# This file was auto-generated by lib/tasks/web.rake desc 'Adjust and view Do Not Disturb settings for team members' command 'dnd' do |g| g.desc "Ends the user's currently scheduled Do Not Disturb session immediately." g.long_desc %( Ends the user's currently scheduled Do Not Disturb session immediately. ) g.command 'endDnd' do |c| c.action do |_global_options, options, _args| puts JSON.dump($client.dnd_endDnd(options)) end end g.desc "Ends the current user's snooze mode immediately." g.long_desc %( Ends the current user's snooze mode immediately. ) g.command 'endSnooze' do |c| c.action do |_global_options, options, _args| puts JSON.dump($client.dnd_endSnooze(options)) end end g.desc "Provides information about a user's current Do Not Disturb settings." g.long_desc %( Provides information about a user's current Do Not Disturb settings. ) g.command 'info' do |c| c.flag 'user', desc: 'User to fetch status for (defaults to current user).' c.action do |_global_options, options, _args| puts JSON.dump($client.dnd_info(options)) end end g.desc "Adjusts the snooze duration for a user's Do Not Disturb settings. If a snooze session is not already active for the user, invoking this method will begin one for the specified duration." g.long_desc %( Adjusts the snooze duration for a user's Do Not Disturb settings. If a snooze session is not already active for the user, invoking this method will begin one for the specified duration. ) g.command 'setSnooze' do |c| c.flag 'num_minutes', desc: 'Number of minutes, from now, to snooze until.' c.action do |_global_options, options, _args| puts JSON.dump($client.dnd_setSnooze(options)) end end g.desc 'Provides information about the current Do Not Disturb settings for users of a Slack team.' g.long_desc %( Provides information about the current Do Not Disturb settings for users of a Slack team. ) g.command 'teamInfo' do |c| c.flag 'users', desc: 'Comma-separated list of users to fetch Do Not Disturb status for.' c.action do |_global_options, options, _args| puts JSON.dump($client.dnd_teamInfo(options)) end end end