require 'hamlit/concerns/attribute_builder' require 'hamlit/concerns/balanceable' require 'hamlit/concerns/ripperable' # This module compiles only old-style attribute, which is # surrounded by brackets. module Hamlit # This error is raised when hamlit copmiler decide to # copmile the attributes on runtime. class RuntimeBuild < StandardError; end module Compilers module OldAttribute include Concerns::AttributeBuilder include Concerns::Balanceable include Concerns::Ripperable # Only data can be nested for performance. NESTABLE_ATTRIBUTES = %w[data].freeze IGNORED_EXPRESSIONS = %w[false nil].freeze # Class and id are joined if the value is an array. JOIN_ATTRIBUTES = %w[class id].freeze JOINABLE_TOKENS = %i[on_ident on_qwords_beg on_lbracket].freeze # Only boolean attributes can be deleted for performance. BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES = %w[disabled readonly multiple checked autobuffer autoplay controls loop selected hidden scoped async defer reversed ismap seamless muted required autofocus novalidate formnovalidate open pubdate itemscope allowfullscreen default inert sortable truespeed typemustmatch data].freeze def compile_old_attribute(str) raise RuntimeBuild unless Ripper.sexp(str) attrs = parse_old_attributes(str) assert_no_boolean_attributes!(attrs) format_attributes(attrs).map do |key, value| next true_attribute(key) if value == 'true' assert_static_value!(value) if NESTABLE_ATTRIBUTES.include?(key) detect_joinable_value!(value) if JOIN_ATTRIBUTES.include?(key) [:html, :attr, key, [:dynamic, value]] end rescue RuntimeBuild # Give up static compilation when given string is invalid as ruby hash [[:runtime, str]] end private def format_attributes(attributes) attributes = flatten_attributes(attributes) ignore_falsy_values(attributes) end def ignore_falsy_values(attributes) attributes = attributes.dup attributes.each do |key, value| attributes.delete(key) if IGNORED_EXPRESSIONS.include?(value) end end # Give up static compilation when variables are detected. def assert_static_value!(value) tokens = Ripper.lex(value) tokens.each do |(row, col), type, str| raise RuntimeBuild if type == :on_ident end end # Give up static compilation when the value is a variable or an array. def detect_joinable_value!(value) tokens = Ripper.lex(value) tokens.each do |(row, col), type, str| raise RuntimeBuild if JOINABLE_TOKENS.include?(type) end end # Give up static compilation when attributes have deletable # attributes, such as 'checked'. def assert_no_boolean_attributes!(attrs) if BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES.any? { |key| attrs.keys.include?(key) } raise RuntimeBuild end end # Parse brace-balanced string and return the result as hash def parse_old_attributes(str) attributes = {} split_hash(str).each do |attr| tokens = Ripper.lex("{#{attr}") tokens = tokens.drop(1) key = read_hash_key!(tokens) val = skip_tokens!(tokens, :on_sp) if type_of(tokens.first) == :on_lbrace val = parse_old_attributes(val) end attributes[key] = val if key end attributes end def read_hash_key!(tokens) skip_tokens!(tokens, :on_sp) (row, col), type, str = tokens.shift case type when :on_label str.gsub!(/:\Z/, '') when :on_symbeg if %w[:" :'].include?(str) str = read_string!(tokens) else (row, col), type, str = tokens.shift end assert_rocket!(tokens) when :on_tstring_beg str = read_string!(tokens) assert_rocket!(tokens) end str end def read_string!(tokens) (row, col), type, str = tokens.shift return '' if type == :on_tstring_end raise SyntaxError if type_of(tokens.shift) != :on_tstring_end str end def assert_rocket!(tokens, *types) skip_tokens!(tokens, :on_sp) (row, col), type, str = tokens.shift raise SyntaxError unless type == :on_op && str == '=>' end def split_hash(str) columns = HashParser.assoc_columns(str) columns = reject_nested_columns(str, columns) splitted = [] start_pos = 1 columns.each do |end_pos| if str.ascii_only? splitted << str[start_pos..(end_pos - 1)] else splitted << str.unpack("C*")[start_pos..(end_pos - 1)].pack("C*").force_encoding('utf-8') end start_pos = end_pos + 1 end splitted end def reject_nested_columns(str, columns) result = [] open_count = 0 count = { emb: 0, paren: 0, bracket: 0, } Ripper.lex(str).each do |(row, col), type, str| if columns.include?(col) && open_count == 1 && count.values.all?(&:zero?) result << col end case type when :on_lbrace open_count += 1 when :on_rbrace open_count -= 1 when :on_embexpr_beg count[:emb] += 1 when :on_embexpr_end count[:emb] -= 1 when :on_lparen count[:paren] += 1 when :on_rparen count[:paren] -= 1 when :on_lbracket count[:bracket] += 1 when :on_rbracket count[:bracket] -= 1 end end result end class HashParser < Ripper attr_reader :columns def self.assoc_columns(src) parser = new(src) parser.parse parser.columns end def initialize(src) super(src) @columns = [] end private def on_assoc_new(*args) @columns << column - 1 end end end end end