# I pulled this into a separate file, because I got # tired of rebuilding the parser.rb file all the time. require 'forwardable' class Puppet::Parser::Parser extend Forwardable require 'puppet/parser/functions' require 'puppet/parser/files' require 'puppet/resource/type_collection' require 'puppet/resource/type_collection_helper' require 'puppet/resource/type' require 'monitor' AST = Puppet::Parser::AST include Puppet::Resource::TypeCollectionHelper attr_reader :version, :environment attr_accessor :files attr_accessor :lexer # Add context to a message; useful for error messages and such. def addcontext(message, obj = nil) obj ||= @lexer message += " on line #{obj.line}" if file = obj.file message += " in file #{file}" end message end # Create an AST array containing a single element def aryfy(arg) ast AST::ASTArray, :children => [arg] end # Create an AST block containing a single element def block(arg) ast AST::BlockExpression, :children => [arg] end # Create an AST object, and automatically add the file and line information if # available. def ast(klass, hash = {}) klass.new ast_context(klass.use_docs, hash[:line]).merge(hash) end def ast_context(include_docs = false, ast_line = nil) result = { :line => ast_line || lexer.line, :file => lexer.file } result[:doc] = lexer.getcomment(result[:line]) if include_docs result end # The fully qualifed name, with the full namespace. def classname(name) [@lexer.namespace, name].join("::").sub(/^::/, '') end def clear initvars end # Raise a Parse error. def error(message, options = {}) if @lexer.expected message += "; expected '%s'" end except = Puppet::ParseError.new(message) except.line = options[:line] || @lexer.line except.file = options[:file] || @lexer.file raise except end def_delegators :@lexer, :file, :string= def file=(file) unless Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(file) unless file =~ /\.pp$/ file = file + ".pp" end end raise Puppet::AlreadyImportedError, "Import loop detected for #{file}" if known_resource_types.watching_file?(file) watch_file(file) @lexer.file = file end def_delegators :known_resource_types, :hostclass, :definition, :node, :nodes? def_delegators :known_resource_types, :find_hostclass, :find_definition def_delegators :known_resource_types, :watch_file, :version def import(file) deprecation_location_text = if @lexer.file && @lexer.line " at #{@lexer.file}:#{@lexer.line}" elsif @lexer.file " in file #{@lexer.file}" elsif @lexer.line " at #{@lexer.line}" end Puppet.deprecation_warning("The use of 'import' is deprecated#{deprecation_location_text}. See http://links.puppetlabs.com/puppet-import-deprecation") if @lexer.file # use a path relative to the file doing the importing dir = File.dirname(@lexer.file) else # otherwise assume that everything needs to be from where the user is # executing this command. Normally, this would be in a "puppet apply -e" dir = Dir.pwd end known_resource_types.loader.import(file, dir) end def initialize(env) @environment = env initvars end # Initialize or reset all of our variables. def initvars @lexer = Puppet::Parser::Lexer.new end # Split an fq name into a namespace and name def namesplit(fullname) ary = fullname.split("::") n = ary.pop || "" ns = ary.join("::") return ns, n end def on_error(token,value,stack) if token == 0 # denotes end of file value = 'end of file' else value = "'#{value[:value]}'" end error = "Syntax error at #{value}" if brace = @lexer.expected error += "; expected '#{brace}'" end except = Puppet::ParseError.new(error) except.line = @lexer.line except.file = @lexer.file if @lexer.file raise except end # how should I do error handling here? def parse(string = nil) if self.file =~ /\.rb$/ main = parse_ruby_file else self.string = string if string begin @yydebug = false main = yyparse(@lexer,:scan) rescue Puppet::ParseError => except except.line ||= @lexer.line except.file ||= @lexer.file except.pos ||= @lexer.pos raise except rescue => except raise Puppet::ParseError.new(except.message, @lexer.file, @lexer.line, nil, except) end end # Store the results as the top-level class. return Puppet::Parser::AST::Hostclass.new('', :code => main) ensure @lexer.clear end def parse_ruby_file Puppet.deprecation_warning("Use of the Ruby DSL is deprecated.") # Execute the contents of the file inside its own "main" object so # that it can call methods in the resource type API. main_object = Puppet::DSL::ResourceTypeAPI.new main_object.instance_eval(File.read(self.file)) # Then extract any types that were created. Puppet::Parser::AST::BlockExpression.new :children => main_object.instance_eval { @__created_ast_objects__ } end end