# Copyright (c) 2023 M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands # # This software is released under the MIT license. ### # wxRuby3 wxWidgets interface generation templates ### require 'set' require 'yaml' require_relative './base' require_relative './analyzer' module WXRuby3 class DocGenerator < Generator class << self private def get_constants_db script = <<~__SCRIPT require 'json' WX_GLOBAL_CONSTANTS=false require 'wx' def handle_module(mod, table) Wx.delayed_constants_for(mod).each do |key, delayed_const| table[key.sym.to_s] = { type: true, value: delayed_const.to_s } end mod.constants.each do |c| a_const = mod.const_get(c) if (::Module === a_const || ::Class === a_const) && a_const.name.start_with?('Wx::') # Wx:: Package submodule or Class (possibly Enum) handle_module(a_const, table[c.to_s] = {}) elsif Wx::Enum === a_const table[c.to_s] = { type: true, value: "\#{a_const.class}.new(\#{a_const.to_i})" } elsif !(::Hash === a_const || ::Array === a_const) case a_const when Wx::Size table[c.to_s] = { type: true, value: "Wx::Size.new(\#{a_const.width}, \#{a_const.height})" } when Wx::Point table[c.to_s] = { type: true, value: "Wx::Point.new(\#{a_const.x}, \#{a_const.y})" } else table[c.to_s] = { type: true, value: a_const } unless c == :THE_APP end end end end table = { 'Wx' => {}} handle_module(Wx, table['Wx']) STDOUT.puts JSON.dump(table) __SCRIPT STDERR.puts "* executing constants collection script:\n#{script}" if Director.trace? begin tmpfile = Tempfile.new('script') ftmp_name = tmpfile.path.dup tmpfile << script tmpfile.close(false) result = if Director.trace? Config.instance.run(ftmp_name, capture: :out, verbose: false) else Config.instance.run(ftmp_name, capture: :no_err, verbose: false) end STDERR.puts "* got constants collection output:\n#{result}" if Director.trace? begin db = JSON.load(result) rescue Exception File.open('constants_raw.json', "w") { |f| f << result } if Director.verbose? ::Kernel.raise RuntimeError, "Exception loading constants collection result: #{$!.message.slice(0, 512)}", cause: nil end File.open('constants.json', "w") { |f| f << JSON.pretty_generate(db) } if Director.verbose? return db ensure File.unlink(ftmp_name) end end def get_constants_xref_db(const_tbl = nil, mods = []) xref_tbl = {} (const_tbl || constants_db).each_pair do |constnm, constspec| unless constspec.has_key?('type') xref_tbl[constnm] = { 'mod' => mods.join('::'), 'table' => constspec } xref_tbl.merge!(get_constants_xref_db(constspec, mods + [constnm])) else xref_tbl[constnm] = constspec.merge({'mod' => mods.join('::') }) end end File.open('constants_xrefs.json', "w") { |f| f << JSON.pretty_generate(xref_tbl) } if Director.verbose? xref_tbl end public def constants_db @constants_db ||= get_constants_db end def constants_xref_db @constants_xref_db ||= get_constants_xref_db end end class XMLTransformer include DirectorSpecsHelper private def event_section(f = true) @event_section = !!f end def event_section? !!@event_section end def event_list(f = true) @event_list = !!f end def event_list? !!@event_list end def no_ref(&block) was_no_ref = @no_ref @no_ref = true begin return block.call ensure @no_ref = was_no_ref end end def no_ref? !!@no_ref end def no_idents(&block) was_no_idents = @no_idents @no_idents = true begin return block.call ensure @no_idents = was_no_idents end end def no_idents? !!@no_idents end def _ident_to_ref(idstr) idstr.sub(/(.*)(\(.*\))?/) { |_| "{#{$1}}#{$2}" } end def text_to_doc(node) text = node.text # handle left-over doxygen tags text.gsub!(/#(\w)/, '\#\1') text.gsub!(/@(end)?code/, '') text.gsub!('@subsection', '##') text = '' if text.strip == '##' # no empty headings text.gsub!('@remarks', '') text.gsub!(/@see.*\n/, '') text.gsub!('@ref', '') text.gsub!(/(\W|\A)nullptr(\W|\Z)/, '\1nil\2') unless no_ref? # auto create references for any ids explicitly declared such text.gsub!(/\W?(wx\w+(::\w+)?(\(.*\))?)/) do |s| if $1 == 'wxWidgets' s else if s==$1 doc_id, known_id = _ident_str_to_doc($1) known_id ? _ident_to_ref(doc_id) : doc_id else doc_id, known_id = _ident_str_to_doc($1) "#{s[0]}#{known_id ? _ident_to_ref(doc_id) : doc_id}" end end end text.gsub!(/WX(K_[A-Z]+)/) { "{Wx::KeyCode::#{$1}}"} end if event_section? case text when /Event macros for events emitted by this class:/ event_list(true) 'Event handler methods for events emitted by this class:' when /Event macros:/ event_list(true) 'Event handler methods:' else text end else text end end def computeroutput_to_doc(node) if event_section? node_to_doc(node) elsif /\A[\w:\.]+\Z/ =~ node.text # only a single word/identifier? node_to_doc(node) else no_ref do "#{node_to_doc(node)}" end end end def bold_to_doc(node) "#{node_to_doc(node)}" end def sp_to_doc(node) " #{node_to_doc(node)}" end def nonbreakablespace_to_doc(node) sp_to_doc(node) end def linebreak_to_doc(node) "#{node_to_doc(node)}\n" end def programlisting_to_doc(node) no_idents do "\n```\n #{node_to_doc(node).split("\n").join("\n ")}\n```\n" end end def onlyfor_to_doc(node) '' # handled elsewhere end def simplesect_to_doc(node) case node['kind'] when 'since' # get rid of 'Since' notes '' when 'see' no_ref do @see_list.concat node_to_doc(node).split(',') end '' when 'note' <<~__NOTE


__NOTE when 'remark' <<~__NOTE


__NOTE else node_to_doc(node) end end def _arglist_to_doc(args) args.split(',').collect do |a| a = a.gsub(/const\s+/, '') a.tr!('*&[]', '') a.split(' ').last end.join(',').strip end private :_arglist_to_doc def _is_method?(itmname, clsnm=nil) spec = clsnm ? Director::Spec.class_index[clsnm] : self if spec if clsnm if clsdef = spec.def_item(clsnm) if itmdef = clsdef.find_item(itmname) return Extractor::FunctionDef === itmdef end end else if itmdef = spec.def_item(itmname) return Extractor::FunctionDef === itmdef end end end false end private :_is_method? def _is_static_method?(clsnm, mtdname) if clsspec = Director::Spec.class_index[clsnm] if clsdef = clsspec.def_item(clsnm) if mtdef = clsdef.find_item(mtdname) return Extractor::MethodDef === mtdef && mtdef.is_static end end end false end private :_is_static_method? def _ident_str_to_doc(s, ref_scope = nil) return s if no_idents? return s if s.start_with?('wxRuby') return 'WXOSX' if s.start_with?('wxMac') return s.sub(/\Awx/, 'WX') if %w[wxMSW wxOSX wxGTK wxX11 wxUNIVERSAL].any? { |w| s.start_with?(w) } nmlist = s.split('::') nm_str = nmlist.shift.to_s constnm = rb_wx_name(nm_str) if nmlist.empty? # unscoped id? if /(\w+)\s*\(([^\)]*)\)/ =~ nm_str # method with arglist? fn = $1 args = _arglist_to_doc($2) if ref_scope mtdsig = if ref_scope == fn args.empty? ? 'initialize' : "initialize(#{args})" else args.empty? ? "#{rb_method_name(fn)}" : "#{rb_method_name(fn)}(#{args})" end sep = _is_static_method?(ref_scope, fn) ? '.' : '#' constnm = rb_wx_name(ref_scope) if DocGenerator.constants_xref_db.has_key?(constnm) ["#{DocGenerator.constants_xref_db[constnm]['mod']}::#{constnm}#{sep}#{mtdsig}", true] else "Wx::#{constnm}#{sep}#{mtdsig}" end else mtdsig = args.empty? ? "#{rb_method_name(fn)}" : "#{rb_method_name(fn)}(#{args})" [mtdsig, true] end else # constant or method name only if DocGenerator.constants_xref_db.has_key?(constnm) ["#{DocGenerator.constants_xref_db[constnm]['mod']}::#{constnm}", true] elsif DocGenerator.constants_xref_db.has_key?(rb_constant_name(nm_str)) ["Wx::#{rb_constant_name(nm_str)}", true] elsif DocGenerator.constants_xref_db.has_key?(rb_constant_name(nm_str, false)) ["Wx::#{rb_constant_name(nm_str, false)}", true] elsif !_is_method?(nm_str, ref_scope) ["Wx::#{constnm}", true] else if ref_scope mtdnm = if ref_scope == nm_str 'initialize' else rb_method_name(nm_str) end sep = _is_static_method?(ref_scope, nm_str) ? '.' : '#' constnm = rb_wx_name(ref_scope) if DocGenerator.constants_xref_db.has_key?(constnm) ["#{DocGenerator.constants_xref_db[constnm]['mod']}::#{constnm}#{sep}#{mtdnm}", true] else "Wx::#{constnm}#{sep}#{mtdnm}" end else mtdnm = rb_method_name(nm_str) [mtdnm, true] end end end else # scoped id itmnm = nmlist.shift.to_s mtd = nil args = nil known = true if /(\w+)\s*\(([^\)]*)\)/ =~ itmnm mtd = $1 args = _arglist_to_doc($2) end # transform the scope prefix if DocGenerator.constants_xref_db.has_key?(constnm) constnm = "#{DocGenerator.constants_xref_db[constnm]['mod']}::#{constnm}" elsif DocGenerator.constants_xref_db.has_key?(rb_constant_name(nm_str)) cnm = rb_constant_name(nm_str) constnm = "#{DocGenerator.constants_xref_db[cnm]['mod']}::#{cnm}" elsif DocGenerator.constants_xref_db.has_key?(rb_constant_name(nm_str, false)) cnm = rb_constant_name(nm_str, false) constnm = "#{DocGenerator.constants_xref_db[cnm]['mod']}::#{cnm}" elsif nm_str.start_with?('wx') known = false constnm = "Wx::#{constnm}" end # transform and append the element id if mtd.nil? if DocGenerator.constants_xref_db.has_key?(rb_wx_name(itmnm)) itmnm = rb_wx_name(itmnm) # in case of enum constants the documented scope most likely omits the enum class # which we want for correct linking for wxRuby if DocGenerator.constants_xref_db[itmnm]['mod'].start_with?("#{constnm}::") ["#{DocGenerator.constants_xref_db[itmnm]['mod']}::#{rb_wx_name(itmnm)}", known] else ["#{constnm}::#{rb_wx_name(itmnm)}", known] end elsif !_is_method?(itmnm, nm_str) ["#{constnm}::#{rb_wx_name(itmnm)}", known] else sep = _is_static_method?(nm_str, itmnm) ? '.' : '#' ["#{constnm}#{sep}#{rb_method_name(itmnm)}", known] end elsif nm_str == mtd # ctor? [args.empty? ? "#{constnm}\#initialize" : "#{constnm}\#initialize(#{args})", known] else sep = _is_static_method?(nm_str, mtd) ? '.' : '#' [args.empty? ? "#{constnm}#{sep}#{rb_method_name(mtd)}" : "#{constnm}#{sep}#{rb_method_name(mtd)}(#{args})", known] end end end private :_ident_str_to_doc # transform all cross references def ref_to_doc(node) return node.text if no_idents? if @classdef ref = @classdef.crossref_table[node['refid']] end ref ||= {} return node.text if /\s/ =~ node.text # no crossref transforming if text contains whitespace; return plain text if no_ref? doc_id, _ = _ident_str_to_doc(node.text, ref[:scope]) doc_id else doc_id, id_known = _ident_str_to_doc(node.text, ref[:scope]) id_known ? _ident_to_ref(doc_id) : doc_id end end # transform all titles def title_to_doc(node) "## #{node.text}\n" end def heading_to_doc(node) lvl = 1+(node['level'] || '1').to_i txt = node_to_doc(node) event_section(/Events emitted by this class|Events using this class/i =~ txt) txt.strip! txt.empty? ? txt : "#{'#' * lvl} #{txt}" end # transform all itemizedlist def itemizedlist_to_doc(node) doc = node_to_doc(node) if event_list? # event emitter block ended event_list(false) event_section(false) end doc end # transform all listitem def listitem_to_doc(node) itm_text = node_to_doc(node) # fix possible unwanted leading spaces resulting in verbatim blocks itm_text = itm_text.split("\n").collect {|s|s.lstrip}.join("\n") if itm_text.index("\n") "\n- #{itm_text}" end def node_to_doc(xmlnode) xmlnode.children.inject('') do |docstr, node| node = preprocess_node(node) docstr << (node.is_a?(Nokogiri::XML::Node) ? self.__send__("#{node.name}_to_doc", node) : node.to_s) end end def get_event_override(evt) if ifspec.event_overrides.has_key?(@classdef.name) return ifspec.event_overrides[@classdef.name][evt] || ifspec.event_overrides[@classdef.name][evt.upcase] end nil end private :get_event_override def para_to_doc(node) para = node_to_doc(node) # loose specific notes paragraphs case para when /\A(\<(b)\>)?(wxPerl|\{Wx::Perl\}) Note:/, # wxPerl note /\A\s*Library:/, # Library note /\A\s*Include\s+file:/ # Include file note '' else para.sub!(/Include\s+file:\s+\\?#include\s+<[^>]+> */, '') if event_section? case para when /The following event handler macros redirect.*(\{.*})/ event_ref = $1 "The following event-handler methods redirect the events to member method or handler blocks for #{event_ref} events." when /\AEVT_[_A-Z0-9]+/ if event_list? && /\A(EVT_[_A-Z0-9]+)\((.*,)\s+\w+\):(.*)/ =~ para evthnd_name = $1.downcase docstr = $3.lstrip if override_spec = get_event_override(evthnd_name) evthnd_name, evt_type, evt_arity, evt_klass = override_spec idarg = case evt_arity when 0 '' when 1 'id, ' when 2 'first_id, last_id, ' end arglist = "#{idarg}meth = nil, &block" else arglist = "#{$2} meth = nil, &block" end package.event_docs[evthnd_name] = [arglist, docstr.dup] # register for eventlist doc gen "{Wx::EvtHandler\##{evthnd_name}}(#{arglist}): #{docstr}" elsif event_list? && /\A(EVT_[_A-Z0-9]+)(\*)?\(\w+\):(.*)/ =~ para wildcard = ($2 == '*') evthnd_name = $1.downcase arglist = "meth = nil, &block" docstr = $3.lstrip package.event_docs[wildcard ? /\A#{evthnd_name}/ : evthnd_name] = [arglist, docstr.dup] # register for eventlist doc gen if wildcard "{Wx::EvtHandler}#{evthnd_name}*(#{arglist}): #{docstr}" else "{Wx::EvtHandler\##{evthnd_name}}(#{arglist}): #{docstr}" end else para end else para end else para end end end def preprocess_node(node) if @item_doc_ovr[:pre] && @item_doc_ovr[:pre][node.name.to_sym] @item_doc_ovr[:pre][node.name.to_sym].each do |ovr| if ovr[:replace] return ovr[:replace] if ovr[:pattern] =~ node.inner_html elsif ovr[:subst] if ovr[:global] node.inner_html = node.inner_html.gsub(ovr[:pattern], ovr[:subst]) else node.inner_html = node.inner_html.sub(ovr[:pattern], ovr[:subst]) end end end end node end private :preprocess_node def method_missing(mtd, *args, &block) if /\A\w+_to_doc\Z/ =~ mtd.to_s && args.size==1 node_to_doc(*args) else super end end public def initialize(director) @director = director @doc_overrides = if File.exist?(doc_override_file = File.join(__dir__, 'doc', underscore(name)+ '.yaml')) if ::Psych::VERSION >= '3.1.0' ::Psych.safe_load(File.read(doc_override_file), permitted_classes: [::Regexp, ::Symbol]) else ::Psych.safe_load(File.read(doc_override_file), [::Regexp, ::Symbol]) end else {} end @classdef = nil @see_list = [] end attr_reader :director def for_class(clsdef, &block) prevcls = @classdef @classdef = clsdef begin block.call ensure @classdef = prevcls end end def to_doc(xmlnode_or_set, item: nil, desc: :brief) return '' unless xmlnode_or_set @see_list.clear @item_doc_ovr = if item item_key = if item.is_a?(Extractor::BaseDef) if item.is_a?(Extractor::ClassDef) || @classdef.nil? item.name else "#{@classdef.name}.#{item.name}" end else @classdef ? "#{@classdef.name}.#{item}" : item.to_s end item_key = item_key.to_sym @doc_overrides[item_key] ? @doc_overrides[item_key][desc] || {} : {} else {} end doc = if Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet === xmlnode_or_set xmlnode_or_set.inject('') do |s, n| n = preprocess_node(n) s << (n.is_a?(Nokogiri::XML::Node) ? node_to_doc(n) : n.to_s) end else xmlnode_or_set = preprocess_node(xmlnode_or_set) xmlnode_or_set.is_a?(Nokogiri::XML::Node) ? node_to_doc(xmlnode_or_set) : xmlnode_or_set.to_s end event_section(false) if @item_doc_ovr.has_key?(:post) @item_doc_ovr[:post].each do |ovr| if ovr[:global] doc.gsub!(ovr[:pattern], ovr[:subst]) else doc.sub!(ovr[:pattern], ovr[:subst]) end end end if @item_doc_ovr.has_key?(:replace) doc = @item_doc_ovr[:replace][:text] end doc.sub!(/\\{Wx::Perl.*/, '') doc.strip! # reduce triple(or more) newlines to max 2 doc << "\n" # always end with a NL without following whitespace doc.gsub!(/\n *\n *\n+/, "\n\n") # add crossref tags @see_list.each { |s| doc << "@see #{s}\n" } doc end def constants_db DocGenerator.constants_db end def constants_xref_db DocGenerator.constants_xref_db end def type_to_doc(ctype_decl) return ctype_decl if ctype_decl == 'void' ctype = Typemap.strip_type_decl(ctype_decl) nmlist = ctype.split('::') nm_str = nmlist.shift.to_s constnm = rb_wx_name(nm_str) if nmlist.empty? # unscoped id? if DocGenerator.constants_xref_db.has_key?(constnm) "#{DocGenerator.constants_xref_db[constnm]['mod']}::#{constnm}" elsif DocGenerator.constants_xref_db.has_key?(rb_constant_name(nm_str)) "Wx::#{rb_constant_name(nm_str)}" elsif DocGenerator.constants_xref_db.has_key?(rb_constant_name(nm_str, false)) "Wx::#{rb_constant_name(nm_str, false)}" else Typemap.wx_type_to_rb(ctype) end else itmnm = nmlist.shift.to_s if DocGenerator.constants_xref_db.has_key?(constnm) constnm = "#{DocGenerator.constants_xref_db[constnm]['mod']}::#{constnm}" elsif DocGenerator.constants_xref_db.has_key?(rb_constant_name(nm_str)) cnm = rb_constant_name(nm_str) constnm = "#{DocGenerator.constants_xref_db[cnm]['mod']}::#{cnm}" elsif DocGenerator.constants_xref_db.has_key?(rb_constant_name(nm_str, false)) cnm = rb_constant_name(nm_str, false) constnm = "#{DocGenerator.constants_xref_db[cnm]['mod']}::#{cnm}" elsif nm_str.start_with?('wx') constnm = "Wx::#{constnm}" end "#{constnm}::#{rb_wx_name(itmnm)}" end end end def run # run an analysis comparing inherited generated methods with this class's own generated methods InterfaceAnalyzer.check_interface_methods(@director, doc_gen: true) @xml_trans = DocGenerator::XMLTransformer.new(@director) Stream.transaction do fdoc = CodeStream.new(File.join(package.ruby_doc_path, underscore(name)+'.rb')) fdoc << <<~__HEREDOC # :stopdoc: # This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation # generator. Do not alter this file. # :startdoc: __HEREDOC # at least 2 newlines to make Yard skip/forget the header comment fdoc.puts fdoc.puts mod_indent = 0 package.all_modules.each do |modnm| fdoc.iputs("module #{modnm}", mod_indent) fdoc.puts mod_indent += 1 end fdoc.indent(mod_indent) do gen_constants_doc(fdoc) gen_functions_doc(fdoc) unless no_gen?(:functions) gen_class_doc(fdoc) unless no_gen?(:classes) end package.all_modules.each do |_| mod_indent -= 1 fdoc.puts fdoc.iputs('end', mod_indent) end end end protected def to_feature_text(feat) if Config::AnyOf === feat feat.features.collect { |f| f.is_a?(::Array) ? f.join('&') : f }.join('|') else feat end end private :to_feature_text def gen_item_requirements(fdoc, item) if item.required_features_doc fdoc.doc.puts '@wxrb_require ' + item.required_features_doc.collect(&->(feat){ to_feature_text(feat) }).join(',') end end def has_class_requirements? !(ifspec.requirements.empty? && ifspec.package.required_features.empty?) end def get_class_requirements ifspec.requirements + ifspec.package.required_features.to_a end private :get_class_requirements def gen_class_requirements(fdoc) if has_class_requirements? fdoc.doc.puts '@wxrb_require ' + get_class_requirements.collect(&->(feat){ to_feature_text(feat) }).join(',') end end def get_constant_doc(const) @xml_trans.to_doc(const.brief_doc, item: const) end def gen_constant_value(val) if ::String === val && /\A(#<(.*)>|[\w:]+\.\w+\(.*\))\Z/ =~ val if $2 valstr = $2 if /\Awx/ =~ valstr valstr.sub(/\Awx/, '') else 'nil' end else $1 end else val.inspect end end def gen_constant_doc(fdoc, name, spec, doc) fdoc.doc.puts doc fdoc.puts "#{name} = #{gen_constant_value(spec['value'])}" fdoc.puts end def get_enum_doc(enumdef) doc = @xml_trans.to_doc(enumdef.brief_doc, item: enumdef) doc << "\n" if enumdef.detailed_doc doc << @xml_trans.to_doc(enumdef.detailed_doc, item: enumdef, desc: :detail) if enumdef.detailed_doc doc end def gen_enum_doc(fdoc, enumname, enumdef, enum_table) fdoc.doc.puts get_enum_doc(enumdef) gen_class_requirements(fdoc) fdoc.puts "class #{enumname} < Wx::Enum" fdoc.puts fdoc.indent do enumdef.items.each do |e| const_name = rb_wx_name(e.name) if enum_table.has_key?(const_name) gen_constant_doc(fdoc, const_name, enum_table[const_name], get_constant_doc(e)) end end end fdoc.puts "end # #{enumname}" fdoc.puts end def gen_constants_doc(fdoc) xref_table = package.all_modules.reduce(DocGenerator.constants_db) { |db, mod| db[mod] } def_items.select {|itm| !itm.docs_ignored(Director::Package.full_docs?) }.each do |item| case item when Extractor::GlobalVarDef unless no_gen?(:variables) const_name = rb_constant_name(item.name) if xref_table.has_key?(const_name) gen_constant_doc(fdoc, const_name, xref_table[const_name], get_constant_doc(item)) end end when Extractor::EnumDef unless no_gen?(:enums) if item.is_type enum_name = rb_wx_name(item.name) if xref_table.has_key?(enum_name) gen_enum_doc(fdoc, enum_name, item, xref_table[enum_name] || {}) end else item.items.each do |e| const_name = rb_constant_name(e.name, false) if xref_table.has_key?(const_name) gen_constant_doc(fdoc, const_name, xref_table[const_name], get_constant_doc(e)) end end end end when Extractor::DefineDef unless no_gen?(:defines) if !item.is_macro? && item.value && !item.value.empty? const_name = rb_constant_name(item.name) if xref_table.has_key?(const_name) gen_constant_doc(fdoc, const_name, xref_table[const_name], get_constant_doc(item)) end end end end end end def get_function_doc(func) func.rb_doc(@xml_trans, type_maps, Director::Package.full_docs?) end def gen_functions_doc(fdoc) def_items.select {|itm| !itm.docs_ignored(Director::Package.full_docs?) }.each do |item| if Extractor::FunctionDef === item get_method_doc(item).each_pair do |name, docs| if docs.size>1 # method with overloads? docs.each do |ovl, params, ovl_doc| fdoc.doc.puts "@overload #{name}(#{params})" fdoc.doc.indent { fdoc.doc.puts ovl_doc } fdoc.doc.indent { gen_item_requirements(fdoc, ovl) } end fdoc.puts "def #{name}(*args) end" else mtd, params, doc = docs.shift fdoc.doc.puts doc gen_item_requirements(fdoc, mtd) if params.empty? fdoc.puts "def #{name}; end" else fdoc.puts "def #{name}(#{params}) end" end end fdoc.puts end end end end def get_class_doc(cls) doc = @xml_trans.to_doc(cls.brief_doc, item: cls) doc << "\n" if cls.detailed_doc # force empty line (paragraph break) between summary and detail doc << @xml_trans.to_doc(cls.detailed_doc, item: cls, desc: :detail) if cls.detailed_doc doc end def get_method_doc(mtd) mtd.rb_doc(@xml_trans, type_maps, Director::Package.full_docs?) end def get_method_head(clsdef, mtdef) if mtdef.class_name == clsdef.name # get method head item clsdef.items.find { |m| Extractor::MethodDef === m && m.name == mtdef.name } else # check folded bases base = folded_bases(clsdef.name).find { |bc| bc == mtdef.class_name } base = def_classes.find { |c| base == c.name } base ? base.items.find { |m| Extractor::MethodDef === m && m.name == mtdef.name } : nil end end def gen_class_doc_members(fdoc, clsdef, cls_members, alias_methods) # generate method and member variable documentation mtd_done = ::Set.new cls_members.each do |cm| case cm when Extractor::MethodDef # overloads are flattened out by the Analyzer keeping only the non-ignored items # but for doc gen we need the head item (and only that, so keep track and skip the rest) unless cm.is_dtor || mtd_done.include?(cm.name) # get method head item mtd_head = get_method_head(clsdef, cm) get_method_doc(mtd_head).each_pair do |name, docs| if docs.size>1 # method with overloads? docs.each do |ovl, params, ovl_doc| fdoc.doc.puts "@overload #{name}(#{params})" fdoc.doc.indent { fdoc.doc.puts ovl_doc } fdoc.doc.indent { gen_item_requirements(fdoc, ovl) } end fdoc.puts "def #{name}(*args) end" # in case all overloads were ignored there will be no SWIG generated alias no_gen_alias = docs.all? { |ovl, _, _| ovl.ignored } else mtd, params, doc = docs.shift fdoc.doc.puts doc gen_item_requirements(fdoc, mtd) if params.empty? fdoc.puts "def #{name}; end" else fdoc.puts "def #{name}(#{params}) end" end # in case the documented method was ignored there will be no SWIG generated alias no_gen_alias = mtd.ignored end # check for SWIG generated aliases (skip ignored method defs as these will not have SWIG generated aliases) if !no_gen_alias && alias_methods.has_key?(cm.name) fdoc.puts "alias_method :#{alias_methods[cm.name]}, :#{name}" else # check for aliases that will be available from WxRubyStyleAccessors at runtime # and document these as well alias_name = case name when /\Aget_(\w+)/ $1 when /\Aset_(\w+)/ # only document alias if at least 1 method overload has a single required argument if docs.any? { |ovl, _, _| ovl.parameter_count > 0 && ovl.required_param_count < 2 } "#{$1}=" else nil end when /\Ais_(\w+)/ "#{$1}?" when /\A(has_|can_)/ "#{name}?" else nil end # only consider alias if no other method matching alias_name exists as WxRubyStyleAccessors # aliases rely on method_missing being called if alias_name && !cls_members.any? { |m| Extractor::MethodDef === m && !m.ignored && m.rb_decl_name == alias_name } fdoc.puts "alias_method :#{alias_name}, :#{name}" end end fdoc.puts end mtd_done << cm.name end when Extractor::MemberVarDef rd_doc, rd_decl, wr_doc, wr_decl = cm.rb_doc(@xml_trans, type_maps) rd_doc.each { |s| fdoc.doc.puts s } fdoc.puts rd_decl if wr_doc wr_doc.each { |s| fdoc.doc.puts s } fdoc.puts wr_decl end fdoc.puts end end end def gen_class_doc(fdoc) const_table = package.all_modules.reduce(DocGenerator.constants_db) { |db, mod| db[mod] } def_items.select {|itm| !itm.docs_ignored(Director::Package.full_docs?) && Extractor::ClassDef === itm && !is_folded_base?(itm.name) }.each do |item| if !item.is_template? || template_as_class?(item.name) @xml_trans.for_class(item) do intf_class_name = if (item.is_template? && template_as_class?(item.name)) template_class_name(item.name) else item.name end clsnm = rb_wx_name(intf_class_name) xref_table = const_table[clsnm] || {} fdoc.doc.puts get_class_doc(item) if is_mixin?(item) fdoc.doc.puts "\n@note In wxRuby this is a mixin module instead of a (base) class." gen_class_requirements(fdoc) fdoc.puts "module #{clsnm}" else fdoc.doc.puts "\n@note This class is untracked and should not be derived from nor instances extended!" unless is_tracked?(item) gen_class_requirements(fdoc) basecls = ifspec.classdef_name(base_class(item, doc: true)) fdoc.puts "class #{clsnm} < #{basecls ? basecls.sub(/\Awx/, '') : '::Object'}" end fdoc.puts # mixin includes if included_mixins.has_key?(item.name) included_mixins[item.name].keys.each { |mod| fdoc.iputs "include #{mod}" } fdoc.puts end # collect possible aliases alias_methods = item.aliases folded_bases(item.name).each do |basename| alias_methods = def_item(basename).aliases.merge(alias_methods) end fdoc.indent do cls_members = InterfaceAnalyzer.class_interface_members_public(intf_class_name) # generate documentation for any enums cls_members.each do |member| case member when Extractor::EnumDef unless member.is_type member.items.each do |e| const_name = rb_constant_name(e.name) if xref_table.has_key?(const_name) gen_constant_doc(fdoc, const_name, xref_table[const_name], get_constant_doc(e)) elsif xref_table.has_key?(e.name) gen_constant_doc(fdoc, e.name, xref_table[e.name], get_constant_doc(e)) end end else enum_name = rb_wx_name(member.name) if xref_table.has_key?(enum_name) gen_enum_doc(fdoc, enum_name, member, xref_table[enum_name] || {}) end end end end if xref_table # generate method and member var documentation gen_class_doc_members(fdoc, item, cls_members, alias_methods) cls_members = InterfaceAnalyzer.class_interface_members_protected(intf_class_name) unless cls_members.empty? fdoc.puts fdoc.puts 'protected' fdoc.puts gen_class_doc_members(fdoc, item, cls_members, alias_methods) end end fdoc.puts "end # #{clsnm}" fdoc.puts end end end end end end