require "datagrid/engine"
require "action_view"
module Datagrid
module Helper
# @param grid [Datagrid] grid object
# @param column [Datagrid::Columns::Column, String, Symbol] column name
# @param model [Object] an object from grid scope
# @return [Object] individual cell value from the given grid, column name and model
# @example
# <% @grid.columns.each do |column|
# - <%= column.header %>: <%= datagrid_value(@grid,, @resource %>
# <% end %>
def datagrid_value(grid, column, model)
datagrid_renderer.format_value(grid, column, model)
# @!visibility private
def datagrid_format_value(grid, column, model)
datagrid_value(grid, column, model)
# Renders html table with columns defined in grid class.
# In the most common used you need to pass paginated collection
# to datagrid table because datagrid do not have pagination compatibilities:
# Supported options:
# * :html - hash of attributes for tag
# * :order - If false do not generate ordering controlls.
# Default: true.
# * :columns - Array of column names to display.
# Used in case when same grid class is used in different places
# and needs different columns. Default: all defined columns.
# * :partials - Path for partials lookup.
# Default: 'datagrid'.
# @param grid [Datagrid] grid object
# @param assets [Array] objects from grid scope
# @return [String] table tag HTML markup
# @example
# assets =[:page])
# datagrid_table(grid, assets, options)
def datagrid_table(grid, assets = grid.assets, **options)
datagrid_renderer.table(grid, assets, **options)
# Renders HTML table header for given grid instance using columns defined in it
# Supported options:
# * :order - display ordering controls built-in into header
# Default: true
# * :columns - Array of column names to display.
# Used in case when same grid class is used in different places
# and needs different columns. Default: all defined columns.
# * :partials - Path for partials lookup.
# Default: 'datagrid'.
# @param grid [Datagrid] grid object
# @return [String] HTML table header tag markup
def datagrid_header(grid, options = {})
datagrid_renderer.header(grid, options)
# Renders HTML table rows using given grid definition using columns defined in it.
# Allows to provide a custom layout for each for in place with a block
# Supported options:
# * :columns - Array of column names to display.
# Used in case when same grid class is used in different places
# and needs different columns. Default: all defined columns.
# * :partials - Path for partials lookup.
# Default: 'datagrid'.
# @example
# = datagrid_rows(grid) # Generic table rows Layout
# = datagrid_rows(grid) do |row| # Custom Layout
# %tr
# %td= row.project_name
# %td.project-status{class: row.status}= row.status
def datagrid_rows(grid, assets = grid.assets, **options, &block)
datagrid_renderer.rows(grid, assets, **options, &block)
# Renders ordering controls for the given column name
# Supported options:
# * :partials - Path for partials lookup.
# Default: 'datagrid'.
def datagrid_order_for(grid, column, options = {})
datagrid_renderer.order_for(grid, column, options)
# Renders HTML for for grid with all filters inputs and lables defined in it
# Supported options:
# * :partials - Path for form partial lookup.
# Default: 'datagrid'.
# * All options supported by Rails form_for helper
# @param grid [Datagrid] grid object
# @return [String] form HTML tag markup
def datagrid_form_for(grid, options = {})
datagrid_renderer.form_for(grid, options)
# Provides access to datagrid columns data.
# Used in case you want to build html table completelly manually
# @param grid [Datagrid] grid object
# @param asset [Object] object from grid scope
# @param block [Proc] block with Datagrid::Helper::HtmlRow as an argument returning a HTML markup as a String
# @return [Datagrid::Helper::HtmlRow, String] captured HTML markup if block given otherwise row object
# @example
# # Suppose that grid has first_name and last_name columns
# <%= datagrid_row(grid, user) do |row| %>
# <%= row.first_name %> |
# <%= row.last_name %> |
# <% end %>
# @example
# <% row = datagrid_row(grid, user) %>
# First Name: <%= row.first_name %>
# Last Name: <%= row.last_name %>
# @example
# <%= datagrid_row(grid, user, columns: [:first_name, :last_name, :actions]) %>
def datagrid_row(grid, asset, **options, &block)
datagrid_renderer.row(grid, asset, **options, &block)
# Generates an ascending or descending order url for the given column
# @param grid [Datagrid] grid object
# @param column [Datagrid::Columns::Column, String, Symbol] column name
# @param descending [Boolean] specifies order direction. Ascending if false, otherwise descending.
# @return [String] order layout HTML markup
def datagrid_order_path(grid, column, descending)
datagrid_renderer.order_path(grid, column, descending, request)
def datagrid_renderer
def datagrid_column_classes(grid, column)
order_class = grid.ordered_by?(column) ? ["ordered", grid.descending ? "desc" : "asc"] : nil
[, order_class, column.options[:class]].compact.join(" ")