require_relative 'helper' class ErrorsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_text_after_keygroup str = "[error] if you didn't catch this, your parser is broken" assert_raises(TOML::ParseError) { TOML.parse(str) } end def test_text_after_string str = 'string = "Anything other than tabs, spaces and newline after a ' str += 'keygroup or key value pair has ended should produce an error ' str += 'unless it is a comment" like this' assert_raises(TOML::ParseError) { TOML.parse(str) } end def test_multiline_array_bad_string str = <<-EOS array = [ "This might most likely happen in multiline arrays", Like here, "or here, and here" ] End of array comment, forgot the # EOS assert_raises(TOML::ParseError) { TOML.parse(str) } end def test_multiline_array_string_not_ended str = <<-EOS array = [ "This might most likely happen in multiline arrays", "or here, and here" ] End of array comment, forgot the # EOS assert_raises(TOML::ParseError) { TOML.parse(str) } end def test_text_after_multiline_array str = <<-EOS array = [ "This might most likely happen in multiline arrays", "or here", "and here" ] End of array comment, forgot the # EOS assert_raises(TOML::ParseError) { TOML.parse(str) } end def test_text_after_number str = 'number = 3.14 pi <--again forgot the #' assert_raises(TOML::ParseError) { TOML.parse(str) } end def test_value_overwrite str = "a = 1\na = 2" e = assert_raises(TOML::ValueOverwriteError) { TOML.parse(str) } assert_equal "Key \"a\" is defined more than once", e.message assert_equal "a", e.key str = "a = false\na = true" assert_raises(TOML::ValueOverwriteError) { TOML.parse(str) } end def test_table_overwrite str = "[a]\nb=1\n[a]\nc=2" e = assert_raises(TOML::ValueOverwriteError) { TOML.parse(str) } assert_equal "Key \"a\" is defined more than once", e.message str = "[a]\nb=1\n[a]\nb=1" e = assert_raises(TOML::ValueOverwriteError) { TOML.parse(str) } assert_equal "Key \"a\" is defined more than once", e.message end def test_value_overwrite_with_table str = "[a]\nb=1\n[a.b]\nc=2" e = assert_raises(TOML::ValueOverwriteError) { TOML.parse(str) } assert_equal "Key \"b\" is defined more than once", e.message str = "[a]\nb=1\n[a.b.c]\nd=3" e = assert_raises(TOML::ValueOverwriteError) { TOML.parse(str) } assert_equal "Key \"b\" is defined more than once", e.message end end