require 'thread' module Forkoff def version '1.2.0' end def default @default ||= { 'processes' => 2 } end def pipe 'pipe' end def file 'file' end def pid @pid ||= end def ppid @ppid ||= Process.ppid end def tid Thread.current.object_id.abs end def hostname require 'socket' @hostname ||= (Socket.gethostname rescue 'localhost.localdomain') end def tmpdir require 'tmpdir' @tmpdir ||= Dir.tmpdir end def tmpdir= tmpdir @tmpdir = tmpdir.to_s end def tmpfile &block basename = [hostname, pid, ppid, tid, rand].join('-') tmp = File.join(tmpdir, basename) fd = nil flags = File::CREAT|File::EXCL|File::RDWR 42.times do begin fd = open tmp, flags break rescue Object sleep rand end end raise Error, "could not create tmpfile" unless fd if block begin return ensure fd.close unless fd.closed? rescue nil FileUtils.rm_rf tmp rescue nil end else return fd end end def pipe_result arg, &block r, w = IO.pipe pid = fork unless pid r.close result = begin rescue Object => e e end w.write( Marshal.dump( result ) ) w.close exit! end w.close data = '' while(( buf = )) data << buf end result = Marshal.load( data ) r.close Process.waitpid pid return result end def file_result arg, &block tmpfile do |fd| pid = fork unless pid result = begin rescue Object => e e end fd.write( Marshal.dump( result ) ) exit! end Process.waitpid pid fd.rewind data = result = Marshal.load( data ) return result end end class Error < ::StandardError; end extend self STRATEGIES = do |h, key| strategy = key.to_s.strip.downcase.to_sym raise ArgumentError, "strategy=#{ strategy.class }(#{ strategy.inspect })" unless h.has_key?(strategy) h[key] = h[strategy] end STRATEGIES.merge!( :pipe => :pipe_result, :file => :file_result ) end module Enumerable def forkoff options = {}, &block # options = { 'processes' => Integer(options) } unless Hash === options n = Integer( options['processes'] || options[:processes] || Forkoff.default['processes'] ) strategy = options['strategy'] || options[:strategy] || :pipe strategy_method = Forkoff::STRATEGIES[strategy] q = result_sets ={ [] } # consumers # consumers = do |set| do Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true loop do arg, index = q.pop break if index.nil? result = Forkoff.send( strategy_method, arg, &block ) set.push [result, index] end set.push( :done ) end end # producers # producer = do Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true each_with_index do |arg, i| q.push [arg, i] end n.times do |i| q.push( :done ) end end # wait for all consumers to complete # consumers.each do |t| t.value end # wait for the producer to complete # producer.value # gather results # returned = [] result_sets.each do |set| set.each do |result, index| break if index.nil? returned[index] = result end end returned end alias_method 'forkoff!', 'forkoff' end