{:description=>"GENERAL PARAMETERS",
"In GS2 is the ratio of the reference pressure to the reference magnetic energy density, . Mainly GS2 uses to determine the amplitude of the perturbed magnetic fields. \n**For electromagnetic runs, the contribution of each species to the total parallel current is weighted by a factor of .\n**Handy formula: 403. * nref_19 * T_ref(kev) / 1.e5 / B_T**2, where nref_19 is the reference density / 10**19 and B_T is the magnetic field in Tesla.\n**For electromagnetic runs that include , this field is proportional to .\n**The contribution of to the total gyrokinetic energy is inversely proportional to this input parameter.\n**If an antenna is set up to drive Alfven waves, then is used to calculate the Alfven frequency. \n**For some collision operator models, is used to calculate the resistivity. \n**For some rarely-used initial conditions, appears explicitly. \n**Important: is not a GS2 plasma equilibrium parameter, but it must be chosen with care. is '''not''' automatically consistent with the value of used in the local magnetic equilibrium. The user is responsible for ensuring that the values of together with the densities, temperatures and gradients for all species are consistent with the local equilibrium value of .",
"Ratio of particle to magnetic pressure (reference Beta, not total beta): beta=n_0 T_0 /( B^2 / (8 pi))",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Effective ionic charge. The parameter appears only in the electron collision frequency, and is not automatically set to be consistent with the mix of species specified in the species namelists.",
:description=>"Effective ionic charge.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Ratio of electron to ion temperatures. Deprecated. Do not use unless you know what you are doing.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Ratio of ion to electron temperatures. This parameter is used only when there is no species called \"electron\" included.",
:description=>"Ratio of ion to electron temperatures.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:description=>"Rhostar, for low flow terms.",
"Normalised gyro-radius, , needed for calculating the momentum flux in the low flow limit.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"There are two variables which may be determined at the highest level\nof the kt_grids module: grid_option and norm_option. The first determines which\nFourier modes perpendicular to the field lines will be evolved in\ntime. For each possible choice, there is a subsidiary module (and\nnamelist) which controls the details. The norm_option variable\nsimply fixes the definition of the thermal velocity.",
"The general layout of the perpendicular grid.\n** 'single' Evolve a single Fourier mode. Set up kt_grids_single_parameters.\n** 'default' Same as 'single'\n** 'range' Evolve a range of equally spaced Fourier modes. Set up kt_grids_range_parameters.\n** 'specified' Evolve an arbitrary set of Fourier modes. Set up kt_grids_specified_parameters.\n** 'box' Simulation domain is logically rectangular. Set up kt_grids_box_parameters.\n** 'nonlinear' Same as 'box.'\n** 'xbox' Experimental.",
:description=>"The general layout of the perpendicular grid.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
"The number of kx modes: the number of kx modes actually simulated (ntheta0) is equal to 2*(nx - 1)/3 + 1, due to the need to prevent aliasing.",
"The number of kx modes: the number of kx modes actually simulated (ntheta0) is equal to 2*(nx - 1)/3 + 1, due to the need to prevent aliasing.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
"The number of ky modes: the number of ky modes actually simulated (naky) is equal to (ny - 1)/3 + 1, due to the need to prevent aliasing.",
"The number of ky modes: the number of ky modes actually simulated (naky) is equal to (ny - 1)/3 + 1, due to the need to prevent aliasing.",
:autoscanned_defaults=>["ny_private", "yxf_lo%ny"],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
"For finite magnetic shear, determines box size in x direction according to \n** \n** Also affects the number of \"connections\" at each ky when linked boundary conditions are selected in the dist_fn_knobs namelist. \n** Internally initialised to such that except for very small shear ().",
:description=>"L_x = L_y jtwist / (2 pi shat)",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
"The length of the box in the y direction (measured in the Larmour radius of species 1). Box size in y direction is 2*pi*y0. \n**Note if then replaced with so effectively setting the minimum wavelength captured by the box (related to [[aky_min]]).",
"The length of the box in the y direction (measured in the Larmour radius of species 1)",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"The length of the box in the x direction (measured in the Larmour radius of species 1) if shat is 0 (ie 1e-6)",
"The length of the box in the x direction (measured in the Larmour radius of species 1) if shat is 0 (ie 1e-6)",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"The actual number of ky modes (do not use for nonlinear runs, use ny). If left as zero (recommended), automatically set to (ny-1)/3+1.",
"The actual number of ky modes (do not use for nonlinear runs, use ny)",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
" If left as zero (recommended), automatically set to 2*((nx-1)/3)+1.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>["lntheta0", "ntheta0_private", "size(akx)"],
" Box size in y direction.\n** If ly=0, it is set to be 2*pi*y0 (below).\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Experts only.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
"if (rhostar_box .gt. 0.0 .and. n0 .gt. 0) y0=1.0/(n0*rhostar_box*drhodpsi)",
"Number of toroidal mode numbers: if set, overrides y0... y0=1.0/(n0*rhostar_box*drhodpsi)",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
"if (rhostar_box .gt. 0.0 .and. n0 .gt. 0) y0=1.0/(n0*rhostar_box*drhodpsi)",
"If rhostar_box and n0 are set then y0=1.0/(n0*rhostar_box*drhodpsi)",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
" for the reference species. Used only in certain modes (e.g. in single mode).",
:description=>"The actual value of ky rho",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" theta_0 \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" kx rho (but set theta_0 instead.)\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:description=>"Overrides aky: aky=n0*drhodpsi*rhostar_single",
"if n0>0 use toroidal mode number to override aky and set aky=n0*drhodpsi*rhostar_single",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:description=>"If n0>0 aky=n0*drhodpsi*rhostar_single",
"Used in conjunction with n0: aky=n0*drhodpsi*rhostar_single (if n0 is set).",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Number of grid points along equilibrium magnetic field between (in addition to a grid point at ).\n** Ignored in some cases (when using numerical equilibria)",
"Number of points along field line (theta) per 2 pi segment",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[24, 32, 64],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
"Sets the number of segments along equilibrium magnetic field to include in simulation domain. .\n** Ignored in some cases",
"Number of 2 pi segments along equilibrium magnetic field.",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[1, 2],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
"Controls particle trapping (among other things) in simple geometric models. ",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
" Sets curvature drift in s-alpha model, where is the GS2 equilibrium reference normalisation length and R is the major radius at the centre of the flux surface.",
:description=>"epsl=2 a/R",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Sets value of magnetic shear in simple geometric models.\n** over-ridden by s_hat_input in theta_grid_eik_knobs for most values of bishop.",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0, 0.20013433062472832, 0.75],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
" Sets q, the magnetic safety factor, and therefore also sets the connection length, i.e. the length of the box in the parallel direction, in terms of . Used only in high aspect ratio equilibrium model.",
:description=>"pk = 2 a / q R",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"kp sets parallel wavenumber and box length in slab geometry. . \n** always use kp instead of pk in slab geometry (if kp > 0 then gs2 sets pk = 2*kp) \n** in slab limit : nb if kp = 1, , where L_s is the magnetic shear scale length.",
:description=>"if kp >0 then pk = 2*kp",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"rhoc is flux surface label (0< rhoc< 1). Its exact meaning depends on irho. Usually rho = diameter/diameter of LCFS\n** When irho = 1, rhoc = sqrt(toroidal flux)/sqrt(toroidal flux of LCFS)\n** When irho = 2, rhoc = diameter/(diameter of LCFS). recommended\n** When irho = 3, rhoc = poloidal flux/(poloidal flux of LCFS)",
"Flux surface label. Usually rho = diameter/diameter of LCFS",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[0.33, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Sets value of the safety factor when using local toroidal equilibrium model.",
"Sets value of the safety factor when using local toroidal equilibrium model.",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[1.147066305282792, 1.5],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Sets local elongation when local toroidal equilibrium is specified.",
"Sets local elongation when local toroidal equilibrium is specified.",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[1.0, 1.3185652797218639],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Sets local gradient of elongation when local toroidal equilibrium is specified.\n** akappri = ",
:description=>"akappri = dkappa/drho",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[-0.006360432757579471, 0.0],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Sets local triangularity when local toroidal equilibrium is specified.\n** triangularity is tri = arcsin[(R(max(Z))-R_major)/r_mid]",
:description=>"tri = arcsin[(R(max(Z))-R_major)/r_mid]",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0, 0.004358569789972528],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Sets local gradient of triangularity when local toroidal equilibrium is specified.\n** tripri = ",
:description=>"tripri = dtri/drho",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0, 0.12435021170306493],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"shift is related to the derivative of the Shafranov shift, but it has different definitions in the s-alpha and Miller equilbrium models: \n** In s-alpha: \n** In Miller: ",
:description=>"shift = -R q**2 dbeta/drho (>0)",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[-0.17067265951553612, 0.0, 0],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:description=>"Do not use unless you know what you are doing.",
:help=>"Default = 0. Do not use unless you know what you are doing.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
{:help=>"Major radius/a (Position of magnetic axis)",
:description=>"Major radius/a (Position of magnetic axis)",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[1.0, 3, 3.0],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
{:help=>"Major radius/a (centerpoint of LCFS)",
:description=>"Major radius/a (centerpoint of LCFS)",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Determines the angle between the field and the flow in the slab limit",
"In the slab limit, determines the angle between the field and the background flow (which flows in an imaginary toroidal direction). It is effectively equal to .",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"The equilibrium_option variable controls which geometric assumptions are used in the run. Additional namelists determine the geometric parameters according to the choice made here. Allowed values are:\n** 'eik' Use routines from the geometry module, controlled mainly by the subsidiary namelists theta_grid_parameters and theta_grid_eik_knob. This includes options for Miller as well as a range of different numerical equilibrium file formats.\n** 'default' Same as 'eik' \n** 's-alpha' Use high aspect-ratio toroidal equilbrium (which can be simplified to slab or cylinder), controlled by the subsidiary namelist theta_grid_parameters and theta_grid_salpha_knob\n** 'file' Use output from rungridgen code directly. Controlled by theta_grid_file_knobs. Note: in this case, the variables nperiod and ntheta (from the theta_grid_parameters namelist) are ignored.\n** 'grid.out' Same as 'file'",
"Controls which geometric assumptions are used in the run.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
:text_options=>["default", "eik", "s-alpha", "grid.out", "file"],
"If true then force grad-B drift to be equal to curvature drift. This is not recommended when fbpar0.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Sets the particular model for the magnetic field and related drifts.\n** 's-alpha' High aspect ratio toroidal equilibrium. (Note that the curvature and grad-B drifts are equal.)\n** 'default' Same as 's-alpha'\n**'alpha1','rogers','b2','normal_only',const-curv',no-curvature': See output of ingen (or contents of theta_grid.f90) until this page is improved.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
"Used in conjunction with [[alpmhd]] of [[theta_grid_parameters]] to override shift, set as .",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Coefficient in model when [[model_option]]='alpha1' has been selected.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Name of file with output from rungridgen.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:help=>" \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:help=>" \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0, 0.1],
:help=>" \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0, 10.0],
:help=>" \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
{:help=>" Do not change.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
" Choose mode of operation: \n** 0: Use Miller parameterization of local toroidal MHD equilibrium.\n** 1: Read equilibrium data from output of MHD code\n** 2: Running inside a transport code without numerical equilibrium\n",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[0, 1],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
"Choose definition of flux surface coordinate\n** 1: rho == sqrt(toroidal flux)/sqrt(toroidal flux of LCFS)\n** 2: rho == midplane diameter/LCFS diameter Recommended\n** 3: rho == poloidal flux/poloidal flux of LCFS",
:description=>"Chooses definition of flux surface coordinate.",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[1, 2],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
{:help=>" Use Miller-style local equilibrium\n",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[".false.", ".true."],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
{:help=>" Name of file with numerical equilibrium data (if required)\n",
["dskeq.cdf", "eqfile_in", "ogyropsi.dat", "test8_efit.dat"],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
" Use Bishop relations to generate metric coefficients.\n** 0: Use high-aspect ratio coefficients (only for debugging)\n** 1: Use actual equilibrium values of shat, p' Recommended \n** 2: Use numerical equilibrium + s_hat_input and p_prime_input\n** 3: Use numerical equilibrium + s_hat_input and inv_Lp_input\n** 4: Use numerical equilibrium + s_hat_input and beta_prime_input \n** 5: Use numerical equilibrium + s_hat_input and alpha_input\n** 6: Use numerical equilibrium + beta_prime_input\n** 7: Use numerical equilibrium and multiply pressure gradient by dp_mult\n** 8: Use numerical equilibrium + s_hat_input and multiply pressure gradient by dp_mult\n** 9: Use numerical equilibrium + s_hat_input and beta_prime_input\n** Otherwise: Use magnetic shear and pressure gradient as set elsewhere.\n** \n",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[1, 5, 6],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
{:help=>" Overrides shat.\n",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0, 0.8, 1],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"The gradient of the pressure. Strictly speaking this parameter is not but : in other words, the gradient of the magnetic field is ignored. Used only if bishop = 4 or 9.",
:description=>"The gradient of the pressure.",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[-1, -0.0],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
{:help=>" Default usually okay\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
{:help=>" \n** 0: Recommended \n** 1: Force up-down symmetry.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
{:help=>" Use Menard-style NetCDF equilibrium (JSOLVER)\n",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[".false.", ".true."],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
{:help=>" Use Toq-style NetCDF equilibrium (TOQ)\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
{:help=>" Use EFIT equilibrium (EFIT, codes with eqdsk format)\n",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[".false.", ".t.", ".true."],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
{:help=>" Change field-line coordinate. Recommended value: F\n",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[".false.", ".true."],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
{:help=>" Write a little extra about geometry to the screen.\n",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[".false.", ".t."],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
:help=>" Vacuum magnetic dipole geometry\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:help=>" Read Colin Roach's GS2D equilibrium file\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:help=>" Use new PPL NetCDF equilibrium (TRANSP)\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>[".false.", "F"],
:help=>" Used only if bishop = 5. Needs to be checked.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Used only if bishop = 7 or 8. \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Never used\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>[0.01, 0.05],
:help=>" Never used\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0, 1.0],
:help=>" Used only if bishop = 3. \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:description=>"Use equilbrium data from the CHEASE file ogyropsi.dat",
:help=>"Use equilbrium data from the CHEASE file ogyropsi.dat",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"No. of standard deviations from the standard Maxwellian beyond which the distribution function will be set to 0",
"No. of standard deviations from the standard Maxwellian beyond which the distribution function will be set to 0",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"2*ngauss is the number of untrapped pitch-angles moving in one direction along field line.",
"Number of untrapped pitch-angles moving in one direction along field line.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:allowed_values=>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 32, 40, 48],
{:help=>"Total number of energy grid points",
:description=>"Total number of energy grid points",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:help=>" Should not have to change this\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
" Only used if advanced_egrid = F; sets number of energy grid points above ecut\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:allowed_values=>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15],
" Only used if advanced_egrid = F; sets number of energy grid points below ecut\n",
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 32, 48, 64],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
" Write some data to the screen and stop before doing much calculation. (Debugging only)\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"If set to False then the grid weighting (wl) is set to zero for trapped pitch angles. This means that integrals over velocity space do not include a contribution from trapped particles which is equivalent to the situation where eps<=0.0. \n*Trapped particle drifts are not set to zero so \"trapped\" particles still enter the source term through wdfac. At least for s-alpha the drifts are the main difference (?please correct if not true?) between the eps<=0.0 and the trapped_particles = False cases as Bmag is not a function of in the eps<=0.0 case whilst it is in the trapped_particles = False case.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>["size(dv)", "size(h)"],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
"If true use generalised quadrature scheme for velocity integrals.",
"If true use generalised quadrature scheme for velocity integrals.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"Velocity space res used for calculating quadrature scheme. Suggested value: large! (>200).",
"Velocity space res used to calculate moments of the distribution prior to calculating general quadrature scheme. Suggested value: large! (>200).",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
"A concise description of the original GS2 pitch angle and energy grid choices may be found in the article entitled \"Comparison of Initial Value and Eigenvalue Codes for Kinetic Toroidal Plasma Instabilities\" by M. Kotschenreuther, et al., in Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 88, page 128, 1995.\n\nSince then the energy grid has been updated to use the Candy/Waltz grid, but the pitch angle grid remains the same."},
{:description=>"BOUNDARY CONDITIONS",
"Two important choices are made in this namelist: \n(a) The boundary conditions along the field line\n(b) The form of the adiabatic response (if a species is being modeled as adiabatic)",
"Affects boundary condition at end of theta grid. Recommended value: 1.",
:description=>"Affects boundary condition at end of theta grid.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Factor multiplying the parallel shearing drive term when running with non-zero [[g_exb]] ",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Sets the boundary condition along the field line (i.e. the boundary conditions at theta = +- pi). Possible values are: \n**'zero', 'default', 'unconnected' - Use Kotschenreuther boundary condition at endpoints of theta grid\n**'self-periodic', 'periodic', 'kperiod=1' - Each mode is periodic in theta with itself\n**'linked' - Twist and shift boundary conditions (used for kt_grids:grid_option='box')\n**'alternate-zero' - Ignored \n*See also [[nonad_zero]]",
"Sets the boundary condition along the field line (i.e. the boundary conditions at theta = +- pi).",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
"The form of the adiabatic response (if a species is being modeled as adiabatic). Ignored if there are electrons in the species list.\n** 'no-field-line-average-term' Adiabatic species has n = Phi. Appropriate for single-species ETG simulations. \n** 'default' Same as 'no-field-line-average-term'\n** 'iphi00=0' Same as 'no-field-line-average-term'\n** 'iphi00=1' Same as 'no-field-line-average-term'\n** 'field-line-average-term' Adiabatic species has n=Phi-< Phi >. Appropriate for single-species ITG simulations.\n** 'iphi00=2' Same as field-line-average-term'\n** 'iphi00=3' Adiabatic species has n=Phi-< Phi >_y. Incorrect implementation of field-line-average-term.",
"The form of the adiabatic response (if a species is being modeled as adiabatic).",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
"Include calculation of terms present in the low flow limit of gyrokinetics. Many new terms... will slow calculation... don't set true unless you know what you are doing. ",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"For debugging only. If set then run will print various grid sizes and then stop.",
:description=>"For debugging",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
" where is toroidal angular velocity normalised to the reference frequency \nand is the normalised flux label which has value on the local surface. ",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Overrides the itor_over_B internal parameter, meant only for slab runs where it sets the angle between the magnetic field and the toroidal flow.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Leave as unity. For debugging.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Leave as unity. For debugging. Multiplies the passing particle drifts (also see [[tpdriftknob]]).",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"For debugging only. Multiplies the trapped particle drifts (also see [[driftknob]]). ",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
" If non-zero, quasineutrality is not enforced; poisfac= (lambda_Debye/rho)**2 \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" For debugging only.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" For debugging only.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"If true switches on new parallel boundary condition where h=0 at incoming boundary instead of g=0.",
"If true switches on new parallel boundary condition where h=0 at incoming boundary instead of g=0.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
" Allow different species to have different values of bakdif and fexpr. Not allowed for nonlinear runs. \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:help=>" True only allows solutions of single parity.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:help=>" If def_parity=T, determines allowed parity.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"For debugging only. Sets the boundary value for the barely trapped/passing particle. ",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>"Number multiplying the coriolis drift ",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:description=>"Multiplies g_exb in the perpendicular shearing term.",
"Multiplies g_exb in the perpendicular shearing term ''but not'' in the parallel drive term. Use for simulations with purely parallel flow.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:description=>"Flow shear switched on at this time.",
:help=>"Flow shear switched on at this time.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:description=>"Flow shear is switched on at this time step.",
:help=>"Flow shear is switched on at this time step.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
"With flow shear in single mode, constrains relative error in phi^2.",
"With flow shear in single mode, constrains relative error in phi^2.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"If esv=.true. and boundary_option='linked' (i.e. flux tube simulation) then at every time step we ensure the fields are exactly single valued by replacing the field at one of the repeated boundary points with the value at the other boundary (i.e. of the two array locations which should be storing the field at the same point in space we pick one and set the other equal to the one we picked). This can be important in correctly tracking the amplitude of damped modes to very small values. Also see [[clean_init]].\n ",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"If true then use an optimised init_connected_bc. This routine can become quite expensive for large problems and currently does not scale well. The optimised routine improves serial performance but does not yet help with scaling. ",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
{:description=>"ALGORITHMIC CHOICES",
"The field_option variable controls which time-advance algorithm is used for the linear terms. Allowed values are: \n** 'implicit' Advance linear terms with Kotschenreuther's implicit algorithm. \n** 'default' Same as 'implicit' \n** 'local' Same implicit algorithm as 'implicit' but with different data decomposition (typically much faster for flux tube runs).\n** 'explicit' Use second-order Runge-Kutta. Experimental. \n** 'test' Use for debugging.",
"Controls which time-advance algorithm is used for the linear terms.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
:text_options=>["default", "implicit", "explicit", "test", "local"],
"Set to TRUE to use allgatherv to fetch part of the field update calculated on other procs. FALSE uses a sum_allreduce instead.",
"Set to true to use allgatherv to fetch parts of the field update vector calculated on other procs. When false uses a sum_allreduce instead. This doesn't rely on sub-communicators so should work for any layout and processor count.\n* Note: This only impacts field_option='implicit'",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:description=>"Delete zonal flows at every timestep.",
:help=>"Delete zonal flows at every timestep.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"Writes files containing the field response matrix after initialisation. This currently works for field_option='implicit' or 'local'.\n* Note: We write to netcdf files by default but fall back to fortran unformatted (binary) files (which are not really portable) in the absence of netcdf.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"Reads files containing the field response matrix and uses to initialise GS2s response matrix rather than using the usual initialisation process.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"Used with field_option='local' to set the minimum block size (in a single supercell) assigned to a single processor. Tuning this parameter changes the balance between work parallelisation and communication. The lower this is set the more communication has to be done but the fewer processors don't get assigned work (i.e. helps reduce computation time). The optimal value is likely to depend upon the size of the problem and the number of processors being used. Furthermore it will effect intialisation and advance in different ways. ",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
"Used with field_option='local'. If .true. and x/y distributed then in advance only update local part of field in operations like \"phinew=phinew+phi\" etc. ",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"Default = .false. Make the timestep proportional to . This can be useful for linear stability calculations that have a wide range of values. Do not set to true for nonlinear runs. Be aware that the units of some output quantities can change when wstar_units = .true.",
"For linear runs only. Evolves each k_y with a different timestep.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
"Multiplies (electrostatic potential) throughout. Useful for debugging. Non-experts use 1.0",
:description=>"Multiplies Phi (electrostatic potential).",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Multiplies throughout. Set to zero for electrostatic calculations, or unity for electromagnetic. Set to zero if .",
"Multiplies A_par. Use 1 for finite beta (electromagnetic), 0 otherwise (electrostatic)",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0, 1.0],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Multiplies A_perp. Use 1 for high beta, 0 otherwise. Deprecated: use fbpar instead. Defaults to zero. Do not change this value unless you know what you are doing.",
"Multiplies A_perp. Use 1 for high beta, 0 otherwise. Deprecated: use fbpar instead",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Multiplies throughout. Set to zero or unity, depending on whether you want to include physics related to . Set to zero if .",
"Multiplies B_parallel. Use 1 for high beta, 0 otherwise.",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[-1.0, 0.0],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Determines how the initial timestep is set. Options: \"default\", \"set_by_hand\" (identical to \"default\") and \"check_restart\". \n* When delt_option=\"default\", the initial timestep is set to delt. \n* If delt_option=\"check_restart\" when restarting a job, the initial timestep will be set to the last timestep of the job you are restarting, even if delt is larger. Thus, you usually want to set delt_option=\"check_restart\" when restarting a job and delt_option=\"default\" otherwise.",
"\"default\", \"set_by_hand\", \"check_restart\". Determines how the initial timestep is set.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
:text_options=>["default", "set_by_hand", "check_restart"],
"Timestep, in units of . For linear runs, this value does not change. For nonlinear runs, the timestep used by the code will not be allowed to exceed this value.",
:description=>"Time step",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Number of timesteps that will be taken, unless the code stops for some (usually user-specified) reason.",
:description=>"Maximum number of timesteps",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
"True only for secondary/tertiary instability calculations.",
"Default = .false. Do not evolve certain modes in time. Set this to true only if you know what you are doing. True only for secondary/tertiary instability calculations.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:help=>" Obsolete. Fraction of T3E batch job used for finishing up.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Default = .false. Do not set to true unless you know what you are doing.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>[".false.", ".true."],
"Default = .false. Do not set to true unless you know what you are doing.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"Default = .false. Do not set to true unless you know what you are doing.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"Specify the available wall clock time in seconds. GS2 will exit before this time.",
"Specify the available wall clock time in seconds. GS2 will start to exit up to 5 minutes before this time is up. This ensures that all the output files are written correctly. CodeRunner automatically sets this quantity unless it is given the value false.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
"Exit after writing out neoclassical quantities of interest.",
"If true, GS2 exits after writing out neoclassical quantities of interest.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
"Start finalising when (avail_cpu_time - margin_cpu_time) seconds have elapsed.",
"Time (in seconds) before [[avail_cpu_time]] at which finalisation triggered. May need to set this quite large for large problems to make certain the run finishes cleanly.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"If true and running linearly, return linear diffusive flux estimates to Trinity.",
"If true and running linearly, return linear diffusive flux estimates to Trinity.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"A new eigenvalue solve mode has been implemented. Contact David Dickinson for details.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"When the time step needs to be changed it is adjusted by this factor (i.e dt-->dt/delt_adj or dt-->dt*delt_adj when reducing/increasing the timestep).\n**For implicit non-linear runs good choice of [[delt_adj]] can make a moderate difference to efficiency. Need to balance time taken to reinitialise against frequency of time step adjustments (i.e. if your run takes a long time to initialise you probably want to set delt_adj to be reasonably large).",
:description=>"When the time step needs to be changed, it is adjusted",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"The minimum time step allowed is delt_minimum. If the code wants to drop below this value then the run will end.",
:description=>"The minimum time step is delt_minimum.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Used in deciding when to increase the time step to help prevent oscillations in time step around some value. We only increase the time step when it is less than the scaled cfl estimate divided by delt_adj*delt_cushion (whilst we decrease it as soon as the time step is larger than the scaled cfl estimate). ",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:description=>"If true (default), exit if time step changes rapidly.",
"If true (default), exit if time step changes rapidly, that is, if the time step changes at four consecutive time steps.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"Determines the way the grids are laid out in memory. Rightmost is parallelised first. \n** Can be 'yxles', 'lxyes', 'lyxes', 'lexys','xyles'\n** Strongly affects performance on parallel computers\n** In general avoid parallelizing over x. For this reason 'lxyes' is often a good choice.\n*Depending on the type of run you are doing, and how many processors you are using, the optimal layout will vary.\n** In nonlinear runs FFTs are taken in x and y, so keeping these as local as possible (i.e. keeping xy to the left in layout) will help these.\n** In calculating collisions we need to take derivatives in l and e, hence keeping these as local as possible will help these.\n** The best choice will vary depending on grid sizes generally for linear runs with collisions 'lexys' is a good choice whilst for nonlinear runs (with or without collisions) 'xyles' (or similar) is usually fastest.",
"'yxles', 'lxyes', 'lyxes', 'lexys' Determines the way the grids are laid out in memory.",
:autoscanned_defaults=>["llayout", "lxyes"],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
"Strongly affects initialization time on some parallel computers. \n** Recommendation: Use T on computers with slow communication networks.\n** It's probably worth trying changing this on your favourite machine to see how much difference it makes for you.",
"Strongly affects initialization time on some parallel computers.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
"This allows GS2 to set up an unbalanced xxf processor grid (e.g. leaving some tasks with no work) in order to balance the work load on each.",
"Setting to .true. allows GS2 to adopt a more flexible domain decomposition of the xxf data type (used in nonlinear FFTs). \n** By default GS2 allocates each MPI task with ''the same uniform blocksize'' in xxf_lo, one task may have a smaller block of data, and other tasks may be empty. There is no attempt to keep both x and y as local as possible, and sometimes large MPI data transfers are required to map from xxf to yxf and vice-versa during FFTs.\n** With \"unbalanced_xxf = .true.\", ''two slightly different blocksizes'' are chosen in order to keep both x and y as local as possible, and avoid this potentially large MPI communication overhead. The level of imbalance is limited by max_unbalanced_xxf. \n* [http://www.gyrokinetics.sourceforge.net/wikifiles/CMR/GS2_Final_report_NAG_Version_v1.0.pdf See Adrian Jackson's DCSE report \"Improved Data Distribution Routines for Gyrokinetic Plasma Simulations\"]\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"This sets the maximum level of difference between the largest and smallest block sizes. Must be between 0 and 1",
"Sets maximum allowable fractional imbalance between the two different blocksizes used in xxf_lo if unbalanced_xxf =.true.\n* [http://www.gyrokinetics.sourceforge.net/wikifiles/CMR/GS2_Final_report_NAG_Version_v1.0.pdf See Adrian Jackson's DCSE report \"Improved Data Distribution Routines for Gyrokinetic Plasma Simulations\"]\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0, 1.0]},
"This allows GS2 to set up an unbalanced yxxf processor grid (e.g. leaving some tasks with no work) in order to balance the work load on each.",
"Setting to .true. allows GS2 to adopt a more flexible domain decomposition of the yxf data type (used in nonlinear FFTs). \n** By default GS2 allocates each MPI task with ''the same uniform blocksize'' in yxf_lo, one task may have a smaller block of data, and other tasks may be empty. There is no attempt to keep both x and y as local as possible, and sometimes large MPI data transfers are required to map from xxf to yxf and vice-versa during FFTs.\n** With \"unbalanced_yxf = .true.\", ''two slightly different blocksizes'' are chosen in order to keep both x and y as local as possible, and avoid this potentially large MPI communication overhead. The level of imbalance is limited by max_unbalanced_yxf. \n* [http://www.gyrokinetics.sourceforge.net/wikifiles/CMR/GS2_Final_report_NAG_Version_v1.0.pdf See Adrian Jackson's DCSE report \"Improved Data Distribution Routines for Gyrokinetic Plasma Simulations\"]\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"This sets the maximum level of difference between the largest and smallest block sizes. Must be between 0 and 1",
"Sets maximum allowable fractional imbalance between the two different blocksizes used in yxf_lo if unbalanced_yxf =.true.\n* [http://www.gyrokinetics.sourceforge.net/wikifiles/CMR/GS2_Final_report_NAG_Version_v1.0.pdf See Adrian Jackson's DCSE report \"Improved Data Distribution Routines for Gyrokinetic Plasma Simulations\"]\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0, 1.0]},
"This enables the use of non-blocking communication in redistribute routines.",
"Set to true to use non-blocking comms in the redistribute routines.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"This enables optimized initialization routines for creating redistribution objects.",
"Set to true to use optimised initialisation routines for creating redist objects. This should be beneficial for all but the smallest number of processors.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"This enables use of sub-communicators to do reduction associated with calculation of moments of distribution function. Most advantageous for collisional runs without LE layouts.",
"When set to true we will use sub-communicators to do the reduction associated with calculating moments of the dist. fn. These sub-communicators involve all procs with a given XYS block. \n\n*This is particularly advantageous for collisional runs which don't use LE layouts.\n\n*'''PLEASE NOTE: These changes only effect calls to integrate_moments with complex variables and where the optional 'all' parameter is supplied. There is no gather of data from other procs so the integration result is only known for the local XYS block. This could cause a problem for diagnostics which want to write the full array if they also pass \"all\" (see [https://sourceforge.net/p/gyrokinetics/discussion/990178/thread/9cf157c7/])'''\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"This enables use of sub-communicators to do reduction associated with calculation of species integrated moments of distribution function.",
"When set to true we will use sub-communicators to do the reduction associated with calculating species integrated moments of the dist. fn. These sub-communicators involve all procs with a given XY block. \n\n*This should help improve the field update scaling.\n\n*'''PLEASE NOTE: Unlike [[intmom_sub]] we currently gather the results from other procs such that we are sure to have the whole array populated correctly.'''\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:description=>"A recent optimisation ..please add better help!",
"Setting to .true. enables optimising redistribute code, used in FFTs for evaluating nonlinear terms, that avoids indirect addressing. \nThis can introduces worthwhile savings in nonlinear GS2 simulations at lower core counts. \n* [http://www.gyrokinetics.sourceforge.net/wikifiles/CMR/GS2_Final_report_NAG_Version_v1.0.pdf See Adrian Jackson's DCSE report \"Improved Data Distribution Routines for Gyrokinetic Plasma Simulations\"]\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"Collision model used in the simulation. \n\n** ''default'' = pitch angle scattering and energy diffusion\n** ''collisionless'',''none'' = collisionless\n** ''lorentz'' = pitch angle scattering only\n** ''ediffuse'' = energy diffusion only\n** ''krook'' = use home made krook operator (no reason to use this!)",
"Collision model used in the simulation. Options: 'default', 'none', 'lorentz', 'ediffuse'",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
{:help=>"Set to .true. to compute collisional heating.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
{:help=>"Set to .true. to guarantee exact conservation properties.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
"Set to .true. to guarantee collision operator conserves momentum and energy.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
"If adjust is .true., transform from the gyro-averaged dist. fn., g, to the non-Boltzmann part of delta f, h, when applying the collision operator ",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"Factor multiplying FLR terms in collision operator. 1.0 by default. Set to 0.0 to turn off FLR corrections.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0, 1.0],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
:text_options=>["default", "old"],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
:text_options=>["default", "old"],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:description=>"Use more efficient layouts for le grid",
:help=>"Use more efficient layouts for le grid",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"If true (the default) then the wfb is treated in a special way in the lorentz collision operator. This is the standard behaviour. Setting to false has been seen to help an issue in linear flux tube simulations in which the zonal modes at large kx grow rapidly. ",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"Should be set to 'default','none','visc_only', 'res_only', or 'both'. 'default' and 'none' are identical.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
:text_options=>["default", "none", "visc_only", "res_only", "both"],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
"Determines whether hyperviscosity includes time dependent amplitude factor when calculating damping rate. Recommend TRUE for linear runs and FALSE for nolinear runs, since amplutide of turbulence grows linearly with time in linear run.",
"Detrmines whether damping rate depends on amplitude variations. Recommend FALSE for nonlinear, TRUE for linear.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"\ncase @hyper_option\nwhen 'none', 'default', nil\n (not @d_hyperres or @d_hyperres <= 0.0) and (not @d_hypervisc or @d_hypervisc <= 0.0)\nwhen 'visc_only'\t\n (not @d_hyperres or @d_hyperres <= 0.0) \nwhen 'res_only'\n (not @d_hypervisc or @d_hypervisc <= 0.0)\nelse true\nend",
"\nYou have entered positive values for the hyper resistivity or hyper diffusivity that are incompatible with hyper_option. They will be set to 0 where appropriate."}],
"\ncase @hyper_option\nwhen 'visc_only'\t\n @d_hypervisc and @d_hypervisc > 0.0\nwhen 'res_only'\n @d_hyperres and @d_hyperres > 0.0\nwhen 'both'\n @d_hyperres and @d_hyperres > 0.0 and @d_hypervisc and @d_hypervisc > 0.0\nelse true\nend",
"\nYou have entered values for the hyper resistivity or hyper diffusivity that are incompatible with hyper_option. If hyper_option specifies hyper diffusivity, hyper resistivity or both, the values for d_hypervisc or d_hyperres should be set positive accordingly."}]},
"Should the nonlinear terms be calculated?\n \n** 'none', 'default', 'off': Do not include nonlinear terms, i.e. run a linear calculation.\n** 'on' Include nonlinear terms.",
:description=>"Include nonlinear terms? ('on','off')",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
:text_options=>["default", "none", "off", "on"],
{:help=>" Experimental\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
:text_options=>["default", "off", "on"],
{:help=>"The maximum delt < cfl * min(Delta_perp/v_perp)",
:description=>"The maximum delt < cfl * min(Delta_perp/v_perp)",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Ignored.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Ignored.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Ignored.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Experts only (for secondary/tertiary calculations). \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:help=>" Ignored.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Ignored.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
{:description=>"EVOLVED SPECIES",
{:help=>"Number of kinetic species evolved.",
:description=>"Number of kinetic species evolved.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
{:description=>"SPECIES PARAMETERS",
"There should be a separate namelist for each species. For example, if\nthere are two species, there will be namelists called\nspecies_parameters_1 and species_parameters_2. Charge, mass, density and temperature for each species are relative to some reference species.",
:enumerator=>{:name=>:nspec, :estimated_value=>5},
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Normalised inverse temperature gradient: (Note here is the normalised radius )",
:description=>"-1/T (dT/drho)",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Normalised inverse density gradient: (Note here is the normalised radius )",
:description=>"-1/n (dn/drho)",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Collisionality parameter: For species , vnewk = where is the reference length (half-minor-radius at the elevation of the magnetic axis), is the reference thermal speed (not the thermal speed of species !), is a dimensional collision frequency, is the proton charge, is the Coloumb logarithm, and () are the (charge, temperature, density, mass) of species . (The dimensional collision frequency given here is in Gaussian units. For SI units, include an extra factor in the denominator of the definition of .)",
:description=>"collisionality parameter",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Type of species:\n** 'ion' Thermal ion species\n** 'default' Same as 'ion'\n** 'electron' Thermal electron species\n** 'e' Same as 'electron'\n** 'beam' Slowing down distribution (Requires advanced_egrid = F)\n** 'slowing_down' Same as 'beam'\n** 'fast' Same as 'beam'\n** 'alpha' Same as 'beam'",
:description=>"Type of species, e.g. 'ion', 'electron', 'beam'",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Normalised alpha source. If set -ve automatically adjusted to give specified alpha density.",
"Sets the normalised source for alphas. If set negative will be automatically adjusted to give the specified alpha density.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:description=>"Gradient of normalised source.",
:help=>"Gradient of normalised source.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Alpha ion collion rate. Should be roughly the same as nu_ii.",
"Alpha ion collion rate. Normalisation chosen so that this parameter should be roughly the same as nu_ii.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Alpha electron collion rate. Should be roughly the same as nu_ee.",
"Alpha electron collion rate. Normalisation chosen so that this parameter should be roughly the same as nu_ee.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Multiplies the argument of the Bessel function for this species. Useful for removing the effect of the Bessel functions (set to 0.0) ",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:enumerator=>{:name=>:nspec, :estimated_value=>5},
"Temporal implicitness parameter. Any value smaller than 0.5 adds numerical dissipation. fexpr=0.5 is 2cd order time-centered, fexpr=0 is fully implicit backward Euler, fexpr=1.0 is fully explicit forward Euler. \n** Recommended value: 0.48",
"Temporal implicitness parameter. Recommended value: 0.48",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Spatial implicitness parameter. Any value greater than 0 adds numerical dissipation (usually necessary). bakdif=0 is 2cd-order space-centered, bakdif=1.0 is fully upwinded.\n** Recommended value for electrostatic runs: 0.05. For electromagnetic runs, bakdif should be 0.",
:description=>"Spatial implicitness parameter. Recommended value: 0.05",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
{:description=>"INITIAL CONDITIONS",
{:help=>"Used in rare cases.",
:description=>"Used in rare cases.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
{:help=>"Used in rare cases.",
:description=>"Used in rare cases.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
{:help=>"Parameters for setting up special initial conditions.",
:description=>"Parameters for setting up special initial conditions.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
{:help=>"Parameters for setting up special initial conditions.",
:description=>"Parameters for setting up special initial conditions.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
{:help=>"Parameters for setting up special initial conditions.",
:description=>"Parameters for setting up special initial conditions.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
{:help=>"Parameters for setting up special initial conditions.",
:description=>"Parameters for setting up special initial conditions.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
{:help=>" Parameters for setting up special initial conditions.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
{:help=>" Parameters for setting up special initial conditions.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Used with ginit_option='noise'. Ensures that in flux tube simulations the connected boundary points are initialised to the same value. Also allows for chop_side to behave correctly in flux tube simulations.",
:description=>"phi = 0 at either end of domain.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"Rarely needed. Forces asymmetry into initial condition. Warning: This does not behave as one may expect in flux tube simulations (see [[clean_init]]), this can be important as the default is to use chop_side.",
:description=>"Rarely needed. Forces asymmetry into initial condition.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
"Initial perturbation has Gaussian envelope in theta, with width width0",
"Initial perturbation has Gaussian envelope in theta with width width0,",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Average amplitude of initial perturbation of each Fourier mode.",
"Average amplitude of initial perturbation of each Fourier mode.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
{:help=>"Base of filenames with restart data.",
:description=>"Base of filenames with restart data.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
"Sets the way that the distribution function is initialized. There are many possible choices.\n** 'default' This gives a gaussian in theta (see [[width0]])\n** 'noise' This is the recommended selection ('''but not the default'''). Pretty random.\n** 'test1'\n** 'xi'\n** 'xi2'\n** 'zero'\n** 'test3'\n** 'convect'\n** 'rh'\n** 'many' This is the option to read the (many) restart files written by a previous run. Use for restarts\n** 'small'\n** 'file'\n** 'cont'\n** 'kz0' initialise only with k_parallel=0\n** 'nl'\n** 'nl2'\n** 'nl3'\n** 'nl4'\n** 'nl5'\n** 'nl6'\n** 'gs'\n** 'kpar'\n** 'zonal_only' Restart but set all non-zonal components of the potential and the distribution function to 0. Noise can be added to these other components by setting iphiinit > 0.\n** 'single_parallel_mode' Initialise only with a single parallel mode specified by either ikpar_init for periodic boundary conditions or kpar_init for linked boundary conditions. Intended for linear calculations.\n** 'all_modes_equal' Initialise with every single parallel and perpendicular mode given the same amplitude. Intended for linear calculations.",
"Sets the way that the distribution function is initialized.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
" Amplitude of initial zonal flow perturbations relative to other modes\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Chop out left side in theta. \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:help=>" Used only for secondary/tertiary calculations.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:help=>" Used only for secondary/tertiary calculations.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:help=>" Allows rescaling of amplitudes for restarts.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Force t=tstart at beginning of run.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>[-1.0, 0.0],
" Sometimes initial conditions have definite parity; this picks the parity in those cases.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:help=>" Parameters for setting up special initial conditions.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Parameters for setting up special initial conditions.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Parameters for setting up special initial conditions.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Parameters for setting up special initial conditions.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Parameters for setting up special initial conditions.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Parameters for setting up special initial conditions.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Directory in which to write/read restart files. Make sure this exists before running.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>["./", "trim(restart_dir)//\"/\""]},
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Complex",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a complex number."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Complex",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a complex number."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Only initialise noise for the kx mode indexed by ikx_index.",
"Only initialise a single kx with noise. This input parameter is used when noise is being initialised. If specified, i.e. if it is set greater than zero, noise will only be initialised for itheta0 = ikx_index, i.e. for the mode indexed by ikx_index. this is useful for linear runs with flow shear, to track the evolution of a single Lagrangian mode.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:description=>"Amplitude of random perturbation for ginit_recon3",
:help=>"Amplitude of random perturbation for ginit_recon3 (R Numata)",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:description=>"For the Orszag-Tang 2D vortex problem.",
:help=>"Used in initialization for the Orszag-Tang 2D vortex problem.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Complex",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a complex number."}],
"Used in initialization for the Orszag-Tang 2D vortex problem",
:help=>"Used in initialization for the Orszag-Tang 2D vortex problem",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Complex",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a complex number."}],
"Set other parallel modes to zero when kpar_init specified.",
"When initialised with single parallel mode, sets other modes to zero at every time step.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:description=>"Single/many restart files.",
"Only applies if GS2 has been build with USE_PARALLEL_NETCDF=on. If .true., restart the old way from many restart files, if .false. use the new single restart file.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
{:help=>"Instantaneous fluxes output to screen every nwrite timesteps",
:description=>"Instantaneous fluxes output to screen",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
{:help=>"Phi**2(kx,ky) written to runname.out",
:description=>"Write nonlinear fluxes as a function of time.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
"Estimated frequencies and output to the screen/stdout every nwrite timesteps",
"Estimated frequencies and growth rates to the screen/stdout",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[".false.", ".true."],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
{:help=>"Write velocity space diagnostics to '.lpc' and '.verr' files",
"Write velocity space diagnostics to '.lpc' and '.verr' files",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
{:help=>"Write the distribution function to the '.dist' (NetCDF?)",
"Write the distribution function to the '.dist' (NetCDF?)",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
"If (write_ascii = T) write estimated frequencies and growth rates to the output file (usually runname.out) every nwrite steps.",
"If (write_ascii = T) write estimated frequencies and growth rates to the output file",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
{:help=>"Write dist fn at a given physical spacial point to a file",
"Write dist fn at a given physical spacial point to a file",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
"Write heating rate, collisonal entropy generation etc to '.heat'",
"Write heating rate, collisonal entropy generation etc to '.heat'",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
"If (write_ascii = T) E_parallel(theta) written to runname.eigenfunc\n** Write to runname.out.nc even if (write_ascii = F)",
"If (write_ascii = T) E_parallel(theta) written to runname.eigenfunc",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
"Ignored unless grid_option='box'\n** Flux surface averaged low-order moments of g written to runname.out.nc\n** If (write_ascii = T) flux surface averaged low-order moments of g written to runname.moments",
"Write flux surface averaged low-order moments of g to runname.out.nc and runname.moments (if write_ascii = T)",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
{:help=>"Frequency Sweep Data",
:description=>"Frequency Sweep Data",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
"If (write_ascii = T) instantaneous omega to output file every nwrite timesteps. Very heavy output.\n*If true writes omega to netcdf file every nwrite timesteps.\n**Also writes out omegaavg (omega averaged over navg steps) to netcdf file no matter what the value of write_omavg is.",
"If (write_ascii = T) instantaneous omega to output file. Very heavy output",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[".false.", ".true."],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
"If (write_ascii = T) time-averaged frequencies written to runname.out every nwrite timesteps.\n** Average is over navg steps.\n** Worth noting that setting this to true does not result in omegaavg being written to netcdf file (see [[write_omega]]).",
"If (write_ascii = T) time-averaged growth rate and frequency to the output file.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
"If (write_ascii = T) Normalized Phi(theta) written to runname.eigenfunc\n** Write to runname.out.nc even if (write_ascii = F)",
"If (write_ascii = T) Normalized phi written to runname.eigenfunc",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
"If (write_ascii = T) Phi(theta) written to runname.fields\n** Write to runname.out.nc even if (write_ascii = F)",
:description=>"If (write_ascii = T) Phi(theta) written to '.fields'",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
"If (write_ascii = T) low-order moments of g written to runname.moments and int dl/B averages of low-order moments of g written to runname.amoments\n** Write to runname.out.nc even if (write_ascii = F)",
:description=>"write final n, T",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
{:help=>"Writes parities in dist fn and particle fluxes",
:description=>"Writes parities in dist fn and particle fluxes",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
{:help=>"Write restart files every nsave timesteps",
:description=>"Write restart files every nsave timesteps",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
{:help=>"Output diagnostic data every nwrite timesteps.",
:description=>"Output diagnostic data every nwrite",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[10, 100],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
{:help=>"Any time averages performed over navg timesteps.",
:description=>"Any time averages performed over navg",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[10, 100],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
"In linear runs GS2 will exit if the growth rate has converged to an accuracy of one part in 1/omegatol. Set negative to switch off this feature.",
"The convergence has to be better than one part in 1/omegatol",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"If any growth rate is greater than omegatinst, assume there is a numerical instability and abort.",
:description=>"Recommended value: 500.",
:autoscanned_defaults=>[1.0, 1000000.0],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"If true then restart files written to the local folder and the simulation can be restarted from the point it ended.\n** Restart files written to restart_file.PE#. \n** Recommended for nonlinear runs.",
:description=>"Write restart files.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a Fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.') "}],
" If (write_ascii = T) instantaneous fluxes output to runname.out every nwrite timesteps\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"If true, some data is written to runname.out\n** Also controls the creation of a large number of ascii data files (such as .fields). Many of the write_* settings in this namelist will only have an effect when write_ascii= .TRUE.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:help=>" Spectrum in k_parallel calculated and written.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>[".false.", ".true."],
" If (write_ascii = T) Sources for Maxwell eqns. written to runname.antot\n** Write to runname.out.nc even if (write_ascii = F)\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:description=>" Theta index at which frequencies are calculated.\n",
:help=>" Theta index at which frequencies are calculated.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
" When the frequencies for each k have converged, the run will stop.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:help=>" Field-line avg of Phi written to dump.check1\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:help=>" Apar(kx, ky, igomega) written to dump.check2\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
" Phi, Apar, Bpar written to dump.fields.t=(time). This is expensive!\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:description=>"Write entire Phi field to NetCDF file every nwrite.",
"If this variable is set to true then the entire field Phi will be written to the NetCDF file every nwrite. Useful for making films. This can cause the NetCDF file to be huge, if resolution is large or nwrite is small.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"Write entire A_parallel field to NetCDF file every nwrite.",
"If this variable is set to true then the entire field A_parallel will be written to the NetCDF file every nwrite. This can cause the NetCDF file to be huge, if resolution is large or nwrite is small.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"Write entire B_parallel field to NetCDF file every nwrite.",
"If this variable is set to true then the entire field B_parallel will be written to the NetCDF file every nwrite. Useful for making films. This can cause the NetCDF file to be huge, if resolution is large or nwrite is small.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:description=>"Test the symmetry properties of the GK eqn.",
"Switch on a diagnostic to test the symmetry properties of the GK eqn. It calculates the momentum flux as a function of vpar, theta, and time.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:description=>"Save dist_fn with lots of detail.",
"If true, saves the restart files with name 'rootname.nc.dfn.' with lots of extra detail about the dist function --- velocity space grids and so on, when GS2 exits.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:description=>"Extend domain of correlation function calculation.",
"If used in conjunction with write_correlation, extends the length of for which the correlation function is calculated.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"Large datasets written every nwrite_mult * nwrite timesteps.",
"Multiplies nwrite to determine when large/expensive to calculate datasets such as the parallel correlation function are written to file.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:description=>"Write parallel correlation.",
"Write correlation function diagnostic... shows parallel correlation as a function of ky. See arXiv 1104.4514.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:description=>"Write final delta B.",
:help=>"Write final delta B.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:description=>"Single/many restart files.",
"Only applies if GS2 has been build with USE_PARALLEL_NETCDF=on. If .true., save for restart the old way to many restart files, if .false. save the new single restart file.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:help=>"Ask J-P Lee.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:help=>"Ask J-P Lee.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"If .true. and either [[save_for_restart]] or [[save_distfn]] are true then checks that files can be created in restart_dir near the start of the simulation. This should probably be turned on by default after some \"in the wild\" testing.\n ",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"Controls what information is output by GS2 during and at the end of a simulation."},
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0, 0.1],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>[0.0, 10.0],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:help=>" Amplitude of Langevin antenna.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Frequency of Langevin antenna.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Complex",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a complex number."}],
:help=>" Number of independent Fourier modes driven by antenna.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:help=>" Write antenna amplitudes to ASCII file for debugging.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:help=>" Overrides all and turns off antenna if true.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>[-1.0, 100.0],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:help=>" Mode number for stirring\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:help=>" Mode number for stirring\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:help=>" Mode number for stirring\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:help=>" Launches traveling wave (or standing wave if F). \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
" Initial amplitude of right-moving component. It is not necessary to set a and b unless you are\ndoing restarts, which are rather clunky at the moment with the antenna included. \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>[-1.0, 0.0],
" Initial amplitude of left-moving component. It is not necessary to set a and b unless you are\ndoing restarts, which are rather clunky at the moment with the antenna included. \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>[-1.0, 0.0],
:help=>" Turn on any artificial sources after time t0.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>[-1.0, 100.0],
:help=>" Frequency of non-standard source (if selected above). \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Growth rate of non-standard source (if selected above). \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Amplitude of non-standard source (if selected above). \n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Amplitude of external Phi added as source term.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
" \n** 'source_option_full' Solve GK equation in standard form (with no artificial sources)\n** 'default' Same as 'source_option_full' \n** 'zero' The GK distribution function will be advanced non-self-consistently.\n** 'sine' The GK distribution function will be advanced non-self-consistently.\n** 'cosine'The GK distribution function will be advanced non-self-consistently.\n** 'test1' The GK distribution function will be advanced non-self-consistently.\n** 'phiext_full' Solve GK equation with additional source proportional to phi_ext*F_0. \n** 'test2_full' Solve GK equation with additional developmental sources included. Experts only.\n** 'convect_full' Solve GK equation with additional developmental sources included. Experts only.\n** 'test1' The GK distribution function will be advanced non-self-consistently.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
:description=>"The number of 'actual' ky modes.",
:help=>"The number of 'actual' ky modes.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:help=>" Number of theta_0 (kx) modes\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>["lntheta0", "ntheta0_private", "size(akx)"],
" Lower limit of (ky rho) range. Should set to something other than zero.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
" Upper limit of (ky rho) range. Should set to something other than zero.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Lower limit of theta_0 range\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" Upper limit of theta_0 range\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Min kx for periodic finite kx ballooning space runs with shat=0",
"Min kx for periodic finite kx ballooning space runs with .",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Max kx for periodic finite kx ballooning space runs with shat=0.",
"Max kx for periodic finite kx ballooning space runs with shat=0.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:description=>"Overrides naky in kt_grids_range_parameters.",
"Number of toroidal modes, only used if [[n0_min]]>0. Overrides naky in kt_grids_range_parameters.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:description=>"if (n0_min > 0) aky_min=n0_min*drhodpsi*rhostar_range",
"Minimum toroidal mode number. \n if n0_min > 0 then\n set [[aky_min]]=[[n0_min]]*drhodpsi*[[rhostar_range]]\n endif",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:description=>"If n0_min > 0, aky_max=n0_max*drhodpsi*rhostar_range",
"Maximum toroidal mode number. \n If [[n0_min]] > 0 then\n if (mod([[n0_max]]-[[n0_min]],[[nn0]]).ne.0 .or. nn0 .eq. 1 .or. [[n0_min]].[[ge.n0_max]]) then\n set [[naky]]=1, [[aky_max]]=[[aky_min]]\n else\n set [[naky]]=[[nn0]], [[aky_max]]=[[n0_max]]*drhodpsi*[[rhostar_range]] \n endif",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
"If n0_min > 0 aky_min=n0_min*drhodpsi*rhostar_range, etc",
"[[rhostar_range]] used to convert [[n0_min]], [[n0_max]] range into [[aky_min]], [[aky_max]], if [[n0_min]]>0.\n** If n0_min is set, aky_min=n0_min*drhodpsi*rhostar_range and aky_max=n0_max*drhodpsi*rhostar_range",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:description=>"Number of ky values evolved",
"Number of ky values evolved. Total number of modes evolved = max(naky, ntheta0). Also set up the appropriate number of kt_grids_specified_element_i namelists.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:description=>"Number of theta0 values.",
"Number of theta0 values. Total number of modes evolved = max(naky, ntheta0). Also set up the appropriate number of kt_grids_specified_element_i namelists.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>["lntheta0", "ntheta0_private", "size(akx)"],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>["ny_private", "yxf_lo%ny"],
{:description=>"SPECIFIX FOURIER MODE",
:help=>" ky rho\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:help=>" theta_0\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Float or kind_of? Integer",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"There should be a separate namelist for each Fourier mode. For example, if there are two modes, there will be namelists called kt_grids_specified_element_1 and kt_grids_specified_element_2."},
{:description=>"", :should_include=>"@grid_option=='xbox'", :variables=>{}},
:gs2_flux_knobs=>{:description=>"", :should_include=>true, :variables=>{}},
:flux_target=>{:description=>"", :should_include=>true, :variables=>{}},
:description=>"Specifies the way that the parameter scan is conducted.",
"Specifies the way that the parameter scan is conducted. Possible values are:\n** 'none' -- do not conduct a parameter scan (default)\n** 'range' -- vary parameter in constant increments between 2 values: par_start and par_end. The step size is given by par_inc.\n** 'target' -- start with the parameter at par_start, and then change the parameter by par_inc until the target parameter has reached the target value\n** 'root_finding' -- the same as target, but the increment is changed intelligently using a Newton-like method.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
:description=>"Specify the parameter to be varied.",
"Specify the parameter to be varied. If the parameter pertains to a species, the scan_spec must be specified as well.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
"If the scan is being run in 'target' or 'root_finding' mode, specifies the target parameter.",
"If the scan is being run in 'target' or 'root_finding' mode, specifies the target parameter. \n**Possible values are 'hflux_tot', 'momflux_tot', 'phi2_tot'.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
:description=>"Specifies the starting value for the parameter scan.",
:help=>"Specifies the starting value for the parameter scan.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"If the scan is being run in 'range' mode, specifies the value of the parameter that will be reached.",
"If the scan is being run in 'range' mode, specifies the value of the parameter that will be reached.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Specifies the amount by which the parameter is varied at one go.",
"If the parameter scan is being run in 'range' or 'target' modes, specifies the amount by which the parameter is varied at one go.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:description=>"Specifies the condition for incrementing the parameter.",
"Specifies the condition for incrementing the parameter. Possible values are:\n** 'n_timesteps' -- change the parameter after a given number of time steps\n** 'delta_t' -- change the parameter after an elapsed time\n** 'saturated' -- change the parameter after the simulation has reached a saturated state (determined using the target parameter) at the current value of the parameter",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
"The parameter will not be changed until nstep_init have elapsed from the beginning of the simulation.",
"When the increment condition is 'n_timesteps' or 'saturated', the parameter will not be changed until nstep_init have elapsed from the beginning of the simulation. Note that if the simulation is restarted, this parameter will measure from the restart.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:description=>"The parameter will be changed every nstep_inc.",
"When the increment condition is 'n_timesteps', the parameter will be changed every nstep_inc.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
"The parameter will not be changed until delta_t_init time has elapsed from the beginning of the simulation.",
"When the increment condition is 'delta_t', the parameter will not be changed until delta_t_init time has elapsed from the beginning of the simulation. Note, that if the simulation is restarted, this parameter will measure from beginning of original simulation.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"The parameter will be changed every time delta_t time has elapsed.",
"When the increment condition is 'delta_t', the parameter will be changed every time delta_t time has elapsed.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"When parameter pertains to a species, specifies the index of the species.",
"When parameter pertains to a species, specifies the index of the species.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
"If true current value of the scan parameter will be read from the restart files.",
"Must be set to true if the current value of the scan parameter must be read from the restart files. Otherwise, the scan will start from the beginning.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:description=>"Specifies the value to be targeted.",
"If the scan is being run in 'target' or 'root_finding' mode, specifies the value to be targeted. The scan will complete when this target value is reached.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Form of the alpha equilibrium distribution function: \"maxwellian\", \"analytic\" or \"external\"",
"The distribution function for alphas can be \"maxwellian\", or it can be \"analytic\" based on a formula generated for the Ti=Te case, or it can be \"external\", i.e. read from an external table.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
:help=>"See help for alpha_f0",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
:description=>"Rescale external F0 to a specified density if true.",
"When reading the distribution function from an external table, rescale to a specified density if true.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:description=>"Index of main ion species.",
"Select the main ion species which will be used to generate the analytical F0.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:description=>"Lower limit of F_alpha for : F_alpha(energy_0)=0.",
"Lower limit of the alpha distribution function for : F_alpha(energy_0)=0.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
"Diagnostic: when true print the energy grid and generalised temperature.",
"Diagnostic: when true print the energy grid and generalised temperature.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"This namelists controls the behaviour of the new diagnostics module (which can be enabled by setting USE_NEW_DIAG=on).",
:description=>"Options for the new diagnostics module",
"Diagnostic quantities are written every nwrite timesteps.",
:help=>"Diagnostic quantities are written every nwrite timesteps.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>[10, 100]},
:description=>"If .false. disables the new diagnostics module.",
"If .false. disables the new diagnostics module. No output is written.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"If .true. write out values of phi, apar and bpar at the current time, as well as integrated quantities as a function of time.",
:help=>"If .true. write out values of phi, apar and bpar.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>[".false.", ".true."]},
:description=>"Write entire phi field to NetCDF file every nwrite.",
"If this variable is set to true then the entire field phi will be written to the NetCDF file every nwrite. Useful for making films. This can cause the NetCDF file to be huge, if resolution is large or nwrite is small.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"If this variable is set to true then the entire field apar will be written to the NetCDF file every nwrite. Useful for making films. This can cause the NetCDF file to be huge, if resolution is large or nwrite is small.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:description=>"Write entire bpar field to NetCDF file every nwrite.",
"If this variable is set to true then the entire field bpar will be written to the NetCDF file every nwrite. Useful for making films. This can cause the NetCDF file to be huge, if resolution is large or nwrite is small.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:description=>"If .true. write fluxes of heat, momentum & particles.",
"If .true. write fluxes of heat, momentum & particles to the new netcdf file.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
"If .true., write fluxes as a function of ky, kx, species and time.",
"If .true., write fluxes as a function of ky, kx, species and time (otherwise they will only be written out as functions of species, time and kx or ky).",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:description=>"Write growth rates and frequencies to the netcdf file",
"If true writes omega (both growth rate and frequency) to netcdf file every nwrite timesteps.\n**Also writes out omegaavg (omega averaged over navg steps) to netcdf file is.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>[".false.", ".true."]},
:description=>"Any time averages performed over navg",
"Any time averages (for example of growth rates and frequencies) performed over navg",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>[10, 100]},
:description=>" Theta index at which frequencies are calculated.\n",
:help=>" Theta index at which frequencies are calculated.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
"Growth rates > omegatinst assumed numerical instability.",
"If any growth rate is greater than omegatinst, assume there is a numerical instability and abort.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
:autoscanned_defaults=>[1.0, 1000000.0]},
"The convergence has to be better than one part in 1/omegatol",
"In linear runs GS2 will exit if the growth rate has converged to an accuracy of one part in 1/omegatol. Set negative to switch off this feature.",
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
" When the frequencies for each k have converged, the run will stop.\n",
" If .true. when the frequencies for each k have converged, the run will stop.\n",
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
:explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String",
:explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
"This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
[{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
"This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],