# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- class Card; module Set; class Self # Set: The card "Admin" # # collect arrays of the form module Admin; extend Card::Set def self.source_location; "/Users/ethan/dev/decko/gem/card/mod/admin/set/self/admin.rb"; end # [task symbol, { execute_policy: block, stats_policy: block }] basket :tasks def run_task_from_task_basket task task = task.to_sym task_data = tasks.find {|h| h[:name].to_sym == task.to_sym} if !irreversibles_tasks_allowed? && task_data[:irreversible] not_allowed task_data[:stats][:link_text] else task_data[:execute_policy].call if task_data end end event :admin_tasks, :initialize, on: :update do return unless (task = Env.params[:task]) raise Card::Error::PermissionDenied, self unless Auth.always_ok? case task.to_sym when :clear_cache then Card::Cache.reset_all when :repair_references then Card::Reference.repair_all when :repair_permissions then Card.repair_all_permissions when :clear_solid_cache then Card.clear_solid_cache when :clear_machine_cache then Card.reset_all_machines when :clear_script_cache then Card.reset_script_machine when :clear_history not_allowed "clear history" unless irreversibles_tasks_allowed? Card::Action.delete_old else run_task_from_task_basket task end abort :success end def not_allowed task raise Card::Error::PermissionDenied, "The admin task '#{task}' is disabled for security reasons.
"\ "You can enable it with the config option 'allow_irreversible_admin_tasks'" end def irreversibles_tasks_allowed? Cardio.config.allow_irreversible_admin_tasks end module HtmlFormat; module_parent.send :register_set_format, Card::Format::HtmlFormat, self; extend Card::Set::AbstractFormat view :core, cache: :never do stats = card_stats stats += cache_stats stats += memory_stats card.tasks.each do |task| stats += Array.wrap task[:stats] end table_content = stats.map { |args| stat_row(args) } table table_content, header: %w[Stat Value Action] end def card_stats [ { title: "cards", count: Card.where(trash: false) }, { title: "actions", count: Card::Action }, # link_text: "clear history", # task: "clear_history" }, { title: "references", count: Card::Reference } # link_text: "repair all", # task: "repair_references" } ] end def cache_stats [ { title: "solid cache", count: solid_cache_count, unit: " cards", link_text: "clear solid cache", task: "clear_solid_cache" }, { title: "machine cache", count: machine_cache_count, unit: " cards", link_text: "clear machine cache", task: "clear_machine_cache" } ] # return stats unless Card.config.view_cache# # stats << { title: "view cache", # count: Card::View, # link_text: "clear view cache", # task: "clear_view_cache" } end def memory_stats oldmem = session[:memory] session[:memory] = newmem = card.profile_memory stats = [ { title: "memory now", count: newmem, unit: "M", link_text: "clear cache", task: "clear_cache" } ] return stats unless oldmem stats << { title: "memory prev", count: oldmem, unit: "M" } stats << { title: "memory diff", count: newmem - oldmem, unit: "M" } stats end def stat_row args={} res = [(args[:title] || "")] res << "#{count(args[:count])}#{args[:unit]}" return res unless args[:task] res << link_to_card(:admin, (args[:link_text] || args[:task]), path: { action: :update, task: args[:task] }) res end def count counter counter = counter.call if counter.is_a?(Proc) counter.respond_to?(:count) ? counter.count : counter end def solid_cache_count Card.search right: { codename: "solid_cache" }, return: "count" end def machine_cache_count Card::Virtual.where(right_id: MachineCacheID).count end def delete_sessions_link months link_to_card :admin, months, path: { action: :update, months: months, task: "delete_old_sessions" } end end def current_memory_usage `ps -o rss= -p #{Process.pid}`.to_i end def profile_memory &block before = current_memory_usage if block_given? instance_eval(&block) else before = 0 end (current_memory_usage - before) / 1024.to_i end end;end;end;end; # ~~ generated from /Users/ethan/dev/decko/gem/card/mod/admin/set/self/admin.rb ~~