/* texout.c */ /* Copyright (C) 2005 Bill Paxton This file is part of Tioga. Tioga is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Library Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Tioga is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with Tioga; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "figures.h" #define RADIANS_TO_DEGREES (180.0 / PI) static FILE *fp; // for the TeX file /* TeX text */ void c_rescale_text(OBJ_PTR fmkr, FM *p, double scaling_factor, int *ierr) { double scale = scaling_factor * p->default_text_scale; if (scaling_factor <= 0) { RAISE_ERROR("Sorry: text scaling must be positive", ierr); return; } p->default_text_height_dx *= scaling_factor; p->default_text_height_dy *= scaling_factor; p->default_text_scale = scale; } static int String_Is_Blank(char *str) { char c; if (str == NULL) return 1; while (1) { c = *str++; if (c == '\0') return 1; if (!isspace(c)) break; } return 0; } static OBJ_PTR Get_Measure_Hash(OBJ_PTR fmkr, OBJ_PTR measure_name) { OBJ_PTR value; int i; OBJ_PTR measures_info = Obj_Attr_Get(fmkr, measures_info_ID, &i); if(measure_name == OBJ_NIL) { return OBJ_NIL; } if(! Hash_Has_Key_Obj(measures_info, measure_name)) { value = Hash_New(); Hash_Set_Obj_Obj(measures_info, measure_name, value); } else value = Hash_Get_Obj_Obj(measures_info, measure_name); return value; } static void tex_show_rotated_text(OBJ_PTR fmkr, FM *p, char *text, double x, double y, double scale, double angle, int justification, int alignment, OBJ_PTR measure_name) { // x and y are the device coords for the reference point of the text char ref, jst; double ft_ht, sz; int dummy; OBJ_PTR measures = Get_Measure_Hash(fmkr, measure_name); if (String_Is_Blank(text)) return; /* blank strings break TeX! */ scale *= p->default_text_scale; ft_ht = scale * p->default_font_size; sz = ft_ht * ENLARGE; ref = (alignment == ALIGNED_AT_BASELINE)? 'B' : (alignment == ALIGNED_AT_BOTTOM)? 'b' : (alignment == ALIGNED_AT_TOP)? 't' : 'c'; if (justification == 0) jst = 'c'; else if (justification > 0) jst = 'r'; else jst = 'l'; bbox_llx = MIN(bbox_llx, x - sz); bbox_lly = MIN(bbox_lly, y - sz); bbox_urx = MAX(bbox_urx, x + sz); bbox_ury = MAX(bbox_ury, y + sz); if (angle != 0.0) fprintf(fp,"\\put(%d,%d){\\rotatebox{%.1f}{\\scalebox{%.2f}{\\makebox(0,0)[%c%c]{", ROUND(x), ROUND(y), angle, scale, jst, ref); else fprintf(fp,"\\put(%d,%d){\\scalebox{%.2f}{\\makebox(0,0)[%c%c]{", ROUND(x), ROUND(y), scale, jst, ref); if(measure_name != OBJ_NIL) fprintf(fp, "{\\tiogameasure{%s}{\\tiogasetfont{}", CString_Ptr(measure_name,&dummy)); else fprintf(fp, "{{\\tiogasetfont{}"); /* Moving the \BS out of the potential \tiogameasure input, so it does not disturb the measure. */ fprintf(fp, (alignment == ALIGNED_AT_BASELINE)? "%s}\\BS" : "%s}", text); fprintf(fp, angle != 0? "}}}}}\n" : "}}}}\n"); /* Now, we save measures informations if applicable*/ if(measures != OBJ_NIL) { Hash_Set_Double(measures, "scale", scale); /* [xy]anchor are saved in postscript points */ Hash_Set_Double(measures, "xanchor", ROUND(x) / ENLARGE); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "yanchor", ROUND(y) / ENLARGE); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "angle", angle); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "just", justification); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "align", alignment); } } static void Convert_Frame_Text_Position_To_Output_Location(FM *p, int frame_side, double offset, double fraction, double *xp, double *yp, double *base_angle, char *text, int *ierr) { double page_x, page_y; switch (frame_side) { case LEFT: page_x = p->page_width * p->frame_left - offset; page_y = p->page_height * (p->frame_bottom + fraction * p->frame_height); *base_angle = 90; break; case RIGHT: page_x = p->page_width * p->frame_right + offset; page_y = p->page_height * (p->frame_bottom + fraction * p->frame_height); *base_angle = 90; break; case AT_X_ORIGIN: if (0.0 > p->bounds_xmax || 0.0 < p->bounds_xmin) { RAISE_ERROR_s("Sorry: x origin is not part of plot for (%s)", text, ierr); return; } page_x = convert_figure_to_output_x(p, 0.0); if (p->xaxis_reversed) offset = -offset; page_x += offset; page_y = p->page_height * (p->frame_bottom + fraction * p->frame_height); *base_angle = 90; break; case TOP: page_y = p->page_height * p->frame_top + offset; page_x = p->page_width * (p->frame_left + fraction * p->frame_width); *base_angle = 0; break; case BOTTOM: page_y = p->page_height * p->frame_bottom - offset; page_x = p->page_width * (p->frame_left + fraction * p->frame_width); *base_angle = 0; break; case AT_Y_ORIGIN: if (0.0 > p->bounds_ymax || 0.0 < p->bounds_ymin) { RAISE_ERROR_s("Sorry: y origin is not part of plot for (%s)", text, ierr); return; } page_y = convert_figure_to_output_y(p, 0.0); if (p->yaxis_reversed) offset = -offset; page_y += offset; page_x = p->page_width * (p->frame_left + fraction * p->frame_width); *base_angle = 0; break; default: RAISE_ERROR_s("Sorry: invalid parameter for frame side in show text (%s)", text, ierr); return; } *xp = p->page_left + page_x; *yp = p->page_bottom + page_y; } void c_show_rotated_text(OBJ_PTR fmkr, FM *p, char *text, int frame_side, double shift, double fraction, double scale, double angle, int justification, int alignment, OBJ_PTR measure_name, int *ierr) { double x = 0, y = 0, base_angle = 0; double ft_ht = p->default_text_scale * scale * p->default_font_size; Convert_Frame_Text_Position_To_Output_Location(p, frame_side, shift * ft_ht * ENLARGE, fraction, &x, &y, &base_angle, text, ierr); tex_show_rotated_text(fmkr, p, text, x, y, scale, angle + base_angle, justification, alignment, measure_name); } void c_show_rotated_label(OBJ_PTR fmkr, FM *p, char *text, double xloc, double yloc, double scale, double angle, int justification, int alignment, OBJ_PTR measure_name, int *ierr) { tex_show_rotated_text(fmkr, p, text, convert_figure_to_output_x(p, xloc), convert_figure_to_output_y(p, yloc), scale, angle, justification, alignment, measure_name); } OBJ_PTR c_check_label_clip(OBJ_PTR fmkr, FM *p, double x, double y, int *ierr) { x = convert_figure_to_frame_x(p,x); y = convert_figure_to_frame_y(p,y); if (x < p->label_left_margin || y < p->label_bottom_margin || 1.0 - x < p->label_right_margin || 1.0 - y < p->label_top_margin) RETURN_FALSE; RETURN_TRUE; } /* TeX File Management */ static long cur_pos; static void Get_tex_name(char *ofile, char *filename, int maxlen) { char *dot; strncpy(ofile, filename, maxlen); dot = strrchr(ofile,'.'); if (dot != NULL) dot[0] = '\0'; strcat(ofile, "_figure.txt"); } void Open_tex(OBJ_PTR fmkr, char *filename, bool quiet_mode, int *ierr) { char ofile[300]; Get_tex_name(ofile, filename, 300); fp = fopen(ofile, "w"); fprintf(fp,"\\setlength{\\unitlength}{%fbp}%%\n", 1.0/ENLARGE); cur_pos = ftell(fp); fprintf(fp,"\\begin{picture}(xxxxxx,xxxxxx) %% (width,height)(xoffset,yoffset) -- Adjust the 2nd pair for registration adjustments\n"); /* this line is rewritten at the end */ fprintf(fp,"\\def\\BS{\\phantom{\\Huge\\scalebox{0}[2]{\\hbox{\\rotatebox{180}{O}O}}}}\n"); // graphicx seems to vertically align baseline (B) like center (c), // so we add BS (Big Strut) to make them look the same } void Close_tex(OBJ_PTR fmkr, bool quiet_mode, int *ierr) { double x, y, xoff, yoff; x = bbox_urx - bbox_llx; if (x < 0) x = bbox_urx = bbox_llx = 0; y = bbox_ury - bbox_lly; if (y < 0) y = bbox_ury = bbox_lly = 0; xoff = bbox_llx + Get_tex_xoffset(fmkr,ierr)*ENLARGE; yoff = bbox_lly + Get_tex_yoffset(fmkr,ierr)*ENLARGE; fprintf(fp,"\\end{picture}"); fseek(fp, cur_pos, SEEK_SET); fprintf(fp,"\\begin{picture}(%03d,%03d)(%02d,%d)", ROUND(x), ROUND(y), ROUND(xoff), ROUND(yoff)); fclose(fp); } static void Write_preview_header(OBJ_PTR fmkr, FILE *file, int *ierr) { fprintf(file, "\\documentclass{%s}\n\n", Get_tex_preview_documentclass(fmkr,ierr)); /* we print out the preamble generated from tioga.sty.in */ fprintf(file, "%% Tioga preamble generated from tioga.sty.in\n"); fprintf(file, "%s\n", Get_tex_preview_generated_preamble(fmkr,ierr)); fprintf(file, "%% User-specified preamble\n"); fprintf(file, "%s\n\n", Get_tex_preamble(fmkr,ierr)); fprintf(file, "%% Command to format numeric labels on xaxis\n"); fprintf(file, "\\newcommand{\\tiogaxaxisnumericlabel}[1]{%s}\n\n", Get_xaxis_numeric_label_tex(fmkr,ierr)); fprintf(file, "%% Command to format numeric labels on yaxis\n"); fprintf(file, "\\newcommand{\\tiogayaxisnumericlabel}[1]{%s}\n\n", Get_yaxis_numeric_label_tex(fmkr,ierr)); fprintf(file, "%% Color constants definitions\n"); fprintf(file, "%s\n\n", CString_Ptr(COLOR_PREAMBLE(fmkr,ierr),ierr)); fprintf(file, "%% Set page margins, page size and orientation.\n"); fprintf(file, "\t\\usepackage[pdftex,tmargin=0pt,lmargin=0pt," "rmargin=0pt,bmargin=0pt,\n"); fprintf(file, "\tpaperwidth=%s,paperheight=%s,\n", Get_tex_preview_paper_width(fmkr,ierr), Get_tex_preview_paper_height(fmkr,ierr)); fprintf(file, "\thoffset=%s,voffset=%s\n", Get_tex_preview_hoffset(fmkr,ierr), Get_tex_preview_voffset(fmkr,ierr)); fprintf(file, "\t]{geometry}\n"); fprintf(file, "\n%% We need the graphicx package and the calc package.\n"); fprintf(file, "\t\\usepackage{graphicx}\n"); fprintf(file, "\t\\usepackage{calc}\n\n"); fprintf(file, "\t%% This is necessary to avoid getting the picture on the second page\n"); fprintf(file, "\t\\topskip=0pt\n\n"); /* now, the commands to customize the font used */ fprintf(file, "\\settiogafontsize[10pt]{%s}\n", Get_tex_fontsize(fmkr,ierr)); fprintf(file, "\\settiogafontfamily{\\%s}\n", Get_tex_fontfamily(fmkr,ierr)); fprintf(file, "\\settiogafontseries{\\%s}\n", Get_tex_fontseries(fmkr,ierr)); fprintf(file, "\\settiogafontshape{\\%s}\n", Get_tex_fontshape(fmkr,ierr)); } static void Write_figure_command(OBJ_PTR fmkr, char *simple_name, FILE *file, int *ierr) { char *minwhitespace; if (Get_tex_preview_fullpage(fmkr,ierr)) { minwhitespace = Get_tex_preview_minwhitespace(fmkr,ierr); if (minwhitespace == NULL) { fprintf(file, "\\tiogafigurefullpage{%s}\n", simple_name); } else { fprintf(file, "\\tiogafigurefullpage[%s]{%s}\n", minwhitespace, simple_name); } } else { const char * command = Get_tex_preview_tiogafigure_command(fmkr,ierr); if(strcmp(command, "tiogafigureshow")) { fprintf(file, "\\%s{%s}{%s}{%s}\n", Get_tex_preview_tiogafigure_command(fmkr,ierr), simple_name, Get_tex_preview_figure_width(fmkr,ierr), Get_tex_preview_figure_height(fmkr,ierr)); } else { /* no need for extra arguments for tiogafigureshow */ fprintf(file, "\\%s{%s}\n", Get_tex_preview_tiogafigure_command(fmkr,ierr), simple_name); } } } void Create_wrapper(OBJ_PTR fmkr, char *fname, bool quiet_mode, int *ierr) { // create the wrapper TeX file to combine the text and graphics to make a figure char *dot; char tex_fname[100], base_name[100], simple_name[100]; FILE *file; if ((dot=strrchr(fname,'.')) != NULL) { strncpy(base_name, fname, dot-fname); base_name[dot-fname] = '\0'; snprintf(tex_fname, sizeof(tex_fname), "%s.tex", base_name); } else { strcpy(base_name, fname); snprintf(tex_fname, sizeof(tex_fname), "%s.tex", fname); } if ((dot=strrchr(base_name,'/')) != NULL) { strcpy(simple_name, dot+1); } else { strcpy(simple_name, base_name); } file = fopen(tex_fname, "w"); fprintf(file, "%% Tioga preview LaTeX file for %s_figure.pdf and %s_figure.txt\n\n", base_name, base_name); Write_preview_header(fmkr, file, ierr); fprintf(file, "\n%% Here's the page with the figure.\n"); fprintf(file, "\\begin{document}\n"); fprintf(file, "\\pagestyle{%s}\n", Get_tex_preview_pagestyle(fmkr,ierr)); /* necessary to get the position right */ fprintf(file, "\\noindent"); Write_figure_command(fmkr, simple_name, file, ierr); fprintf(file, "\\end{document}\n"); fclose(file); } void Init_tex(int *ierr) { } void Rename_tex(char *oldname, char *newname, int *ierr) { char old_ofile[300], new_ofile[300]; Get_tex_name(old_ofile, oldname, 300); Get_tex_name(new_ofile, newname, 300); rename(old_ofile, new_ofile); // from stdio.h } void private_make_portfolio(char *name, OBJ_PTR fignums, OBJ_PTR fignames, int *ierr) { FILE *file; int i, len, numfigs, j; char tex_fname[256]; snprintf(tex_fname, sizeof(tex_fname), "%s.tex", name); file = fopen(tex_fname, "w"); if (file == NULL) { RAISE_ERROR_s("Sorry: can't open %s.\n", tex_fname, ierr); return; } fprintf(file, "%% Tioga Portfolio %s\n\n", name); fprintf(file, "\\documentclass{article}\n"); fprintf(file, "\\usepackage{pdfpages}\n"); fprintf(file, "\\begin{document}\n"); fprintf(file, "%% Start of figures, one per page\n\n"); len = Array_Len(fignames,ierr); if (fignums == OBJ_NIL) { for (i=0; i < len; i++) { fprintf(file, "\\includepdf{%s.pdf}\n", Get_String(fignames, i, ierr)); if (*ierr != 0) return; } } else { numfigs = Array_Len(fignums,ierr); if (*ierr != 0) return; for (i=0; i < numfigs; i++) { OBJ_PTR n = Array_Entry(fignums,i,ierr); if (*ierr != 0) return; j = Number_to_int(n,ierr); if (j >= 0 && j < len) { fprintf(file, "\\includepdf{%s.pdf}\n", Get_String(fignames, j, ierr)); if (*ierr != 0) return; } else { fclose(file); RAISE_ERROR("Requested figure numbers must be >= 0 and < num_figures.", ierr); return; } } } fprintf(file, "\n\\end{document}\n"); fclose(file); } /* Stores and transforms measures as printed by pdflatex. Takes sizes in bp. */ void c_private_save_measure(OBJ_PTR fmkr, OBJ_PTR measure_name, double width, double height, double depth) { double angle, scale; int just, align; /* Page coordinates in bp before applying rotation ! */ double xl,xr,yt,yb; double xa,ya; OBJ_PTR measures = Get_Measure_Hash(fmkr, measure_name); int dummy; /* The following really should not happen */ if(measures == OBJ_NIL) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: got hash = OBJ_NIL in %s, line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } /* Storing measured sizes */ Hash_Set_Double(measures, "tex_measured_width", width); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "tex_measured_height", height); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "tex_measured_depth", depth); angle = Hash_Get_Double(measures, "angle"); scale = Hash_Get_Double(measures, "scale"); just = Hash_Get_Double(measures, "just"); align = Hash_Get_Double(measures, "align"); /* Setting the appropriate scale */ width *= scale; height *= scale; depth *= scale; /* Now setting the width and height in */ Hash_Set_Double(measures, "width", width); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "height", height); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "depth", depth); xa = Hash_Get_Double(measures, "xanchor"); ya = Hash_Get_Double(measures, "yanchor"); /* Now, we try to compute the precise position of the points of the box surrounding the text. */ /* First, before rotation: */ switch(just) { case 1: /* Right-justified */ xr = xa; xl = xa - width; break; case 0: /* Centered */ xr = xa + width/2; xl = xa - width/2; break; case -1: /* Left-justified */ xl = xa; xr = xa + width; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Invalid justification = %d at %s, line %d\n", just, __FILE__, __LINE__); xl = xa; xr = xa + width/2; } /* First, before rotation: */ switch(align) { case ALIGNED_AT_BASELINE: yt = ya + height; yb = ya - depth; break; case ALIGNED_AT_BOTTOM: yt = ya + height + depth; yb = ya; break; case ALIGNED_AT_TOP: yb = ya - height - depth; yt = ya; break; default: /* Centered */ yb = ya - 0.5*(height + depth); yt = ya + 0.5*(height + depth); } /* Now, rotation */ if(angle == 0.0) { /* xbl = x of 'bottom left' */ Hash_Set_Double(measures, "xbl", xl); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "ybl", yb); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "xtl", xl); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "ytl", yt); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "xbr", xr); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "ybr", yb); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "xtr", xr); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "ytr", yt); } else { double s = - sin(angle * PI/180); double c = cos(angle * PI/180); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "xbl", xa + (xl-xa)*c + (yb - ya) * s); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "ybl", ya - (xl-xa)*s + (yb - ya) * c); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "xtl", xa + (xl-xa)*c + (yt - ya) * s); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "ytl", ya - (xl-xa)*s + (yt - ya) * c); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "xbr", xa + (xr-xa)*c + (yb - ya) * s); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "ybr", ya - (xr-xa)*s + (yb - ya) * c); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "xtr", xa + (xr-xa)*c + (yt - ya) * s); Hash_Set_Double(measures, "ytr", ya - (xr-xa)*s + (yt - ya) * c); } /* We transform coordinates into an array (topleft, topright, botright, botleft) of arrays (xy) of doubles */ OBJ_PTR points = Array_New(0); OBJ_PTR current_point = NULL; int i; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { char buf[4]; if(! (i % 2)) { current_point = Array_New(0); Array_Push(points, current_point, &dummy); } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%c%c%c", (i%2 ? 'y' : 'x'), (i/4 ? 't' : 'b'), ((i >= 2) && (i < 6) ? 'r' : 'l')); Array_Push(current_point, Hash_Get_Obj(measures, buf), &dummy); } Hash_Set_Obj(measures, "points", points); }