/** * Brian Woodward * * Brian Woodward * Created and maintained by Brian Woodward * * Copyright (c) 2014 Brian Woodward. * Licensed under the MIT License (MIT). */ /** * This code and some of the ideas in the code are inspired by the following * article from "25 days of AngularJS Calendar | 2013" * http://www.ng-newsletter.com/advent2013/#!/day/17 */ 'use strict'; angular.module('doowb.angular-pusher', []) // create a provider that loads the pusher script from a cdn .provider('PusherService', function() { var scriptUrl = '//js.pusher.com/2.2/pusher.min.js'; var scriptId = 'pusher-sdk'; var apiKey = ''; var initOptions = {}; this.setPusherUrl = function(url) { if (url) scriptUrl = url; return this; }; this.setOptions = function(options) { initOptions = options || initOptions; return this; }; this.setToken = function(token) { apiKey = token || apiKey; return this; }; // load the pusher api script async function createScript($document, callback, success) { var tag = $document.createElement('script'); tag.type = 'text/javascript'; tag.async = true; tag.id = scriptId; tag.src = scriptUrl; tag.onreadystatechange = tag.onload = function() { var state = tag.readyState; if (!callback.done && (!state || /loaded|complete/.test(state))) { callback.done = true; callback(); } }; $document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(tag); } this.$get = ['$document', '$timeout', '$q', '$rootScope', '$window', '$location', 'PusherEventsService', function($document, $timeout, $q, $rootScope, $window, $location, PusherEventsService) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var pusher; var es = PusherEventsService.connection; function onSuccess() { pusher = new $window.Pusher(apiKey, initOptions); // Connection Events pusher.connection .bind('connecting', function() { $rootScope.$broadcast(es.connecting); }) .bind('connected', function() { $rootScope.$broadcast(es.connected); }) .bind('unavailable', function() { $rootScope.$broadcast(es.unavailable); }) .bind('failed', function() { $rootScope.$broadcast(es.failed); }) .bind('disconnected', function() { $rootScope.$broadcast(es.disconnected); }) .bind('state_change', function(states) { // states = {previous: 'oldState', current: 'newState'} $rootScope.$broadcast(es.connected, states); }); } var onScriptLoad = function(callback) { onSuccess(); $timeout(function() { deferred.resolve(pusher); }); }; createScript($document[0], onScriptLoad); return deferred.promise; } ]; }) .factory('Pusher', ['$rootScope', '$q', 'PusherService', 'PusherEventsService', function($rootScope, $q, PusherService, PusherEventsService) { return { subscribe: function(channelName, eventName, callback) { var channelDeferred = $q.defer(); PusherService.then(function(pusher) { var channel = pusher.channel(channelName) || pusher.subscribe(channelName); channel .bind(eventName, function(data) { if (callback) callback(data); $rootScope.$broadcast(channelName + ':' + eventName, data); $rootScope.$digest(); }) .bind(PusherEventsService.channel.success, function() { $rootScope.$broadcast(PusherEventsService.channel.success); }) .bind(PusherEventsService.channel.error, function(status) { $rootScope.$broadcast(PusherEventsService.channel.error, status); //if(status == 408 || status == 503) { // retry? //} }); // Presence Channel if (channelName.indexOf('presence-') != -1) { channel .bind(PusherEventsService.presence.success, function(members) { var dataObj = { count: members.count, list: [] }; members.each(function(member) { // for example: dataObj.list.push({ id: member.id, info: member.info }); }); $rootScope.$broadcast(PusherEventsService.presence.success, dataObj); }) .bind(PusherEventsService.presence.memberAdded, function(member) { $rootScope.$broadcast(PusherEventsService.presence.memberAdded, member); }) .bind(PusherEventsService.presence.memberRemoved, function(member) { $rootScope.$broadcast(PusherEventsService.presence.memberAdded, member); }); } channelDeferred.resolve(channel); }); return channelDeferred.promise; }, unsubscribe: function(channelName) { PusherService.then(function(pusher) { if (pusher.channel(channelName)) { pusher.unsubscribe(channelName); } }); }, // Client Event Trigger trigger: function(channelName, eventName, obj) { if (eventName.indexOf('client-') == -1) return 'Event name requires \'client-\' prefix.'; PusherService.then(function(pusher) { var channel = pusher.channel(channelName); return channel.trigger(eventName, obj); }); }, // State of connection connectionState: function() { PusherService.then(function(pusher) { return pusher.connection.state; }); }, members: function(channelName) { if (channelName.indexOf('presence-') == -1) return 'Requires presence channel.'; PusherService.then(function(pusher) { var presenceChannel = pusher.channel(channelName); var arr = []; presenceChannel.members.each(function(member) { arr.push({ id: member.id, info: member.info }); }); return arr; }); }, membersMe: function(channelName) { if (channelName.indexOf('presence-') == -1) return 'Requires presence channel.'; PusherService.then(function(pusher) { var presenceChannel = pusher.channel(channelName); return presenceChannel.members.me; }); }, membersGet: function(channelName, memberId) { if (channelName.indexOf('presence-') == -1) return 'Requires presence channel.'; PusherService.then(function(pusher) { var presenceChannel = pusher.channel(channelName); return presenceChannel.members.get(memberId); }); }, membersCount: function(channelName, memberId) { if (channelName.indexOf('presence-') == -1) return 'Requires presence channel.'; PusherService.then(function(pusher) { var presenceChannel = pusher.channel(channelName); return presenceChannel.members.count; }); }, disconnect: function() { PusherService.then(function(pusher) { return pusher.disconnect(); }); } }; } ]) .service('PusherEventsService', [ function() { return { connection: { connecting: 'pusher:connection:connecting', connected: 'pusher:connection:connected', unavailable: 'pusher:connection:unavailable', failed: 'pusher:connection:failed', disconnected: 'pusher:connection:disconnected', state_change: 'pusher:connection:state_change' }, channel: { success: 'pusher:subscription_succeeded', error: 'pusher:subscription_error' }, presence: { success: 'pusher:subscription_succeeded', error: 'pusher:subscription_error', memberAdded: 'pusher:member_added', memberRemoved: 'pusher:member_removed' } }; } ]);