module AttributeEnums module ActiveRecordExtension extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def attribute_enums(attribute_name, *options, &block) attribute_name = attribute_name.to_s options = options.extract_options! within = options.delete(:in).to_a || options.delete(:within).to_a || [] scopes = options.delete(:scopes) || true allow_blank = options.delete(:allow_blank) || false use_validate = options.delete(:validate) || true methods = options.delete(:methods) || true i18n = options.delete(:i18n) || true booleans = options.delete(:booleans) || false default = options.delete(:default) || (booleans ? true : "") raise "attribute #{ attribute_name } does not exist." unless column_names.index(attribute_name) raise "in/within and booleans has one and only one exist." if (!within.blank? and !booleans.blank?) or (within.blank? and booleans.blank?) if booleans within = [true, false] else within.keep_if{|x| x.respond_to?("to_sym")}.collect!(&:to_s) end attribute_values = Hash[ {|x| [ x, i18n ? I18n.translate(:"#{self.i18n_scope}.enums.#{self.model_name.underscore}.#{ attribute_name }.#{ x }") : x ]} ] eval(%Q`class_attribute :#{ attribute_name}_values`) eval(%Q`self.#{ attribute_name}_values = #{ attribute_values }`) if scopes if booleans scope attribute_name, where(attribute_name => true) eval(%Q`scope :not_#{ attribute_name }, where(:#{ attribute_name } => false)`) else within.all? do |value| scope value, where(attribute_name => value) end end end unless allow_blank validates attribute_name, :presence => true end if use_validate validates attribute_name, :inclusion => { :in => booleans ? [true, false] : (within + within.collect{|x| x.to_sym}) }, :if => eval(%Q` { |record| record.#{ attribute_name }? }`) end if methods eval(%Q`def get_#{ attribute_name }_values; self.#{ attribute_name}_values.to_a; end`) if booleans class_eval(%Q`def #{ attribute_name }_text; self.class.#{ attribute_name}_values[read_attribute("#{ attribute_name }")]; end`) else class_eval(%Q`def #{ attribute_name }_text; self.class.#{ attribute_name}_values[read_attribute("#{ attribute_name }").to_s]; end`) end unless booleans within.each {|name| class_eval(%Q`def #{ name }?; read_attribute("#{ attribute_name }").to_s == "#{ name }"; end`) } end end if default if booleans class_eval(%Q`def set_default_for_attr_#{ attribute_name }; self.#{ attribute_name } ||= #{ !default.blank? }; end`) else class_eval(%Q`def set_default_for_attr_#{ attribute_name }; self.#{ attribute_name } ||= "#{ default.to_s }"; end`) end eval(%Q`before_validation :set_default_for_attr_#{ attribute_name }`) end end end module InstanceMethods end end end