require "strscan" require "securerandom" require "skylight/util/logging" require "skylight/extensions" module Skylight # @api private class Instrumenter KEY = :__skylight_current_trace include Util::Logging class TraceInfo def initialize(key = KEY) @key = key @muted_key = "#{key}_muted" end def current Thread.current[@key] end def current=(trace) Thread.current[@key] = trace end # NOTE: This should only be set by the instrumenter, and only # in the context of a `mute` block. Do not try to turn this # flag on and off directly. def muted=(val) Thread.current[@muted_key] = val end def muted? !!Thread.current[@muted_key] end end attr_reader :uuid, :config, :gc, :extensions def self.native_new(_uuid, _config_env) raise "not implemented" end def config.validate! uuid = SecureRandom.uuid inst = native_new(uuid, config.to_native_env) inst.send(:initialize, uuid, config) inst end def initialize(uuid, config) @uuid = uuid @gc = config.gc @config = config @subscriber =, self) @trace_info = @config[:trace_info] || @mutex = @extensions = end def enable_extension!(name) @mutex.synchronize { extensions.enable!(name) } end def disable_extension!(name) @mutex.synchronize { extensions.disable!(name) } end def extension_enabled?(name) extensions.enabled?(name) end def log_context @log_context ||= { inst: uuid } end def native_start raise "not implemented" end def native_stop raise "not implemented" end def native_track_desc(_endpoint, _description) raise "not implemented" end def native_submit_trace(_trace) raise "not implemented" end def current_trace @trace_info.current end def current_trace=(trace) t { "setting current_trace=#{trace ? trace.uuid : 'nil'}; thread=#{Thread.current.object_id}" } @trace_info.current = trace end def validate_installation # Warn if there was an error installing Skylight. if defined?(Skylight.check_install_errors) Skylight.check_install_errors(config) end if !Skylight.native? && defined?(Skylight.warn_skylight_native_missing) Skylight.warn_skylight_native_missing(config) return false end true end def muted=(val) @trace_info.muted = val end def muted? @trace_info.muted? end def mute old_muted = muted? self.muted = true yield if block_given? ensure self.muted = old_muted end def unmute old_muted = muted? self.muted = false yield if block_given? ensure self.muted = old_muted end def silence_warnings(context) @warnings_silenced || @mutex.synchronize do @warnings_silenced ||= {} end @warnings_silenced[context] = true end def warnings_silenced?(context) @warnings_silenced && @warnings_silenced[context] end alias disable mute alias disabled? muted? def start! # We do this here since we can't report these issues via Gem install without stopping install entirely. return unless validate_installation t { "starting instrumenter" } unless config.validate_with_server log_error "invalid config" return end t { "starting native instrumenter" } unless native_start warn "failed to start instrumenter" return end enable_extension!(:source_location) if @config.enable_source_locations? config.gc.enable @subscriber.register! ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("started_instrumenter.skylight", instrumenter: self) self rescue Exception => e log_error "failed to start instrumenter; msg=%s; config=%s", e.message, config.inspect t { e.backtrace.join("\n") } nil end def shutdown @subscriber.unregister! native_stop end def trace(endpoint, cat, title = nil, desc = nil, meta: nil, segment: nil, component: nil) # If a trace is already in progress, continue with that one if (trace = @trace_info.current) return yield(trace) if block_given? return trace end begin meta ||= {} extensions.process_trace_meta(meta) trace =, endpoint, Skylight::Util::Clock.nanos, cat, title, desc, meta: meta, segment: segment, component: component) rescue Exception => e log_error e.message t { e.backtrace.join("\n") } return end @trace_info.current = trace return trace unless block_given? begin yield trace ensure @trace_info.current = nil t { "instrumenter submitting trace; trace=#{trace.uuid}" } trace.submit end end def instrument(cat, title = nil, desc = nil, meta = nil) raise ArgumentError, "cat is required" unless cat if muted? return yield if block_given? return end unless (trace = @trace_info.current) return yield if block_given? return end cat = cat.to_s unless Skylight::CATEGORY_REGEX.match?(cat) warn "invalid skylight instrumentation category; trace=%s; value=%s", trace.uuid, cat return yield if block_given? return end cat = "other.#{cat}" unless Skylight::TIER_REGEX.match?(cat) unless (sp = trace.instrument(cat, title, desc, meta)) return yield if block_given? return end return sp unless block_given? begin yield sp rescue Exception => e meta ||= {} meta[:exception] = [, e.message] meta[:exception_object] = e raise e ensure trace.done(sp, meta) end end def broken! return unless (trace = @trace_info.current) trace.broken! end def poison! @poisoned = true end def poisoned? @poisoned end def done(span, meta = nil) return unless (trace = @trace_info.current) trace.done(span, meta) end def process(trace) t { fmt "processing trace=#{trace.uuid}" } if ignore?(trace) t { fmt "ignoring trace=#{trace.uuid}" } return false end begin finalize_endpoint_segment(trace) native_submit_trace(trace) true rescue => e handle_instrumenter_error(trace, e) end end def handle_instrumenter_error(trace, err) poison! if err.is_a?(Skylight::InstrumenterUnrecoverableError) warn "failed to submit trace to worker; trace=%s, err=%s", trace.uuid, err t { "BACKTRACE:\n#{err.backtrace.join("\n")}" } false end def ignore?(trace) config.ignored_endpoints.include?(trace.endpoint) end # Because GraphQL can return multiple results, each of which # may have their own success/error states, we need to set the # skylight segment as follows: # # - when all queries have errors: "error" # - when some queries have errors: "+error" # - when no queries have errors: "" # # will be determined by the Rails controller as usual. # See Instrumenter#finalize_endpoint_segment for the actual segment/error assignment. def finalize_endpoint_segment(trace) return unless (segment = trace.segment) segment = case trace.compound_response_error_status when :all "error" when :partial "#{segment}+error" else segment end trace.endpoint += "#{segment}" end end end