 0
        heating_type = 'All Other'
      elsif air_loop.supplyComponents('Coil:Heating:DX:SingleSpeed'.to_IddObjectType).size > 0
        heating_type = 'All Other'
      elsif air_loop.supplyComponents('Coil:Heating:Gas:MultiStage'.to_IddObjectType).size > 0
        heating_type = 'All Other'
      elsif air_loop.supplyComponents('Coil:Heating:Desuperheater'.to_IddObjectType).size > 0
        heating_type = 'All Other'
      elsif air_loop.supplyComponents('Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit'.to_IddObjectType).size > 0
        heating_type = 'All Other'
        heating_type = 'Electric Resistance or None'

    # Add the heating type to the search criteria
    unless heating_type.nil?
      search_criteria['heating_type'] = heating_type

    # TODO Standards - add split system vs single package to model
    # For now, assume single package
    subcategory = 'Single Package'
    search_criteria['subcategory'] = subcategory

    return search_criteria


  # Finds capacity in Btu/hr
  # @return [Double] capacity in Btu/hr to be used for find object
  def find_capacity()

    # Get the coil capacity
    capacity_w = nil
    if self.ratedTotalCoolingCapacity.is_initialized
      capacity_w = self.ratedTotalCoolingCapacity.get
    elsif self.autosizedRatedTotalCoolingCapacity.is_initialized
      capacity_w = self.autosizedRatedTotalCoolingCapacity.get
      OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed', "For #{self.name} capacity is not available, cannot apply efficiency standard.")
      return false

    # Convert capacity to Btu/hr
    capacity_btu_per_hr = OpenStudio.convert(capacity_w, "W", "Btu/hr").get

    return capacity_btu_per_hr


  # Finds lookup object in standards and return efficiency
  # @param template [String] valid choices: 'DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004', '90.1-2004', '90.1-2007', '90.1-2010', '90.1-2013'
  # @param standards [Hash] the OpenStudio_Standards spreadsheet in hash format
  # @return [Double] full load efficiency (COP)
  def standard_minimum_cop(template,standards)

    # find ac properties
    search_criteria = self.find_search_criteria(template)
    cooling_type = search_criteria["cooling_type"]
    heating_type = search_criteria["heating_type"]
    subcategory = search_criteria["subcategory"]
    capacity_btu_per_hr = self.find_capacity
    capacity_kbtu_per_hr = OpenStudio.convert(capacity_btu_per_hr, "Btu/hr", "kBtu/hr").get

    ac_props = self.model.find_object(standards["unitary_acs"], search_criteria, capacity_btu_per_hr)

    # Get the minimum efficiency standards
    cop = nil

    # Check to make sure properties were found
    if ac_props.nil?
      OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed', "For #{self.name}, cannot find efficiency info, cannot apply efficiency standard.")
      return cop # value of nil

    # If specified as SEER
    unless ac_props['minimum_seasonal_energy_efficiency_ratio'].nil?
      min_seer = ac_props['minimum_seasonal_energy_efficiency_ratio']
      cop = seer_to_cop(min_seer)
      OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed', "For #{template}: #{self.name}: #{cooling_type} #{heating_type} #{subcategory} Capacity = #{capacity_kbtu_per_hr.round}kBtu/hr; SEER = #{min_seer}")

    # If specified as EER
    unless ac_props['minimum_energy_efficiency_ratio'].nil?
      min_eer = ac_props['minimum_energy_efficiency_ratio']
      cop = eer_to_cop(min_eer)
      OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed', "For #{template}: #{self.name}: #{cooling_type} #{heating_type} #{subcategory} Capacity = #{capacity_kbtu_per_hr.round}kBtu/hr; EER = #{min_eer}")

    # if specified as SEER (heat pump)
    unless ac_props['minimum_seasonal_efficiency'].nil?
      min_seer = ac_props['minimum_seasonal_efficiency']
      cop = seer_to_cop(min_seer)
      OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed',  "For #{template}: #{self.name}: #{cooling_type} #{heating_type} #{subcategory} Capacity = #{capacity_kbtu_per_hr.round}kBtu/hr; SEER = #{min_seer}")

    # If specified as EER (heat pump)
    unless ac_props['minimum_full_load_efficiency'].nil?
      min_eer = ac_props['minimum_full_load_efficiency']
      cop = eer_to_cop(min_eer)
      OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed', "For #{template}: #{self.name}: #{cooling_type} #{heating_type} #{subcategory} Capacity = #{capacity_kbtu_per_hr.round}kBtu/hr; EER = #{min_eer}")

    return cop


  # Applies the standard efficiency ratings and typical performance curves to this object.
  # @param template [String] valid choices: 'DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004', '90.1-2004', '90.1-2007', '90.1-2010', '90.1-2013'
  # @param standards [Hash] the OpenStudio_Standards spreadsheet in hash format
  # @return [Bool] true if successful, false if not 
  def setStandardEfficiencyAndCurves(template, sql_db_vars_map)
    successfully_set_all_properties = true
    unitary_acs = $os_standards['unitary_acs']
    heat_pumps = $os_standards['heat_pumps']
    # Define the criteria to find the chiller properties
    # in the hvac standards data set.
    search_criteria = {}
    search_criteria['template'] = template
    cooling_type = self.condenserType
    search_criteria['cooling_type'] = cooling_type
    # TODO Standards - add split system vs single package to model
    # For now, assume single package as default
    subcategory = 'Single Package'

    # todo: remove this temporary hack
    is_pthp = false

    # Determine the heating type if unitary or zone hvac
    heat_pump = false
    heating_type = nil
    if self.airLoopHVAC.empty?
      if self.containingHVACComponent.is_initialized
        containing_comp = self.containingHVACComponent.get
        if containing_comp.to_AirLoopHVACUnitaryHeatPumpAirToAir.is_initialized
          heat_pump = true
          heating_type = 'Electric Resistance or None'
        end # TODO Add other unitary systems
      elsif self.containingZoneHVACComponent.is_initialized
        containing_comp = self.containingZoneHVACComponent.get
        # PTAC
        if containing_comp.to_ZoneHVACPackagedTerminalAirConditioner.is_initialized
          subcategory = 'PTAC'
          htg_coil = containing_comp.to_ZoneHVACPackagedTerminalAirConditioner.get.heatingCoil
          if htg_coil.to_CoilHeatingElectric.is_initialized
            heating_type = 'Electric Resistance or None'          
          elsif htg_coil.to_CoilHeatingWater.is_initialized || htg_coil.to_CoilHeatingGas.is_initialized
            heating_type = 'All Other'
        # PTHP
        elsif containing_comp.to_ZoneHVACPackagedTerminalHeatPump.is_initialized
          #heat_pump = true
          # Todo: Change subcategory to PTHP once/if implemented
          subcategory = 'PTAC'
          # Todo: remove this temporary hack
          is_pthp = true
          heating_type = 'Electric Resistance or None'

        end # TODO Add other zone hvac systems


    # Determine the heating type if on an airloop
    if self.airLoopHVAC.is_initialized
      air_loop = self.airLoopHVAC.get
      if air_loop.supplyComponents('OS:Coil:Heating:Electric'.to_IddObjectType).size > 0
        heating_type = 'Electric Resistance or None'
      elsif air_loop.supplyComponents('OS:Coil:Heating:Gas'.to_IddObjectType).size > 0
        heating_type = 'All Other'
      elsif air_loop.supplyComponents('OS:Coil:Heating:Water'.to_IddObjectType).size > 0
        heating_type = 'All Other'
      elsif air_loop.supplyComponents('OS:Coil:Heating:DX:SingleSpeed'.to_IddObjectType).size > 0
        heating_type = 'All Other'
      elsif air_loop.supplyComponents('OS:Coil:Heating:Gas:MultiStage'.to_IddObjectType).size > 0
        heating_type = 'All Other'
      elsif air_loop.supplyComponents('OS:Coil:Heating:Desuperheater'.to_IddObjectType).size > 0
        heating_type = 'All Other'
      elsif air_loop.supplyComponents('OS:Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit'.to_IddObjectType).size > 0
        heating_type = 'All Other'  
        heating_type = 'Electric Resistance or None'

    # Add the heating type to the search criteria
    unless heating_type.nil?
      search_criteria['heating_type'] = heating_type

    search_criteria['subcategory'] = subcategory
    # Get the coil capacity
    capacity_w = nil
    if self.ratedTotalCoolingCapacity.is_initialized
      capacity_w = self.ratedTotalCoolingCapacity.get
    elsif self.autosizedRatedTotalCoolingCapacity.is_initialized
      capacity_w = self.autosizedRatedTotalCoolingCapacity.get
      OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed', "For #{self.name} capacity is not available, cannot apply efficiency standard.")
      successfully_set_all_properties = false
      return successfully_set_all_properties

    # Convert capacity to Btu/hr
    capacity_btu_per_hr = OpenStudio.convert(capacity_w, "W", "Btu/hr").get
    capacity_kbtu_per_hr = OpenStudio.convert(capacity_w, "W", "kBtu/hr").get
    # Lookup efficiencies depending on whether it is a unitary AC or a heat pump
    ac_props = nil
    if heat_pump == true
      ac_props = self.model.find_object(heat_pumps, search_criteria, capacity_btu_per_hr)
      ac_props = self.model.find_object(unitary_acs, search_criteria, capacity_btu_per_hr)

    # Check to make sure properties were found
    if ac_props.nil?
      OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed', "For #{self.name}, cannot find efficiency info, cannot apply efficiency standard.")
      successfully_set_all_properties = false
      return successfully_set_all_properties

    # Make the COOL-CAP-FT curve
    cool_cap_ft = self.model.add_curve(ac_props["cool_cap_ft"])
    if cool_cap_ft
      OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed', "For #{self.name}, cannot find cool_cap_ft curve, will not be set.")
      successfully_set_all_properties = false

    # Make the COOL-CAP-FFLOW curve
    cool_cap_fflow = self.model.add_curve(ac_props["cool_cap_fflow"])
    if cool_cap_fflow
      OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed', "For #{self.name}, cannot find cool_cap_fflow curve, will not be set.")
      successfully_set_all_properties = false
    # Make the COOL-EIR-FT curve
    cool_eir_ft = self.model.add_curve(ac_props["cool_eir_ft"])
    if cool_eir_ft
      OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed', "For #{self.name}, cannot find cool_eir_ft curve, will not be set.")
      successfully_set_all_properties = false

    # Make the COOL-EIR-FFLOW curve
    cool_eir_fflow = self.model.add_curve(ac_props["cool_eir_fflow"])
    if cool_eir_fflow
      OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed', "For #{self.name}, cannot find cool_eir_fflow curve, will not be set.")
      successfully_set_all_properties = false
    # Make the COOL-PLF-FPLR curve
    cool_plf_fplr = self.model.add_curve(ac_props["cool_plf_fplr"])
    if cool_plf_fplr
      OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed', "For #{self.name}, cannot find cool_plf_fplr curve, will not be set.")
      successfully_set_all_properties = false
    # Get the minimum efficiency standards
    cop = nil

    # Todo: remove/revamp this temporary hack once/if PTHP implemented in Openstudio Standards spreadsheet
    if is_pthp
      case template
        when '90.1-2007'
          pthp_eer_coeff_1 = 12.3
          pthp_eer_coeff_2 = -0.000213
        when '90.1-2010'
          # As of 10/08/2012
          pthp_eer_coeff_1 = 14
          pthp_eer_coeff_2 = -0.0003

      # TABLE 6.8.1D
      # EER = pthp_eer_coeff_1 + pthp_eer_coeff_2 * Cap
      # Note c: Cap means the rated cooling capacity of the product in Btu/h.
      # If the unit’s capacity is less than 7000 Btu/h, use 7000 Btu/h in the calculation.
      # If the unit’s capacity is greater than 15,000 Btu/h, use 15,000 Btu/h in the calculation.
      capacity_btu_per_hr = 7000 if capacity_btu_per_hr < 7000
      capacity_btu_per_hr = 15000 if capacity_btu_per_hr > 15000
      pthp_eer = pthp_eer_coeff_1 + (pthp_eer_coeff_2 * capacity_btu_per_hr)
      cop = eer_to_cop(pthp_eer)
      new_comp_name = "#{self.name} #{capacity_kbtu_per_hr.round}kBtu/hr #{pthp_eer.round(1)}EER"
      OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed',  "HACK: For #{template}: #{self.name}: #{cooling_type} #{heating_type} #{subcategory} Capacity = #{capacity_kbtu_per_hr.round}kBtu/hr #{pthp_eer.round(2)}EER")

    elsif subcategory == 'PTAC'
      ptac_eer_coeff_1 = ac_props['ptac_eer_coefficient_1']
      # This second coefficient is already negative in the json standards
      ptac_eer_coeff_2 = ac_props['ptac_eer_coefficient_2']
      # TABLE 6.8.1D
      # EER = ptac_eer_coeff_1 + ptac_eer_coeff_2 * Cap
      # Note c: Cap means the rated cooling capacity of the product in Btu/h.
      # If the unit’s capacity is less than 7000 Btu/h, use 7000 Btu/h in the calculation.
      # If the unit’s capacity is greater than 15,000 Btu/h, use 15,000 Btu/h in the calculation.
      capacity_btu_per_hr = 7000 if capacity_btu_per_hr < 7000
      capacity_btu_per_hr = 15000 if capacity_btu_per_hr > 15000
      ptac_eer = ptac_eer_coeff_1 + (ptac_eer_coeff_2 * capacity_btu_per_hr)
      cop = eer_to_cop(ptac_eer)
      new_comp_name = "#{self.name} #{capacity_kbtu_per_hr.round}kBtu/hr #{ptac_eer.round(1)}EER"
      OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed',  "For #{template}: #{self.name}: #{cooling_type} #{heating_type} #{subcategory} Capacity = #{capacity_kbtu_per_hr.round}kBtu/hr; EER = #{ptac_eer}")      
    # If specified as SEER
    unless ac_props['minimum_seasonal_energy_efficiency_ratio'].nil?
      min_seer = ac_props['minimum_seasonal_energy_efficiency_ratio']
      cop = seer_to_cop(min_seer)
      new_comp_name = "#{self.name} #{capacity_kbtu_per_hr.round}kBtu/hr #{min_seer}SEER"
#      self.setName("#{self.name} #{capacity_kbtu_per_hr.round}kBtu/hr #{min_seer}SEER")
      OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed',  "For #{template}: #{self.name}: #{cooling_type} #{heating_type} #{subcategory} Capacity = #{capacity_kbtu_per_hr.round}kBtu/hr; SEER = #{min_seer}")
    # If specified as EER
    unless ac_props['minimum_energy_efficiency_ratio'].nil?
      min_eer = ac_props['minimum_energy_efficiency_ratio']
      cop = eer_to_cop(min_eer)
      new_comp_name = "#{self.name} #{capacity_kbtu_per_hr.round}kBtu/hr #{min_eer}EER"
      OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed', "For #{template}: #{self.name}: #{cooling_type} #{heating_type} #{subcategory} Capacity = #{capacity_kbtu_per_hr.round}kBtu/hr; EER = #{min_eer}")

    # if specified as SEER (heat pump)
    unless ac_props['minimum_seasonal_efficiency'].nil?
      min_seer = ac_props['minimum_seasonal_efficiency']
      cop = seer_to_cop(min_seer)
      new_comp_name = "#{self.name} #{capacity_kbtu_per_hr.round}kBtu/hr #{min_seer}SEER"
#      self.setName("#{self.name} #{capacity_kbtu_per_hr.round}kBtu/hr #{min_seer}SEER")
      OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed',  "For #{template}: #{self.name}: #{cooling_type} #{heating_type} #{subcategory} Capacity = #{capacity_kbtu_per_hr.round}kBtu/hr; SEER = #{min_seer}")
      # If specified as EER (heat pump)
    unless ac_props['minimum_full_load_efficiency'].nil?
      min_eer = ac_props['minimum_full_load_efficiency']
      cop = eer_to_cop(min_eer)
      new_comp_name = "#{self.name} #{capacity_kbtu_per_hr.round}kBtu/hr #{min_eer}EER"
      OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed', "For #{template}: #{self.name}: #{cooling_type} #{heating_type} #{subcategory} Capacity = #{capacity_kbtu_per_hr.round}kBtu/hr; EER = #{min_eer}")
    sql_db_vars_map[new_comp_name] = self.name.to_s

    # Set the efficiency values
    unless cop.nil?

    return sql_db_vars_map

