# frozen_string_literal: true # typed: strict require "bundler" module Tapioca class Gemfile extend(T::Sig) Spec = T.type_alias do T.any( T.all( ::Bundler::StubSpecification, ::Bundler::RemoteSpecification ), ::Gem::Specification ) end sig { void } def initialize @gemfile = T.let(File.new(Bundler.default_gemfile), File) @lockfile = T.let(File.new(Bundler.default_lockfile), File) @dependencies = T.let(nil, T.nilable(T::Array[Gem])) @definition = T.let(nil, T.nilable(Bundler::Definition)) end sig { returns(T::Array[Gem]) } def dependencies @dependencies ||= begin specs = definition.locked_gems.specs.to_a definition .resolve .materialize(specs) .map { |spec| Gem.new(spec) } .reject { |gem| gem.ignore?(dir) } .uniq(&:rbi_file_name) .sort_by(&:rbi_file_name) end end sig { params(gem_name: String).returns(T.nilable(Gem)) } def gem(gem_name) dependencies.detect { |dep| dep.name == gem_name } end sig { void } def require T.unsafe(runtime).setup(*groups).require(*groups) end private sig { returns(File) } attr_reader(:gemfile, :lockfile) sig { returns(Bundler::Runtime) } def runtime Bundler::Runtime.new(File.dirname(gemfile.path), definition) end sig { returns(T::Array[Symbol]) } def groups definition.groups end sig { returns(Bundler::Definition) } def definition @definition ||= Bundler::Dsl.evaluate(gemfile, lockfile, {}) end sig { returns(String) } def dir File.expand_path(gemfile.path + "/..") end class Gem extend(T::Sig) IGNORED_GEMS = T.let(%w{ sorbet sorbet-static sorbet-runtime }.freeze, T::Array[String]) sig { returns(String) } attr_reader :full_gem_path, :version sig { params(spec: Spec).void } def initialize(spec) @spec = T.let(spec, Tapioca::Gemfile::Spec) real_gem_path = to_realpath(@spec.full_gem_path) @full_gem_path = T.let(real_gem_path, String) @version = T.let(version_string, String) end sig { params(gemfile_dir: String).returns(T::Boolean) } def ignore?(gemfile_dir) gem_ignored? || gem_in_app_dir?(gemfile_dir) end sig { returns(T::Array[Pathname]) } def files @spec.full_require_paths.flat_map do |path| Pathname.glob((Pathname.new(path) / "**/*.rb").to_s) end end sig { returns(String) } def name @spec.name end sig { returns(String) } def rbi_file_name "#{name}@#{version}.rbi" end sig { params(path: String).returns(T::Boolean) } def contains_path?(path) to_realpath(path).start_with?(full_gem_path) || has_parent_gemspec?(path) end private sig { returns(String) } def version_string version = @spec.version.to_s version += "-#{@spec.source.revision}" if Bundler::Source::Git === @spec.source version end sig { params(path: String).returns(T::Boolean) } def has_parent_gemspec?(path) # For some Git installed gems the location of the loaded file can # be different from the gem path as indicated by the spec file # # To compensate for these cases, we walk up the directory hierarchy # from the given file and try to match a file in # one of those folders to see if the path really belongs in the given gem # or not. return false unless Bundler::Source::Git === @spec.source parent = Pathname.new(path) until parent.root? parent = parent.parent.expand_path return true if parent.join("#{name}.gemspec").file? end false end sig { params(path: T.any(String, Pathname)).returns(String) } def to_realpath(path) path_string = path.to_s path_string = File.realpath(path_string) if File.exist?(path_string) path_string end sig { returns(T::Boolean) } def gem_ignored? IGNORED_GEMS.include?(name) end sig { params(gemfile_dir: String).returns(T::Boolean) } def gem_in_app_dir?(gemfile_dir) !gem_in_bundle_path? && full_gem_path.start_with?(gemfile_dir) end sig { returns(T::Boolean) } def gem_in_bundle_path? full_gem_path.start_with?(Bundler.bundle_path.to_s) end end end end